View Full Version : Back to the Family
Kindred Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 04:08:15 AM
As Kindred walked through the recruitment hall doors the smell of his brother wafted into his nostrils. A clear smell of the Jedi Master could be smelt along with his nieces Xazor. Xazors was more prominent, she had been in this room several times possibly as a greeter or welcomer. Kindred was here for one thing and that was to return to his family and if he had to be a jedi to do that then he would join. Though he was no force user, he could learn and was willing.
Kindred was dressed in his usually garb, a thick jumper and baggy pants were worn under a very heavy hooded cloak which basicly covered all of his body but his arms and draped down to the ground.His boots were heavy and loose and a heavy bor-shot rifle hung from his shoulder. He looked pretty messy, his cloths looked dirty, torn and quite patchy as if they had been repaired over and over again. He was a scout, a ranger and so his knowledge of the wild was expert. And his skills in marksmanship were unchallenged, at least where he was from.
Kindred stood at 6'1 and his body was thin and deprived as if he had not eaten in a few days but under the thick cloak his hunger was hidden where people could not notice, clearly he had traveled by foot to get to where he was now. A mat of dirty blonde hair hung from the uncovered part of his head, his face was barely visible from under his shoulder length hair as to many strands shrouded is face. only dark drown eyes and almost black eyebrows were visible. other than that he looked quite a fit and healthy man.
' Excuse me?...' Said quite a light voice from behind the vail of blonde hair. ' Is anyone at home?'...
Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:20:53 PM
It had been a quiet day with hardly any visitors to the Jedi Recruitment Center, but that had not slowed Xazor in her quest to help those that did stop by. Quietly she paced along the perimeter of the large hall and allowed the shadows to dance along with her own. The hood of her black robes was drawn up over her head and the darkness covered her face not revealing her identity. Suddenly she stopped as a stranger entered without a sound. Something struck her heart immediatly but she knew not what it was. He was -- familiar, she could have swore she saw him somewhere before, but could not place her finger on it. Slowly she crept forth to stand slightly behind a large pillar where she could be in the safety of the shadows, yet view this newcomer.
"Excuse me, is anyone at home?"
The voice rang out and touched her ultra sensitive ears immediatly. A smile crossed the woman's and she decided to speak with this man -- he was interesting.
"Indeed, someone is here."
Her powerful yet gentle voice rang out and echoed through the hall. Slowly she removed the hood of her cloak and stepped forward allowing her waist length blonde hair to spill out from her robes. Each strande contributed to a lock upon her head and each lock was a Garou Warrior Braid with silver coins woven into them. They clanged together softly as she paced forward toward the stranger and then she stopped but a meter from him. With a graceful bow -- as much as any woman with child could, she rose to full height of 5'6 and smiled cheerfully, exposing her pearly white elongated canines.
"Greetings -- I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar."
'Dawnstrider -- you're a Dawnstrider still', she spoke softly in her mind, drawing her piercing cyan eyes away from the newcomer for but a minute before refocusing her attention on him. Indeed, she still was a Dawnstrider, but carried another Jedi Master's last name -- the man who had adopted her to fill the place of her delinquint biological, Verse.
"You seek the Jedi this day to become one of us, yes?"
She questioned in a voice that was softly accented. After having spent much more time on Eden in the last few years, it was something the Garou Knight had developed and was not ashamed of. In all other's eyes, she was anything but human, though she could play the part at will. With a shift in weight on her feet, Xazor kept her attention on this strange new man, wondering what his purpose would be here at the Greater Jedi Order.
Kindred Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:47:41 PM
He did not turn. Kindred wanted the mystery to last a little longer although he had no doubt she knew he was a Dawnstrider. How he had missed her, she must had been only a small girl the last time he had seen her. She was a beutiful little girl, blonde hair reaching her waist and the face of an angel, he suspected she would be just as pretty even today.
' I know who you are Xazor...' He smiled beneath his vail of blonde hair which covered his eyes. ' And yes your assumption is correct i wish to join the Jedi, though i wish to see my family also, i believe you know who they you not Miss Dawnstrider?'
Kindred turned to reveal himself, his hood was swiftly snatched from his head and he shook the hair from his face, a young man not older than his late twenties appeared finally, at this point she must have had pictures of him with her father, though at the moment she could not of known how close he was to her.
' Hello....' He said softly with a smile, he forced himself to stay where he was and not touch her hand. He thought it might scare her.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:00:19 PM
Xazor canted her head to the side and eyed the man curiously when he called her by her blood name. 'How did he know that?' she questioned herself and shook the confusion from her mind.
"Your family? I may be able to help you with that -- but, how do you know my last name?"
She asked softly, her cyan eyes searching for answers that were not there. Her memory was not whole and at the moment, he was not registering in her mind. Not only had all memories from the time she was four and before been erased, but a nearly lethal run in with a vampire left her memory skewed. Something, though -- touched her heart and she began seeing images in her mind. Perhaps it was a picture once -- this very man was standing beside her --
"My Father -- you, you know him, don't you?"
She spoke the words before finishing the thought. Indeed, she had seen him standing by Verse in a picture. Both men had an arm around the other and they were smiling. It was clear in her memory now -- it had been sitting right beside the picture of Xazor's mother, the one she had secretly taken from Verse. Again the Knight looked puzzled but attempted to piece the mystery together.
"Surly you must have been his friend? I hardly remember you, but yet -- I do."
A broad grin was upon Xazor's face -- a friend of her Father would be welcome here, someone who could tell her of him. With all the excitement, the woman looked down to the floor to regain her thoughts momentarily before meeting the man's eyes once again with her own.
Kindred Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:10:18 PM
' No i am not a friend....' He answered ' I am closer to your father than that, in fact so close that some might have called us brothers...' He smiled as the clues spilled out, he knew it would take time for her to regain her thoughts and fully know who he was, his mermories of playing with her as a child were still clear, he was closer to Xazor than Verse when she was born, yet it hurt him that she still questioned and did not match a face.
' It has been a very long you still have Clemey, the teddy i gave you?.. He asked in hope.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:29:41 PM
Xazor's eyes turned downward and she shut them tightly and began working deeply within her mind. His words gave mental clues which she harnessed and attempted to make a connection with. Suddenly he did it for her: "Do you still have Clemey, the teddy I gave you?" She did not need to dig deep for that one, for the rough and ratty teddy bear still sat upon her bed to this day, nameless, or so she thought. Her eyes opened and she looked at him curiously. 'Brothers? He -- he is -- he has to be!' The thought crossed her mind as she began remembering everything all at once. Her head ached from the overload, but she joyfully welcomed it.
"Uncle Kin? Is it really you?"
Her voice went soft and held a shakiness to it that was absent before. This was either some sick joke or she was standing before a man she had once loved so dearly that he was even closer to her than her Father. The grin upon her face remained as tears stung at the back of her eyelids. It was all too good to be true and she had to make sure this was real.
Kindred Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:25:53 PM
' Now what-ever gave you that idea my girl?..' Kindred said with a smile. Yes, he confermed in his thoughts that she was indeed as pretty as she was when he left her to go on his personal quest. She had however grown up a hell of alot and was now a Jedi Knight so he heard. A fantasic achievement he thought, he was proud. he had heard however Verse was not so proud and that Xazor was forced to change her name to her adoptive parents, he had read the letter over and over and was hurt.
' Im sorry i have been away so long, i hope you can forgive me...' Kindred said with a smile as he opened his arms wide as if asking for a hug.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:43:26 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently, eyeing the Uncle she was torn from so long ago.
"I was taken from you! How is that your fault?"
A laugh escaped her lips for a moment before she gaped the distance between them and fell into his arms. She wrapped her own around his neck and held him tightly. It had been so long -- too long, and it was good to have the feeling of belonging to her family once again.
"I have missed you so -- at the times I could not recall you, I have missed you in my dreams."
She said softly, allowing a tear to fall from her eye and kiss her cheek softly for the first time.
"Family ties will never be broken, no matter how much we change."
Kindred Dawnstrider
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:05:52 PM
' It seems however that our family is torn from the letter i recived...' Kindred said as he hugged her. ' Why did you change your name? He asked softly though he was upset at the thought.
' Why are you now a Ellesar?...'
Xazor Elessar
Mar 9th, 2003, 12:57:47 PM
Xazor lowered her eyes for a moment at the question. She was not ashamed of who she had become, nor who she was, it was a simple matter though and she figured she owed her Uncle an explanation.
"My Father has not been here for me -- my Mother is dead. I had no family to turn to, save for my Brother, and he is very opinonated."
She paused a moment, eyeing him carefully, studying his face for a reaction.
"When I was alone and lost, a woman by the name of Helenias Evenstar took me in and adopted me as her own daughter. Not too long ago, a man also adopted me -- her husband, Marcus Elessar. I took his last name and he has taken me under his wing."
Of course there was much more to it that she was not going to share with him -- things such as the fact that she shared a Life Bond with Marcus and knew his very thoughts at that moment. Things such as how he and Helenias trained her as a Warrior and now she was a founding member of The Lost Jedi alongside Marcus. Things such as the fact that Marcus actually exists though he wiped his name from every database around.
"I am not ashamed of my bloodline -- I am still a Dawnstrider, but I needed a family -- and now I have one. Verse is too caught up with women and his own life. He can't settle down, that's not who he is. He has left me alone here so many times -- I can't rely on him anymore and something inside is telling me that I shouldn't."
With her piece said, she lowered her head once again in a bit of sadness on the subject. She loved her Father -- both of them -- but Marcus was always there for her, and that's what she needed.
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