View Full Version : New forum feature

Feb 28th, 2003, 04:41:22 PM
From the suggestion of one of the staff members which has been discussed for the last few days, I have written and added a new hack here at our forums. It is a “warning icon for threads” hack.

You may have noticed when you looked at this thread on the thread listing page that in place of the new post indicator was this icon instead of the usual new post indicator for whatever style you may be using:

<img src=images/phantom/warnfolder.gif>

This has been done to show you an example of the newly added hack.

This hack is for the benefit of both the members and the staff, so that they can all easily identify and try to avoid having a thread closed. That’s right, the icon is an indicator that a particular thread may be heading in an unfavorable or undesired direction, and is approaching being closed due to its content. The warning is meant to serve as a “lighten up so this topic can remain open” indication, and will also make it easier for staff members who may not have noticed the thread earlier to quickly know that it’s a touchy subject that bears a close eye being kept on it.

This is not censorship but is an attempt to help make a very obvious warning to all, that a thread could possibly be closed. Staff members are encouraged to indicate within the topic why the thread is being placed in “warned” status when they do so, to help the people posting in the thread now how to avoid it becoming a closed thread, something I think is actually a nice happy medium between having an open thread and the extreme of having a closed thread.

Thanks for your time.