View Full Version : How much time passes on the Planet of Eternal Night? (open)

Valirion Thorn
Mar 1st, 2003, 05:22:31 PM
:: I stood in the Parlor, watching the shadows waver as the fire in the lamp flickered with the black wind that seemed to move along the hallways of the Shrine. I observed certain things in the light that the Shrine would whisper meaning to in my ears. But I blinked and shook my head as I continued on, down the hallway, ignoring my ever present images of godly pain. I walked into a room a bit lesser in size than the Parlor but with the same aura, just another nameless room within the Shrine that could be found one day but lost the next. I took a seat in a glass chair and the stirred slowly only to let the armor settle itself.
From the shadows of the wall closest, a hand of shadow seemed to appear then flicker then reappear, revolting waves of darkness falling off it like clothing as it handed me a chalice filled to the brim with blood. I didn't care how, I just nodded as the hand retreated back into the Shrine's bottomless fathoms and I continued to absently think.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:36:33 AM
This time the shadows answered Valirion as Dalamar spoke. "How fare you Valirion I have not seen you since our duel? Are things well?"

Only the neon red eye's of the Vampyre could be seen. As his chalice seemed to be swallowed by the darkness.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:17:38 PM
Ahh... Master Dalamar, I am well as my grave was never made and things waste and decay as they should. It has been some time hasn't it? How fares your equipment since my armor's feast upon its material?

:: I smirked, my violet eyes looking up at the red orbs from the table. My armor crept from beneath my skin to split through and make a small figurine that gave a flourish of a small bow to the War Lord before sliding back beneath my marble white skin.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:26:12 PM
"It is well. I have retired that armor it is to valuable to me for use in combat anymore. Its style and making are now a lost art."

"How is your symbiote? It seems well despite the abuse it endured." Dalamar admired Valirion in a way for he was uncompromising in his desire for pain. But there was a drawback to his method's. It left little room for anything else.

Dalamar called Valirion closer. Thorn I think I have something that will interest you. The Vampyre extended his gautlet and with a subtle click a forearm blade extended. Dalamar could see the lust in Valirion's eyes as he glared at the razor sharp blade. The Warlord knowing his thirst for pain obliged him. Slicing him across the face deeply. Stopping only when the blade hit bone.

The Symbiote armor spiked in every direction like a porcupine. Valirion licked the blood thru the hole in his face. He did so with a smile. Dalamar would always oblige Thorn's desire for pain. In that they where two of a kind.

Thorn breathed heavily with desire as he said only one word breathily "Thank.. You....." The Darkness surrounded them both
as Dalamar answered him "Your welcome, I know you have to keep the armor happy." :smokin

Valirion Thorn
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:15:24 PM
:: I made a gratifying gestue with ne hand as my armor cleaned my wound clean and my eyes dimmed from their fanatical glow to a more ecstatic look as I enjoyed the running pain of my face.::

In fact, it would be a joy to fight you again some time. I know my sword would like to taste the steel of your blades anytime but we both seem to get caught up in other things don't we?

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 15th, 2003, 01:09:03 AM
"Yes the mother has work for us all. I myself am kept quite busy. Racking mortals is not as interesting as in the bygone days. Though the correcting of Insolence does have a certain satifaction.

Also the hunt for a new mate goes well. Since me and Alana have parted ways I have had many offers. Jazmyn, Niehine, and one that suprises me Lady Daiquri. She resists the idea which makes me want her even more. The Warlord smiled as the thought of taking her and making her his own crept across his black mind. :smokin

Valirion Thorn
Mar 15th, 2003, 04:44:43 PM
:: Speaking of females... I shook my head slightly before dismissing the idea. I let the pain of the wound across my face let run of my thoughts again before speaking, pain always could clear things up.::

Offers Dalamar? I was not aware you were such to buy those kind of charms.

:: My armor snickered with a light hissing noise and my sword stirred in my spine with amusement. My own situation did not matter compared to the Vampyre Warlord talking of "offers." But then Dalamar's offers didn't involve the blood of one of the most compelling vampyre's I had ever met, Miranda Dunleavy.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:40:46 PM
"Yes unlike you I do not live for pain only. But spread out some pleasure in my evenings also. But maybe in as your wandering grow you will find a need for certain distractions. The long life of a vampyre has yet to weary you with the countless call of years. I hope your lust for pain and life does not diminish or the taste grow bitter.

Eventually if your not careful everything is ashe's. Nothing will matter to you nor will you care for anyone or anything. Even the desire to feed will become a colorless formality from which you must burden yourself with to live. Cherish your pain Valirion for in some small way I enjoy your hunt for satisfaction.