View Full Version : Take this note to Figrin D'An please young Padawan....

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 1st, 2003, 09:14:15 PM
There was a note on the bed of Kelt Simoson - two notes actually. Both had the same instruction.

Present yourself to Figrin D'An and these notes to him


The first note...

My friend Figrin,

I find it impossible to do this personally, so I will request you do so. My Padawan, Kelt Simoson I deem ready to be promoted to Jedi Knight. My reasonings are in the second note he is bearing to you. If the Council wishes to know whom his Master is.... tell them I am dead. Most the Council knew of my existance, but as we talked and discussed, knowing of my existance is a detriment to the Jedi and to Helenias Evenstar. So treat this as you best see fit.

Figrin, something else worries me. I sense something moving against the Jedi. I'm going to find out what it is, for it is not the normal threats of the Dark Side. It's different. I have an idea what it could be, but for now, ideas are not evidence. What I can tell you is that you should ask Evenstar whom Master Wargrave is. The answer may be of interest.

For now, May The Force Be With You

The second note in hand read...

To the Council, greetings.

The Padawan Kelt Simoson has been my charge for nearly a year. In that time he has been faithful to the Order, has not swayed to the Dark Side and on the occasion he has been trained, has done well. Kelt also has been involved wit the Jedi, going on missions and battling the forces of Darkness. His latest encounter I have heard about and has moved me to state he is ready - facing a Dark Side Master is no mean feat and to see through that Dark Sider's deceptions is no short order.


This has been delayed for too long. I request that Kelt Simoson be promoted to Jedi Knight

Both notes were unsigned.

Kelt Simoson
Mar 1st, 2003, 09:40:28 PM
Kelt was in the bathroom at the time. His beard needed a trim along with his hair and upper lip before the Jedi Party was to begin. He had looked quite a mess before he trimmed his facial hair but after he looked like his normal self and a smile back upon his face. For the last few weeks the Jedi Padawan had been neglecting his personal looks for training and sword practice day in day out and as a result looked a bit scruffy.

It was only after walking into the bedroom to dry himself after his shower did he realize someone had come into his apartment and left two separate notes on his bed. Although he knew it must have been a Jedi a slight chill raced up his spine at the thought of an unknown person coming in. But none-the-less Kelt picked up and read is open note and looked towards both brown envelopes. Kelt was certain it was Marcus' hand writing and so his worry faded almost as quickly as it came.

One envelope was addressed to Kelts friend Figrin and the other to the council. Although he felt a bit strange about being left with them and not his wife. However Kelt quickly dressed in a white shirt, green waist coat and baggy green pants and set off towards Master Figrins apartment. The last time he was there it was the middle of the night and they had stayed up almost till dawn talking so he was quite sure this was the place. Knocking on the door Kelt waited for a response.

Figrin D'an
Mar 1st, 2003, 10:20:33 PM
With the Council in recess, and most classes canceled in preparation for the Temple Dedication ceremony, Figrin had taken this rare block of free time to organize his living quarters. To say that he had let the cleanliness of his study lapse was an understatement. His desk was buried beneath a sea of data pads and official paperwork, both of Jedi and Galactic Senate importance. Books were hastily stacked in corners, collecting dust. His weather-beaten traveling cloak was draped over the guest chair, desperately in need of a good cleaning. It was the study of a busy man, and it showed rather glaringly.

He had been reshelving books when he heard a knock at the main door. Carefully setting things down so that he would remember where he left off, Figrin, dressed in simply beige Jedi fatigues, tapped the wall pad to open the door. Before him stood a familiar face. Figrin smiled, and motioned for the man to come in.

"Good afternoon, Kelt. Pleasure to see you, as always."

Kelt Simoson
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:38:14 AM
' From the hand writing on the envolope i think its from Master Marcus, however my note was not signatured so i cant be totaly sure.' Kelt said with a slight bow of his head.

' I also have one here for the council which of course includes you sir, so your presence in the council hall would be greatly appreiciated.'

Figrin D'an
Mar 4th, 2003, 02:04:37 AM
Figrin examined the envelopes as Kelt handed them over. He concurred, the handwriting most likely was that of Marcus. He carefully pealed back the seal on the enveloped addressed to him personally, withdrew the letter and read it carefully. Though his face remained unchanged as he took in the words, a great concern dominated his thoughts. Marcus was rarely wrong when he sensed something sinister awaiting the Jedi over the next horizon. Figrin knew little of the personal peril Marcus now faced... they had only briefly discussed it on the fateful night that he had helped Marcus "disappear." He could only wonder if this new perceived threat to the Jedi was related.

There were so many questions that were going unanswered. That alone unnerved the Jedi Master to a degree... but if the Order would be facing a grave danger, his conscious demanded that he find out what he could.

Figrin folded the letter, placing it back into the envelope.

Kelt had been patiently waiting as Figrin read, no doubt curious about his own role in this strange series of messages.

"Indeed, the next council session will be of interest to you as well. I will inform the council that you will be attending. Please arrive promptly, as I will ensure to make this matter the first order of business."