View Full Version : Burning Red [T. Marx]

Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:34:59 PM
I see the sun begin to rise
and I'm blinded too
I've seen the world through jaded eyes
that I'm crying through
I watched the darkness hypnotize
and confided

hold on, I'm falling
can't breathe anymore as
an ocean has opened
these Scars need to
heal over

caress the needle prick in my eye
the tears fell like rain
I've rode the Phoenix as she glides
and I've gone insane
I've seen the light of suicide
and I'm dying

hold on, I'm falling
can't breathe anymore as
an ocean has opened
these Scars need to
heal over

hold on I'm falling
can't breathe.. breathe..

colder and colder..
just hold onto me

Frost let go of the mic, letting it fall on the stage as the song faded. He closed his eyes and turned his face up to the sky, of the open concert. After a long moment of applause, he bowed his head forward. Already shirtless and a bit sweaty from the concert, he turned backstage, grabbing a new bottle of water as well as a white dry towel, putting it on his head. Every night was the same. A concert here, a concert there. Suddenly, music had lost all meaning to him. He had no inspiration, no interest. And songs about loneliness was beginning to become dull.

"...." He sighed as he went in the back alley, lighting up a smoke.

Torriana Marx
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:16:45 PM
A shuddering sigh escaped Torriana's lips, the air immediately condensing into small white puffs of vapour as she did so before vanishing again into nothingness. Although it was impossible to deduce just by catching a fleeting glimpse of the exhausted audience members, this night was unusually cool, more so for the Padawan than any others as she had chosen to remain standing in utter silence by the side during the entire event. All around her, moshers clad in black leather, vinyl, fishnet, plastic - any material outside the ordinary range of clothing and fashion - cheered wildly as the last chord was struck. After all, he was Frost: the most desirable, talented, wanted, all-round perfect musician this side of Coruscant.

But tonight, Torri didn't much mind what went on around her. She attended this concert mainly because her friends had almost literally dragged her along, but, thankfully, their enthusiasm had been drawn away from her and onto the stage as soon as the band's front-man appeared. Normally, she would have been just as excited, but... no. This was different. She had made the fatal mistake of allowing herself to care for someone; the end result, predictable as it was, meant that she was left broken-hearted, even though she'd never admit to it.

Sighing again, she turned away from the crowd and paced down a dark street. She didn't know where she was going, nor did she care. All the while, the lyrics of the final song kept repeating inside her mind. How befitting. Torriana groaned in frustration and strode blindly into the alley... and just at that moment heard the sound of a cigarette being lit.

She froze. "..Who's there?"

Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:26:16 PM
The sound of a lighter closing was heard. The cigarette hanging from his lip, Frost's eyes turned to the voice he heard. A female one, was it. In the dark of the alley, only the orange flaming color of his cigarette could be seen. He was surprised that the girl didn't just try to jump on him, and almost sexually harass him like it happened many times before. He stepped forward to reveal himself in the light.

"... Frost. Are you okay, miss ..?"