View Full Version : Dead Man With A Message (AmazonBabe)
Kelt Simoson
Mar 5th, 2003, 08:54:06 PM
OOC - Continued from here:
IC -
What in the world was all that about? A man dressed in nothing but a lab coat comes stalking into the bar, opens his coat to the crowed of people and displays nothing but a sign over his genitals. Hes stopped and dies by laughing himself to death. However that was not the strangest thing. The fact that taped to the back of the sign was a envelope for AmazonBabe had to be the spookiest thing, and Kelts involvement in this had only just begun.
Kelt walked briskly down the main hall in the LQ, worried and confused were the only two words that described the thoughts in his mind. Worried that he,himself might have been the course of the man death, and confused what all this had to do with AmazonBabe. The Jedi Knight made a quick descision at the bar and grill and quickly tore the sign from letter than made preparations for the mans moving from the Bar and Grill and notification of the City Watch.
The only job left was the take the letter to Amazonbabe who Kelt had never really met before. Something was up and Kelt was prepared to help out in anyway. Kelt rapped softly on the door of Amazons qaurters and waited for a reply.
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:32:53 PM
:: AB was sorting through some plants she kept in her room, one of which had browning leaves. She'd been nursing it back to health with plant vitamins mixed with water when a soft knock came at her door. Setting the small watering can aside, she brushed her hands together, making her way to the door. ::
:: Opening the door, she found one of the newly promoted Knights standing there. Smiling broadly, she gestured for him to come in. ::
Kelt! So good to see you again! Actually, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon after your promotion in the Council room.
:: She took a seat in the small living room she had that was adjoined to her bedroom, offering a seat to Kelt as well. ::
What can I do for you?
Kelt Simoson
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:45:25 PM
Kelt sat there for a few short moments trying to place what he was going to say together, his brows knitted together in deep thought, his heart pounded and a twang of hurt shot through him like lightning. The silence clung to the air for a for short minutes before Kelt began his explanation, stuttering.
' Well..' He began ' I'm not quite sure how to explain this, i was sitting there minding my own business, in fact i was having a drink alone at the bar and in rushed this man dressed in nothing but a white coat. ' His voice shuddered a second before he continued.
' He was running around naked, flashing at everyone if i remember correctly.I tell a lie. He had his private parts covered with a sign, i cant remember what it said, its a blur to me, but i remember asking him to stop. He didn't as you can imagine. I asked him again, he ignored me. So finally i stood up and twisted his arm behind his back so i could have a ferm grip on his to escort him out.'
' He then, i cant place it...He laughed himself to death. Just laughed and laughed, he went red, then blue and then collapsed in my arms. I was shocked and deeply hurt. I thought i had killed him. However the people that took him away said it was natural courses. Before they took him away though, attached to the underside of the sign....was this...' With a hand as white s snow, the Jedi Knight passed the letter addressed to Rie Misst to Amazonbabe. 'I don't know what is M'lady, and why he had it with him escapes me but, it was there...'.
Kelt knew he was involved now, so he sat there watching Amazon babe with alot of attention.
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:32:10 PM
:: Needless to say, the smile faded as she retrieved the letter from Kelt's hand. Something really did not seem right about all of this, and before opening the letter, she looked at Kelt. ::
What did this man look like?
Kelt Simoson
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:11:43 PM
Kelt sat there in a few silent moments, he recalled the moments in which he saw the mans face as flashes of memorey ran in his mind. ' He looked odd...'' Kelt said looking towards Amazonbabe.
' I remember him wearing a mask type of this, a mask which made his nost look bigger, the nose was attached to some big black glasses, he had black hair and his eyes were deap with bags, he looked very tired...' Kelt said. He knew he did not know who he was but perhaps AmamzonBabe did.
' I couldent see much, i must admit i was not paying to much attention. I did ot think this was going to happen...'
Mar 7th, 2003, 06:55:32 PM
:: The description of the man didn't help her much. She couldn't figure out who would want to send her a letter in such a fashion as had been described to her by Kelt. ::
It's ok, Kelt. It wasn't your fault at what happened to the man. Perhaps he was mentally ill, or had ODed at that second... maybe his uncontrolable laughter caused it all to overload his system.
We'll soon find out from the hospital once they've had ample time to examine the body.
:: She then looked at letter in her hand. ::
As to this... only one way to find out what it's all about...
:: She tore the envelope open to see what was inside. ::
Mr. Happy
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:59:21 AM
Mon Cheri,
I am a smitten kitten, my dear! Ever since I had the pleasure of your company, some weeks ago, I knew we were meant to be together...if only for such shallow purposes of color coordination. But alas! I know we're destined for greater things than our synergistic sense of style. You see, my dear Rie, I am an artist. Like all great artists, sadly misunderstood in my lifetime. Blame society! Those dour-faced rubes'll get what's coming to em, but that's another matter. I find my medium in laughter, my paints in banter, and my canvas in all that is life. Yet, I feel incomplete. Surely you know the feeling, judging by that glum-faced fellow you waste your time with. You can do so much better, my love. He doesn't suit you. I know you like to live life on the wild side, and I'm a regular Tarzan in comparison. Think about it, and let that gorgeous red hair down. Come with me to the casbah, we'll make beautiful music together.
Love, hugs, and kisses,
Mr. H.
Mar 12th, 2003, 01:58:55 PM
:: Recognition dawned on her as she finished reading the letter. She now knew who had sent the letter and knew for certain that the man who had died at the B&G had been sent by one she had met there before. While she was flattered, the letter disturbed her somewhat, especially how it had been delivered. ::
:: She looked at Kelt, raising her eyebrows. ::
Well, it looks like I've got myself an admirer.
:: She set the letter down on the small end table next to the chair she was sitting in. ::
I've met this man before. He refers to himself as Mr. Happy.
:: She leaned forward. ::
I only hope that the man at the bar isn't really dead. To have a message delivered to me in this fashion is disturbing, to say the least.
:: As if on cue, Kelt's comm buzzed, no doubt from the coroners. He answered it and AB listened to what the cornoners had to say. ::
...we performed the autopsy on the victim's body. Seems the man died of too much sheer happiness.
:: There was a pause before the man continued. ::
The victim's brain that controls and triggers positive emotions shows to have been stimulated, in the massive sense of the word. Basically, it overloaded his system and he just went caput.
:: The conversation continued a little longer as the coroner apologized, his voice sounding quite dumbfounded at the situation. Kelt thanked the man for reporting to him and then shut his comm off. Both Jedi looked at each other, not knowing what to think. Finally, AB spoke. ::
Well, one things for sure... I'm going to be a lot more alert. From past experience and reports, Mr. Happy is a bit... excentric.
(OOC: Edited to show the man at the bar truely DID die. You might wanna do the same, Kelt, to keep with consistancy.)
Kelt Simoson
Mar 13th, 2003, 01:46:09 AM
Kelt was somewhat releaved at the thought of the man not dieing in his arms and the fact he was alive and well was another note Kelt could be a bit happier to. A smile escaped his lips though he doubted it would last as long as he hoped.
' Tell me about "Mr.Happy....' He simply asked.
Mar 13th, 2003, 06:13:48 PM
:: AB frowned slightly. ::
...there's really not much to tell... or that I know of him, really.
I met him only once before over at Yog's. He approached my table where I sat, striking up an odd conversation, much like what the letter has.
Master Evanar showed up before Mr. Happy had the chance to actually do anything.
:: She rested her back further into the chair, almost slouching, with a thoughtful look on her face. ::
I don't think he's evil, persay, not that I have encountered any actions by him to bare the title. But I do think he is very disturbed.
Kelt Simoson
Mar 22nd, 2003, 04:35:43 AM
' From what i have seen already he seems to be very disturbed, do you think he was the gentleman i saw in the bar or do you think it was one of his employees?'
Kelt asked looking towards Amazon quite concerned.
' I mean if it is he quite clearly has plans for you...'
Kelt was worried for Amazons safety although at the back of his mind he knew she was perfectly capible of taking care of himself. But the thought of a madman after a fellow Jedi with his band of broonies did not feel at all safe in Kelts eyes.
Mar 24th, 2003, 07:09:46 PM
:: She had a thoughful look on her face. ::
I think it was most likely someone he forced into doing that stunt.
As for what he has planned for me...
:: She shrugged. ::
... I can only hazzard a guess. And that guess leads me to think I wouldn't like what he has planned.
Kelt Simoson
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:30:17 PM
' Well i wont keep you to long Ma'am im sure you have alot of other things to worry about besides this nonsence, but if you need anything, my assistance or my involvment in this gimme a knock and ill be around. ' Kelt smiled gentle and stood up.
' Im sure you can handle yourself Miss Amazon but seriously...if you need me and dont wish to involve others..just give me a word ' Kelt then turned to leave the smile still upon his face. Kelt was genuin as the next man and honestly wanted to make a friend of Amazon, she seemed a very nice lady.
Mar 26th, 2003, 07:13:12 PM
:: AB stood to walk Kelt to the door. ::
You can call me Rie, Kelt.
As to needing any help, I know I can count on you if the need arrises.
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