View Full Version : Work The Blood (Open, Anything)

Makoto Neo
Mar 5th, 2003, 08:34:11 PM
Neo sparred lightly with a combat droid in the grassy area.

If you could call this sparring lightly.

Neo ducked under an overhead swipe from the droids lightsaber, spinning around dexterously on his heels before pushing off and away from the ‘bot. He brought up his swords into a defense, the left blade crossed over the right in front of his body. The ‘bot emitted a low ‘growl’ running forward with the saber off to it’s left, Neo predicted a sliding vertical slash instantly and moved to intercept it.

Neo danced forward and stabbed his right blade down, spun around it and sent out a harsh backwards roundhouse, drew the right blade back into lock position and impaled the bot through the neck with the left blade as it pulled back to bring the offensive once again.

It sizzled with frayed cords, but continued it’s programming.

Slamming it’s durasteel forearms onto the crook of Neo’s elbow, it forced the Knight to withdraw the blade or face a severed arm once the droid sliced with it’s saber. Locking the ‘bot in a stalemate by crossing his own blades over and capturing the saber in the middle, Neo twisted to the left and snapped kicked with his right foot before shoving off and jumping forward into a spearing tackle. Before the bot could react, Neo severed its sword arm and caved its visor into the skull with one forced enhanced blow.

The program, contained in its brain, shattered. The bot powered down, going limp in the Knight’s hands.

He stood, giving one curt glance back at the beaten droid before moving to the shade of a nearby tree where he had stashed his belongings. Sifting through the black robes, various plates of armor, daggers, saber hilts, and edibles Neo drew out a black hand towel and mopped his brow before taking a drink from the silver flask poking out of the bag.

“Good shtuff,” Neo commented, throwing the flask of Spirits back down into the bag and flexing his fingers stiffly.