View Full Version : May the Force be with you (Kale - Closed)
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:42:43 AM
Oriadin made his way to the Jedi training rooms armed with a data pad full of notes, his lightsaber and a few other bits and pieces that may come in usefull.
The previous day, a message had been sent letting Kale know of the time and room number for his first training session. Since the droid didnt come back, Oriadin assumed the message had arrived safely.
He had got there early to ensure he would be first to the room. He set up the nessesary training activities and now all that was left to do was sit and wait.
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:32:07 AM
Kale had received Oriadin's message, and he'd made it a point in his mind not to be late. So, when he lifted the blanket off his face and read from the clock that it was fifteen minutes before the scheduled time, he figured it was about time to get ready.
The teen chucked the covers onto the corner of the bed and dropped onto the floor, dressed in the same baggy pants and old T-shirt he'd worn when he entered the Order. He ducked quickly into the bathroom, took care of necessities, then ran a comb through his tangled hair and swished some water in his mouth. The process took a minute, max. On the way out the door, he snagged his jacket from the closet doorknob where it had been hanging and slipped it on.
He still got a number of second looks as he hastened down the dormitory hallways. It was a longer trip to the elevator than he remembered; he made a mental note to allow at least seventeen minutes next time.
The elevator made a few stops on the way down, and quarters were a bit close by the time it made it to the ground floor. Kale couldn't help bumping up against a few people on the way out.
As he walked away, he uncurled his fingers and looked down to find a silver-capped pen in his grip. He still had the magic touch.
Wait a minute, what am I doing? This is my first training session I'm going to!
He cleared his throat and jogged after one of the elevator passengers. "Uh, sir, did you drop this?" he asked.
The Jedi looked at the pen, felt in his pocket, and furrowed his brow. "I must have. I wonder how that fell out. Thank you, Padawan."
Kale handed the pen over. "Sure thing," he replied hastily before rushing off to the training area.
After picking up his pace, he arrived at the training room very nearly on time, but it was clear from his breathing rate that he'd run a bit to get there. As he opened the door, he saw Oriadin sitting peacefully inside. Kale stepped in quietly and crossed the training floor to stand in front of him.
"Master Oriadin?"
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:14:27 AM
Oriadin checked the time by looking at a rather old and dusty closk placed upon the wall. The boy was right on time, but a little out of breath.
--In a rush were we?--
The wise knight turned to face Kale who looked a little red in the face after his light jog. His eyes then shifted to the clothes he was wearing before shaking his head.
--Hmm, this will never do--
His hand raised slightly and he glanced over Kales shoulder. A little twinkle in Oriadin eye could be seen as a package seemed to appear from over the top of the Padawan, and was floating in mid air. Inside were the nicest Jedi Robes Oriadin could get his hands on. Although he didnt know Kales size, Oriadin was an unusualy good judge in that department.
--I hope they'll fit. There is a changing room two doors down the corridor, perhaps it would be an idea for you to change before we begin?--
He looked up and down once again at the rugged looking boy. His clothes were well worn and still dirty.
Mar 6th, 2003, 11:31:21 AM
Kale was startled to find a parcel drifting over his head, but, after a moment, he remembered Sejah's trick with the soda can. He took a hold of the bundle and rummaged out a wide-cuffed sleeve.
He turned back toward Oriadin and gave a one-sided smile. "Thanks, Master. Maybe now I won't get so many strange looks in the hallways." Tucking the bundle under his arm, he left the room to change.
The garments were simple, and it didn't take him long to slip off his tattered shirt and don the beige tunic. The outer robe was dark brown, and, to his surprise, fit his shoulders well with a bit of room for growth. He paused by a mirror, straightened out the hems, then, in spite of himself, struck a pose. Remembering Oriadin was waiting for him, he stuffed his old clothes into the parcel and headed back to the training room. He was surprised how easy it was to move in those clothes; he had thought the robe would be cumbersome.
Kale entered the chamber again looking more like a Jedi, even if he still wasn't sure he felt like one. Realizing he was still wearing his old sneakers, he kicked them off next to his old clothes and stood to await Oriadin's verdict.
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:34:19 AM
--Ah! much better. At least you look the part now.--
Oriadin glanced down towards his feet.
--Well, almost anyway. Id completely forgotten about the boots. I'll get you some for next time, for the time being bare feet will have to do.--
Oriadin paused to look around the room. It was large in size and pretty high. Around 30ft Oriadin guessed. It was sparsely populated with anything really. A small weapons cabnet on one wall, a large platform in the middle of the room and the odd bits and bobs Oriadin had placed around the room when he got there.
--Tell me Kale. How do you feel? Be as honest and descriptive as you can.--
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:53:51 PM
How do I feel? Interesting question to ask.
Kale chewed his lower lip as he considered how to respond. "I feel good, I guess. I don't feel hungry or cold. I feel like I might be doing something right for a change."
He felt a twinge as he spoke, though he managed not to manifest it facially. It wasn't often that his conscience bothered him, but it had chosen that moment to remind him of the Jedi he'd nearly just robbed.
Dropping his gaze to his new robes, Kale added, "But I feel a little... I don't know, out of place. Maybe I just haven't been here long enough, but I have a hard time thinking of myself as Jedi material. I'm..." Not sure what I'm doing here. Not even sure who I am. "Just getting used to the place, I guess."
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:38:57 AM
That was the sort of answer Oriadin was looking for. Kyle was an smart lad.
--Life is a funny old thing. Does it make sense? Does it have to make sense? Many peoples lives are spent, searching for who they are or they seek a question that cannot be answered.
Because of your background its probably pretty safe to assume that people dont see the potential in you. You probably cant even see it in yourself, but it will come.
Your heart tells you who you are, what you are. I cant remember anything of my past. I know nothing of where I came from or what my life was like before comming to the Jedi Order. That would drive some people mad. Me, i've learnt to live with it and deal with it. I want to help people. I want to make myself a better person through knowledge, I would like to live in a galaxy where people dont have to live in fear. Thats the person I am, its the life ive choosen.
Most people question themselves when they come here. They take a look around them and see other people with these fantasic abilities and wonder if they fit in, just as you are now. It will take time to settle, you just need to have faith that I am doing all that I can to put you on the right road. You alone will determine your own future.
No one expects anything of you until you yourself feel ready. I know you have the potential to be a great Jedi but I also know its going to take time. Dont be afraid to make mistakes or to forget things. Everyone does it. Just listen, learn and be patient. It will come to you before you know it.--
Oriadin smiled warmly.
--So, if your ready, we can begin.--
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:55:54 AM
Oriadin's answer was uncanny, almost as if he'd heard more than just what Kale had said. Of course, he'd also said that these kinds of apprehensions were common to most Jedi newcomers, but it shed a little light on a few of Kale's questions about the future.
As for his heart... well, he wasn't one for listening to his heart, except for when he was running so hard that it was pounding in his ears.
But Oriadin seemed genuinely willing, in fact, eager, to help him. And, at least for now, Kale felt he genuinely wanted to be helped.
"I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be," he said with his one-sided smile. His eyes strayed around the room to the various objects Oriadin had placed there, and his curiosity was piqued.
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:15:01 PM
A smile crept upon the face of the Jedi Knight.
--Good. Lets begin then. Can you tell me what the force is?--
Oriadins face turned more serious and inquisitive. He leaned back slightly and folded his arms, curious as to what Kale might say.
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:28:40 PM
Never having gone to a formal school, Kale hadn't been graced with the experience of getting caught cold by a teacher. He felt a very similar sensation at Oriadin's question.
"Um, it's an energy source, I think," he said weakly. "It fills everything, kind of like air, or light... And I know Jedi get their power from it. But I don't know much more than that."
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:40:42 PM
It was clear Kale didnt know. He must have heard about the force and picked up bits and pieces from what others had said though. He was along the right lines really.
Oriadin thought back to a book he'd read some time ago. A book on Philosophy. It had many quotes and what not from various Jedi, especially Master Yoda. Possibly the most wise and powerfull Jedi to ever live. Oriadin pulled a quote directly from that book...
--"Life creates it. Makes it grow. Its energy...surrounds us. And binds us."--
That hadnt explained much, but thats essentially what the force is.
--The Force is essence and pure and is neither good nor evil. How the force is classified depends on who uses it and for what purposes.
Dark side users of the force give themselves compelety to the Darkside and use their abilities to commit hate anger, agression and fear.
Light side users use the force for good such as defence and knowledge. A Jedi purpose is to protect and serve the galaxy and bring justice and peace to all.
Its true that through using the force, it gives a Jedi their abilities but always remember it is the person wielding the power that determines if it is for good or for evil.
The Force is the life force in everything. Rocks, plants, people...--
Oriadin paused for a second.
--... even the air we breath. In time, you will learn to connect with the force and use it to your advantage in many situations.--
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:40:26 PM
Kale tried to understand what Oriadin was talking about, but it sounded very abstract and mystical. He'd always seen people competing with one another for survival and advancement, often viciously. It seemed hard to believe there was a unifying Force that energized all the conflicting factions in the galaxy.
As he thought it over, he strayed a few steps and leaned back against the platform in the center of the room. "So life creates the Force... but the Force is the life force for everything? I'm not sure I can wrap my mind around that right now."
He chuckled uncertainly and shook his head. "I dunno, this is just new to me. I've heard of the Force and all, but I never thought it had anything to do with me until a few days ago."
That light side, dark side thing was a little fuzzy for him, too, but he figured he'd better get the basics before anything else.
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:15:15 PM
Hearing his own words in his head, it was confusing. Oriadin guessed that it would probably be something that made more sense as you used it. Kind of a game where you play it to learn to the rules. Perhaps he could put it simpler.
--No no. The force is not the life force behind things.
The things around you, anything from people, trees, plants... anything, that is all conected through the force.
The force is always there. Its in everything. If there is one plant, then the force can be felt threw it. However, if there is a forrest then the force will feel much stronger. Therefore, life creates the force. The stronger the life force, the stronger the force.--
The knight still felt he wasnt being entierly clear but it may help Kale anyway. It was a dificult concept to get across but unfortunatly one every Jedi had to know.
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:25:15 PM
Kale nodded, beginning to see what Oriadin meant--or at least, hoping he was. "Okay. Then is the Force really strong on Coruscant, or does it matter where you are?"
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:29:43 PM
--Your location has no real influence on it, well, as far as I know anyway. The only thing that is significant is the life force in that area. For example, the force is stronger in a Jungle than on a desert. Couruscant is reasonably strong as it has a huge population of people that no other Plannet can even begin to compete with.
You'll find that plannets with vast areas of vegitation are the strongest though.--
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:38:47 PM
"Well, I guess I wouldn't know that," Kale said, smiling wryly. "Closest thing I've seen to a jungle was a hydroponic park."
Kale again glanced around at the various articles around the room, and he wondered when those things would come into play.
"How exactly is it that you connect to the Force?" he asked. "Sejah told me I had abilities enhanced by it, but I've never felt anything different."
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:43:45 PM
--Thats the next step young Padawan. Remember, the force is always flowing through you even though you may not realise it. You are therefore always connected to it. You just have to know how to listen.
Now, I want you to clear your mind. Of everything. Most people find it helps to close their eyes. Breath in and out. Slowing your breathing down. I want you to relax, completly.--
Oriadin raised one hand to his chin, as his elbow rested on his other arm which remained beside his midrift.
Mar 10th, 2003, 10:38:07 PM
Just clear my mind, huh? A lot of dopers on my block are already there.
Kale decided to keep that rumination to himself, and he sat on the lip of the platform. "All right, I'll give it a shot." Taking a deep breath, he rested his hands on his knees, gave Oriadin another brief look, and closed his eyes.
Thinking nothing... thinking nothing... Dang, that doesn't work, I'm still thinking something. Oh, right, breathe.
It wasn't easy for Kale to slow things down; his rough lifestyle had worn plenty of quick, sharp edges on his character. His quick thinking had kept him alive on more than one occasion, but now it was keeping him busy.
He sighed and opened his eyes, drumming his fingers against the platform. "Sorry master, I uh... I'll try again."
Kale shifted himself back and sat cross-legged the way he'd always heard Jedi were supposed to meditate. He tried focusing on his own breathing, and gradually, his frinetic pace of mind began slowing down. He could hear the nearly inaudible hum of the lights, and the muffled noise of a sparring session in the next room. He could feel the slight current of air drifting through the room. Just as he was finally relaxing, he thought proudly, I think I'm finally getting it.
His concentration broke, and he was back at square one.
Kale hunched over his crossed legs and heaved a sigh. "I was almost there, Master. At least, I think I was. I dunno. It's harder than I thought."
Mar 12th, 2003, 07:06:26 AM
It was a good first effort, Oriaidn thought to himself. The fact that Kale's senses reached out enough for him to hear the noises emulating from the sparring room next door and that he could feel the air drifting through the room meant he was on the right tracks.
--It is extreamly hard to try and think of nothing. Clear your mind is a simple phrase but realistically its very hard to do. In time, it will become second nature to you. You'll be able to do it without thinking, in the same way you breath without thinking.
You may find that hard to belive but in time, it'll come. In the mean time, you need to be patient and keep practising.
Now, again!!--
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:51:03 PM
Kale nodded. He knew he couldn't expect to take things too quickly, and he had to keep reminding himself that Oriadin was on his side.
"All right, I'll try again."
He closed his eyes a third time and slowed down the rhythm of his breathing, but he couldn't find the level of concentration he'd had a moment ago. He shifted his position, then tried to settle down, then shifted again. Finally, he sighed and shook his head.
"It feels too weird... like I'm trying to force myself into doing something unnatural. I know I'm supposed to relax, but..."
An idea occurred to him suddenly. He could remember times--well, one time, really--when he was cornered in an alley with nowhere to hide, and a pair of blaster-carrying Rodians right around the corner. With no other option, he'd done the only thing he could think of to do. He'd tried to hide in plain sight.
"Wait, I think I've got an idea," Kale said. "Just give me a moment."
Kale uncrossed his legs and lay flat on his back on the platform with his arms against his sides, and he partially closed his eyes. He held his breathing down to an inaudible whisper, and he felt out the cool surface of the platform beneath him. Then he imagined himself sinking down into it, out of sight, out of mind. Any apprehension, any mental doubt would cut him off from the camouflage of the platform, and he'd be found out.
It was purely a mind game, and there was no particular reason it should work. But as he receded, he could feel his senses stretching outward, and a soothing calm came over him. His awareness didn't reach far, but he could feel the presence of Oriadin, and he felt a pair of Jedi walking down the hall outside.
While Kale touched the Force, something else happened--he became oddly inconspicuous against the flat surface of the platform. It wasn't as though he had actually disappeared, but somehow the eyes of a casual observer would tend to slip over him without registering the image. Even someone who was looking for him wouldn't see him right off. Kale didn't realize the extent of the effect, but it had saved his life on that day two years ago.
Mar 14th, 2003, 05:10:23 AM
All of a sudden, this very odd sensation came over Oriadin. It was almost as if his brain was trying to tell him Kale wasnt there. But he was. He could see him, well, he thought he could anyway. Its was difficult to describe. It felt like Kale had suddenly turned into a person youd see in a day dream or something.
He unfolded his arms and took a slow step forward in shock. His mouth opened slightly as he tried to get his head around what just happend.
--Kale... Wha... ho...--
He really didnt know what to say. This was extraordinary.
--Ive never seen anything like that before. I know of Jedi mind tricks and of force illusions but this? Im not sure what this is exactly.--
Oriadin was at a real loss for words and ideas now. Kale had taken him completely by suprise. Maybe Kale himself would be able to form some kind of explination.
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:26:00 PM
The feeling was incredible, exciting. Kale could sense the nearby flow of some great power, like standing in a doorway with a windstorm raging outside, or sitting against the station wall as an air train thundered past. His connection to it was weak, tentative, but it took all his concentration to maintain it.
He was exploring the room. He noticed the metallic compexion of the walls underneath the white paint, the thrumming power that energized the ceiling lights, the aerobatics of a fly hovering above a small pool of spilled water, and the surprised response from his master just a few yards away.
Oriadin was saying something. What was he saying? Kale hadn't been paying attention to him. He tried listening, and his concentration broke. He sat up, almost in a daze.
"Was that... was that it?" he asked. "Was that the Force? It felt... I don't even know how it felt. It was unbelievable."
He noticed the expression on the Jedi knight's face. "What is it? What happened? I didn't do something wrong, did I?"
Mar 17th, 2003, 07:12:03 AM
Now, this was interesting... Could it be that Kale didnt even know what had just happend to him? Surely not. Oriadin gave the boy a queer look at first, trying to figure out in his own mind what had just happend. After a few seconds he broke his silence with a self assured tone. That tone changed midway through sentence to one of intreague.
--That was indeed the fo... Kale, do you know what just happend?--
Kale returned a blank look.
--You vanished! Well, sort of anyway.--
Oriadin looked puzzled, and he was. He probably wasnt making much sense.
--I could see you, but it was as if my mind was trying to tell me you werent actually there. It was as if I were seeing you in a day dream. I have no doubt that you were connected and infact used the force but... I said, i've never seen anything like that before.--
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:15:46 PM
Kale's eyebrows knit together as he tried to make sense of what Oriadin was telling him. "Vanished? Get outa here... really?"
Could it be that he was so good at hiding because of this latent Force connection? He'd never dreamed that he had already been using the Force. But then, he'd never been able to explain what happened that night.
"I don't believe it... but I think I might have done that once before."
He met Oriadin's questioning look and went on. "It was a while ago... I dunno, two years, maybe. See, I was list--er, somehow I ticked off some gang lord, and he sent two Rodian thugs after me. Only I knew they were out to kill me. There wasn't nobody around who was going to help. I ran into an alley, hoping I'd find a way out, or someplace to hide, but it was a dead end--no fire escapes, no dumpsters, nothin' but a couple trashbags. And I knew the Rodians were still on my tail. So I just huddled myself up in a corner in the middle of the trashbags and... well... I tried as hard as I could to disappear into them. It was stupid, but I didn't have anything else to do.
"The Rodians came around the corner and looked around, but they never saw me. They kicked the trashbags and dumped them out, they swept the whole place with flashlights, they were even looking straight at me, and they didn't see me. So, finally, they fired their guns twice into the walls and left. I don't even know how long it was before I dared to move again, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why they didn't see me. I never imagined it was the Force."
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:06:59 PM
Oriadins eyes shifted from side to side momentarily as he considered what was being said to him.
--There is no doubt young Kale that you did infact use the force. Its extreamly rare for someone to come here without having used the force to some degree before. It the days of old, force potentials would be spotted and brought to the Jedi order when they were very young. Babies as far as possible. Nowadays we dont have the resources to do anything like that. Most often people come here with questions about their abilities. In some cases, like yours people get spotted.
When you hid from these people who were trying to kill you, you were sharp. Alert. You were focused. These things help you connect to the force. Thats probably why your body instintcivly made you almost invisible.
Still, this is a very unusual tallent you have there.--
Mar 19th, 2003, 09:13:11 PM
It was one thing to be told that he'd used the Force before without realizing it. It was another thing to be told that he'd done something a Jedi had never even heard of.
"Invisible... heh, too bad I didn't know about this earlier. It would've come in handy--"
Kale abruptly remembered where he was and clammed up. He didn't think it was a good idea to be talking like a thief in front of his new master.
But he'd have to remember that. A sharp, alert mind helped him connect to the Force. The next step, he guessed, was learning to control it.
"Master Oriadin," he said after a pause, "when I was... I dunno, connected... I felt calm, sort of protected from the outside. But I also felt like I was on the edge of a cyclone. I guess it was the Force. I felt like I could go deeper if I had the know-how, but I thought I might be swept away by it. It was kind of overwhelming. Am I making any sense?"
Mar 20th, 2003, 05:34:25 AM
Oriadin took a deep breath while he thought.
--I think so. With using the force, you have to be extreamly carefull. You see, a Jedi uses the force to help others. To protect and to learn. A Sith, who I mentioned earlier want to use the force for personal gain.
You hinted at it a moment ago. How usefull would it be if you could become invisible at any time. Imagine the possibilities!! You could do whatever you want, whenever you want. That is whats known as the dark side. Once you start down that path its very difficult to come back from it.
This, cyclone you speak of is the same sort of thing. If you get carried away with what your doing, if you dont think your actions through you will get carried away. Always remember that the ability to use the force is a gift and it should not be abused.
If you remain calm, and in control which is something you will learn with training then you should have no problem with getting carried away. Self control and patience are two of the most important aspects of being a Jedi.--
Mar 20th, 2003, 07:00:12 AM
Kale could tell that there was still a lot he didn't understand about the whole business, but at least he'd learned that the Force was more than a bag of magic tricks that a good Jedi could pull rabbits out of at a whim. There was real power there, and he wondered if any living being could tap it fully.
But that was a long way off. Patience and self-control had never come too easily for him. Still, he was eager to try the trick again, and to see what he could do with it.
"All right," he said, nodding slowly. "I think it's making some sense to me. What should I do next?"
Mar 21st, 2003, 04:54:26 PM
--We try again. Not the vanishing act, but the self control excersise. Breath in, out, in, out. Clear your mind, calm your feelings. Feel the relaxation sweeping over your body.--
Oriadin tried to explain as best as he could and as simply as he could but he still got the impression Kale wasnt 100% sure. It would have to come in time. Much of ways and theories behind the Jedi seemed simple enough to Oriadin but then he'd been here much longer and spent many many days in the archives reading. Thats when it dawned on him that perhaps the next lesson should take place there. Give Kale some background info on what he was doing. For now though, it was time for Kale to focus.
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:55:53 PM
Kale was a little disappointed that they weren't going to explore this strange ability further, but this was all new to him, so it didn't really matter.
"Right... I'll try."
He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, setting his hands on his knees and letting his feet dangle over the edge of the platform. He focused his mind on the rhythm of his breathing... in, out, in, out, trying to slow it down, keep it calm, concentrate. If he tried to think about nothing, something would always barge its way in, but if he thought about one thing long enough, it just might work...
In, out, in, out.
If nothing else, it was restful. And he felt at peace. Very peaceful indeed, just like... going to...
Kale snapped awake in an instant and caught himself before he toppled off the platform. Gripping the rim, he shook his head, then blushed when he saw Oriadin. "S-sorry, master... late night last night."
The teen sat up again, swept a hand over his eyes, and tried again, same technique, but now his mind was a bit more alert.
In, out, in, out.
What was that?
It felt like a breeze, but it wasn't. It passed through the walls. It passed through him.
There wasn't the sense of danger or uncontrollability he'd gotten from his previous try. It was all very calm--powerful, but calm. And there was a peace that settled on him the likes of which he'd never experienced.
Was that his voice? He was whispering.
"I did it. Did I? I... wow."
His link was still tentative, but it didn't feel as fragile as his camouflage trick. Somehow this was more secure, more fundamental.
"This feeling is incredible. Does it always feel this way?"
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:00:39 AM
--Not always. As with everything you will eventually take this feeling for granted. It will just feel like the norm eventually.
You see how difficult this feeling was for you to get? Well a Jedi has to feel like this ALL the time. It takes practise but the more you do it the easier it will become--
He whispered softly in an attempt to not break his padawans concentration. It seemed to work.
--Ok. Now, remember to breath slowly, in, and out. You see that stone over there on the floor?--
Oriadin pointed to a small pebble he'd placed out earlier.
--Were going to get you to move it with the force. The force connects everything around us. Dont think of the gap in between the stone and yourslef. Think of the atoms and particles in the air that are touching both of you which you can move in order to move the stone. In the same way as if you held a stick in your hand and it was long enough to reach the stone.
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:38:47 PM
Kale turned his head, his eyes barely open, and squinted at the rock Oriadin had indicated. It was small, about the size of his fist, and it was about thirty feet distant. "It looks so far away," he said. "Couldn't we start with something closer?"
He said not to think about the gap, he reminded himself. Okay, so what do I think about?
Slowly, Kale closed his eyes and stretched a hand toward the pebble, taking Oriadin's suggestion about imagining a stick connecting his hand and the stone. It was strange to think that way, but as he felt the air currents drifting through the room, it wasn't too difficult to mentally form something solid in the gap, like an extension of his arm. Reaching his arm out, he groped around in the air, at the same time groping with his senses.
He could feel the cool, flat surface of the floor stretching out in every direction like a featureless desert. His area of focus was limited, but, gradually, he widened it like a search light. At last his senses bumped up against a small, independent mineral mass. He closed his fingers, and he felt his "grip" close around the stone. He drew his hand back toward his body.
And the stone clattered about two yards across the floor.
Kale heard the noise, and it surprised him. His grip and his groping had seemed purely imaginary; he hadn't expected the results to be so real. Even if it was just two yards.
Just to make sure it wasn't an accident, he tried again, this time sweeping his hand to the side. The stone reacted as if it had been kicked--it skipped across the floor and bounced off a nearby wall, wobbling to a stop about ten feet away from its original position.
Kale was amazed and excited that he'd succeeded--and on the first try, no less--but the only thing that came out of his mouth was, "Sweet!"
Mar 26th, 2003, 03:23:54 AM
Oriadin smiled. He was deeply impressed that his Padawan had been able to perform such a feat with relative ease on his first attempt.
--Easy, you see. The bigger the object is the more difficult it becomes to move. Its not because it weighs more or anything like that. Its more of a mental thing, it takes a lot more concentration and focus. The kind of focus that comes with training and time.--
Oriadin looked over to the small pebble and picked it up with the force. It hovered in mid air for a moment or two before it moved through the air with a gentle pace until it reached Kale. There, it stopped, and hovered in front of the boy.
--That is how to control the movement of the stone. Take it, and try and pass it to me. Gently now! I dont really want to visit a medical center!--
He joked. Knowing full well his own ability would be more than good enough to move the stone out of the way before it got to him.
Mar 26th, 2003, 08:28:02 PM
Kale's elation was tempered a bit when he saw Oriadin gracefully maneuver the stone through the air toward him. Kale had moved the stone, yes, with all the precision and control of a drunken elephant. This was going to be interesting.
He focused on the hovering stone and tried to get his force grip underneath it. But as soon as Oriadin released his hold, the stone clattered to the floor.
Annoyed, Kale quickly tried grabbing for it but only managed to knock it several yards away. Scowling, he yanked his hand back over his head.
And the stone came hurtling at him.
Gasping, Kale rolled away onto his back, but the rock still glanced off the side of his forehead before skipping off the other side of the platform.
Kale yelped and clapped a hand to his head, his face screwed up more in embarrassment than in pain. "Stupid, frellin' piece of--"
Catching a look from Oriadin, he clamped his mouth shut. "Sorry master, I just... dang it!"
He withdrew his hand and found his fingers were smeared with a trickle of blood. It was just a superficial cut, but it stung like crazy.
Mar 28th, 2003, 07:53:54 AM
Oriadins first concern was to make sure young Kale was ok. It was just a scratch really but would probably sting for a little while. Oriadin sighed and shook his head slowly.
--This is something to learn from and remember. Can YOU tell me where you went wrong there?--
Mar 29th, 2003, 07:25:05 AM
Kale still wasn't over his temper about the incident, and he glared back over his shoulder at the rock as if it had personally sabotaged his efforts.
"Well I pulled too hard, obviously," he said peevishly. "But it's my first time; I couldn't have known that." Gingerly, he touched a pair of fingertips to his cut and winced.
Mar 31st, 2003, 03:32:20 AM
Oriaidn shook his head.
--No, its not so much you pulled to hard. You lost control. Got angry. You must remain focused at all times. If you feel your losing it at any time stop immediatly, take a breather and compose yourself.
If you give into your anger you will make mistakes. At this level it doesnt matter too much. You injured yourself but that will heal. You loose your cool when you really get to work, it could cost lives.--
Oriadin walked over to the side of the room and opened the cabinet on the wall. He took out a small medi pack and carried over to his padawan.
--I know the injury isnt too bad but I imagine it stings. You'll find something in here to help.--
Oriaidn offered the pack to Kale, with a sympathetic face.
Mar 31st, 2003, 06:57:03 AM
Kale took the medpack and popped it open. There were about a dozen little cubbies full of medical supplies, but Kale could only guess at what most of them were. There was a small spray bottle of disinfectant, a vial of universal antibotics, an electronic device that could've been anything from a blood counter to a hand warmer, a roll of gauze--ah, here was a package of adhesive bandages. There was a small mirror in the inner lid of the box, so Kale checked out his injury. The cut was barely half an inch long, but the surrounding skin was already beginning to bruise.
Kale fished out the box of Band-Aids and a tissue. he didn't want to look like a hypochondriac by testing out the whole medkit on a silly little scratch. After dabbing up the blood--it stung more than he thought it would, because there was a mild disinfectant on the tissue paper--he slapped a butterfly strip on the cut and closed the box.
"I've had worse," he said wryly. "But thanks, and, uh... I'll keep that in mind."
He could see he still had a long way to go toward becoming a Jedi, and learning how to move rocks would probably be the least of his troubles.
"Master, how long did it take you to get where you are?" he asked, somewhat out of the blue. "I mean, how long did your training take? All I know is it'll probably take me a while. I've never done anything like this before."
Mar 31st, 2003, 07:50:21 AM
--It took me the best part of a year, but I was advantaged by the fact id lost my memory when I came here.--
Oriadin could see that Kale looked somewhat puzzled at how losing your memory could be any sort of advantage.
--In the days of the old republic, Jedi hopefulls would be taken from their families and homes at a very young age. Babies infact. By that age a child hasnt learnt to use emotion. You learn more in your first few years of life than you do at any time. Your like a spundge taking in everything you hear and see. By the time your five or six youve already learnt anger, hate, lust as well as a whole other host of emotions. That can be very dangerous for a Jedi. You will understand more in time.
Because I had lost my memory it meant I had to relearn most things. I had to trust people and put faith in people. I started with a clean slate. In that way, it meant I was fully trained far quicker than most might be.--
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:13:15 PM
Kale furrowed his brow and gave a slow nod. "I guess I can see how that would work out," he said. "No bad habits to break, huh?"
He felt a little pang of guilt as he said "bad habits," and he quickly tried changing tack. "You ever wish you knew where you came from? I mean, my past isn't much to look at, but sometimes I can't help wondering if maybe I used to be somebody."
Kale was surprised he'd let that slip--it was the sort of thing he thought to himself every now and then in the middle of the night, but he'd never voiced it to anyone. Anyone else would've laughed. He would have laughed under most circumstances. But what the frell. It was nothing more than a stupid, wistful afterthought.
Apr 1st, 2003, 03:46:10 PM
Oriadin smiled at the question. Kale was begining to open up a little and feel a little more relaxed. Although Oriadin was Kale's mentor he was also a friend and so he didnt mind any questions of this sort. He had nothing to hide.
--When I first came here I had high hopes that my memory would return to me. I used to have painfull flashbacks but they used to be very vague. Gradually I stopped having them and I know next to nothing of who I am.
Something like that can drive a man crazy... if he lets it. Youve got to learn to put certain things in your past and leave them there. What really matters is what you do here and now and what you go on to do. Im a Jedi Knight, serving the galaxy, could I ask for anything more rewarding?
This place is all about learning who we are, not who we were. We are all equal in the end. All made of the same stuff. I still hope that my memory will return one day but being a Jedi is enough for me. Anything else is just an extra.
You never know, I might not like what id find out if my memory did return.--
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:20:26 PM
It was so far out of Kale's experience to talk to someone who was proud of what he was doing that he couldn't help envying Oriadin. Kale had bragged about lifts he'd made and merchandise he'd sold, but he'd never been proud of his career as a pickpocket. If Oriadin had started with a clean slate, Kale's slate still needed a bit more cleaning.
"No regrets, huh? It sounds like you were lucky, one way or the other. You got to make yourself over again. Me, I'm just what my past has made me."
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:47:42 PM
--Every second of your life can be a turning point. Its all down to you young Kale. Things wont just fall in your lap in life, youve got to make it happen.--
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:23:29 PM
"I know what you're sayin', Master," Kale replied, "but I didn't make myself a slave, and I didn't move to the Coruscant streets because I wanted to. I didn't even make these midichlorian things show up in my blood. The way I see it, life is like a poker game. You either get a good hand or a bad one. Sometimes you've got choices, sometimes there's just nothin' you can do with the hand you've got."
Kale sighed and drummed his fingers pensively. "I don't want to sound ungrateful, master. This is probably the best chance I've got in my life to really do something important. But if I could've made it happen myself, I'd have done it a long time ago."
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:15:15 AM
--But you are doing this yourself. You were the one that decided to train to become a Jedi. You changed your future. Poker is not won in one hand. You'll get dealt good hands as well as ba hands and its down to you to decide how good or bad that hand is. It all depends on how you play it.
Everybody has bad luck in their life, but what the real test is, knowing when something good comes along and grabbing it with both hands.--
Oriadin decided to stick with Kales interpretation of life being like a poker game for the time being. It worked quite well too.
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:06:16 PM
A smile crossed Kale's face. "Hey, you're talking to someone who's lived the last four years on crimes of opportunity. I know how to grab at a good thing."
He chuckled, then fell silent again, unsure whether that was a good thing to joke about in the present company.
"I'm just used to keeping my expectations for life low. It's harder to be disappointed that way. So, what to next? You want me to try the... the rock thing again?"
Apr 3rd, 2003, 07:56:43 AM
Oriadin remained silent and simply gave his padawan a nod. He neither condoned his actions before comming to the order or felt happy about them. He felt sure that Kale did what was nessesary for him to survive, afterall, life had delt him more than his fair share of 'bad hands'.
Apr 6th, 2003, 09:34:27 PM
Kale didn't say anything either. He only hoped he hadn't just said something stupid. But there was no time to worry about that now. He had to focus on moving that frelling pebble.
He turned around so he could see it lying on the other side of the platform. If nothing else, it was a little closer now.
Now, to get focused.
Once more, he closed his eyes and focused on the sound of his breathing. It seemed to come just a bit easier this time. It still took all his concentration, but at least now he knew how it was supposed to feel.
Slowly, he felt his awareness spread. Slowly, he felt the currents of the Force brushing by him.
And then he heard a whiny little buzz strafe his ear.
Dang that fly!
It almost broke his concentration completely. Almost. But somehow he held on. He felt the fly land on his earlobe. With a lot of effort, he managed to block out the sensation of its little feet tickling over his skin.
Kale reached out toward the stone and tried closing in on it. It felt like trying to pick up a bowling ball with chopsticks, but he tried nonetheless. Somehow, he bunched up his concentration underneath the stone and lifted. It wobbled, settled back on the floor, wobbled again, and finally floated up into the air.
And the fly migrated to his right temple.
He'd gotten the stone into the air. It was a delicate balance, but he'd gotten it up there. There was moisture on his forehead now--when had it gotten so hot in the room?
The stone dropped. Focus. Don't swear at the frelling thing, just focus. Kale got the stone levitating again--one, two, three feet off the floor. It was up over the level of the platform now, wobbling, but still rising.
Now, get it moving, nice and easy, he told himself as the fly wandered into his hair.
The stone started moving across the platform, steadily gaining altitude. It was at his shoulder level, at his eye level.
Stupid fly. I wonder...
The stone accelerated right in line with Kale's forehead. He grimaced and made a mental correction.
Skittish, the fly turned, then flew away as the pebble brushed through the toussled strands of Kale's hair, then clattered harmlessly to the floor at Oriadin's feet.
And Kale said, "Darn, I missed."
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:45:11 AM
Oriadin had to laugh. He could see what Kale was trying to do and to be fair it was a good effort. He was just thankfull the stone didnt cause his padawan any harm!
Oriadin scanned the room for the fly. It didnt take him any time at all and he looked over to it. His index finger on his right hand twitched ever so slightly and then he extended that arm. Within a few seconds the fly came over and rested upon Oriadins hand. He then seemed to whisper something in the fly's direction and then it flew off and out of the room.
--I could see what you were trying to do, and it was a good attempt.--
He smiled.
--But there was a better way. One of the jobs of a Jedi is to protect life, no matter how small or insignificant that life may seem. Most Jedi are forced to kill at least once in their lifetime but it must be a last resort. The force flows through everything but even more so through living things, so in a sense, all life is your ally.--
Apr 10th, 2003, 03:16:56 PM
Kale watched with dumbfounded interest as Oriadin apparently summoned the fly and then sent it off on its merry way to go bug someone else. He hadn't known talking to insects was another Jedi ability.
If it was, he'd probably save learning that one for later.
Smiling, he replied, "I figured it was worth a shot. At least I didn't give myself a headache this time."
He was visibly proud he'd been able to exert that much control over the rock, even though he knew he still had a long way to go. Finally, he'd done something legitimately Jedi-like.
Then his thoughts returned to what Oriadin was telling him. He didn't see how a blood-sucking parasite could be an ally, but he decided to let the point slide.
"I kind of always thought of the Jedi as a big police force with superhuman powers," he admitted wryly. "Uh... how often is it that you actually... go into battle? I've seen some of the knights in the practice room swinging their laser swords like they were born usin' them."
Apr 10th, 2003, 03:37:34 PM
Oriadin nodded and considered the question as he did so. Kyle was a smart kid, perhaps smarter than he knew himself. There was a great deal of potential with this young man.
--The Jedi are there to perform many many activities. Indeed going into battle can be one of them but we are peacefull and calm. We should be setting an example to others in the galaxy. If there is a way around fighting then that is the way you should take.
A Jedi can not be good at everything. You'll have some who are better teachers, some who are better fighters, some who are better with nature and some people who can do most things fairly well but dont stand out in any particular ability. Depending on what kind of Jedi you are, depends on how often you will fight. It also depends on how much of a knack for getting into trouble you have!--
Oriadin laughed again.
--Im a Jedi knight, and I have yet to be involved in a serious fight. Not because the opertunity hasnt been there but because there were alternative ways round it.
All Jedi should be taught to fight though. Your gift of being able to tune into the force gives us excellent skills in fighting. Obviously with the proper training you could become very deadly and simply take out who you dont like at any time you wanted. Not exactly the way of a Jedi. Before you can learn to fight, you need to learn to think. Know the difference between right and wrong, know what you can and cant do.--
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:06:21 PM
A knack for getting into trouble? From time to time, Kale's talent in that area seemed monumental. That's one of the reasons he'd learned to hide so well. But he couldn't picture how a Jedi who's good at running and hiding from trouble could be of great use to the Order.
As for the idea of his becoming a warrior powerful enough to topple all opponents--well, he couldn't really picture that either.
"You don't need to worry about me there," he said with a laugh. "A guy like me can't afford to look for fights."
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:10:39 PM
--Your most dangerous opponant is the one you underestimate.--
He replied simply.
Apr 10th, 2003, 07:57:09 PM
Kale thought on that a moment. "Well, if my opponent keeps his gun in his pocket, I've got him beat," he said with a smirk.
Joking was Kale's way of glossing over a topic that unsettled him. He'd been badly beaten before by people who had the drop on him physically, often for no other reason than because they could. Elias Dakhab came to mind, the only person on Kuwaruk Re whom he'd feared more than Klaus Malborn. Given the choice, Kale would much rather run than fight under most circumstances.
Apr 14th, 2003, 03:05:00 AM
--n time with training here at the order you will become a fierce opponant for anyone of any shape or size.
Through use of the force you will be able to do things people wont belive, even when they see it with their own eyes. Like your dissapearing act for example. Even I had difficulty beliving that one!
That stuff will become easy in time though. The hard part is learning what you can and cant do with those new found skills. Its all too easy to go crazy, show off and get rid of a few people you dont like for example. In a way you are ideal material for a Jedi. Youve lived a humble life and had very few posessions. You did what you had to do to survive. On the other hand, your going to have the oppertunity to do what you like, when you like for the first time in your life. Thats where your control has to develop.--
Oriadin stopped and looked up at the clock. Severl hours had passed since the lesson started although it had seemed much shorter.
--I think we should stop there now. Perhaps go back to your room and relax, or whatever then we can meet up for a discussion in the bar and grill. Before we do, do you have any questions on what youve learnt or done today?--
Apr 14th, 2003, 10:35:03 PM
Kale followed Oriadin's line of sight to the wall clock. He'd lost track of time in the middle of all the Force finagling, and he was genuinely surprised to see how much of the day had gone by.
Most of what Oriadin was talking about was still on the hazy fringes of Kale's imagination. He didn't even really understand the powers he'd tapped today, much less the kind of power his master was talking about. But he guessed that would have to come with time. A whole lot of time.
"Sounds fine to me," Kale replied meekly. "It'll probably take me a few hours to make any sense of it all anyway."
The teen dropped off his seat on the platform--that put his head several inches below his master's eye level again. He turned to grab his sneakers, then hesitated. It looked as if there were a question stuck in Kale's throat, waffling on whether it was going to come out or be swallowed down. Whatever the decision was, Kale finally pointed to his old sneakers and said, "I can keep the shoes, can't I? They cost me a week's earnings."
Apr 15th, 2003, 03:02:47 AM
Oriadin smiled
--Yeah you can keep them. I'll sort you out some proper Jedi boots for you though. If we meet up in say...--
He glanced up at the clock again.
--...two hours time, i'll give them to you then and I'll buy you a slap up meal of your choice. Wear your Jedi robes!--
Oriadin gathered up the bits and pieces he'd scattered about the training room and made his way for the door.
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