View Full Version : Combat training is best learned with partners (Lime, Janus, Rognan)

Feb 28th, 2003, 11:27:38 PM
This is to be his first group training session. Today, he will teach his padawans to fight in the defense of others. With the help of his fellow Jedi Wei Wu Wei, Zeke has fashioned three practice sabers. They appear to be normal sabers at first glance, with one big difference; they will not cut anything. It is the magnetically controlled plasma version of a wooden sword. He sent the summons long in advance, and the time of the training draws nigh. Zeke sets his bag of tricks down and watches the door.

Rognan Dar
Mar 1st, 2003, 04:42:44 PM
Today was just like most days when he was going to a training lesson, so he didn't expect much more then a little different way of learning about the Force.

Rognan entered the place where he was told to meet Zeke, and there he was, standing in a room looking strait back at him.

"Good evening, Master Zeke. What shall I learn today?" He said, bowwing. Then stood next to him waiting for his reply.

Janus Riddyl
Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:10:37 AM
As Rognan asked a question Janus walked into the area, he took a glance at his fellow padawan Rognan and then at his master. He bowed before him and asked, "To reiterate the question, what will we be learning today?"

Mar 7th, 2003, 03:19:28 PM
"Nothing, until Lime shows up."

Janus Riddyl
Mar 13th, 2003, 07:30:41 PM
Janus decided to speak, "Master, forgive me for being impatient but perhaps it may be best if we began with out Lime." He didn't mean to suggest that he knew what was best over his master, but he was sick of waiting.

Mar 13th, 2003, 09:34:30 PM
Zeke frowns. Lime was left out of the last group training, too.

"Well...I don't see why I should hold up the two of you over her..." he says hesitantly.

He pulls two training sabers from his pockets and tosses them to the Padawans, pulling one for himself and thumbing it on.

"These are like normal sabers. Only thing is they won't cut you."

Zeke makes a point of it by striking his own arm. The glowing blade bounces off without cutting him.

"We'll be practicing with these. I don't want you guys to go lobbing off your own limbs or something."

Rognan Dar
Mar 15th, 2003, 06:14:38 PM
Rognan slighty laughed, his Master was quite funny.

"And what will we be doing with them, if I may ask?"

Mar 18th, 2003, 06:49:52 PM

"Ooow!" Lime whined, rubbing at her forehead before pushing open the door. She had gotten use to the doors that opened automatically, like the living quarter doors. Lime gave the large room a breif look over before skittering over to Zeke's group and sliding into place as he handed out the sabers...

Look up at the guy next to her, Lime repeated his question. "What are we going to do with.. flashlights?"

Mar 18th, 2003, 07:12:40 PM
"Not flashlights, lightsabers. Or rather, practice ones. It's good to see you, Lime. Did you get lost?"

Zeke heaves a sigh of relief as she arrives. He was worried for her.

Mar 18th, 2003, 07:21:50 PM
"Kinda, Mr. Zeke... I tried to get here without the map.."

Mar 18th, 2003, 07:26:59 PM
"Well don't worry about it. It's good that you're learning. Now everyone, activate your practice sabers."

The snap-hiss of the Jedi's famed weapon echoes three times before Zeke speaks again.

"Do any of you have experience with swords of any kind?"

Janus Riddyl
Mar 19th, 2003, 03:14:24 PM
"The only weapon experience I've had has been with staffs and spears." To Janus swords as well as lightsabers were completely knew to him.

Mar 19th, 2003, 03:19:48 PM
ooc: whoops! really sorry about that guys! wont happen again!

Rognan Dar
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:06:47 PM
"I do not have any experience, Master Zeke."

Rognan looked over the handle of his practice saber. It was quite simular to the real one that he had.

Mar 20th, 2003, 01:05:33 PM
Lime merely shook her head in responce, holding the saber in both hands horizonally.

Mar 20th, 2003, 04:30:57 PM
"None of you? Ok, then we'll start with a basic stance. Right foot forward, legs bent, with the tip of the blade at eye level. From here, you can perform several attacks, and should have a solid defense. We'll start with defense first. Now take the stance."

Rognan Dar
Mar 21st, 2003, 01:59:01 PM
Rognan took the stance, putting his right foot forward and bent his knees, then angled his blade as Zeke said. The stance felt a little strage at first, having one leg out, but he focused of what Zeke was saying.

Janus Riddyl
Mar 22nd, 2003, 10:58:30 PM
Janus took to the stance and noticed that it felt awkward to stand like this. Although odd, the stance was most likely the best for defensive purposes.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:48:27 PM
"You look uncomfortable Janus. Something wrong?"

Janus Riddyl
Mar 24th, 2003, 07:09:34 PM
"No master, the stance is a little awkward, that's all." Janus shifted his body a little. "I am getting used to it though."

Mar 24th, 2003, 07:48:33 PM
"The stances for swords are a far cry from the ones for staves and spears that you're used to. Believe it or not, the stance feels odd for me as well. I've almost grown too accustomed to my Force Pike."

Janus Riddyl
Mar 30th, 2003, 03:26:04 PM
Janus agreed, "The stances are very different. So what comes after our defensive stance?"

Mar 30th, 2003, 03:30:18 PM
"I'll teach you all to parry."

Zeke takes a set of remote droids and activates them. The metallic spheres float up before the Padawans, shifting as they seek to find an opening.

"Don't trust your eyes. Human sight alone isn't enough to deflect one of the darts on this thing, let alone a blasterbolt. Sink into the Force, and let it guide you."

As if on cue, all three droids fire: a bolt at Rognan's toes, a dart at Janus' left shoulder, and a blast toward Lime's forehead.

Rognan Dar
Mar 30th, 2003, 07:32:41 PM
Before Rognan knew what was going on his foot moved like it had a mind of its own. After that, he rased his lightsaber, ready for another attack.

The next shot came at his midsection. Rognan tried to move the saber to block it but he was to slow. He got hit in the stomach. A small pain went through his body that made him pause for a second as it diminished.

Janus Riddyl
Mar 31st, 2003, 07:40:29 PM
Janus' eyes widened as he saw the blast coming at him. As quickly as he could he moved his lightsaber to deflect the bolt but was too slow. "Ow!" He cried out. He held his shoulder until the pain went away. It didn't take long and if it had the next bolt to come would hit him.