View Full Version : The Search is on Again(Chaos Alexander, others, please ask)
Bunny Rourke
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:19:59 AM
Bunny, at the first light appeared at the gates to where her ship is being held since it didn't quite meet all the standards anymore. She had to have her ship back though so she could leave. She slips through the gates that weren't locked properly and into her ship. A few hours later after some quick cover up work, she heads off her ship and approaches the manager of the place. Haggling over her ship and after a large sum of money leaves her hands and enters his, her ship is free to go.
She heads back to her ship 'Hunting Trap', she powers up and moves over to the spaceport proper where she is expecting Alexander so he can accompany her on her search for her siblings. A search which alot of ppl have deemed impossible to complete since she doesn't know what they look like anymore.
After setting her ship down in the spaceport proper, she gets off and looks over the outside to make sure that it is free of any tracking devices and such which would hinder her freedom and movement. She is dressed again in her black leather bodysuit with black boots, black belt where there is a variety of weapons, black gloves, a black hooded cloak where the hood is down and her black sunglasses are resting on top of her head.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:15:46 PM
::Alexander made his way to the ship slowly. He was given it a look over. It was pretty good as far as ships go, but it could use some work. Lots of work at that. Nothing Alex could not fix, and or, make better. On his back was a duffle bag full of cloths. In his hand was the remote that controled his hover-trunk. It was very lage. Almost the size of a person. In it was spare parts.
He was dressed in black jeans and a white shirt. A black vest was on over that. He didn't haide his robotic arm, and a metal gauntlet wrapped around his left arm. Few knew what it was. His Energy claw. His Jedi weapon of choice. He stop infront of Bunny.::
"Nice ship. So, where are we off to?"
Bunny Rourke
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:03:45 AM
Bunny turns around when she hears Alexander approach, a smile touching her face.
"I figured we'ed first goto a planet out on the outer rim. I was going to head there, right after I did a brief stop here, but that stop was made longer then I liked.
I've got a couple of quick little things I need to do before we lift off, but it doesn't matter when we lift off. What matters the most is that the hyperdrive gets the repair it needs. I don't have the money for a professional mechanic to fix it. Would you mind looking at it? I've got plenty of spare parts tucked away. Take what you need to use."
Chaos Alexander
Mar 12th, 2003, 08:07:55 PM
::Alex nodded. He doughted a 'pro' coudl even hold a candle to him and his talenst with machines.::
"Do what you need. I promise by the time you get back teh hyper-drive will be 110% better than when you left. On that not I will take a look at it now."
::Alex smiled as he made his way under the ship. He wanted to take a look at the external parts of the engine. A welding torch came out of the top of his robotic right arm. He tinkered a bit doing minor repairs. There wasn't a big problem out here, but the inside would be different if there was a problem. On that not ehe made his way on the inside. When he got to the drive he opened the main panel.::
"I am seein' some damageto some fuses. The drive is old, but upgradeable. That is a plus. If I cross wire those areas I coudl increase the out put by....I would say 10 percent. What else......."
::Alex mainly talked to himself as he repaired switch boards and fuses with newer models. He made a mental list of the things he did. The main thing was the power output. He remodeled some parts and increased the drive by a very large amount. Next would be the thrusters. It would be no good if the ship was able to pump out 53 percent more power if teh thrusters couldn't take it. On that note he made his way back outside as he waited for Bunny to get done.::
Bunny Rourke
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:00:55 AM
Bunny nods her head as she goes and heads off. Just having a couple of quick stops to make so she can get some much needed supplies on her ship so her and Alexander don't have to start going hungry part way through hyperspace.
Keeping in mind what he had told her the previous night about eating raw meat, she picks up a larger quantity then she would normally so he can still eat his meat.
When she returns a couple of hours later, her arms are full of grocery bags which she goes and puts away immediatly. Most of the food is preserved, except for the fresh raw meat which is for Alexander of course.
Upon completing that she goes and approaches Alexander wherever he is in or around her ship.
"Hey, I'm back and we can go whenever you're ready."
Chaos Alexander
Mar 14th, 2003, 11:24:55 AM
::Alexander hopped down from the back thrusters covered in dirt and grease. Now teh thrusters could take the extra push. Later he would work on the weapon system. If he had the time.::
"I am done for now. I worked on the Hyperdrive and thrusters. They are better than new to be honest."
::Walked over and grabbed some f the bags.::
"Your ship, lead the way."
Bunny Rourke
Mar 15th, 2003, 09:16:34 AM
Bunny turns back towards her ship and onto it. She waits for Alexander to come aboard before she closes up her ship for space travel.
"Feel free to grab whatever room you want while your on board. If you need a tour of the ship, I'll give you one after we're in hyperspace. If you want to give me a hand up in the cockpit, you're more then welcome to."
Bunny then turns and goes up to the cockpit of her ship, straps into the pilot's seat and starts doing the preflight.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 22nd, 2003, 09:03:01 PM
::Alexander sat in the seat next to Bunny.::
"Care to tell me where we are heading to? Space is a big place, and there are many places to look."
::The younge Jedi strapped himself in and got as comfortable as he could get. He never really enjoyed space flight. Few Garou did.::
"That is if I am aloud to know. I understand if you can not tell me at the moment."
Bunny Rourke
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:33:04 AM
"Where we're headed is a little place just past the Outer Rim. I have the coordinates, but I don't have a name. It's the last lead my sources have been able to dig up for me."
Bunny glances at Alexander as she's running over the preflight and just makes one little comment.
"You're uncomfortable with this aren't you. My guess is the fact that we're doing space travel is what is making you uncomfortable.
Ah here we go"
Bunny, after the preflight is done calls up the spaceport control to get permission to leave. After a couple of minutes she's given permission and given a course to follow which she does after she gets the ship powered up. She remains silent as she's taking the ship up into space. She then, as soon as is appropriate takes the ship into hyperspace after setting the coodinates into the nav computer.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 24th, 2003, 06:38:31 AM
::Alexander nodded.::
"I have never much loved Space Flight. I like ot have my feet on the ground. I can work on the ships, but I would rather not be in them."
::He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes.::
"Wake me up in a couple of hours. I am goign to see if I can sence anything through the Force as I sleep. Maybe I can get a vision of your siblings."
Bunny Rourke
Mar 25th, 2003, 08:19:10 AM
Bunny nods her head slightly.
"Understandable. Space travel isn't for everyone. I myself would prefer to just settle down and not go running all over the galaxy in what some call a wild goose chase.
Yeah, I'll wake you up in a couple of hours. You just go right ahead and do the sencing of things however you Jedi do that."
Bunny leans back in her pilots seat as she looks out the viewport into hyperspace. All she knows is that she's on the right track for a change. But for how long, she couldn't say.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:35:53 PM
::Images ran through the younge Jedi's mind. He was almost retarted when it came to Seer things. One couldn't blame a guy for trying though. He saw a forest, but the trees were.........grey?
dead trees? Burnt trees maybe? Possibly a 'concrete jungle'? Minutes turned to hours? Or was it hours were really minutes? Days maybe? All was lost in his trance. His eyes popped open suddenly.::
"Where are we? How long was I out?"
Bunny Rourke
Mar 28th, 2003, 08:33:07 AM
"We're still in hyperspace and shall be for awhile yet. As for you being out, it was about half a day. Do you care to tell what you say?"
Bunny glances over at Alexander for a moment.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 29th, 2003, 01:40:10 PM
::Alex got up and stretched his taunt muscles. He cracked his neck as he paced around.::
"I am not that good at visions, but I can see a little. I saw grey trees. I don't know what that ment. It may be that.....grey trees. It may be a concrete jungle. Thus the reason why the trees are greyish. Odds are I will understand when I see what it is I was suppost to see. How many of your siblings are missing?"
Bunny Rourke
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:23:38 AM
"All my siblings except for Natia are missing. That's at least 13, perhaps more. I don't know if I have any older siblings or not."
Bunny pulls out a datapad from the pocket of her outfit and hands it over to Alexander.
"While we were still on Coruscant, I picked up this information. It's about the planet that we're going to. I couldn't get much on the planet, but what I got makes me think that this planet is more or less a wasteland. Several years ago, they had a major storm which more or less laid the planet to waste. They have been slowly rebuilding there planet ever since, but it says on the datapad that they are far from returning there planet to it's natural beauty."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 2nd, 2003, 07:40:09 PM
"Do you think any of the others are together? or maybe know where another is?"
::Alexander was hoping to narrow down the places to look in. 13 people was a lot of people to look for, with way to many places to hide.::
"What caused you all to be seperated?"
Bunny Rourke
Apr 3rd, 2003, 08:43:20 AM
"Some of them may be together, but most will not. And I highly doubt that any will know where the another is."
Bunny falls silent for a moment before contining to speak.
"My Father did his best to keep my Mother pregnant as often as possible. But it wasn't so he could have a large family. It was so he could sell the kids into slavery. The only two that didn't make it into slavery that I know of is Natia and myself. But given time, I'm sure he would have sold us as well."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:39:57 PM
"What ever happened to your father? He could give us some clues. That I do not dought. He just may need a little push in teh right direction."
::Alexander smiled. He knew just how to push. Few people liek messin' with Jedi, and he could freak the man out a bit with his Garou side. All in all it would be a bit fun.::
"Also, what makes this planet a starting point? What clue do you hope to find here?"
Bunny Rourke
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:16:59 AM
"You have no idea just how much I want to get this information out of my Father. Though there is one slight little teeny weeny problem. Natia killed him ten years ago.
As for my taking this planet as a starting point, my sources have directed me there. I have them keeping there ears open to things out of the ordinary. There's this 14 year old boy on this planet which a couple of things have happened around him. I want to check it out to see if he is one of my brothers. If he is great. Natia will have a nice and pleasant surprise. If he isn't, then I keep looking"
Chaos Alexander
Apr 4th, 2003, 05:51:29 PM
::Alexander smiled.::
"Sounds good. To me. Hopefully all will go as planned."
::He didn't mention that fact of his Dead Speak ability. He had not even told XAzor. Luek Skywalker was able to speak to Obi-Wan and Yoda after they passed on. His was a fluke. Alexander had mastered that same principal. He could do it at will though, only he didn't see any images. He only heard there voice inside of his head. Even in Death peopel coudl nto hide there secrets for the Jedi.::
"I would liek to see where your father's remains are held on day. They may still hold clues.
Bunny Rourke
Apr 5th, 2003, 11:20:39 AM
Bunny glances over at Alexander, but doesn't say anything about what she notices. He will tell her in time if he feels like it, but not before.
"With the best of luck, finding him may lead us to another. It is what we can hope for and nothing more. If he can't guide us to another, then we just keep looking.
At any time Alexander, if you want to leave, you may. This search could take years still.
As for where my Father was buried, I haven't the foggiest idea other then back on my homeworld somewhere."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 13th, 2003, 06:30:01 PM
::Alexander nodded.::
"I will be with you off and on. I have other things I do, but I would like to atleast help get you t a good start."
::The Jedi looked at the stars streaming by. He breathed deep.::
"How much longer till we get there?"
Bunny Rourke
Apr 14th, 2003, 08:37:22 AM
Bunny glances down at the controls right when it beeps at her to bring them out of hyperspace. Expertly, she moves her hands over the controls, bring the ship and them back into realspace.
"How does now sound?"
Bunny looks at the sensors and sees that no ships are coming towards them, she goes and moves the ships down to the planet to land, not bothering to get clearance to land at the spaceport.
"Last spaceport I was in impounded my ship. I'm not going to let that happen again."
Bunny gets a look on her face of concentration as she lands the ship a slight distance from a town on the planet. The town is in sight, and the planet looks brown, not much vegetation from the looks of things.
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