View Full Version : The Final Evolution (Shenraun)
Odin Murk
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:32:29 PM
:: I walked the gardens slowly this night. A few days ago, the suggestion had come to see the Great One and I hadn't been able to take my mind off of much else since. I waked slowly and casually, not to show sign of any intrusion but to show respect at the same time.
The Great Ones had always kept my race in awe, and the Great Ones were starting to dwindle it seemed, only more to the honor it was to meet one with the Sith Order. But my race had dwindled also.
My head slowly turned about, to see if it was possble to see the Great Shenran before it saw me, what a wonder to see one such as Shenraun in a state of undsturbed peace.::
Feb 28th, 2003, 06:45:38 PM
*The red dragon appeared behind Odin, coming up from a cover of mossy boulders and trees with hanging vines. His deep, melodious voice echoed in Odin's mind as Shenraun spoke telepathically, like he did all beings.*
And so my kinsman seeks me out.
*He brought his full body into view.*
I'd heard you'd come back from your travels. I hope you found everything you were looking for.
Odin Murk
Mar 1st, 2003, 04:14:53 PM
:: I bowed low, bending my self in half and letting my snout touch the ground before looking back up the wonderous creature before me.::
Yessssssssss, Great One, I have found all that I sssssssseek now. Hail Sssssssssshenraun, Greetings onccccccccce again. I come to ssssssssssee how well you have endured the ssssssssshort time I have been gone.
:: I looked up now, straightening my back and folding my arms across my scaled breast. My tongue occaisonally flicked out to taste the air but my eyes still held the sparkling look of reverence to the Beast before me.::
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:49:36 AM
I have been fairing well. I have been kept with my peace in my realm here in the garden, and it has pleased me.
*Shenraun moved forward, walking along the path to where the lake was, keeping his long strides slow so as to let Odin keep up.*
What knowledge have you found out in the universe, young one?Tell me of your travels.
Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:49:08 PM
Our coldblooded brethren sssssssssseem to be thinning Great One. I ssssssssought others of my kind only to find 12 othersssssssss of my clan, who call themssssssssselves the Zodiac. They are ssssssssssssearching for more of my kind now, I left them to their own planssssssssss while I came back to ssssssssupport the Order as I ssssssssshould.
:: I stayed with Shenraun as well as I could, the massive power and strength was so visible in the movement of the dragon that had to stare at my own reflection to keep from staring at his. The dragons were the symbol of how close we could come to evolving finally and merging with the power of the darkside.::
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:07:07 PM
*Shenraun smiled.*
Well, at least we are not all gone.
*He let out a puff of smoke.*
The strong will survive, as they always do.
*He settled into a comfortable position next to the waters lapping at the shore. It was his favorite spot, as the sound of the water was soothing.*
I have been meaning to travel back to where my ancestors originated from, to see if perhaps I could find any of my kind left.
Odin Murk
Mar 7th, 2003, 06:03:02 PM
:: My scaled brows rose at the mention of maybe more existing dragons. That would be the garden of Eden in my sense.::
Doessssssss such a placcccccccce exissssssssssst?
Mar 7th, 2003, 07:22:36 PM
*Sheraun smiled, showing a row of sharp teeth.*
Yes, such a place does exist, young one.
I am a direct descedant of the Hssiss, or Dark Side dragons. Through evolution, I have become what I am now, but most Hssiss do not look like me.
Their planet of origin is called Ambria, though some have been seen also on Vjun, Korriban, and in the Stennes system.
*He looked skyward, his gaze reaching beyond the stars.*
Yes, we are scattered... but we are oout there.
Odin Murk
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:27:41 PM
:: I filed the planet away in my head with a grin. My tail slipping into the water as my cold blod circulated refreshingly through my body.::
Hssssssssssssss... very interesssssssssssssting Great one. Yesssssssssss.
:: My gaze returned to the large one's own eyes and my tongue slipped out slowly to taste the air for any kind of emotion from the majestic being.::
And do you ever leave here? Feassssssssssting on the sssssssssmall one's and sssssssssssssssspreading your wingssssssss? I could not imagine to jusssssssssssssssst stay here, watching Ssssssssssssssith come and go.
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:15:03 PM
*The dragon smiled.*
Of course I indulge myself in spreading my wings through the air, feeling light as a feather. Though I usually take my flights at night. Less air traffic.
*His soft chuckling came out to be more of a low rumble.*
Odin Murk
Mar 27th, 2003, 06:35:49 PM
:: I snorted.::
Wingsssssss. Yes, they are the nexxxxxxxxxt step in reptilian evolution. We can hunt everywhere but the sssssssssky. I would not mind hunting with you ssssssssssometime O great one if you would allow?
:: It was a shot in the dark. A wish that was usually dreamed of. Hunting wth a Great one.::
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:00:05 PM
*Shenraun placed a clawed forepaw to his chest, an indication of honor.*
It would be a privledge and adventure to someday hint with you, Odin.
*He let the forepaw drop back to the ground.*
Perhaps the next time your schedule allows, as my schedule is anything but busy.
Odin Murk
Apr 13th, 2003, 10:22:59 PM
:: My eyes close for a moment again. I remembered tales from the elders about the dragons and how they would rule on our planet, the nobles and demigods of the civilization, there had even been a monarchy to it all. What had the mammals done to the universe to disgrace the Great ones so? They would pay...::
Yesssssssssss... I would enjoy that very very muccccccccccccccccch Great One. My sssssssssschedule demands some orchesssssssstrated havoc on the jjjjjjjjjjedi soon but I shall return and we will hunt some mammals as they ssssssssssssshould be.
Apr 24th, 2003, 03:43:58 PM
*The dragon gave his massive head a single nod.*
Very well. Go and perform the duties you have been assigned, and then you may return when time permits it.
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