View Full Version : More Than Just Dreams? (Verse/Semi-Open)
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:07:24 AM
*OOC, I've decided to RP Hadrian as a Seer of sorts, this is the start of him realizing this power and will lead to him attempting to develop it. If you wish to join in, feel free to PM me or if you have any comments about what you think I should do with this story line do so as well.
Hadrian tossed in turned in his bed, as he slept in his quarters at the Greater Jedi Order. His face grimaced, brow furrowed, even his complexion was in flux. He was dreaming again, not the peaceful dreams that one often vainly tries to remember in the morning, but rather a nightmare, that seems to be branded on one's pscyhe.
"No, stop... please..."
Hadrian watched helplessly as a man in the garb of a Jedi of the Order confronted a collossal reptillian monster. The beast seemed to wield the Force with expert precision and move with agility that was equal to that of the Knight's. Each attack of the Jedi's was defended by the beast and countered more effectively, driving the Knight backwards. The Knight continued to fight bravely, exhausting himelf and refusing to flee when he had the oppurtunity. Bravely he pressed on the fight and seemed to take a slight advantage for a moment, appearing to throw the beast off balance. As the Knight attempted to deliver the death blow, something horrible happened; the beast's tail lashed out knocking the Knight's saber from his hand, as the Jedi turned to call it to him, the beast drove a blade mortally through his chest. The Knight's eyes grew wide in horror as he realized he'd been defeated and the price of his defeat was death. Slumping to the ground blood poured from the wound as the Knight hit his knees, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his mouth was agape as he fell face first into the durracrete. "Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!" Hadrian screamed as he awoke to a start, his voice carrying out through the halls of the Order.
He was panting, trying to catch his breath and sweat dripped from his brow. His eyes were wide in terror as he tried to adjust to the lack of illumination in the room.
"It was just a dream, a simple dream. He's ok, it was just a dream..."
Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:25:29 AM
Verse walked down the halls of GJO. It was his watch this night. Soem of the MAsters and Knights desided to take turns walking the halls at night where teh padawans slept. They were to keep an eye on things.
The reason being was simple. You are taught how to read minds, but are unable to stop while you sleep. The thoughts og hundreds race through your mind at high speed. None of them stopping. Your heads spins with pain as teh noice gets louder. You toss and turn because you can't get the noice to get quiet as you try to get to sleep. You sence the dream of another padawan. One that conserns you. Only it is sexual in nature. You blush and it bothers you because you can't stop seeing it. You dream dreams that make little sence.
This was not uncommon for many students. Verse's own son had this problem. It was this that drew Verse to Hadrian's room. he felt the boys fear and the power that caused it. Restless sleep could be fixed most of the time. It was around this time that Verse heard the scream. His Garou couldn't have missed it. He made his was to the room where it came from. He was not worried. This thing happened all the time. It was like clockwork. But Verse was blind as a Seer. If he was even the least bit skilled in that area he woudl have known how wrong he really was. That was not the case though.
Verse knocked on the door as he got close to it. He waited for the student to make he way shaking to the door. He could see it now. Hands shaking, barely dressed and studdering. Confusing across the Padawans face as he opened the door. It was rutine and happened all the time. Atleast that is what he thought.
"Hello, anyone still alive in there?"
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 28th, 2003, 01:21:54 AM
"Who... who is it?" Hadrian called out, as he approached the door. He could barely stand, the emotion was so high from the image the poured through his head.
Opening the door in his pajamas he looked at the man who was standing before him.
"Do I know you," He asked as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes and wiped some of the sweat from his brow.
Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 28th, 2003, 07:57:53 PM
::Verse brushed a strand of his long blond hair from his face.::
"I don't think so. I am Verse Dawnstrider, Jedi Master. I am the top Mentalist here at GJO. I was.......walking buy when I felt a rush of emotion from your room. Mind if I come in?"
::Verse felt a strange Aura around this padawan. He had a feeling what it was, but he could not be sure. Some traits were rare, some one of a kind. He felt this was a rare one. A very rare one at that. Verse once had a padawan with teh same feel as this one. He felt like he needed to check it out.::
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 1st, 2003, 12:21:07 PM
"By all means, come in sir," Hadrian said with a weak smile. "I apologize for the mess adn the commotion, I was having a nightmare."
He cringed at the words, just the concept connotated fear, fear was something a Jedi was to be a stranger too, but in his dreams, in his waking visions he often saw horrible things, tragedies of terrible nature.
"It was just a little too real this time," He said as he shook his head and stepped out of the way so that Master Verse could enter.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:21:17 PM
::Verse entered an looked around.::
"It's cleaner than my room, and much cleaner than my sons."
::He could read the body language of the padawan as he said nightmare. It was a cringe, or may even flinching. He acted liek he just cursed enfront of his preacher.::
"Fear is a strange thing younge one. If we let it control us, we slip into the Dark Side. If we contrl it to much, we slip intot he Dark Side. Without it though, we are not fully alive. If you are dead on the inside, how can you be a Jedi. It's a strange thing. Do you think Luke Skywalker never had fear? What makes us Jedi is how we handle it. Not as fuel for the Force like Dark Jedi, and Sith do, but as a reminder that we are still human. Also that we have something we care enough about to fear for it's safty and well being."
::Verse moved some cloths off a chair and got comfortable::
"Now, tell me about the Dream, and what made it so 'real'".
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:36:31 PM
Hadrian looked at Master Verse and shook his head. He smiled and took a seat across from him at the foot of his bed.
"I dreamed that Sir Zeke was killed in battle against a giant lizard that was adept in the Force," He said without beating around the bush. It was both a flaw and a gift his ability to be direct and to the point.
"I saw everthing as I see you know, I smelt the air, heard the hum of lightsabers and watched the blood pour from his body." Hardrian shook his head as he recalled the dream.
"It was as if I was standing there watching it happen, but I was powerless to stop it." the boy paused before continuing on; "I wouldn't be as shook up about this if it wasn't for the fact that I've had these type of dreams before Master Verse, and it seems that there is always a bit of truth to them."
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:57:00 PM
::Verse rubbed his goatee.::
"The Force is a strange thing. On teh outside looking in it seems we have wonderful gifts, but on the inside we sometimes feel it is a curse. Many Jedi have these 'Dreams', I am not one of them though. As a Seer , as they are called, I am dumb as a rock, but I know what you are talking about. Many people do not push this gift and master it. Many do not wish to."
::Verse respected the boy getting to the point so he did not ramble much.::
"The trouble with seeing the Future, if indead this is what you are doing, is that it is hard to understand. Some Jedi say the future is always changing. I believe it is set in stone.
That brings me to my next point. The Force doesn't always show you what is happening int he way you are thinking. Zeke may win that fight with ease and that will make you dought your dream, but on the inside he may die alittle because of the fight. Many times you never know till it happens then it hits you."
::Verse smiled again.::
"Or it can only be a dream. You are the one that had it, so what do you think?"
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 4th, 2003, 08:38:50 AM
As Hadrian began to speak, a vision flashed before his mind. To fast to interpret, but the feeling of dread came over him once again. His complexion turned, his mouth was agape, but no sound was made.
"I..I...don't know...." He mumbled, as his hands shook. Flashes of the battle, similiar and yet not the same as his dream were going through his mind, like the future was changing and twisting in new directions from what he had seen in his dream.
He tried desperately to slow it down, but couldn't he was only a padawan.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:21:51 PM
::Verse would have smiled if he knew the boy wasn't in pain. That was not the case though. It was obvious the padawan had thigns running through his head he really didn't want to see. That only proved what was going on. Verse held out a hand.::
"YOu do not have the strenght to stop it, but I do. Take my hand and draw on my power. YOu must work with the Force. Do not control it, and do not let it control you. You must make it work with you and not against you.Draw on my power and consentrate. Direct what you want to happen. Open you minds eye up more, or close it for now. Do what you think will be best. I have ablity to stop it, but not the right. I have the power to control it, but that will not help you later. You must learn to control it. Take my hand. Don't think. Just do. It will come naturally if you consentrate....."
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:21:07 AM
Hadrian gripped Verse's hand tightly, as the images began to take more and more of his concentration up. Things were shifting fading, moving. Shadows became real, real things faded to shadows. It was a waking dream of sorts.
As the Vision progressed and Hadrian began to regain control, due to Master Dawnstrider's help, it slowed and became more coherent. What Hadrian didn't realize was that though everything seemed like it was moving in real time to him, it was actually all passing before his mind's eye in the time it took him to take a breath.
He saw the battle he had dreamed. This time, instead of the beast attacking first, Zeke did lunging at the repitillian Sith. The battle continued, it seemed Zeke was winning, but then slowly the tide turned and Zeke in the end was vanquished as before. Hadrian shuddered as the vision ended.
Looking at Verse he asked bewildered; "How long was I out of it?" Of course he couldn't have realized that only a second or so had passed in the real world, where as he had witnessed a battle that had lasted for quite sometime in his mind.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 11:30:47 AM
::Verse smirked.::
"Only for a moment. Visions are funny things. They take hours when you are asleep, but when you are awake they travel at the speed of thought. I only had enough time to blink."
::Verse let go of Hadrian's hand and placed it in one of the pockets of his robe. He did so with the other hand as well. He thought for a moment to choose his words before he answered.::
"Now that you undersatnd what is happening, do you wish to Master it, or let it fade away like a lovers perfume in the wind. I can help with some of the stuff, but not all. As I said, I am no Seer, but I know a few mentalist tricks to help control it or the time being."
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 5th, 2003, 04:02:39 PM
"Master it," the young padawan answered almost without thought. The abilitity to see possible outcomes of your actions before they happened, perhaps see the future and change it, was too great a gift for Hadrian to ignore.
"What must I do?"
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:24:05 PM
::Verse was serous for the moment.::
"I want you to fully know what you may be getting into. You can not always stop the visons. YOu may see friends die, tortured, and many other god-alwful things. Are you willing to take the good with the bad. Will you be willing to go on knowing how you may die because of a dream? You must understand that many good things can coem of this, but you can see things you do not want to. Do you still want to go on?"
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:37:46 PM
"Master Verse if one life is saved because of my talent, then all the horrible things I must witness are worth it," Hadrian replied without hesitation. He believed in the code of the Jedi and the selflessness that was expected of them, he tried to embody.
He realized that he may witness things horrible, he always did, they were the easiest to see. It was the good the things that weren't horrilbe that was hard for him to discover.
Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:44:26 PM
;:Verse nodded. He was sure the boy was ready now.::
"Ok then. Let us work on closin' it off. That way you can get some sleep tonight. Then you can get help with channeling it. That si something i can not teach."
::Verse took a deep breath.::
"The mind is full of doors. Even one has a lock to it. The trouble if lclosing the door. Once closed, then it easily locked if you know how. You must reach inside and consintrate on your gift. Reach down and touch it with the Force. When you do that we can move on."
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:12:42 PM
Hadrian knelt and closed his eyes. Focusing on the Force and how it affected his mind. He ignored the world around him, how random thoughts of others sometimes plagued him, how his thoughts were projected at times. He was searching for the tempest within his own mind's eye. The point at which he could see the ever changing storm that is the future.
A flash of visions began rushing him as he focused on the point in his mind that allowed him to see the possible outcomes of future actions. The Force was flowing powerfully, ebbing an flowing through his mind. He saw a vision of himself, old, wrinkled, teaching a group of children. He saw a vision of himself, young and powerful fighting a darksider. He saw a vission of a grave with his name on it. There was a constant stream of images raging throughout his mind, making it had to focus on anything.
"I...I've found it Master Dawnstrider," He said, barely coherently, the visions taking him to the brink of madness.
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