View Full Version : A Right of Passage (Completed)
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:40:01 AM
An aura of power, ancient and dark, clung to the very walls of the Grand Parlour of the Shrine.
Virrana'h felt it fold over her like a cold damp shroud.
The Dathomir Witch walked proudly to the center of the floor.
Not sure of custom or protocol in this foreign place, the nobel warrior did what came natural - what would be done in her domain.
Lifting her voice loud and clear, she announced her arrival.
"I am Virrana'h Tei - Night Sister of the Wailing Swamp Clan!"
She looked about the room boldly her voice resonating off the walls.
"Who here is worthy to speak with me?"
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Pandora Damaris
Mar 4th, 2003, 01:00:42 AM
Eye's,...Emerald eye's, deeper then any green Roon Stone on the planet watched the Sith Witch as she called out in the darkness, a foreboding darkness that seemed to swallow the room. The Ancient studied the outlander for long moment's then stepped from the inky shadow's just enough for Virrana'h to make out her silhouetted armored form. Pandora could sense an air of power that resided around the young woman.
"Worthy?...Do you not know that your in the reverend hall's of the damned child?" Came the steely voice from the shadow's.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 4th, 2003, 01:23:12 AM
"I know where I am." Virrana'h declared.
"It is the very reason I have come. The Shrine is long known amongst my clan for its Sacred and Ancient Lore. It is renowned for its power in the Dark Arts."
The Dathomir witch inclined her head in a bow of respect to Pandora. It was customary when one representative of a people greeted another.
Lifting her eyes once more to her, Virrana'h spoke again.
"But...I dont know with whom I speak. What is your name, dark sister?"
Pandora Damaris
Mar 4th, 2003, 02:32:45 AM
Pandora slowly emerged from the protecting veils of darkness as the outlander spoke. She had a suspicion why the young woman was here, however, she would let it all play out in due time. Only a brazen fool would dare venture thus far, this deep into the belly of death it's self... Nevertheless, this was no fool, this was a revered sister of the night!
"I am Pandora Damaris, Sister to the Fate's. And you are most welcome here in the Hall's of the Damned." The Ancient gracefully returned the bow as it was known amongst their coven kind to do. She then lifted her eye's to meet with Virrana'h own, gesturing smoothly with one hand to large passage that led to an anti-chamber to their far right.
"Come, walk with me sister,...Tell me what bring you here so far from your homelands." Pandora's delicate pale hand hovered momentarily over Virrana'h bare shoulder as they turned towards the massive marbled arch way.
"Is it truly the Dark Art's that beckons you here to us, calling your name to face the test of passage?" The Ancient was referring to the sacred rite that the Clan Mother's placed upon a young woman as a final test that would distinguish them as an equal within their order.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:44:36 PM
Virrana'h allowed herself to be lead along the passageway and into the ante-chamber by Pandora. The Witch was well pleased to hear the Ancient speak knowledgeably of the Dathomir ways.
"It is true, Mistress Damaris - I have come into the hallowed presence of the Shrine as part of a Rite of Passage. But it is more than that."
Tei took in the luxurious furnishings of the chamber as she entered the room. They were quite different than the comforts of her own domain. Nestled deep within the dank Wailing swamps of Dathomir, the clan sisters were used to more primitive surroundings, and the warrior felt a little out of place amongst such classic elegance.
Pandora listened patiently, and gestured graciously for Virrana'h to continue. The visitor stood tall and spoke with the pride of a warrior.
"I am Ruler of my clan and well respected among my Night Sisters of the Clans of Dathomir. I have fought many adversaries - fierce and clever. Even the invading devils of the Sith Order many winters past as they assaulted our homeland. But it is for an honor over and above these tests that I have come to you.
Gethwyn Tajki of the Black Lake Clan - Clan Mother of all Dathomir - will soon be appointing a High Priestess. It can only be one who is worthy of such honor. One who has proven herself more than her peers. She is one who must show great wisdom, great skill and great courage.
I wish to prove myself the one worthy of such an appointment. It is why I have come to you."
Pandora Damaris
Mar 6th, 2003, 01:31:25 AM
The two women passed directly through the anti chamber and into the sitting room while they continued to converse with one another. The Sitting Room just beyond them was breath taking indeed, shadowing as well as belittling the smaller anti-chamber room behind it in wealth and extravagance. Marble Statue's and rare tapestries adorned the main chamber along with exquisite tooled armor, ancient weapon's and priceless artifact's that lined the walls in an orderly fashion.
The Ancient gestured smoothly to a lounging sofa for the young woman to sit as she prepared drink's for them. Pandora listened carefully to Virrana'h story of victories and conquest's over the intruder's that once threatened her homeland's. Not many explores nor invader's every left the surface of Dathomir to tell the tale once they had set foot on the sacred planet. They were either quickly killed or forced into slavery if luck smiled upon them.
"I see..." Pandora softly replied as she returned to the area where Tei now sat. After handing the clan woman her drink, the Ancient gave Virrana'h a pleasant smile then took a seat across from her. Pandora was impressed to find that the Dathomir Witch had no distinctive "marking's" upon her tan skin. Terrible and disfiguring purple splotches that permanently marred a witch if she stepped out of her bounds of power. At least none were visible to Pandora as she casually studied the primitive amazon, taking a small sip from her jeweled chalice then sitting it on an oaken table next to her.
"I wish to prove myself the one worthy of such an appointment. It is why I have come to you." A curtain look confidence and pride washed over the young witches comely face, one that Pandora found admirable and amusing at the same time.
The Vampyre let a delicate hand rest on the subtle curve of her jaw line as the long index finger of her hand extended to the lower part of her ear lobe. Pandora knew precisely what Virrana'h would have to face if she was to meet the stringent demand's that were placed upon her. An ancient rite that tested the witch in all facet's of body and spirit...Possibly even her life.
"And what particular challenge did you have in mind my young sister?...One that test's the limit's of the mind?...Perhaps the body,...Or maybe even your soul?" The Ancient's emerald green eye's seemed to glisten dangerously in the torch light of the room as she finished her sentence...The test of passage had now begun.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 6th, 2003, 11:59:15 PM
Pandora was looking deeply into Virrana'h - the warrior could feel it. While Tei lacked the elegant finesse of the Ancient, the Dathomir Witch had a sensitivity and intuitiveness that was hard to match.
"Those who dwell at the Shrine are most worthy opponents. Whomever you send to answer my challenge, Madame Damaris, I will count an honor to battle. Perhaps it is to be yourself..." the Nightsister matched Pandora's gaze with her own knowing look.
"The trial itself will be your choice. Speak now and let the test begin."
Pandora Damaris
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:54:38 PM
Their eye's continued to dance a deadly waltz for a moment, seemingly waging a war of their own as a painful air of silence rested between them. Pandora was slightly amused with the bravery and iron tenacity that the young woman exuded. The Ancient head lowered slightly, her eternal green eye's still held their mark as violent scene's of Virrana'h Tei death at her unmerciful hand's flashed in her mind. Pandora's tongue ran slightly over the corner of her ruby lip's as she entertained the dark and evil thought.
"Yes,...Indeed there are many worthy opponent's that reside here...And your tempting invitation young sister is most alluring,..." Pandora paused in mid sentence as her eye's slowly slipped from Tei's and over to the chalice that sat next to her. After taking a long intentional sip of her wine, Pandora's gaze fell back on the Night-Sister across from her.
...However, I have something better in mind. Someone who will test the true nature of your resolve young sister of the night..." A wicked grin slowly pressed and formed across the Ancient's marble countenance as she went on.
"A man of Death...One who cast's fear into the weak minded when they look upon him...The Clever One,...Cunning he is,...And equally as lethal all the same...His shrewd versatility for battle knowing no bound's...Yes,...This will be sufficient enough..."Pandora then steepled her slender finger's together in a show of confidence in her decision, one that was evident in her endless eye's and body language.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 9th, 2003, 07:25:22 PM
The disappointment was evident on the Dathomir Witch's face.
"..A male...?"
Clearly, Virrana'h was not as impressed with the idea as was Pandora.
Men were not held in much esteem by the Dathomir clans. They served their puposes for breeding and hard labour, but as warriors, were considered less than adequate. Had this been in her own land, Virrana'h would have spoken with the sharp and brutal edge of her sword in answer to such an insult. Instead, she remembered her manners and the fact that she was dealing with a much different class structure than she was used to. It took immense discipline to reign in an aggressive and violent outburst.
"I would remind you, Ancient One, that I am a Warrior of the Wailing Swamps and not to be insulted lightly.
I understand you hold your males here in a loftier regard than do we back on Dathomir, but I must insist you send me a challenger worthy to battle one of my standing."
Virrana'h's armor bristled and expanded, much like her inner pride was doing. The multi-tiered iron prongs plumed outward as would the tail of an exotic bird, both deadly and intimidating at the same time.
Pandora Damaris
Mar 9th, 2003, 11:08:34 PM
Pandora tilted her head slightly in amusement as she listened to the woman's firm reprimanding word's to her. The Night Sister's tone obviously irritated at the mention of a male being her supposed opponent in a test of will. The Vampyre found herself admiring the fire that kindled in the young woman's eye's, one that only now she found a curtain respect for. However, the Ancient's demeanor never wavered as Virrana'h lightly scolded her, reminding Pandora about their stead fast conviction's and belief system that had existed for hundred's of year's on Dathomir. Nevertheless, the Ancient did share the same view's as the Night-Witch clan in regard's to males. Her great disdain for their gender was equally matched with that of Tei's own, but this was an opportunity that Pandora knew the witch could not afford to pass up.
"Indeed,...Your tradition's and laws I am well aware of Lady Tei...A true and valid testament to their kind as we also enforce and practice this same concept here at the Shrine...There was no disrespect intended." Pandora face became stoic and unreadable as she continued, her word's were smooth and even as Sith steel.
"I assure you reverend sister, this is no ordinary man I speak of...Your Clan Mother's know of whom I speak. He has trod amongst them before on Dathomir, regarded and respected as well. One of only eight remaining spirit's that evil has forged long ago...He is the legendary Death Knight of the Black Rose Order,..." Pandora studied Virrana'h for moment before she finished.
"...He is worthy enough." A long moment of silence lofted over the lavish room. The Ancient's let her word's sink in the woman's mind before she gracefully stood to her feet, giving Virrana'h a pleasant smile before she made her way back over the oaken bar just a few feet way. As the host retrieved the bottle of wine she had left on the counter she remained turned from Virrana'h who was still contemplating her proposal.
"Of course,...I can arrange something more suitable if your not up to the challenge reverend daughter." Pandora added before she turned back to face her guest.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:58:36 PM
The word barely escaped her lips, yet the very walls seemed to echo his name in urgent taunting, whispers.
(Soth! Soth!)
The room seemed to darken just a little, and gained a noticeable chill.
Virrana'h indeed knew of whom Pandora spoke. Knew also the reputation of the Death Knight and this would be a test not taken lightly. Few men were even worth mentioning and even less respecting in Virrana'h's world, but the Sorceress could not deny that what Pandora proposed would defintely secure her place among the most honored amongst her peers should she fight him.
It was not the timid soul that would willingly engage in such trials of strength and skill against one such as a Knight of the Black Rose. Many had passed into the shores of the eternal realm at the very hand she was considering to set herself against. What honor! What respect! What recognition she would gain among her Sisters should she bring back the raven mane of the mighty Death Knight in her bloodied hand. A trophy all would covet.....and fear.
A hint of a smile tugged at Virrana'h's lips as she silently watched Pandora move elegantly across the room to help herself to more wine.
Should she be defeated, however, she would face great shame among her clan. No matter the opponents status, he was male, and by that fact alone was enough to taint her should she fail.
But she did not intend to fail.
Her eyes gleamed bright as she lifted her noble warriors head.
"Mistress Damaris, bring your Death Knight - I will teach him the sting of the Swamp Clan blades."
Pandora Damaris
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:50:52 PM
"Good,...good...I thought it only to be a matter of time before you would see the true significance of such a prodigiously and honorable confrontation. Without a doubt, the Reverend Mothers would look highly upon such an undertaking Lady Tei...Your exalted name would ring and echo throughout all time for such a brave endeavor", Pandora replied coolly, shooting Virrana'h a shrewd smile as she made her way back slowly to the to the luxurious high backed couch.
The Ancient's stride was confidant and seductive as she then took her place once again in front of Virrana'h. Crossing one of her long leg's over the other, Pandora reached for the half empty chalice that sat on the small table to the right of her. As the long green neck of the rare wine bottle touched the rim of her goblet, Pandora's eyes slowly traveled over to the young woman. A lethal smile now took the place of the sultry one that was there only moments prior. Her tone was low as she finished pouring the wine, sitting the bottle were the goblet had once been before she continued."Yes, indeed...A sting he won't soon forget...I like the sound of that my sister..." Pandora took a small sip then went on.
"I will arrange your meeting with the Death Knight tomorrow night in the accursed Forest outside the Shrine. If you are successful in defeating the Dark Master Lady Tei, I will personally send my regards back to the Night Clan noting your bravery and skills with a token of my gratitude...A gift if you will...One that is quite rare and priceless I assure you."
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:49:54 PM
"I have no need of gifts, Mistress Damaris - though your offer is most generous. My actions will speak of my valor and my worth, but any word from you is always an honor to recieve, m'lady."
The Dathomir witch made move as if to depart.
"I will return tomorrow at the hour of the sinking sun. Until then, I will go back to my ship and pass the time until your warrior is ready to receive me."
Virrana'h awaited her hosts approval of departure, as was customary in the Swamp Clans.
Pandora Damaris
Mar 15th, 2003, 05:20:41 PM
"Very well then Lady Tei...Precisely tomorrow this time, yourself and the challenger will meet in the Dead Forest." Pandora ran her thin finger over the rim of her glass as she continued.
"There is a trail which leads from the main gate of the Shrine...That path will lead you to a fork in the road a mile from here. Once you reach this point, you will then take the left road into the heart of the woodlands. The Death Knight will be waiting for you there..." The Ancient paused, taking a sip from her chalice then finishing.
"May your fight be one of honor and victory Night Sister of the Wailing Swamp." Pandora stood after her guest, nodding to her before she departed back to the comfort of her ship.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 17th, 2003, 12:50:48 AM
"I will be there, Mistress Damaris." she said respectfully.
Virrana'h bowed her head in a curt nod and making a fist, touched it to her chest in a gesture of good-will parting, as was the Clan custom.
The witch turned and left the parlour, led down the corridor by a Shrine servant and again out of the main hall.
Returning to her ship, Virrana'h prepared for the battle to come in the traditions of her Mothers.
Lighting one ebony candle, its scent of cinnamon and orle drifting into the Dathomiri's senses as she performed the "Midy'ng A'rus."
It was a ceremony passed from warrior clans of old and known only to those who had risen to a level where it was their right to learn it.
Standing naked, peeled from her formidible armor, the Sorceress coated herself in a black pungent grease that glistened dully in the candlelight. Taking the ceremonial kris, who's hilt was decorated in turquoise gems found only in the deep caves of the Wailing Swamp where the hell-beasts dwelt, Tei cut a solitary line into the flesh above her right breast.
As the thin crimson line welled and spilled blood to mix with the torpid coating on her skin, a smouldering of blue/grey smoke began to curl upward, mixing its own unique aroma to that of the candle.
Virrana'h breathed deeply, and began her incantation in the ancient tongue, inbibing victory and the favour of the ancestors. As her voice, low and methodic, filled the room, other voices in like tongue answered her. Virrana'h moved in the manner she had been taught many turns of season ago - a dance graceful yet fearful to behold - summoning the power of the darkones. Each twisted and contorted pose told a story of victories past, of vanquished foes and their horrible fates. And the recalling voices grew louder.
On into the night the rite was performed and shrieks and wails of unearthly origin could be heard even out into the Dead Forrest.
Come day break, Virrana'h was sitting, quiet, watchful. The ebony candle now burnt down and extinguished. She would remain this way until it was time to replace her armor and make her way to the appointed place. And meet the famed Death Knight of the Black Rose, Lord Soth.
Lord Soth
Mar 18th, 2003, 12:36:21 AM
What was thought to be day break on Roon was nothing more then another night to the dreary landscape that was shrouded in perpetual darkness throughout the yearly cycle on the lower hemisphere of the planet. Only once a year when the multiple moons’ surrounding Roon aligned would the accursed star shine on the face of the Shrine Keep...It was a perfect habitat for the Children of the Damned and had been since the reign of Ashiva.
The full moon beyond the mauve colored mountain’s bathed the hunting terrain in pallid hues of soft blue's and turquoise. In the distant woodlands the night creature's of Roon sung their eerie call's to one another, lending to the foreboding feeling that rested over the countryside near the coven strong hold.
As the day pressed on slowly and Virrana'h sat quietly within the safety of her ship, something ominous, something dark and unsettling fell over her mind. Even though the Dathomir Witch could not quite place the disturbing feeling that loomed about her, it nevertheless seemed to call out to her. Unseen tendril’s of the force methodically snaked their way into her sub consciousness as they beckoned her closer to the mouth of her ship's landing ramp. As Tei gazed out and over the moon lit landscape to the Dead Forest beyond, she felt the ever growing presence of evil permeating from its darkened confines. A smooth humming noise began to play in his ears, rolling through her mind until its soft sounding tones formed into word's...
"Come,...Reverend Sister of the Night...Death awaits you." The silken voice said, one that seemed to be more of a thought then something audible or tangible to Virrana'h open mind. As the eerie word's echoed then faded into silence, the young woman could see a large mass of raven's suddenly disperse in chaotic patterns over the canopy tree line of the Dead Forest...He was there indeed...The dreaded Death Knight of the Black Rose,...Soth Nuevole!
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 20th, 2003, 10:07:57 PM
Virrana'h watched with hooded eyes as the ravens lifted helter-skelter into the air, and a sly mirthless grin crept upon her lips. Soth's words had come to her as if he stood just a short way off.
And so it begins.
The mighty Dathomir Witch turned into her ship, donning calmly, methodically her armor. The grease coating of her skin had dried and now formed a flakey scaled surface on her body. Latching the locks on her leather and metal boots, she then straightened. Putting on her gloves and taking her javelin from its resting place against the wall, she stood once again on the threshold of her ship.
"Ek-rai Na Manir'a!"
Her warrior cry echoed out into the terrible shadows of the Dead Forrest. It was a call to the Death Knight as he waited in the darkness - a bold reply to his whispered invitation.
The clinking of her arainment gradually closed as she made her way to where Soth was. An imposing and awesome silohette greeted Virrana'h as the dull moonlight filtered through the scudding clouds, affording the witch a glimpse of her famed opponent.
She stood proudly, feet parted as the swirl of ravens cawed overhead. With a bow, yet not losing sight of Soth, Tei spoke.
"You have made your sacrifices, Death Knight? All is in order with your gods, I trust. Soon you will be meeting them and sharing the honored place of the Ancestors."
Lord Soth
Mar 24th, 2003, 11:36:48 PM
The Dathomir Witch had to walk a great distance before she came to the place where she knew the Death Knight to be. Oddly enough, Virrana'h could almost imagine that she was walking through the Waling Swamp's back on Dathomir. In many respect’s the Dead Forrest closely resembled her home world. Think brier patches and old oak's crowded the forest floor as an eerie fog rolled through the woodlands. The soil was damp and soft at each foot step. In the distance Tei could hear the faint sound of a stream not far from where she was. As the Dathomir Witch continued on, the fog about her became increasingly dense, obscuring and limiting her vision to approximately fifteen feet in front of her.
After sometime, the young female warrior came upon a lush green clearing, an area of the forest that looked out of place to the surrounding terrain. Across the small meadow and within the gray veils of darkness, the young woman could make out the silhouetted form of an armored man. Two crimson slit’s seemed to hang in thin air, studying her every move as she neared. It was the Death Knight of the Black Rose.
"You have made your sacrifices, Death Knight? All is in order with your gods, I trust. Soon you will be meeting them and sharing the honored place of the Ancestors." The Dathomir Witch said boldly as she took a defensive stance.
A sinister laugh emitted from the Dark Knight as the woman finished her sentence. A wicked smile pressed at the corner’s of Soth lip’s from beneath his ancient helm as he replied back to the overly confidant woman in front of him. Many time’s over his long year’s of existence, Soth had ran across her lot before. Eager to fight, yet lacking the precious wisdom of knowing whom they truly confronted before hand. Nevertheless,… It was the confidant pride that she exuded he found fascinating and intriguing, a pride that her kind was taught from childhood. This was the one and only reason why the Death Master obliged his own curiosity…His thirst for her life’s blood was an entirely different matter all together!
“I know nothing of your god’s,...Nor do your piffle rite’s concern me Witch…Your pathetic mortal tie’s to this world are nothing more to me then a brittle strand waiting to be severed…" The Death Knight word's were firm and cold as he went on.
"I assure you woman...It is you whom should be concerned with such petty matters...Even then so,...It will not save nor spare you in the end.” Came the slow hollow voice of the Death Knight in cold mocking tones. As the Ancient Knight of old finished his statement, his duel saber’s suddenly ignited to the side of him. The sickly green blade’s hissed and crackled as they methodically stretched to their full length in his talon right hand. The pale green glow illuminated the ancient black armor that Soth wore, giving his appearance a foreboding and menacing look that he was known for. Ornately tooled silver inlay glistened and sparkled as the Roon moon light spilled through the tree’s canopy from above, revealing Soth’s precise location as he stepped from the shadow’s that once concealed him. Theses powerful Glyph’s of Warding and Protection covered much of the elaborate plate armor of the Death Knight, giving him the needed edge when encountering foe’s that wielded such magic’s. It would take more then a simple woodland girl to unravel the sheer cunning and expert resolve of one that had lived so long...
“Come,…Let us embrace at last,…Sister of the Night Clan.” The Death Knight retorted in a poisonous voice that seemed to echo around them. Without warring, a heavy knurled limb above Virrana'h snapped from one of the tree’s and quickly fell towards her. The claw like branches bore down on her form like a wicked hand outstretched, threatening to pin her to the very ground she stood on if she didn’t make haste…The fight had now began.
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 28th, 2003, 10:10:46 PM
As the tree branch was tossed with infinite ease toward her, Virrana'h was quick to note two things. The first being she needed to move quickly out of the line of contact and gain a little distance. She responded with the reflexive skills of a fighter and threw herself back while at the same time uttered dark words in her ancient tongue. As the commands rolled off her lips, the heavy limb combusted instantly into ash from the inside out and served to only waft over her in a grey harmless cloud.
The second thing she noted, was that Lord Soth was simply testing the water. He was capable of a much more viscous move and this seemed only designed to prod at the witch, to see what she would do. She herself did similar tactics to see the character of an opponent, measure their aggressive response to see if they were simply defensive or more the attacking type. If this was the case, she was sure the Knight of the Dark Rose would not be disappointed. But she would take her time..and enjoy brininging him to his knees..
Before the grey ash rain had disapated, Virrana'h extended the end of her javelin, its point aimed toward the ground.
"Ec noi ves par nimonda"
The ground where Soth stood shifted below him. The soil dropped away as a great rift formed in the earth and opened into a jagged breach beneath his feet.
Tei watched as the knight plummeted from sight into the gaping chasm, and she stepped forward a little closer.
...And waited.
Lord Soth
Mar 30th, 2003, 07:03:00 PM
A low grunt admitted from the Death Knight as the soft soil below his polished black boots gave way to a jagged crag. As Tei watched Soth’s armored form disappear momentarily, she was surprise to see how fast the Dark master recovered from attack. A streak of black shot fourth from the mouth of the pit then arced in mid-air until the distance between the two combatants’s was cut in twine. Obviously, Soth had called to the Dark-Side to stop the downwards fall then used it to his advantage to close the gap between himself and the Dathomir Witch.
As Soth landed firmly on the meadow grass some ten feet from Virrana'h, the Death Knight quickly out stretched his left talon hand towards her. A wicked grimace played on Soth’s face and his once blue eye’s now blazed an unholy orange hue that signified the burning anger he now felt. The young woman was then met with a powerful unseen wave of force that slammed violently into her chest, sending her sprawling backwards until the Roon oak behind her stopped her short flight abruptly. The jolting impact was so profound; the young Witch’s prized weapon was suddenly dislodged from her grasp. No sooner had Tei’s head and upper back hit the thick tree trunk, an iron grip caught her delicate throat in a crushing grasp. The Death Knight’s left hand remained extended, however this time, it was now in a pinched position as his index finger and thumb narrowed together as if squeezing something unseen between them. The deadly force choke from Soth was at full strength, cutting the precious air supply from Virrana'h lung’s almost immediately. Soth’s jaw muscle’s tightened as he clenched his teeth. His black brow’s furrowed in a hateful mask of contempt behind the ancient helm he wore as he held the dazed woman in his constricting clutches…
Virrana'h Tei
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:54:53 PM
Tei was shocked at the strength with which she was hit.
The solid mass of the huge oak itself shuddered under the impact of her body hitting against it. But that was nothing compared to the the oppressive and suffocating pressure Soth's force hold had on her chest.
A cry of surprise escaped her lips but was choked short as the Death Knight closed off her airway.
Soth could see the light in her eyes change to a wild glow of panick as the witch struggled for breath and found it denied her.
Her gloved fingers scrapped at her sides upon the heavy bark, gouging deep desperate trenches into its surface.
The Death Knight could smell her desperation - she could smell it herself. Viranna'h glimsed the buring orbs of her opponent and their hatred sparked her to action.
The thin tentacles of her armor extended and bent themselves forward as she guided them with her will. Aiming directly at Soth, they released their barb-like tips to shoot forward with liglhtening speed. They were small parasites, encased in their own skeletal shell, and once in contact with a potential host, sprang open and agressively sought their niche.
Four of them bounced harmlessly off his sacred armor, four short pings sounded as they hit and deflected. But two hit his visor, lodging in its mesh on the side of either eye. They opened up and commenced immediately to burrow. If left alone, they would not stop until they bored right through flesh, bone and into muscle where they would lodge, and feed, and corrupt.
Soth would have to be something indeed to retain his hold on her throat while his own imminent destruction was drilling into his head.
Virrana'h desperately hoped he would waiver atleast enough to free her airway in time.
Lord Soth
Mar 31st, 2003, 02:11:30 AM
The Death Knight could smell the fragrant scent of desperation coming from the young woman as she clung to dear life. Lord Soth’s relentless grip on Virrana'h intensified as he compressed the dark energies around her fragile larynx. Suddenly, the Dathomir Witch responded with an unlikely attack that caught the Knight off guard. As the faint sound of metal hitting metal resound in Soth’s ears, a sharp burning sensation registered in his mind. The Death Knight howled as the micro simbiant barb’s quickly bored through his seenth visor and right into the tender flesh near the corners of his eyes. Virrana'h could feel at that precise moment the crushing grasp Soth had over her relax then dissipate as the tiny iron probe’s did their dirty work. Soth franticly tore the ancient helm from his head, sensing that the pin like intruders were life forms of some sort. He would now have to react fast since his concentration was diverted for the time being and his grip on the young woman had been thwarted.
“Dos ner-vose duel envea!” Soth managed to speak the labored word’s of power that immediately halted the needler’s progression from doing any further damage…The Death Knight desperately tried to keep his focus on the witch in front of him as the blinding pain slowly subsided…Nevertheless, the lethal dart’s would have to be extracted surgically at a later date. His main concern was now on the time he had lost and how he would recover it.
With a deep guttural growl, Soth spun his duel saber around in a wide arc for an ensuing attack he knew was sure to come from the Witch. The green blade’s hummed as they left brilliant light tracers in their rapid wake…But he was far too late.
Virrana'h Tei
Apr 3rd, 2003, 07:19:45 PM
Tei sucked in greedily the fresh air that was now free to travel to her lungs as Soth's hold broke when his concentration waivered.
She hastily cast an ancient spell and pulled the surrounding shadows about her person, disapearing within their inky darkness.
Slipping around behind the huge Roon oak that had lately been her support, the sorceress watched in fascination and wonder as Soth pulled his helm from his head. His newly released long, luxurious locks snapped and twisted in the wind almost mesmerizing her.
His ignited dual lightsaber cut dazzling green arcs into the night as he masterfully swooped and traced with the graceful weapon.
He was magnificent and Viranna'h looked on from her cloaked vantage, admiring and yes..even forgiving the fact that he was male.
She was a seasoned warrior and recognised the skill displayed before her as well as knowing by her very fresh experience, that Soth commanded the dark side of the force in a power greater than she had ever experienced - much greater than her own.
This trial would need to be a short one if she was to prevail. Any prolonged conflict would only lessen her chances of survival.
With this in mind, the Dathomir Witch pulled close her shadowy veils that kept her hidden and lunging from behind the Death Knight, she sprang up and onto his back . Soth's thick glossy mane was crushed against her face as with one arm she held his sabre arm in its forward position, using her force-enhanced strength. With her other arm, she wrapped about his neck and stretched her hand in position to tear away his throat, now exposed by the removal of his helm. The talon claws on the end of her gloves broke from the shadow and caught the gleam of the moon just before they dug lethally into his flesh.
Lord Soth
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:56:09 PM
The fierce death struggle between the two opponents was short lived before Virrana'h quickly realized that her physical strength was no match to that of the Death Knight's own. Soth knew the moment the Dathomir’s razor sharp talon’s dug into his neck over his main artery that he would have little choice to do what had to be done next. His dule saber’s that were outstretched in front of him suddenly disengaged then slipped harmlessly from his grasp to the moist ground. A terrible racking pain registered in the young woman’s mind as Soth’s own glistening talon’s tore through the tender flesh of both her wrist’s, sinking to the bone’s as he gripped Tei uncontested. This new agonizing sensation momentarily preoccupied the Dathomir’s sense’s, giving Soth ample time to execute his next move as he seen fit. However, it would come at a high price to both of them.
The Death Knight without warring pitched the unwary witch up and over his shoulder while he kept a firm grip on her right wrist. Soth precious blood fanned and sprayed outwards in a chaotic pattern from a horrendous slash as the witch’s lethal nail’s racked across his exposed neck. Virrana'h then found herself thudding hard to the ground back first as a brilliant flash of light admitted from the Death Knight’s open left palm. A thick blue arcing bolt of lighting shot downwards into Tei’s exposed chest were it centralized over her heart. No sooner had the powerful jolt of electricity scored its burning mark upon her breastbone; Soth followed the same hand through, palm first with a crushing strike to Tei’s chard sternum.
Soth could feel his fleeting strength depart from him as soon as he stood upright over Virrana'h now convulsing body. Crimson stain washed effortlessly over the Death Knight’s gloved hand that clutched the gapping wound, trickeling down the front of his black armor and mingling with the intricate dark bevel until it was at one with it. The female’s shredded and bloodied wrist slowly slipped from his pale hand as he reeled back and fourth as if in a drunken stooper. In vain the Vampyre Master tried to gain his balance as an inky veil of darkness fell over his widening eyes. The sound of gurgling filled the hallowed grounds of the clearing until Soth eventually passed out and fell forward to his side, collapsing in a heap not far from where Virrana'h now lay. The night creatures of the Dead Forrest seemed to fall silent at the spectacle before them. No discernable sound could be heard within the woodland’s, other then the lofty tree’s canopy above them that gently swayed in the cool Roon night air.
Virrana'h Tei
Apr 5th, 2003, 06:13:27 PM
The agony that continued to traverse her unmoving body in much the same way as the force lightening had, told her that she was still alive atleast. But that was about all it told her.
Her mind was slowing, thoughts still came, but they were abstract and disjointed - not really connected to what was happening.
The blood continued to drain from her wrists with each labored heartbeat, pumping out in short pulses into an ever-widening pool on the ground.
The moon was high in the dark sky as Tei looked upward. The mossy grass was cold and wet against her skin. It felt good. Virrana'h couldn't remember what she was doing laying here like she was.
A dull thud beside her caused the witch to loll her head sideways. She saw the Death Knigh fallen to the ground, his head resting on the earth, his raven mane spread about him in a glossy shroud.
A faint smile passed her bloodless lips. "Soth" She mouthed his name, but barely a sound came forth. And vague memory of the battle came now to her dulled mind.
Tei would die here on this mulchy ground, defeated by a worthy and honored warrior. She could not have asked for a better end. And she was ready to be received by her Ancestors.
With fading consciousness, Virrana'h chanted in the old tongue. Her words meandered into Soth's mind, and he stirred beside her.
"Ich noissa dre ous drisonnei"
(To the Mighty my spirit bows)
Pandora Damaris
Apr 6th, 2003, 12:06:26 AM
It was approximately three day's later after the brave and heroic fight between her self and the Death Knight when Virrana'h Tei eye's fluttered open to the familiar surrounding’s around her. A soft cool cloth brushed against Tei's cheek as the room about her slowly came into focus. Seated next to her on the plush bed she now rested on was the ancient Vampyre, Pandora Damaris. A gentle smile played on the beautiful enchantress face as she dipped the damp cloth once more into a basin that was next to the large oaken bed then lovenly laid the soothing cloth upon the young woman's forehead. The Clan Sister had no inkling of time that had past since her encounter with Soth in the Dead Forest, perhaps days, weeks could have come and gone for all she knew.
"Good morning Virrana'h,...How are we feeling today?" Pandora questioned smoothly as she folded her delicate hands then rested them on her lap.
Resting on the bed next to the Dathomir Witch was a large ornately carved cherry wood box. Precious small Roon Stone jewels ran the length of the glossy oblong case. Platinum inlay adorned each of the eight corners as well as the small locket on its face. What was inside Tei could only guess. Nevertheless, she had an idea that it was a good will token from Pandora.
The Ancient's emerald green eye's traveled with Virrana'h to the lavish box to the left of her. She then felt Pandora's hand gently touch her bandaged arm.
"Leave that for later my dear...It can wait until then." Pandora finished in an almost whispered tone. The Ancient's behavior was quite strange from the last time Tei had met with her. Perhaps it was Pandora's great distain for male's that encouraged this. Nonetheless, it was odd indeed, yet for the most part, it was something they both seemed to share the same outlook on…
Virrana'h Tei
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:09:34 PM
Tei, after the first fogs of confusion broke and she realised she was alive, when her memory told her she definitely should not be, focused heavy eyes on Pandora.
Even more unsettling that she should be laying in the comfort of a Shrine bedchamber instead of residing silent and still in an earthy tomb, was the fact that this Dark Ancient sister should be tending to her and taking care of her. A frown creased the witch's brow, but was allayed by Pandora's comforting words and soothing tone.
A faint smile as Pandora watched Virrana'h scan her surroundings, taking in the opulant furnishings and coming finally to rest her deep brown eyes curiously on the large ornate box at her side.
Virrana'h touched at the bandages at her wrists but her hand was stayed by the Shrine Elder.
Lifting her eyes once again to look unsurely into Pandora's emerald ones, Tei, her voice hoarse from disuse asked the question most prevalent in her mind.
"What of the Death Knight, Soth?"
Pandora Damaris
Apr 6th, 2003, 07:35:03 PM
The Ancient offered the young woman a pleasant smile before she stood to her feet at the bed side. Pandora had witnessed the brutal fight for herself and was deeply impressed with the Dathomir's Witches resourcefulness and tact when she had confronted Lord Soth. The lethal contest was a stale mate at best in the Ancient’s eyes. Nevertheless, Pandora was now set on never letting the young and promising Clan Sister ever leave the brood of Vampyre's at the Shrine. She would cunningly help Tei along in the thought of why she should never leave the Shrine coven in the first place...“How could she?”…This deceptive thought would be the weapon of choice with Pandora, weaving doubt and shame in the young warrior’s spirit and mind like a sticky web to the innocent fly. The Ancient knew Tei's good name would be shamed in the presence of her own Night Sister's if she ever returned home with nothing to show for her venture...The Vampyre seductress would now have to lie to the young woman if the plan was to succeed in her behalf.
"The Death Knight is alive and well my sister,…However, you did not prevail...” Pandora paused briefly in her sentence, letting her sharp lying word’s embed them self in the witches open mind as her dark green eternal eye’s met with Tei’s own questioning ones...
“You fought,...A brave and honorable battle against him I must say ...Something not many could ever say if they were in your position young one." Pandora replied in a casual tone, turning away slowly from Tei for the moment to retrieve herself a drink at the wet bar not far from them. After what seemed to be a long moment of silence that lofted over the chamber room, the female vampyre continued.
"But what now Virrana'h...What will you ever say to the Reverend Mother's back on your home world?" The Ancient's silky voice now carried a note of concern with it as she remained turned from the wounded Witch. A subtle, yet wicked smile crept across Pandora's porcelain face as she poured herself a tall glass of blood wine.
The seed was now planted!...
Virrana'h Tei
Apr 6th, 2003, 11:32:02 PM
Tei's shoulders sank visibly.
"You have done me a great wrong, Mistress Damaris"
Pandora's eyes were sympathetic, but hidden behind the deep emerald pools, she smiled, as the witch spoke.
"It was good for me to die at Soth's hand. It was honorable. Even though he was a male, he was greater than any fighter I have faced and I accepted my end. But to be allowed to live...." Virrana'hs voice grew quiet, almost introspective with dispair, " be defeated and then....spared. An object of pity, of mercy. I should not have to bear such indignity."
She pushed herself off the bed, standing as best she could. Her legs still felt weak and unsteady, but her stare was sure, and determined.
"You must take my life and remove this stain of defeat. Or you deliver me to a life of self-imposed exile. I will not bring shame to my clan by returning empty-handed, with not even my pride to sustain me."
Pandora Damaris
Apr 7th, 2003, 09:46:21 PM
As the red vampiric fluid rose to the brim of Pandora's chalice, the Ancient turned to face the distraught woman. Her perfect graceful features seemed to glow in the dim candle light of the room as her eyes met with Virrana'h. There was no emotion, just a cold and unfeeling stair that bore the resemblance of a marble statue that was frozen in time.
"Why my dear,...You assume to much...It was not I who spared your life and brought you back to the Shrine...It was the Death Knight of old,...Lord Soth." The enchantress eye's seemed to glimmer and flash in acknowledgment to Tei's surprise. This was also a blatant lie, one that Pandora was now using to draw the woman further into the snare she had created. Her black words couldn't have been further from the truth in what the Ancient told the young Dathomir Witch. In fact, Death Knight was now resting in an anti-bacta tank as they both spoke. Soth's injuries, though life threatening, would heal in good time through this process coupled with his own innate regenerative abilities as a Creature of the Damned.
"Don't trouble your pretty head over such matter's Tei...It was his wish that no further harm come to you." Pandora finished casually as she made her way to where Virrana'h stood.
"But I do have something to say that might interest you m’lady.” Pandora’s tone became serious as she came to stand in front of the Night Sister who seemed to wobble in her stance.
“I have received word from him,…He said that he would be grateful for the time to speak with you...That is of course,…When your wounds have healed fully and your feeling up to it." Pandora slowly lifted the jeweled goblet to her ruby lips after giving Tei coy smile.
Virrana'h Tei
Apr 7th, 2003, 10:22:09 PM
Virrana'h felt a chill tingle her spine as Pandora spoke.
She wasnt sure how she felt, knowing it was by Soth's grace that she still drew breath. But there was nothing for it, but acceptance.
From the battle, in Tei's mind, her life had already been forfeit, now it was just a matter of where and when. A prolonging of the inevitable.
She drew herself to stand tall, regal, as a Warrior of her Clan should and spoke with deliberate non-emotion.
"I am here for whenever the Death Knight would see me, Mistress Damaris."
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