View Full Version : Nothing but a mere Weapon [Taja Loraan]

Mar 3rd, 2003, 08:07:36 AM
I was knee deep
in a sick love
I was cross eyed
under your drug
Schizo savior
My messiah
Fatal worship
you inspire

Gone, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

You were counting
on a free fall
You laid your bet
I would loose all
Chalk up one less
I kick that sick
old addiction

Damn, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

Now you see
What ya get when ya loose yourself
What ya get when ya dont know who you are
When you dont know who you are
My goddess

Gone, I dont believe in you now
I've seen too much
I dont believe in you now
My goddess

I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
My goddess

I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
I dont believe in you
My goddess

"Wake up, E-2." A old male voice ordered.

Laying in a black small mechanical pod, the girl opened her crimson eyes. She couldn't see anything because there was a visor over her vision, attached to her headset. The front of the black pod opened, blurring everything around it in a soft blue fog. A black gloved hand lifted up before falling to the side of the pod, holding onto it so she could sit then stand up. Stepping out of the black pod was a young woman, no more than 18-19 years old. She had long light blue hair, and wore an unusual white attire (http://www.rpgamer.com/games/xeno/xenosaga/art/kos_mos.gif). She lifted her other fingerless-gloved hand and detached the visor from her headset. She looked up at the scientists around her, some hiding behind others, but only one standing in front of her.

"Good morning, E-2." He greeted her.

//-- Searching for matching ID ...
/-Found, now loading ...
//- Matching ID as DK, aka Digital Kreations
Founder of DK Corp.

Her vision wasn't normal anymore, only readings, maps, numbers, letters appeared for her eyes only. She blinked, but it didn't go away. The girl felt .. Felt ? She felt nothing. No emotions.

/ - Opening Menu
/ - Emotions Unit disabled
- Auto-Defense installed
- Killing mode installed
- Auto ...

She quit the menu. No. What was happening to her ? She couldn't understand. In her mind, if she had one, only one phrase kept repeating itself. Unable to understand illogical conscience thought. What did that mean ? What happened ? She hadn't been back to Vjun in months, but can't remember anything else. Kidnapped ... Experiment E-2 ... Lethal Weapon of combat. The founder of DKCorp. left the lab, now scientists were examinating her, from her head to toes.

"How are you feeling ?" One of them asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She lifted her head, her eyes widening, then by reflex, a weapon appeared on the side of her arm. A sort of knife. She cut the man's arm, watching him bleed and scream of pain. Still, her face was emotionless. It felt too heavy to feel anything. She turned to the other scientists. Calculating numbers of targets - 4. Engaging automatic Gunblade. The knife on her arms disappeared and now two huge guns appeared in each of her hands. She pointed one up on the right, killing 2 and the other one on the left, killing the last two at the same time.

"Taja." Her monotone voice said. "Aevenon. The Black Hand. Vjun."

Gunblades disabling, engaging firearm. She lifted her hand at a wall and shot a long trail of blazing fire, causing a hole in it. She stepped through that hole. She killed everyone in her way, burning them to a crisp, making holes in walls instead of using doors. In her head, the previous words echoed, along with the word weapon. I am E-2, 2nd experiment of Digital Kreations in the E-series, programmed to obey commands of ... of ... She squinted her eyes. Taja, Aevenon, the Black Hand, Vjun ... She was beginning to lose it.


She successfully escaped. Walking down the streets of the city, it was no doubts that she was extremely noticeable from her attire. She didn't exactly where she was walking to, she just did because she had to. Her long blue hair flowed behind her, and on her porcelain skin were stains of the destruction of one of the numerous buildings belonging to DKCorp. As from now on, no emotions, no conscience ... only orders.

imported_Taja Loraan
Mar 29th, 2003, 01:17:40 AM
Evelyn. That one name had been haunting Taja each day and night as she desperately -- and in vain -- sought to situate the whereabouts of her Apprentice, missing now for several months. So far her inquiries had yielded few results, and most recently her search brought her to the streets of Coruscant, home of all manner of oddities. What better place to seek out the clone of a former Sith Knight and genetic experiment, suffering an ongoing identity crisis?

And all at once, almost as though in response, the corresponding voice murmured to her telepathically, weak but implicit. "I am E-2, 2nd experiment of Digital Kreations in the E-series, programmed to obey commands of..."

Head instantly snapping upward, the Dark Jedi rolled her neck around to face directly ahead to the other side of the road, her brows furrowing. "The frell?"

"...Taja, Aevenon, The Black Hand, Vjun."

There was no longer any mistaking the source of the sudden disruption -- the pair's relationship as Master and Apprentice augmented the Empath's extrasensory abilities and the girl's distinctive tone was assurance enough that Evelyn was within the vicinity. The expression held in the words, or lack thereof, caused her forehead to crease all the more in frustration. Admittedly, Taja had during their time together been unsuccessful in gleaning much from the young woman: she had destroyed any and all remnants of her past life, if it could be called such, in order to sculpt herself a new identity... but in the process had lost what little of it was left.

"Story of my life," she muttered to herself under her breath, through gritted teeth. "Oh, the irony."

Taja's every sense was aflame as she attempted to pinpoint the clone's exact location. In the end it was unnecessary, however -- a large throng of ordinary citizens, heading for their homes after work, had assembled around the middle of the street. Having overheard some of their hushed whispers, the Dark Jedi began to forcefully shoulder her way through the crowd, much to their annoyance, until she was standing just beyond the peripheral vision of an unusually clad, blue-haired woman.


Mar 29th, 2003, 04:38:54 PM

- // Activating Memory Files
- Voice recorded -
Identified as Taja Loraan

Evelyn stopped suddenly in the middle of the crowd, standing tall and still. Her eyes didn't blink, always remaining wide open and her body stood straight. Her crimson eyes searching for Taja, maps and detection devices in her vision that she could only see. For others, it just seemed that she was staring at nothing.

"Taja, my energy is down 30%. I will shut off soon, if I do not rest." Her voice was cold.

She spoke out loud, though she was still searching for her Master. Or more like Evelyn's master.