View Full Version : Histories and futures - Jedi Party Table 2
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:54:30 PM
Table 2 Marcus
Torriana Marx
Lilya Goldberry
Well, now this is an interesting list He thought, scanning through the lsit of Jedi that were to be at his table Some names I know. Others, I have never even heard of before. And... Sanis Prent?!?
Now that was an indecent surprise. What was that scoundrel doing coming here? He made a note to ask. Quietly tho. It was a celebration night and if he had been invited, well, so be it. Maybe another day he could throw the smuggler out the window.
The Master decided to wait for the others of this table to arrive, before taking his seat.
Mar 6th, 2003, 03:09:35 AM
Oriadin made his way from the main assemble of Jedi after a lengthy but very interesting speach from his old Master, Helenias.
The Jedi knight had no idea who would be at his table, other than Marcus who he'd only met a handfull of times before. Marcus was usually one for staying to the shadows and not being a center of attention Oriadin had always thought.
It seemed he was the second to arrive, behind Marcus so he went over and said hello to the wise Jedi Master.
--Ah! Master Q'Dunn. Fine speach from Helenias back there. Wasnt sure if youd be able to make it tonight, ive hardly seen you about the order at all recently.--
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:49:55 AM
He checked his ticket again making sure he had the right table number. Yep, this was the one, he thought to himself. As he approached the table he spotted Marcus Q'Dunn - dont remember meeting him, and Oriadin.
Ah. Oriadin. Maximas thought back to their first meeting. Way back in the force class held by Xazor and Navaria. This should be interesting.
Max and Oriadin hadnt seen eye to eye, so to speak. They had since had no dealings with each other. Oriaidn always seemed, too nice to Max. Sounded odd perhaps but something about him just rubbed him up the wrong way.
He placed some gum in his mouth and walked on over.
"Marcus I presume?"
He nodded in his direction then looked at Oriadin.
Max had almost decided not to attend the event but after his conversation with Estelle, changed his mind. He pulled out a chair and sat down, slouching back and folding his arms. Sat the way he was and chewing his gum you would never have guessed he was at the same table as Marcus Q'Dunn. He seemed very <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> sure.
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:14:02 PM
Zeke leaps the back of his chair, kicking it out with telekinesis and seating himself with grin. Oh yeah. Tonight's gonna rock.
"Word. How are we all?"
Kelt Simoson
Mar 7th, 2003, 08:00:41 PM
Kelt, who was nothing short of unexperienced in the ritual of a Jedi celebration was dressed in the best attire that he could possibly find. The word "Formal" passed around his head so many times that the night before the dinner he could not sleep in thought of what to wear. However as the time came to dress Kelt hoped he had dressed in something to were appropriately to the party. Kelt wore a black buttoned half shirt which was on top of a heavy grey long sleeved tunic. His pants were a black also and were baggy enough to cover most of his boots.
His dark brown hooded cloak finished off the formal wear along with his sword in a sheath across his back, for presentation only mind. He smiled as he eyed himself in the mirror before tuning and leaving his apartment. The hallways were quiet and most of the lights were dimmed. Kelt began the evening by tripping over the upturned mat on his way out only just keeping himself up right by quickly grasping the wall light.
' I can see my luck is not going to hold out on me tonight...' He said quietly as he excited and made his way to the hall. Once there however he smiled and greeted everyone with a quick nod before taking his rightful seat at the table.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:00:05 AM
"Word Master Zeke? What form of greeting is that form?"
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:52:44 AM
"I dunno," Zeke admits with a shrug. "I guess it comes with being a punk kid on a transport ship. All the crew's children used odd words and phrases. Drove all the other kids absolutely frikkin nuts. It was cool."
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 9th, 2003, 12:40:55 PM
The Jedi were breaking up to their respective tables as Navaria waited for Sanis. He was late and didn't spot him earlier while Helenias was speaking. Hopefully he didn't run into trouble but unfortunately that was still a very likely scenario.
She glanced over at tablet four seeing that only a few other Jedi had approached Marcus. That feeling started to surface again that she was keeping under control as she watched them. She was nervous. No one really knew that Navaria and Sanis were together but that was ending tonight. There was no sane reason for Sanis to even attend tonight's festivities unless he happened to be dating one of the Council Members ... Why should she be worried anyway.
As the list of reasons why she should be worried grew exponentially, Navaria went back to waiting for Sanis to arrive, burying those worrisome thoughts away ... again.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 9th, 2003, 03:17:27 PM
::Alexander made his way in finally. He was busy working on the ramdom weapons and gizmos in garage/room. He was showered one and dressed pretty good over all. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he was clean shaven. He was dressed in, a big shock to all, Jedi robes. Something he had not wore sence he had joiend GJO. His robes were grey. Much like his personality. He was trying to act like a Jedi, but was not fully adapted. He made his way to teh table and sat down.::
"Hello. I hope I am not to late."
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:53:09 PM
(I felt a little out of place. Most of the people at the party were wearing those flowing...semi-rustic jedi robes. If not those, they were carrying lightsabers at their belts. As my head moved around, it didn't take long for me to realize that aside from the maitre'd, waiting staff, and kitchen help that could be seen, I was the only one in the dining hall that wasn't a Jedi.
Needless to say, it wasn't the best of times to think about palming the silverware. For a few minutes, I milled about, not really sure where to go. I'd forgotten the table assignment on the invitation, and now, it was down to finding a familiar face...which meant Navaria. I flagged down a waiter as I stood amongst the other unseated guests.)
Yeah, um...double of whiskey?
(He arched an eyebrow at me)
I'm afraid we're out of stock.
(I scratched at the back of my head, shuffling my feet. Well, that wasn't going to do.)
You got any Corellian stout?
I'm afraid not.
Beer? Any?
(The waiter, if it was possible, looked even more condescending than before.)
Sir, I'm afraid this is not that kind of party.
(I laughed slightly, shrugging it all off.)
Yeah....right. Gotcha. Champagne, right?
(I gave him a funny look, as I ran a hand through my hair)
Sounds great, Pierre. Make it snappy.
(Suddenly, my eyes came to rest on the exact familiar face that I was looking for, eliciting a smile.)
Ah...right. Hey Pierre...
(I snapped my fingers, and gestured to Nav's table.)
I'll be right over here.
Of course, sir.
(He seemed relieved to part company with me. Feeling was mutual. The collar of my tuxedo seemed to constrict a little tighter around my neck when in contact with people like that. Shrugging off Pierre's stuffy airs, I greeted Nav with a hug and a kiss.)
Whew, I'm glad to see you.
(I made a funny look, and adjusted my black jacket)
I feel like a penguin or something.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:17:50 PM
Navaria swore that every pair of eyes in that dining hall were locked onto her as Sanis hugged and kissed her hello, which she returned gladly in kind as if nothing was bothering her.
"No you are not."
With a smile, she straightened out Sanis' collar and tie. He didn't do a good a job as he thought, but Navaria always had a habit of making him look perfect. When she was finished, her hand slid down the lapel of his jacket while her eyes looked up at Sanis endearingly.
"You look quite handsome."
Casually slipping her arm around his, Navaria led him towards their table.
"I know this is very awkward for you and I appreciate you coming, Sanis. Just that, we were allowed to bring dates and since you were in town ..."
She blushed.
"For once my duties and you did not conflict. It is nice."
Navaria hugged him close as they finally arrived at the table. Considering Sanis knew practically no one here, she made the introductions after respectively bowing to those present.
"Good evening to you all."
She turned to Sanis and pointed everyone out.
"Sanis, this is Marcus, Oriadin, Maximus, Zeke, Kelt Simoson and ..."
Navaria couldn't believe who was sitting at the table and stumbled with the introduction.
"... And this is Chaos Alexander."
A former pupil of Dalethria's as well, but Navaria kept that to herself and wondered silently what Chaos would think of her.
She then turned to the group as a whole.
"Everyone. This is Sanis Prent. My date."
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:21:26 PM
"So are you two gonna stand there looking stiff as a durracrete wall, or are you gonna sit and chill?"
Zeke asks this with a raised brow and an amused look in his eyes. He's leading by example, leaning back on the rear legs of his chair and has his toes hooked under the lip of the table, reclining comfortably without putting his feet up.
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:08:44 AM
Perhaps Marcus didnt hear Oriadin before the others got there, but in any case a conversation didnt get started as the others arrived.
Maximas, he didnt seem to like Oriadin much although the reason why was a bit of a mystery to the Jedi Knight.
Zeke, full of energy and life. Although Oriadin hadnt met him previous to tonight, Zeke was too well known around the order for Oriadin to not know off him.
Kelt, another Oriadin hadnt had much dealings with in the past. Nice guy from what he'd heard and on his way to knighthood in the near future, it seemed.
Chaos, Oriaidn knew the name and that was about as far as it went.
Navaria. Powerfull Jedi and a common face amoung the council. One of the first people to talk to Oriadin when he came to the Jedi Order.
Sanis? Oriadin didnt know him but again had heard the name. Most people had. He wasnt a Jedi, and to be honest, Oriadin didnt know what he was. Tonight would be a good time to find out.
It would be a good time to find out about everyone at the table. Since he didnt know any of them all that well, his table was full of potential of making new friends and just getting to the other people going through life the way he was.
As each of the table members came and said hello, Oriadin replied with a simple 'Hi' and a nod of the head with a smile. Sanis looked a little uncomfortable Oriadin thought, perhaps he felt a little out of place, no doubt it would become clear later that evening.
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 10th, 2003, 08:54:13 AM
Lion came bumbling over to the table, sweating a bit beneath his cloak...he had pretty much refused to wear a tuxedo, but he had to appear halfway descent. He walked over to Marcus, tripping over his painstakingly polished shoes twice before he reached the great Jedi Master.
"Good evening, Master far...."
Lion didn't really know waht to call this thing...He couldn't call it dinner yet, since they hadn't eaten any food. He bowed and took a seat, smoothing out his cloak as he sat down.
Lion smiled...Oriadin was here, and so was Zeke...not to mention Navaria, Kelt and...Sanis Prent?!?!?!
Well...that oughta juice this party up a little. Sanis appeared to be having a bit of trouble finding something to drink...after all, this was a dinner party, not a bar. Lion took a glass of champagne from the tray. He hated the stuff. It tasted like sour..soap...but he took a sip anyways. There were also a few people he didn't know seated at their table, and Lion resolved to meet at least one of them before he left.
Lion also spotted a face he hadn't seen since he was a masteress padawan...Maximas...Lion would have ot catch up with him, see how things were going...
Mar 10th, 2003, 10:52:10 AM
Max let out a grunt as everyone introduced themselves. He seemed more concerned with who could be seen at the other tables than with the people at his own. If there hadnt have been so many at the table already, he would have slouched back and put his feet up. That would probably be pushing it now, even for Maximas.
Lion swung by the table. He recognised him. He too was in the force class Max had attended but he'd had no real dealings with since the class came to an end.
Just then, a waiter armed to the teath with Champagne strolled passed. Max clicked his fingers over and over to gain the attention of the man. "I'll take one of those", he said in a commanding tone. He took the glass from the waiters hand, well, it was almost a snatch, before guzzling down the bubbly liquid and placing the glass back on the tray. It wasnt great, but it was alchololic he thought.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:23:26 PM
::Chaos smiles as he was introduced by Mistriss Tarkin. She was not the only oen that had trouble introducing him. Many fo the Jedi remebered teh wars that were started, and the millions of people kileld, by his hands. He was once a follower of Kashalla, and if Kashalla wasn't evil he still would be. Alex was Chaotic Good, if that was the right phrase to use. He really didn't know who to talk to at the moment. Things like this made him uncomfortable to way the least.::
"Anyone know when we will be served some food?"
Mar 10th, 2003, 05:53:34 PM
"When everyone's here and ready, I expect. Hey, who's got a story to tell? Something comedic or happy. Preferably comedic."
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 11th, 2003, 04:56:59 AM
Lion cleared his throat.
"Alright, y''s a joke: One day, there was a woman at a McGlonalds. She was walking around, and she needed to take a pi-...erm, she needed to relieve herself. Unfortuantely, one of those damn Whippid females was taking up all the stalls, so she had to hold it in..."
Lion let this sink in, moderately aware that it wasn't actually that funny.
"Anyways, she's walking around and some damn kid spills his Coke. The janitor comes over and plops down a sign the says 'wet floor' she did...."
Lion glanced around the table, waiting for a frying pan or rotten fruit to come towards him...
Chaos Alexander
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:30:09 PM
::Alex smiled.::
"Not bad. Try this one....
A 90 year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling.
'I've never been better!" he boasted. "I've got an eighteen year old bride who's pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?'
The doctor considered this for a moment, then said, 'Let me tell you a story. I knew a guy who was an avid hunter. He never missed a season. But one day went out in a bit of a hurry and he accidentally grabbed his umbrella instead of his gun.'
The doctor continued, 'So he was in the woods and suddenly a grizzly bear appeared in front of him! He raised up his umbrella, pointed it at the bear and squeezed the handle. And do you know what happened?' the doctor queried.
Dumbfounded, the old man replied 'No'.
The doctor continued, 'The bear dropped dead in front of him!'
'That's impossible!' exclaimed the old man. 'Someone else must have shot that bear.'
'That's kind of what I'm getting at...' replied the doctor."
::Alex stopped a waiter and got a drink and asked for a peach. He pulled out a knife and cut a few slices out of the peach and dropped it in his water.::
"That jokes about as good as it gets for the ones I know."
Sanis Prent
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:48:29 PM
(The champagne arrived, and not a moment too soon.)
(I took the glass, and set it aside, tossing Nav a "are these guys for real" look. The jokes were as stale as the melba toast arranged in the middle of the table. I shrugged, went to take a drink of the champagne, and thought better of it. I'd have to ease myself into that one. I didn't trust bubbles)
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:56:06 PM
Zeke's eyes drift to Sanis.
"You got something better up your sleeves?"
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:28:11 AM
Max leaned back in his chair and sighed. He really wasnt one for mingling in big groups. Never had been. It always made him feel uncomfortable, although you wouldnt know that to look at him. He seemed so sure of himself.
Max spoke quietly, but loud enough so that the table could hear.
"Anything would be better than those jokes."
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:35:10 AM
Zeke's eyes snap to Maximas.
"Then you both won't mind showing up these two with your incredible joke telling skills."
His smile doesn't waver and his tone is neither angry nor indignant. He just wants to get them both to loosen up and start socializing.
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:41:10 AM
Max glanced a pitifull look back as if to almost say I cant be bothered.
"I dont DO jokes"
He sat and stared at the Knight for a moment. He wasnt afraid to make his feelings known and he certainly didnt act as though he were talking to a Jedi of higher ranking than himself. Without looking away, he grabbed himself another glass of Champagne as the waiter went passed. He guzzled it down as if it were a shot and continued to scan the room.
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:15:59 AM
"Say whaaaaat!?"
Zeke blinks, one eyebrow shooting up with surprise.
"No jokes?"
Zeke ponders this for a minute, then looks up with broader grin than before.
"No jokes for Maximas then! Sanis, what's the best joke ya got?"
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:29:15 AM
Granted, it was a rhetorical question, but Navaria smiled back at Sanis and answered his question mentally.
Give it some time.
They both sat down, Navaria t Sanis's left, when the exchange between Maximus and Zeke started. Even after all these months Max had not changed. That air of arrogance was still thick around him. And with the way he was downing that champagne ...
Speaking of which, she picked up her glass by the stem and took a sip, glancing over to the side at Sanis, wondering what the response would be to Zeke. As much as she knew Sanis, even she couldn't predict then unpredictable man all the time.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:11:06 PM
This is goign to be an interesting night, he tyhought to himself, taking a seat. At least the presence of Prent was now explained, although, for the life of him, he would never of expected Jedi Knight Tarkin of all people to bring a known smuggler and criminal as a date in amongst Jedi.
[i]which logically means Sanis is more than just a 'date'. Well, look who I married, or at least what she was then. ,/i>
"I'd rather not hear a joke Master Zeke, I think Mister Prent would be much more entertainign if he would tell us of some of his exploits. Youc an learn much about how the galaxy really works from listening to beings on the fringe"
Mar 13th, 2003, 04:09:02 PM
Oriadin spoke up before Sanis got the chance to speak.
--I may sound a little daft for asking this, but perhaps you could explain what it is you do. Its obvious your not a Jedi and I have heard your name mentioned on a few occasions...--
The Knight got some funny looks from the others round the table. At least it broke up the Joke telling tension. It was a valid question, Oriadin knew next to nothing of Sanis.
Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2003, 12:02:31 AM
(On one hand, it spared me from having to think up a joke, which was good. I was only funny when I had to be. On the other hand, now it was getting personal. Glancing sidelong at Nav and smiling, I decided it was time for that champagne, and took a careful sip.)
Well, don't suppose there's any harm in asking.
Mostly, my time is spent in imports, and pharmaceutical research. I own a small company on Kessel, and have a limited partnership with the Sector Rangers, with regards to shipping. I've also dabbled in a small software company, and sit on the stockholder's board of trustees for GNN.
I realize that from the perspective of a Jedi tower, it all looks different, but I wouldn't exactly call myself on the fringe.
(I smiled)
Just a businessman.
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:08:59 AM
Lion glanced at Sanis, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, capturing a jedi and giving him to vampires considered just business, too?"
Tomak had been captured once by Sanis, and Lion and Dios had come to rescue him...which had actually turned out to go completely awry, and then Xazor and Kindo came after them too...
...Lion still had no idea how he'd gotten away....
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 14th, 2003, 10:53:25 AM
Navaria stopped drinking her champagne at Lion's comment. This was news to the Jedi. Her eyes shifted over towards Sanis' direction before setting the glass down with a raised brow. She was really hoping this happened before they got back together ... Mentally, Navaria corrected herself, when they had gotten together.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:16:41 AM
::Alex had to smile. The man had a quick mouth and stayed atlest two steps ahed of the rest of teh table. Prent could make a good ally to the Jedi, that waqs untill someone gave him a better deal. Alex saw this man as a swine. One getting fat on life. Everyone knew what happened to the fat hog that ate all teh other pigs food. When he got good and plump.......the farmer slaughtered him and had a good feast out of him. Alexander was no Seer, but he had no doughts that that. It was all just a matter of time till the human screwed over the wrong person.::
"And I would like to hear about this 'pharmaceutical research' and the company on Kessel. I may be wrong, but where I come from we call that Spice Dealing."
James Prent
Mar 16th, 2003, 11:21:24 PM
[ <a href=>walking</a> ]
She sighed, and stopped walking, turning slightly around. Uh oh, where's the back door to this place? Girl needs a smoke! Get out of my frelling way you imbeciles! James chuckled to herself, glad she wasn't a natural telepath, and caught sight of Oriadin at his table. She waved, smiling at the one who had brought her into the Jedi Temple at four o'clock in the morning, months ago.
Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:15:11 AM
I winced a bit, and recovered.
"Well, such things aren't illegal. I've done work as a bounty hunter on occasion, when business hasn't been good. I'm a member of the guild, with all legal protections afforded by it."
With a polite smile, I continued.
"As far as my business, I can assure you that it's exploits are legitimate. Glitterstim crystal has value in glaucoma research, as well as alternate cancer treatment, and alzheimer's research. It will no doubt take some time to remove the stigma, but I like to think that we're doing some good."
Syrius Cline
Mar 17th, 2003, 01:15:00 AM
Well, he'd tried to dress pleasantly. He wore a green Jedi get-up, with all the trimmings, even one of those blasted robes/cloaks. He'd styled it up with his leather jacket, which looked a bit odd with his cloak hanging from beneath the jacket, touching the floor. He even wore the hood up. He'd put his stamp on this wardrobe even if he died from humilation in the process.
"Well now, this is one set-up I have to admire," he admired honestly.
The room was beautifully decorated. They had done a bang up job. Just enough, not too extravagent, wouldn't expect any more from a Jedi get together. They didn't fancy those needless things. Still, it looked downright respectable.
"Hey, um..." he mumbled to a table not his own, then raised his voice with more courage. "Can I just borrow this, hmm? Well, I can't very well return it but uh..."
He pointed at a napkin that was wonderfully done, even for a napkin.
"Don't worry about it," a kind Jedi woman said, handing him the napkin.
It was a spare one anyhow, but Syrius felt awful imposing. He felt way too out of place here. Scared the crap out of him too.
"Thank you, love. You're wonderfuly, just wonderful."
She smiled, nodding, and going back to her company.
He folded it to make a right triangle at the point and placed it in his front jacket pocket. Had to fit in somewhat didn't he?
Syrius continued to walk, looking for his table.
There it was. Well it looked good enough. Nice bunch and all he supposed. He dropped the hood of his coat, revealing his gelled hair. Now for the actual sitting and talking with these blokes. That part wouldn't be too easy.
It seemed they were in some conversation, so he just slipped into his assigned seat, not introducing himself.
He'd just missed Sanis' convincing that he was indeed a businessman. Good thing he had missed it too, because Syrius would have pounced on him like a wild tree cat. He didn't know him by face, he'd never met the man, and pictures were hard to get on him. Atleast in the act atleast, and that was all Syrius gave a hoot about anyhow. He knew his name though, but again, he hadn't heard that either.
He sat there with a smile on his face. He'd brought his cigs but... could he fire it up? He nudged the Jedi next to him and whispered...
"I can't very well light a cig in here, hmm? Ordinance and what not?"
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:52:08 AM
Lion smiled politely back at Sanis, not missing a nuance of Mistress Navaria's reactions.
"Still, I'm not one to tell people what to do, Mister Sanis, but I think that your activities weren't looked upon too favorably by the Jedi..."
Lion sighed.
"But I'm not here to start a fight, Sanis, and it WAS a perfectly executed abduction, sir...."
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:43:56 AM
The mood at the table was... tense. Max was his same old arrogant self and there was a bit of history between Sanis and Lion. Great. Oriadin hoped that the people at the table wouldnt drink too much because thats when things could get out of hand. Max already looked on his way though.
--Well, im sure there are things in all of our pasts that we would rather not discuss openly at the table today.--
Oriadin caught sight of James Prent and smiled warmly in her direction. He raised his hand briefly and waved. He hadnt seen the woman since he first met with her, some time ago now and he wondered how she was getting on.
Oriadin shifted his gaze over to a late comer to the table, who nudged him to enquire about smoking at the table.. One Syrius Cline.
--Ah Syrius. I dont think smoking would be welcome at the table, perhaps out by the back door. Havent you given that up yet anyway?--
Chaos Alexander
Mar 17th, 2003, 07:53:09 AM
::Alex nodded.::
"I once owned a genetics company myself and know a little on certain subjects. I would l ove to look at the notes when ever you have the time to send them. That is if it is ok with you."
::Alex sipped his water. He didn't drink ale, beer, and such. He felt like it would destroy his body worse than it already was. The peach in it just added some flavor and a little more vitimians.::
"Maybe one day we will see your name in the medical book Sanis."
James Prent
Mar 17th, 2003, 06:52:00 PM
James grinned as Oriadin waved back to her, and then turned about to continue on her way. A sandy haired man at the table had pushed his chair out a bit as the others at the table were grilling him with questions, and she hadn't noticed the small movement.
However, she did manage to stub her bare toe on the leg of his chair as she dodged a server who was holding a tray of appetizers over her head. "Frelling - !" James' face expressed surprise and pain as she grabbed for her foot.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 18th, 2003, 03:07:58 PM
She was grateful that the mood at the table was less tense then at first. Lion was still upset about Sanis' involvement in a kidnapping ... and of course, rightfully so. Navaria really had no idea that he was in deep with the Jedi so much.
No. That was entirely true. Perhaps a part of her wanted Sanis to come with her to this dinner so she could hear the truth that he never tells her for herself. The Knight sighed quietly and turned at Chaos' last comment. At least he was trying to change the conversation around. Plus, he was someone that Sanis could relate to on some level, being that he was once on the other side of the law. A former Sith.
Curiosity got the better of Navaria seeing who Chaos' Master was.
"Chaos? I hope that I do not overstep my bounds and ask why it is you came to the decision of following the path of Light?"
Chaos Alexander
Mar 18th, 2003, 05:23:43 PM
"You do not Mistriss Tarkin. A lot happened to me after TSE tried to kill me two years ago. After my 'death', I was involved in alot of things I do not wish to get into. i will let people know the full details when I feel the tiem is right. Let's just say that everything I did wronge came back at me 10 fold. When the world thinks your dead, all you have is yourself. You don't know who to trust. One is forced to see what they have caused. I lived like that for two years as I traveled."
::Alexander did nto mention that Daletria didn't know he was alive in well. He had not worn teh amulet sence that day. He still had it though. That and his Soul Stone. His Crystel Dagger was still in his boot. The truth was....... he was afriad of Dalethria. She still had power over him. He would kill for her. That scared him. She was the only person that coudl turn him back to the dark.::
"I hope you don't hold my past against me Mistriss Tarkin."
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:07:38 PM
"Why should she? The past is over and done. No sense worrying with it."
Mar 19th, 2003, 03:39:14 AM
--Master Zeke is right. All people make mistakes. Its how we deal with those mistakes and try to learn from them or put them right that defines who we really are.--
As they continued to talk, a waiter came around with a menu for everyone. Once they had been handed out he told us he'd be back in a few minutes to take our orders.
Oriaidn took a glance. There wasnt a great variety of choice but it all seemed very extrevagant.
--Master Tarkin, how long have you been a member of the council now?--
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 19th, 2003, 08:40:43 PM
Navaria had to agree as she was handed a menu.
"Zeke is right, besides ... it would be hypocritical for me to hold anything against what you have done in your past."
She finished with a smile towards Chaos and looked over the menu, looking for the vegetarian dishes as Oriadin continued with small talk.
"Well, it would be close to a year now."
The Knight chuckled to herself.
"I cannot believe the time that has past. It seemed not too long ago I was Knighted..."
Chaos Alexander
Mar 21st, 2003, 06:32:01 AM
::Alexander nodded. He was glad that Navaria forgave him. Zeke and Oridian on the other hand. They knew little of what he was before and what all he did. Zeke was on the planet Alexander but in war and laughed as his own creations destroied millions of people, and he forgave that easy? Alexander didn't know if he should feel good because of it.......or ashamed because of it. Forgiveness was the way of the Jedi, but it was one thing Alex didn't fully grasp yet.
Alexander looked at Navaria. It was like he looked at Dalethria again. How he loved that women. He woudl have done anything and still would, do anythign for Dalethria. when no one wanted Alexander, she took him in. When he had no family, she took him in. When people said he was untrainable, she proved them wrong. She was what Alex never had as a child. A mother figure. He still slipped up when people asked who his parents were. He thought that much of the Sith.::
"Your forgiveness warms my heart. Now lets see if some food can warm my belly as well........"
::On that note Alex picked up a menu and looked at the Steaks. He woudl eat them raw of course, but he had to deside what one he wanted.::
Syrius Cline
Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:34:08 AM
Syrius sighed.
[/i]Havent you given that up yet anyway?[/i] he had said.
"Don't remind me," he mumbled under his breath. He hadn't forgotten, just wanted an excuse to smoke. A fancy dinner where a guest could relax with a cig was a good excuse, too bad he couldn't smoke here anyway. It was a good way to cheat on his oath to quit.
"This menu stinks," he said outloud, not meaning to. "With all due respect and such."
Again he nudged Oriadin. He was closest by and it seemed he was one of those model Jedi, always helpful and all that. There was clearly a dish written in god knows what langauge. He could speak some huttese but reading anything alien was beyond his grasp. Though he knew those trained Jedi Knight types could traslate at will. He whispered to him, pointing at the dish.
"Tell me that's something edible."
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:33:36 PM
Zeke can't read the menu either, but it makes for good humor.
"I'll have Nameless Substance number one, with a side order of Namelss substances twenty and twenty two, and a glass of Nameless Liquid three."
Mar 24th, 2003, 03:47:00 AM
Oriadin chuckled lightly as Sage asked him if what he pointed at was edible. It only got more funny with Zeke and his "Nameless" foods and drink. He turned back to Sage with a smile.
--Perhaps you shouldnt order that particular dish. I dont think its suitable for humans. Perhaps I could suggest something?--
Oriadin scanned the menu for a quick second until he found the item he'd choosen for himself.
--There. Im really not sure how to pronounce it but belive me its good. Out of the Galaxy good.--
Sanis Prent
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:40:17 PM
Nav, can you read this? Chandrillan is lost on me. Pick something out, I have no idea.
(I sipped on my champagne, relieved that the conversation was shifting away from me somewhat)
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 29th, 2003, 10:32:52 PM
Lion groaned...
"Can anybody alert me if we're about to eat something that is either still moving or that smells like my dead grandmother...please?"
The menu looked genuinely disgusting, and Lion had his comlink...maybe Dexter could cook up something tasty and save everyone from puke-o-rama...
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:23:48 PM
Navaria made a face at Lion's comment. Chandrillian food was elegant and quite appetizing. Course, she was used to formal dinners.
When the waiter came around, she picked out two dishes for her and Sanis, speaking the language perfectly.
"Good choices, Master Jedi."
He commented while taking the menu's from Navaria.
"Do not worry."
She gave Sanis a wink.
"I made sure to order you meat. I know you hate my vegetarian diet."
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:36:44 PM
Zeke simply throws caution to the winds and tosses his menu to the waiter.
"Surprise me."
The man frowns somewhat, but makes a few notes on his pad, looking up to see who would be the next to order.
Mar 31st, 2003, 03:24:00 AM
Oriaidn simply pointed at what he wanted, since he couldnt pronounce it. It was the same dish he recomended to Syrius.
He handed over the menu with a warm smile, and wondered what everyone else was having. Lion looked somewhat, less than impressed.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2003, 04:13:13 AM
"Ahhh, prime Nerf medallions, straight from Ukio..." He put the menu down, grinning. "I've met one of the nerf herders of Ukio. Fine people and they make wonderful food stuffs. I must say, this is far better than the usual Jedi chew and spew from Hepatitis Harry. And Chandirra red wine too? Even better!"
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:42:21 PM
Lion groaned again, then he tossed his menu to the waiter. The man had a huge nose and a pointed chin, and Lion entertained himself with the thought of shoving a blaster up his huge nostrils and melting the pompous bastard's brain...oh well.
"I'll take a meat...some kind of meat, and if I don't like it I'm calling for pizza....anybody know if Dexter delivers around here?"
The waiter made a "hmph" sound, and scribbled something down on his datapad...what it was, Lion couldn't tell, let alone pronounce the damn thing...
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:48:09 AM
Max came from a rich up bringing and so was used to the fine foods of the galaxy. He felt pity for those who didnt know what was on the menu and especially for Lion. Max thought he obviously had no taste.
"Ah waiter. I'll take the Mynock Cloud City with a side order of Flatbread and Gumes."
Max gave a gloated smile to the others around the table that seemed to struggle with their order. Then he looked at Lion and sighed while shaking his head.
"Do you have no class?"
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:18:59 AM
"At least he's got good taste."
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:29:45 AM
Lion nodded.
"Class? Nope, I think I left most of that behind...good taste...Yah, baby!"
Lion continued scowling at the tablecloth, trying to remember which fork or spoon he had to use.
Sanis Prent
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:08:37 AM
(A bit of color rose to my face, as I leaned back in my seat, and turned to Nav)
I don't hate it, its just...not what I'd get, that's all.
(I shrugged, twirling my fork idly in my hand as I talked to her.)
I'm only an opportunistic carnivore. You make freight runs and see what greasy spoon will serve up health food. I happen to enjoy an occasional salad. I mean, its not like I won't have what you're having...what are you having?
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:18:57 AM
"I'm amazed at how little Jedi know of the finer things in life" Marcus commented to no one in particular. "Maybe NR soldier rations would be better appreciated" he continued, scowling at Lion. "Is it the manner of Jedi these days to insult something as good as this?"
Syrius Cline
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:22:57 AM
Syrius looked to the waiter.
"Come on bloke, don't make me pronounce it. I'm having what he's having," he said, pointing to Oriadin. "Oh and for a drink... bring me some carbonated soda or something," he resisted to order alchohol. He'd quit that too...
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:33:48 AM
Lion's face flushed a bit, then vanished.
"No offense meant, Master Marcus...I'm not quite used to this fancy stuff. Only a year ago, my dinner consisted of reheated noodles or canned the way, can anybody tell me which fork to use?"
He fumbled with the silverware, trying to remember what little he knew about proper etiquette...
...He was really gonna need a nice Lactill burger after this was over...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:58:26 PM
::Alexander's eyebrow raised at Marcus' comment.::
"I thought Jedi were suppost to humble and such. People who do not eat the good stuff simply because they have the power or money. Maybe I was wrong........"
::He picked up a menu. As an assassin he was trained to read and speak many many languages. This was one of them.::
"I want the Kayraian Steak please."
Waiter- "How would you like it sir?"
"You mean rare sir?"
"Did I say rare?"
"Think of how your table partners would react to you eating raw meat....."
::Alexander frowed. The man had a point atleast.::
"I would like it rare."
"Wise choice sir."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 3rd, 2003, 08:45:06 PM
"I actually know what they serve out in the rim. Remember, I used to be a Smuggler myself."
Her crinkled at the thought.
"One reason why I do not eat meat ... And not everything I get is a salad."
Navaria's face brightened at Sanis' comment.
"I am getting Pashi Noodles and steamed vegetables, covered in a light garlic sauce."
Syrius Cline
Apr 4th, 2003, 02:14:40 AM
Syrius smiled at Lion. Finally, someone who was as lost as he was.
"I say the one that penetrates the food and gets it to your mouth. So..."
Syrius grabbed a random fork.
"This one, I'll say."
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 4th, 2003, 02:53:21 AM
Lion laughed.
"Works for me! Seems sorta pointless to eat stuff with different sizd forks...I mean, in the end, they all work the same..."
Lion glanced down at the table, closed his eyes, and levitated a fork...Telekenisis was one of the things he was getting good with. He snatched the fork out of midair and was going to try and pour himself a glass of wine, but he caught Marcus' eye and grinned sheepishly.
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:19:05 AM
"I'd hafta agree with you guys on the fork does seem kinda stupid, but it has to have some point to it. Why create something worthless?"
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:58:23 AM
Lion smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, guys...anybody wanna head to Dexter's Diner later? I have a feeling I'm gonna be hungry..."
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