Lasarian Opps
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:35:57 PM
I will no longer be posting in this board. Reasons can be gathered from putting two and two together. I wish everyone here the best with their roleplaying, but after what I've recently seen, I don't want to be a part of this anymore.
Lock it if you want staff, I doubt it makes much of a difference.
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:43:41 PM
Take care then, but I will reitterate something I have said somewhere else.
I suspect I knowwhat this is about and let me go ahead and address that since I have not addressed it in any type of public way. It relates to a particular closed thread.
Was that thread in poor taste? Probably so, yes.
Was that thread harmful in any way to the one to whom it was about? No.
Was what occurred an invasion of privacy? No.
My explanation and reasoning is as follows.
Yes, the fact that the person’s identity was given away to a large degree was in fact poor taste and a mistake. It could have been done in a way that no one could figure out who was being referred to and the issue wouldn’t be causing so many problems. Are staff members not allowed to be human and make mistakes like regular posters and human beings? Being so unforgiving of something is just plain wrong. Not a single one of us is perfect and entirely without flaws.
Please explain to me what kind of harm was done here if you think that is the case. Its not like the anonymity of that poster was exposed to the point of; “So and so is lurking and right at this very moment they are reading such and such thread or looking at such and such forum." If that had indeed been the case, exposing an anon user live with when they were logged on and what they were doing I would see this as an invasion of privacy, but as it was it was nothing more than something some people found interesting that was happening over a long period of time.
I have seen and read many a post by staffers at both the SWR and SWRPG boards that do nothing but bash the staff members of this board and only once have I ever seen anyone stand up for the SWFans staff to defend them personally, and here is why I think that is the case. The majority of our staff members respect the rights that any person has to form their own opinion, even if its something that has no foundation in fact. We don’t descend down on their boards in a rain of complaints, we don’t whine and cry about it to others in IM, we just move on and let others believe what they will.
Right now I really think this mistake made by a human being is being reacted to just the way that those who want nothing more than to have the success and popularity that this board has, are getting exactly the attention they desire. The facts are being skewed and misinterpreted. and some of those skewing them are doing so with malicious (jealous) intent.
Accept the mistake, move on and don’t let it affect IC dealings or workings. Mixing OOC drama with IC reaction leads to nothing but misunderstandings, miscommunication and more often than not, trouble with a capital T.
If this thread becomes a flame fest it will be closed, but as of now it remains open.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:51:20 PM
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