View Full Version : The Moon Knights: Holy Demons and Fallen Angels

Chaos Alexander
Feb 28th, 2003, 11:31:21 PM
::The sun was setting on Naboo. Some where heading home from work, others were heading out into the cities. It did not matter who you were. Everyone was one the move. Alexander was no different. His eyes were on a research buliding in the middle of a slum. He sat on the top of a near-by building and watched as the guards changed shifts. There was something in there he wanted. Something he wanted bad.

Many people saw this place as an under-funded lab trying to get a break through to make a quick buck. Alexander knew the truth of it though. Many of the 'Scientists' that worked there were Sith. They were members of a new Group. They called themselves 'The Cult of the Red Dragon'. They were growing bigger by the day. Many were old members of fallen Sith groups, and some were new to the game. None of that mattered to Alex. He only cared what they were. Sith.

He had been tracking these branch for a few months now. He still had connections in the underground that knew he still was alive. He dug them up, and buried and few of them. After piecing together information from different sources, the younge Jedi and fully came to understood the real deal of this place. From what the Jedi could tell The Cult had a branch that searched for lost Sith Artifacts, and one that made weapons. That was only just two of a few Alex knew. Both were though. And it didn't take much to know that those two areas should not be mixed.

It seemed that The Cult had hit the jackpot. A Sith Knight of old had recovered an Artifact of ungodly power. It collected teh Life Energy of the people it's Master killed. Then the holder of the gem could cannel that energy through the Force. It wa sliek a unlimited battery. This same knight was a very advanced robotic designer. He spent many a sleepless night working on his stuff. Then he had an 'accident' and died. Then all his stuff was foudn by The Cult.

Alex hacked into the computer days before. The Cult had run into a unseen problem in the two years they have been working on the weapons and Artifact. The Soul Stone would not work for them, and the plans for the droids were not finished. The Droids were taken care of witha little work, but the Stone was a different matter all together. After reading description of the Stone, Alex knew who the ex-Sith was. It was Himself. That was his stone, and his plans. These were the bastards that tried to kill him. The Stone was linked to the mind of it's owner. Only death could break that bond, and Alex was very much alive.

He was dressed in all white. He was in jeans, a tanktop, and a trench coat with the sleeves ripped off. In his hand was a mask that would cover his head. Like the rest of his cloths, it was white and faceless. He pulled it on. This was not his first hit, and would not be his last. One by one, every Sith would die. Every Artifact and recored destroied. Untill Then nothing else mattered.::

Danya Van Derveld
Mar 21st, 2003, 07:15:37 PM
Indeed, everyone was on the go this day and Danya was out and about -- alone. It had been a year since she last saw the one she loved so deeply. Since then, the young Sith wandered alone trying to find her way in the Galaxy. It was warm and about midday just as she scaled a set of stairs on the side of a building and made her way to its roof. Suddenly she stopped as her eyes gazed upon a figure clad entirely in white.

"Stupid Jedi."

Danya muttered as she eyed the figure with hatred burning in her heart. It puzzled her how anyone could be a Jedi. How anyone could love everyone and go through a day without killing someone who got in their way. Slowly the young woman approached him and stopped, facing his back.

"What are you doing up here, Jedi?"

She spat out the title and folded her arms across her chest, canting her head to the side and eyeing him quickly. Indeed, he held the Force signature of a lightsider and this disgusted Danya to no extent. A sigh escaped her pretty pink lips as the wind became caught up in her flowing blond hair. Even the black robes upon her body were taken into the air by the unseen force that seemed to be drawn to the Dark One. Quite patiently she stood and awaited his answer, knowing he could be no more than a Padawan from the looks of him.

Chaos Alexander
Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:50:28 PM
::Alexander sniffed the air. Then he felt her. Her power. Her Darkness. He turned to face her. His head covered in a faceless white mask. Anyone could tell it was for keeping peopel from knowing who he was.

He saw her face again. His one love. The only other person in the world he cared about besides Dalethria. It was Danya. His dear, sweet Danya. He felt the Darkness in her heart, but felt the warmth as well. She wasn't as evil as she wanted people to think. He felt it. He held himself at bay though. Now was not the time for her to know. Maybe later this night, but not now.::

"Careful how you toss that word around. Now all people that can touch the Light are Jedi, and not all Jedi are goody goods. I am a Moon Knight. I am also sure I am here for the same reason you are. Your lovers Soul Stone in in that building. A Sith Artifact of ungodly power. It can lead you to Chaos. It is connected to his very soul. And you two are connected as well."

::Alexander waited to see how she reacted to this. If she felt anything for him and his name. To see if......wait.......hold on.....an idea rushed through Alexander head cutting off all other trains of thought. Ifs he went with him and found the Stone. She could see who he reallyw as. While they made there way to it, she could judge his actions. Then he may have his heart back...::

"You can come with me if you would like."

Danya Van Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 12:53:19 PM
Danya thought of her lover at the mention of his name. She remembered the silver necklace she gave him before he left the first time. They were pulled apart, yet again, and now someone wished to bring harm to him while he was away.

"You think I'd aid and abet someone wishing to steal his possessions?"

She laughed at what she thought was lunacy, having no idea that her soulmate stood before her. Moving in, the woman drew her dragonsaber that Darkstar constructed for her. With the flip of a switch, a crimson blade shot forth from the dragon's mouth. Dragonheart hummed gently in her hand as she held it before her, neither offensive or defensive.

"Leave my lover to rest -- he's probably dead and you'll only break his peace by stealing his stone."

Danya's heart ached at the possibility that Chaos was dead. Her eyes fell to the ground and she shook her head and began to walk in the direction of the building that housed the Sith artifact.

Chaos Alexander
Apr 8th, 2003, 07:48:45 PM
::The hooded man shrugged.::

"I don't want to see it get used. me and you both know that nothing can destroy that thing, but it can be used. Messing with it may caused your love pain even in death. If we get it.......you can keep it."

::He wanted to pull his mask off right then. He wanted to grab her and hold on forever, but at this moment he could not. He walked to the edge of teh roof and looked at Danya.:::

"That is if you can keep up with me."

;:He jumped tot he next building at a fast run. He drew in the Force and jumped across the street next, landing on the building he had been talking about. He pulled out a knife froma hidden fold in his cloak and Force the small hatch open on the roof. With that he droped in.::

Danya Van Derveld
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:03:49 PM
Danya canted her head to the right and eyed the stranger curiously.

"I can -- keep it?"

She questioned but before he could confirm once again, he was off and standing atop another building. With nagging curiousity and desire for the one she loved, she followed and gaped the distance between the buildings. How, exactly, she knew not -- but the Force was definatly involved.


Danya called after him and ran toward a hole in the ceiling not too far from where the stranger had dropped in. She looked at it for but a moment and then decided to fall in herself. With one jump, the woman vanished and fell about ten feet to land upon her own feet on a hard cement floor. Her eyes quickly searched the area and just down the hall she spotted the cloaked figure.


She yelled down to him but received no response. Quickly the woman called upon the dark energies surrounding her and she called upon the Force. It flowed through her like adrenaline and pushed her to go farther and faster. Soon she was caught up to him and standing at his side as he came to a stand-still.

"Please -- who are -- you."

The Lupine panted, obviously out of breath. She bent over slightly and breathed deeply before standing upright and setting her bright cyan eyes upon his face, attempting to feel who he was, but alas, she discovered nothing.

Chaos Alexander
Apr 30th, 2003, 10:06:09 PM
::Alexander choose his words well.::

"I am a man who thought he lived in heaven, then fell only to find out he was in Hell."

::He could tell Danya was confused by that statement. He looked around and sniffed the air. People were close. A few were Sith. They didn't even try to hide there Force Signatures. They were cocky. Way to cocky.::

"I am called The Ragabash Knight, of the Order of the Moon Knights. We strive to rid the world of a cansor called "Darkness". By Darkness I mean followers of teh Dark Side. Many of us were wronged greatly by it, and wish to protect others from the same pain."

::Alexander waited at a corner. He held a dagger in each hand, only he held them by the blades, not the hilts.::

"Anything else?"