View Full Version : Rewrite OT Dialogue to fit with PT

Mar 1st, 2003, 01:14:43 PM
I saw this on another website and it was absolutely hilarious...

The PT is made fun of for it's corny dialogue and even its dialogue that doesnt really fit well with the OT ie) midichlorians, Obi-Wan & Anakin's relationship, rule of 2 sith at a time etc. So basically, the object is to rewrite lines from the OT with either the ideas or the cornyness of the PT. lol.. i hope i explained that right and just didnt confuse everyone :\

here.. i'll give an example by one of the people on that website:

Luke (to Vader) "I will not turn, and you'll be forced to destroy me."
Vader: "Actually, I have to kill you anyway, or at least try real hard. See, there's this thing called the Rule of Two and -- ah, forget it, let's just go the Death Star."

ok i'll start it off...

(Luke is meditating using the force while in a hand-stand position balancing Yoda on one foot)
LUKE: I see... a city... in the clouds..
YODA: It is the future you see. But to the clouds, pay no mind. Often surrounding everything, the dark side causes them to be.

DARTH VADER: I have been waiting for you Obi-Wan. The circle is complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the Master - By the way, what took you so long?

OBI-WAN: Well, you know, Master of Evil Darth, I couldn't find an offspring of yours that I really liked....With a whining voice and the right midichlorian count..

(Their light sabers clash)

DARTH VADER: If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did wandering around in that desert, you'd rival a dark sith as a swordsman.

OBI-WAN: I thought I already did.

DARTH VADER: Only in the prequels, my very old jedi master.

ok, so yeah.. i hope to see some posts from u guys too! :)