View Full Version : Jedi Dinner Party - Part 1

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 28th, 2003, 09:33:49 PM
How time passed. How things came and went. How people changed. For myself, a woman whom was now outside of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, it was remarkably true. Years ago, the precursor of this building - the remains of with still stood not far away - was the centre of a war that would eventually envelop the Galaxy once more as it had been since the time of the Empire. Just when a hope, a spark of freedom had come, forces had come to ruthlessly snuff it out.

Seeing the Temple, still with construction cranes and workmen around it, smaller and not as grand as the former had been, still being built, reminded me of a day the old Temple fell and the Jedi had become an endangered species once again, wandering the Galaxy until they returned....

The Temple was in the midst of a storm. Imperial Forces, whom had come in by a trick, were encircling, firing at defenders, who fired back. So far, the shields of the Temple held as did the defences and the automated attack weapons. The resistance it had to attack was incredible, as the Imperials were finding out. It was like a solid rock in the midst of a raging sea, unmovable, unshakable. waves of infantry crashed, to be repelled or die. Jedi came out leading Republic forces in a counter assault, cutting into the Imperial forces. We knew the Temple had to be destroyed in a hit and run, for when the Coruscant defence forces responded, as they were now doing, it would be over. The Imperials would be massacred and the Temple would still be standing.

The red armoured being stood, staring at the war. His visor plate reflected the licking flames and explosions, the sparks and flares as the Temple's shield stopped another barrage. The Force Pike in the hand moved slightly, the inhuman helmet hiding any emotion this being may of had - or indeed whom he was. Those whom saw the armour only knew him as Lord Fire Blade, a frightening and awesome warrior, whom had already gained a name for taking apart Jedi, even Jedi Masters. Whomever he was had combat skills that matched or exceeded those of Master Yogurt or even Darth Turbogeek, the main two Jedi. Fire Blade should have been on the field of battle, wading in and smashing Jedi to pulp. INstead, he had disobeyed orders from Thrawn and was right now thinking.

A head on assault had failed. So, how else could they defeat the defences? He considered, in quite abruptly, moved and disappeared into the night.

The fighting continued above the streets, but below, in the sewers, Lord Fore Blade moved. In his hands was a device. It was not light and it was with some difficulty the Imperial was moving forward, havin to rest now and then from his burden. A particularly big explosion rocked the sewer, the Guardsman pausing to listen, before moving on. Further down and further on, he came to a place that looked good - a cross junction with a power line. Setting down the device, he stripped back the shielding of the power line with some tools and deftly wired it into the device, which he gave one final check on, before switching on and settign the timer. The device began to make a small sound, confirming it was now active - the Guardsman stopped for a moment to turn off all of his electrical devices, also removing power packs from weapons.

Then he ran.

20 minutes later.

He stood back on a balcony, overlooking the fight, waiting. It should be about...


The device detonated, it's batteries charged to full capacity and in one huge orgasm of energy, sent out a powerful EMP that wiped out any working piece of electronics within 20 km's. Forewarned, the Imperials had retreated and switched off a few seconds before. The Jedi and Republic fighters had not. Shield generators burnt out, lights exploded, weapons failed. And while the astonished Jedi were still wonderign what had gone on, why their electronics had so spectacularly failed and why fires were now breaking out within the Temple and surrounds by overloaded equipment, the Imperials attacked once again, this time with Lord Fire Blade coming off the balcony and joining the fray.

Oh, the Coruscant forces had eventually won the day. But in the cnfusion and surprise,the Imperials ransacked the Temple, damaging it beyond repair and got out. Leaving impotent Jedi wonder what had happened.

And as the dawn broke, one Imperial looked over the destruction. Lord Fire Blade was alone, Force Pike in hand, armour blood splattered and Pike dripping with gore, a sabre in his hand that he shut off, it's use for now over. He placed the Pike down withthe sabre, before reaching up and removed his helmet.... revealing the secret that others didn't know. Lord Fire Blade was a woman, a near human alien, the first and only woman to have ever become a Royal Imperial Guard, her secret safe as she never revealed herself to anyone. A saisfied smile crossed her lips, her eyes still bright with the battle adrenalin rush.

"Hope you enjoyed my <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> you, Jedi" she said softly, before disappearing into the buildings and alleys of the place....

Other Jedi had been defeated in the intervening years. Lord Fire Blade's name had risen on the list of the enemies of the Jedi until that one day it had all come crashing down for her. It all changed on that night on Arcan IV, when she found out what she held dearest was alive. It didn't happen overnight, but she had renounced her ways and stunned her once enemies, to become....

Jedi Knight Helenias Evenstar, Senator from Arcan IV I finished musign, staring up at the heights of the COuncil chamber. A place that I now took part in! Who would have thought, the very day the Jedi were gathering to dedicate this new Temple, to officially come back and take their place on Coruscant, the very person who had sent their temple to destruction was now one of the Jedi on the Council?

Strange how life went and how the Force moved.

"Credit for your thoughts"

I turned slightly to look at the speaker, then did a double take. He was tall, handsome and well groomed, looking resplendant in old fashioned mail and cloak. "Marcus! You decided to come after all!"

My husband grinned, looking so different to the normal rough man. "You think I'll miss a day like this? I've waited long time to see the Jedi return. I've worked for it. I'm going to be part of it"

I smiled, joyful he had arrived. I took hod of his arm, looping mine around it. "Come on Master Turbogeek. Time to join the rest of the Jedi"

"Now that a name I have not had addressed to me in a long time" he stated. "Allright. Lead the way"

Mar 4th, 2003, 07:10:16 PM
:: The Jedi milled about the grand ball room within the Jedi Temple. It really wasn't a ball room, persay, but it was a large meeting room that had been transformed to accomodate all the Jedi in a party setting. ::

:: AB wove her way into the crowd, having to lift her sequenced dress up slightly to keep it from being stepped on in the back. As fashions went, it wasn't an elaborate outfit, merely being a strapless dress going from a light green at the top to a dark green at the bottom, covered in tiny sequence. Her bright red hair was done up in a fashionable hairdo that lay atop her head, leaving her neck and shoulders free of it's tresses, save for the occassional curled wisp. ::

:: She greeted Jedi left and right, stopping to chat and laugh with her comrades. After about 30 minutes or so of greetings and mingling, people began to take their places at their assigned tables, and AB followed suit, taking her place at a large round table (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27830) where other Jedi also began to sat. ::

Table 4:
Wei Wu Wei
Maia Tharrin
Sejah Haversh
Alan Joyce
Destiny Stormrider
Sage Hazzard
Liu Fong

Figrin D'an
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:11:56 PM
Figrin entered the main meeting hall, allowing his eyes to wander about the decorative scenery. He had resisted sneaking a look at the room while it was being prepared for the dedication ceremony, so he chose to allow himself a moment to admire the work of the organizers. Bright, but soft pleasent colors were the theme of the choice... the dinner tables were ordained with fine china and settings, the main stage backdropped by a dark curtain with a fine embroidery of the symbol of the Order, and a single podeum place centrally for the evening's speakers. Simple yet eloquent... as appropriate for a Jedi gathering.

He mingled for a few moments, enchanging greetings with a few other Jedi. He eventually spotted the table he was to "host" for the evening. Seeing no one else yet seating, he took a few moments to step up the the bar that had been set up, retrieving a glass of a light pre-meal wine.

Figrin's attire for the evening was a bit of departure from his normal traditional Jedi garments. A cloak rested on his shoulders, but of a fine dark grey cloth, carefully hemmed, affixed with a small silver chain. His suit, cut in the same manner as standard Jedi clothing, was black. He wore highly polished black boots to match.

Jedi still were filling into the hall as Figrin leaned against the bar, enjoying a quite drink before the evening would really begin.

Table 3:
Sene Unity
Jackson Mcgraves
Iago Kent
Drake Lonerunner
Anthony Scott

Master Yoghurt
Mar 5th, 2003, 12:46:14 PM
The Jedi Temple - a symbol of peace and order. The vast structure towering across the cityscape of Coruscant was a stunning sight to behold. Like a Bird Phoenix risen from the ashes, the Jedi Temple once again dominated the skyline. For months, the area had been a busy construction site crowded by builder droids. The last few duracrete bricks had been put into place just a couple a days ago. Bypassing citizens of Coruscant walking across the nearby square, would often take a break from their busy schedule to stop and marvel at what had become an architectual landmark and the most talked about construction in a long time.

The top spire crystal dome which housed the famous Jedi Council Chamber, absorbed the warm rays of the setting Coruscant sun, reflecting glittering beams with all the colors of the rainbow at the city. It was early evening. Inside the Council chamber stood a small figure. In a moment of thought, he peered out, contemplating the magnificent view outside. He had green wrinkled skin and grey hair, witnessing old age.

"Master Jedi, the guests have arrived", the modified Cybot Galactica's MixRMastR droid gestured gently its manipulator arms as it spoke with a rudimentary electronic voice. "They are awaiting you in the main meeting hall". The repulsorlift engines hummed lightly as it glided across the floor.

"Yes, I will be there shortly.."


Main Meeting Hall

One of the turbolifts made a hiss as the doors opened, marking the entrance of Master Yoghurt. Yog was unusually dressed for this occasion, excotic allmost. The cloak had a finely patterned weaving, subtly decorating the cloth. The suit, allthough having similar design as traditional Jedi robes, had a dark and smooth fabric - Corellian silk. A Jedi tuxedo.

Yog took the time to greet people, some Jedi he had not had the chance to talk to for a long time. The room was filled with chatter and laughter. It was going to be an exciting evening..

Yog looked at the datapad for the table arrangements:

<font size=1 color=cyan>Table 1
Dasquian Belargic
James Prent
Straffe stormrider
Shanaria Fabool
Hadrian Invicta</font>

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:49:59 PM
[quote]"Come on Master Turbogeek. Time to join the rest of the Jedi"

"Now that a name I have not had addressed to me in a long time" he stated. "Allright. Lead the way"

Indeed he had not - not since the days of the old temple. The old temple had been grand, it had been big and complex... but this one, still in the build process was more Jedi like. It definantly met with his approval. It wasnt familiar yet to him, but obviously it was to his wife, for she lead him to the hall where the Jedi were to meet tonight and celebrate the opening of the new. And farewell the old.

<font color=yellow>Table 2 (Marcus)
Torriana Marx
Lilya Goldberry