View Full Version : Dinner with a Friend (Verse)
Kelt Simoson
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:39:18 PM
Kelt was tonight going to be meeting with a long time friend, Verse Dawnstrider. Although Kelt had only met the Jedi Master a few times, while he was back from his quests Kelt thought it would be nice to catch up and have a chat over some dinner. Verse was a nice guy, down to earth and full of advice and since Kelts assention to Knight, he needed it.
Kelt had made it to the table first and was waiting on Verse, for some odd reason however Kelt found a few roses on the table meaning the staff thought it was a dinner for two like a couple would have, Kelt quickly disposed of these with thanks anyway to the staff. Just Kelts luck, now the staff giggled at him, and the grumpy barman who always disliked Kelt for trying to pay in his worlds money had another excuse to take the mickey.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:50:43 PM
::Verse made it into the bar in his green Jedi robes. He hands tucked inside. He nodded at one of the bar-maids. He had....well met her........once, or was it twice? Didn'ts he have red hair and not black? Was this even the same person?!?!? Verse just smiled as he walked by and she smiled back. He had met her once that was for sure. He just didn't kno when! His mind left that thought soon enough as he neared Kelt's table.::
"Greetings Brother Kelt, or should I say Brother Knight? I have heard that you have just been promoted. Congrades."
::Verse took a seat and called for two ales. The Barmen snicked and a few girls giggled. There was some joke, and Verse felt he was in it. It must have been before he came. He really didn't know, and only smiled at them. Life was to short to worry about things like that.::
"So, how are you?"
Kelt Simoson
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:31:34 PM
' They think we are more than just friends...and that bloody barman always moaning at me because one time i tried to pay in gold..what a nut...' Kelt smiled as he sipped his beer. He hardly drank beverages but tonight he would meet with Verse and drink as Verse liked to and Kelt was being socialy polite.
' Yes i have been promoted my friend, thought i find that im confused on why i have and what i should do from here...' His voice worried.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:47:56 PM
::Verse raised an eyebrow and looked at the barman. The man almost laughed to the point of tears.::
::Verse shook his head and sipped his Ale.::
"Do you feel you are not ready to become a Knight? I have heard nothing but good things so I don't see why that would be. My understanding is that you hold the ideals of the jedi close to your heart and defend the Light.::
::Verse took another sip.::
"I guess the real question is what do you think a Knight is?"
Kelt Simoson
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:00:56 PM
Kelt sat there for a moment or two contemplating his answer before he spoke. Verse was a Jedi Master he had heard and seen all this stuff before and Kelt did not want to bore the man with long drawn out answers that ment nothing to others.
' I think a Knight is a man of respect - a person that is respected and credidted for there achievement and respect those of which are masters and are on the council. A Knight will teach and is expected to bring a apadawan to the best of his ability, a Knight also must know everything a jedi is...'
Kelt said with a smile before sipping his beer.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:14:25 PM
::Verse smiled.::
"Good answer. So if that is the case, then you have been a Knight for a while."
::Verse sipped his Ale. He knew that would get the boy thinking. while he thought on that Verse desided to share a little of what a friend told him once.::
"I was told once, that you are a Knight First and given the rank later. When you act like a Knight, then you are called a Knight. the same goes for being a Master.
Many of teh younger Jedi want nothing but rank. They want the title. What is rank though? Tell me, what does a Jedi do? He protects people. That is a Jedi's main goal. Protect the innocent and Light. Every level is different
Padawans protect by learning
Knights protect by teacher
Master protect by leading
You see what I am saying?"
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