View Full Version : I need to work off some calories, too many humans (open)
Odin Murk
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:59:55 PM
:: I sat, sun basking on the stone in the midde of the training yards. Correllia was a very diverse planet and at high noon, th sun reached a point that made my scales shift with relaxation. Not to mention I was very full, force wise and body wise. Four humans were the max usually but I had recently eaten five. and you could tell to, I wasn't done draining the nurtients of any of them and my stomach stuck out as if I was a female mammal about to reproduce.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:10:34 AM
He hadn’t been here long. In fact, it had probably been just over a week now. He’d met with his master and begun his training, but he was impatient, and difficult to keep contained.
He hated sitting still and could be found most often in the workout room, or now, more often, on the training grounds.
And as he walked them today, looking for someone to engage in some sort of training, he spotted one that he hadn’t yet before seen at the order. It was a lizard of some sort, basking in the sun and looking rather…..satisfied. He wasn’t sure if the thing had had perhaps a few too many beers and bacon burgers over the years or if the he was a she and about to bear triplets.
His dark eyes cast over in the direction of Odin, though he didn’t offer any sort of greeting. Lady Vader had told him to be friendly to those here and to treat them as a family. For the most part, he was able to do this, but he loathed weakness, and admittedly, looked down upon any in whom he felt a lack of strength.
Odin Murk
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:11:24 PM
:: I snorted then wrinkled my nose. More food? No human... I shook my head, not bothering to open my eyes as I felt the vibrations of the human. I belched before rolling over and stretching my claws. I pushed myself up and lazily opened my eyes to see one of my Sith brethren standing before me.::
Hail mamm... brother Ssssssssssssssith.
:: I turned away and gagged. My jaw unhinged as the skin stretched and all at once, a large ball of drained flesh and meat was splashed across the stone. The stone surface began to hiss as my saliva settled into the surface and then it stopped. The large ball of body parts sagged as the saliva dripped off it and I turned back to the young one, wiping my lipless mouth.::
You require sssssssssssservice of me?
:: I stood now that my muscles had relaxed and my eleven foot height towered over the Sith. I stared down at him with one large reptilian eye.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:18:34 AM
He'd turned away, the gag reflex a little too strong at the moment to watch. And then he'd turned back, his eyes narrowed in a mixture of disgust and perhaps sick curiousity.
It was evident now that it was a male, and he towered a good five feet over Maxim, who considered himself six feet one, but knew he was only six and a half.
Maxim shrugged.
"I dont know that I require service...." He replied, "But I was looking for someone to spar with...."
He eyed Odin for a moment, seemingly sizing him up for a brief moment.
"Who are you?" He asked, not at all the shy or quiet type. Rather the opposite, in fact. He was rather confident, perhaps even to the point of being cocky.
Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:30:54 PM
No mamm... Ssssssith, you sssssssshall tell me who you are firsssssssst. I can tasssssssssste your power and I could teach you a many thing. Who are you?
:: I was Odin Murk, Sith Knight, and I could tell this Sith was a newer brother, the darkside was a torrent within him but not focused. And I was still a knight, an evolved rank of the Sith disciple, and I deserved respect within the Order as I gave it to those above me. I had noticed the gesture when I had deposited the remains of my meal and I wondered how this one would fare in the sight of battle and gore, I was no cleaner when I killed.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:57:17 AM
No mamm... Ssssssith, you sssssssshall tell me who you are firsssssssst. I can tasssssssssste your power and I could teach you a many thing. Who are you
Maxim gave Odin an odd look, still seemingly sizing him up.
"Maxim." He replied, finally, in answer.
He volunteered little else. It wasnt that he was unfriendly, necessarily, but Lady Vader had rather easily taught him a good lesson about underestimating his opponents, and it was fresh enough in his mind to still have a bit of a bruised ego over it.
"Now will you tell me who you are?" He asked, his tone not lacking in respect entirely, but certainly not the respectful tone he probably should have used.
Odin Murk
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:52:24 PM
I am Odin Murk, Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxim, Sssssssssith Knight of the Order. You ssssssaid earlier you were looking for ssssssssssomeone to sssssspar? I am full for the moment and need ssssssssssomething to work the feeling off before I go out and hunt again, you will do nicccccccccccely. You are ssssssssmart enough to use a lightssssssssaber yessssssssssss?
:: I hoped so, for this one's attitude I would not be surprised, but I hoped so. I did not underestimate humans. I knew they were weaker than I but through the force they could equal and surpass me well enough. But this one's power was newly wrought and I could only hope he could wield the agile weapon of the force adept.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:56:19 PM
His expression darkened immediately.
Lady Vader had not yet let him use a lightsaber, though he had no doubt of himself that he'd be able to handle it just fine.
"Yeah, I can handle one just fine." He replied somewhat defensively to the question of whether or not he was smart enough to use a lightsaber.
"I just dont have one yet." He added, a scowl on his face, and his words indicating very clearly his malcontent with this fact.
Odin Murk
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:46:36 PM
:: I chuckled, a deep throaty laugh that probably sounded more like a deep drum to the human before I flexed my muscles, the steel like fibers stretching the scales along my fore arms. The dark green scales slowly being pulled aprt in two certain areas on each arm until they tore and two lightsaber emitters could be seen protruding from each arm. I turned my wrist and a seven foot long blade of purple energy burst from each one, making my reach incredibly long, mere extensions of destruction to my already deadly claws.
I rotated my wrist again and the blades disengaged, the emitters settling back into my body and the slight bleeding slowly stopping as they rested back into the spaces between my muscles.::
That is jussssssssssst well Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxim, humanssssss need to learn how to fight without their technology anywayssssssss. Some know hand to hand combat but many mammalssssssssssssssss seem to think they require additionsssssssssss to have the upper hand. The technology I use is only to balanccccccccccce this pathetic attempt the jedi try to make when they fight me. But maybe you can be taught better than they hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Maxxxxxxxxxim Apprenticccccccccccce?
:: This Sithling would learn to protect his emotions better than that, cold rage was better than a hot one. Coldness served the darkside and yourself at the same time, burning rage fed the darkside, yes, but it also fed yourself to it, and that did not help the darkside in the long run.
But I was not his master, Lady Vader would teach him that, I would teach him how to fight, or how to lose, either one.::
We ssssssssssspar then? Hand to hand combat? Usssssssssage of the forccccccccce?
:: I grinned again, my lipless gums revealing teeth that could crunch metal as I clenched a massive claw.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 11th, 2003, 01:56:17 PM
As the sabers engaged, Maxim looked upon them with envy. He wanted one. Wanted one very badly. With a heavy sigh he leaned back against a nearby tree.
“Hand to hand combat is boring.” He replied grudgingly. He’d been learning this since he’d been but a child. The rick now was putting the force behind these moves.
“And Im just learning all that stuff about the force…..” He added as hands shoved into his pocket.
He looked up at Odin, still towering above him.
“Isnt there an extra lightsaber hanging around somewhere I could use to spar with you?” He asked. Lady Vader hadn’t specifically told him he couldn’t have one, she had just suggested that perhaps he learn a few other lessons first.
Beginning with the one she’d taught him in having a bit of humility. It had worked, somewhat, but his spirit was irrepressible, and eventually, his cockiness would return – just as it had now. And likely, he would learn another lesson this day as well.
Odin Murk
Mar 11th, 2003, 07:16:09 PM
:: I laughed and the young apprentice could hear something about a pathetic mammal before I walked a few paces away to the large bulge of drained flesh that was drying now in the bright Corellian sun. I drove a claw into the mess before digging out a slimy object. I licked the fluids off, leaving it still covered in my poisonous saliva but not as messy. I tossed it at Maxim's feet.::
Your firssssssssst lessssssssson from me that I am actually going to tell you issssssssss that you are not alwayssssssssss given the best circumssssssssssssssssstances, you musssssssst make do.
Second, without the forccccccccccccccce, mammals, jedi, sssssssssssith, all are uselesssssssssssssssss with a lightsaber. The item isssssssssss too light to easily be adpated by human handsssssssssssss and the trick of not cutting your own leg off isssssssssss a whole other matter. Plussssssssssssssss being able to second guesssssssssssss your opponent's moves is always something issssssssssn't it? Do not be foolisssssssssssssh and call the darkssssssssssssside a simple thing, it requiressssssssssss respect as a weapon and the tool that ssssssssssshall give you a name better than just a filthy mammal, you are Ssssssssith!
:: My four lightsaber claw extensions reignited and I roared. The ball of flesh that had contained the body of a nameless jedi now exploded in a blazing fire that Maxim could taste the darkside from there.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:12:08 PM
Maxim’s gaze turned into a deep scowl. He didn’t like to be laughed at, and he took offense to the grumblings about him being a pathetic mammal. He would show lizard-breath a thing or two…..
It was then that a disgusting pile of….remains was tossed it at Maxim's feet. He looked to Odin with an expression of surprise. This lizard guy was insane.
Your firssssssssst lessssssssson from me that I am actually going to tell you issssssssss that you are not alwayssssssssss given the best circumssssssssssssssssstances, you musssssssst make do.
Second, without the forccccccccccccccce, mammals, jedi, sssssssssssith, all are uselesssssssssssssssss with a lightsaber. The item isssssssssss too light to easily be adpated by human handsssssssssssss and the trick of not cutting your own leg off isssssssssss a whole other matter. Plussssssssssssssss being able to second guesssssssssssss your opponent's moves is always something issssssssssn't it? Do not be foolisssssssssssssh and call the darkssssssssssssside a simple thing, it requiressssssssssss respect as a weapon and the tool that ssssssssssshall give you a name better than just a filthy mammal, you are Ssssssssith!
It wasn’t that he thought the darkside was a simple thing. It was more the fact that he was just beginning to learn it and was finding it perhaps a little more difficult that he had thought it might be. He was impatient, and having to wait for anything to come easily did not sit well with him. It was this simple fact that made him act as if he didn’t care about the dark side and the power it held.
As the body before Maxim exploded, the kid turned away, shielding himself from the heat of it until the flames subsided a bit.
When it had, he sighed.
He’d been practicing all morning, the memories of his lesson the evening before with his master still fresh in his mind. He’d wanted to master the skills she had taught him – or at least be able to show her the next time he saw her that he was capable of these things.
The practice had not been easy. It was all much harder than it looked to be at first. And while he was becoming more confident with it, he was still rather frustrated by it.
He stared for a moment into the flames, still fuming over having been called a pathetic mammal. He would prove himself. He would. To Lady Vader, to this one before him. And this was when he decided to try something. Staring into the flames, he gathered his concentration, and in his mind, he pictured them moving, as if a gust of wind had come and blown them fiercely in the direction of Odin.
Odin Murk
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:23:10 PM
:: Maxim was suddenly launched across the ground a few feet by the back of my hard scaly claw. The fire had died the instant I had sensed his intervention. It was not a constant flame, only that powered by my own force concentration.
I lunged forward and grabbed him by the face, my sabers had been disengaged with his noton of even attacking me. My claw lifted him up, five feet off the ground, face to my face. I roared, hopefully breaking his eardrums.::
You are pathetic Maxxxxxxxxxim apprenticcccccccccce! What do you try to prove to me? Your conccccccccccccentration could've been losssssssst, your control could've wavered, then what, both of us ssssssssssssscorched in your idea of proof that you aren't pathetic?
:: I grinned as I tossed him to the side, angering this one was going to be too easy it seemed. He landed a few inches away from the slimy object I had retrieved and Maxim couldnow tell that it was a lightsaber. One of those five had been a Jedi and I had enjoyed the taste of his soul very much.::
Now grab the ssssssssssssaber and attack me Maxxxxxxxxxim. Come at me, focusssssssssssss your anger on your target and fight with the rage of the darksssssssssssssside. Now!
:: I would teach this one how to be Sith.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:27:15 AM
Before he’d known it, he’d felt the sting from the back hand of Odin’s scaly claw and landed with a solid thud six feet from where he’d originally stood. As he’d considered climbing back to his feet, he’d felt himself lifted and then he was face to face with Odin, dangling helplessly in the air.
He struggled in the massive lizards grip until a roar so loud made him drop his head and reach in pain to cover his ears.
You are pathetic Maxxxxxxxxxim apprenticcccccccccce! What do you try to prove to me? Your conccccccccccccentration could've been losssssssst, your control could've wavered, then what, both of us ssssssssssssscorched in your idea of proof that you aren't pathetic?
These words had angered him despite the throbbing that had begun in his head from Odin’s roar. What had further angered him was the easy way that Odin had merely grinned in response to his scowl and tossed him aside like a rag doll.
Humiliation set in as he landed on the ground, rolling and ending up only inches from the slimy object Odin has tossed at him only moments ago. He didn’t need Odin’s encouragement to attack him. He had already been reaching for the saber as the lizard began to speak.
Now grab the ssssssssssssaber and attack me Maxxxxxxxxxim. Come at me, focusssssssssssss your anger on your target and fight with the rage of the darksssssssssssssside. Now!
He had never used a lightsaber before, but it was easy enough to activate and the green blade sprang forth with a snap-hiss. And like anyone new to playing with a lightsaber, Maxim made the mistake of doing what he had seen in movies. He ran towards Odin, and moments before he went to swing, both hands moved to grip the saber, prepared to slice the lizard horizontally in half in one big arcing swing.
He was smart and he was strong and he had potential. In time he would be skilled. But now, as an apprentice, he had much to learn, fortunately for him this was the place and these were the ones to learn it from – the knights and masters of the order who would teach the lessons, and allow the young apprentice to live to see another day.
Odin Murk
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:13:47 PM
:: I chuckled as the Sithling ranat me with his weapon ready to deal damage in angered vengeance, I had warned him. His hold on the weapon would be uneasy, the lightsaber was lighter than what you would expect and dealt more destruction than one would think, leaving it for room to underestimate it's capabilties and your opponent's. But it was a suitable weapon for a trained user of the force, being able to second guess attacks came in hand with fighting also, the clean sweep of flesh being severed and then cauterized was very satisfying.
One saber on each arm flashed out and I caught his attack at my chest which was well above his head. I twisted my arm, flicking my wrist with a little momentum, Maxim's blade was deflected and my massive arm came in the side, my intensity level as set to spar, it woud only stun the human if it touched him, I didn' want to risk the Sithling tripping and being cut in half. If we met again though, I might.::
Turn your rage againssssssssst me and away from yourssssssssself Maxxxxxxxxxxxxim, before I decccccccccccide to eat you and ssssssspit out you back out for being too ssssssssssssscrawny.
:: Egging this one on was the best part.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:40:52 PM
The blade was indeed lighter than he’d expected it to be. This strange feeling had him slightly off balance as Odin blocked his first attack. He wavered for a moment, the saber coming back just in time to catch Odin’s second saber.
It was as the blades locked that Maxim heard Odin’s next few words.
Turn your rage againssssssssst me and away from yourssssssssself Maxxxxxxxxxxxxim, before I decccccccccccide to eat you and ssssssspit out you back out for being too ssssssssssssscrawny.
If there was one thing Maxim prided himself on, it was his level of physical fitness. He was somewhat vain about it and probably had a bit of a right considering the amount of time he spent working on his physique. This taunting by Odin angered him and he almost struck out again without thinking, the rage within overwhelmingly strong.
But if there was one thing about Maxim, it was that he was a quick learner. And he was able to know in only moments that he was outmatched. This simple fact elicited some sense of humility from him and he actually took Odin’s advice to heart.
It was nothing new to him to turn his anger outward – he had done it plenty in the sports that he’d played over the years. His dark eyes glared up at Odin, and then he gathered his strength, which was rather strong for a human, but no where near a human using the force, or anything that would match Odin’s.
Maxim would have to learn to use the force along with his natural strength. In time he would. In time it would become second nature. But at the moment, the distraction of an actual weapon kept him from remembering last night’s lesson from his master – or the lesson only moments ago from Odin.
The next swing at the massive lizard was stronger than the last – a clear indication that he was listening to the advice given by Odin. The attack was fueled by anger directed outward, but lacking the focus of the force along with it.
Odin Murk
Mar 27th, 2003, 06:44:04 PM
:: I caught the saber with an off hand, my saber easily holding the attack at my stomach. But it was good, the attack as solid, probably strong enough to shatter another man's will. Maxim would be a force to reckon with when his ablities matured. But not now. My tail slung low and took out his feet from beneath him. He hit the groud and I backed up.::
Good apprenticcccccccce but still too weak. Too blind. I sssssssssaw it coming before you even thought about it. You might have tapped into your rage but that pile of asssssssssh and corpse could've sssssssssssseen your attack coming. Do not waste my time Maxxxxxxxxxxim!
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 28th, 2003, 10:42:38 AM
With a solid thud he landed on his back on the ground, the massive tail having swept him off his feet. Immediately he climbed back to them, wincing for only a second before he hid any sign of weakness.
He mighty lizard had backed up a few paces and Maxim sought to gather his wits as the praise mixed with stringing criticism came.
Good apprenticcccccccce but still too weak. Too blind. I sssssssssaw it coming before you even thought about it. You might have tapped into your rage but that pile of asssssssssh and corpse could've sssssssssssseen your attack coming. Do not waste my time Maxxxxxxxxxxim!
Wasting his time?!
This one knew how to get him going. Feisty by nature, it didn’t take much, but Odin hit the right buttons effortlessly.
Maxim could feel his muscles tighten in anger. A flush of rage and humiliation made his tan cheeks turn a shade of red. And visibly, he shook in his anger. It was difficult for him to focus in this state, for it wasn’t calmly or rationally that he was thinking.
Until, of course, his master’s words echoed in his mind. She had repeated to him over and over and over to focus. And to never underestimate his opponent. At the time he thought she had done it just to annoy him, but now he realized that she had just known him well enough to know he would hear it, but not necessarily listen to it unless she drilled it into him.
He took a deep breath and focused. In this moment, he could feel the difference. He could feel the reason for the mind exercises – by doing them, he had begun to tap into the dark side and the power behind it. It would be some time, quite some time before his full strength was realized, but he had at least begun.
When he moved this time to attack, there was not only his physical strength behind it, but the strength of the force and a focused mind. He closed the distance between them and his saber cut through the space between he and Odin in a determined arc.
Odin Murk
Mar 29th, 2003, 07:34:11 PM
:: This time I chuckled as Maxim moved forward. I had given me space because I had judged the Sithling right. touching certain nerves had caused certain reactions, giving the results I had wanted. I needed space this time because Maxim's attack was now focused, mentally and physically. The movements were unpredictable once he set himself to attack me. His focus prevented me from interfering with the force and his strength only gave his goal to him faster.
Unfortunately, this was one of his first times with the lightsaber and no matter how much focus he had, no matter the cold fury, the lack of practice still showed. I lunged forward to meet Maxim, the blades clashing so strongly and with so much momentum that sparks flew in a flurry and both of seemed to recoil but hold with the collision. My neck strained between the cross of blades, mine holding his safely away.::
I look forward to ssssssssssparring you next time Sssssssssithling. Train well and hard, for you are Ssssssssssith and no longer mammal. Be sssssssssure to remember that.
:: I grinned before easily twisting my wruist, focusing with the force to tap into the cold rage I always let burn within me. My strength mulltiplied and I hurled Maxim over my back and away. He hit the ground with a thud some meters away. I disengaged my sabers and hit my chest solidly in salute to the effort of Maxim. I roared and cocked my head in a nod quickly before turning away. I was hungry again and I meant to feed soon, seeing Maxim hit the ground like that only furthered my growing appetite for some warm screaming human. I stalked away, my tail swerving back and forth as I left the grounds through one of many doors.::
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:35:45 AM
This effort had been better. He knew this as the blades met and the sparks flew. There was electricity in the air.
I look forward to ssssssssssparring you next time Sssssssssithling. Train well and hard, for you are Ssssssssssith and no longer mammal. Be sssssssssure to remember that.
He was pretty sure that these were words of praise, but he didn’t have long to consider them, for only a moment later he was hurled some distance away and landed with a heavy thud. The air left him with this landing, yet he sat up, gasping for air in time to see the enormous lizard salute. And then with a loud roar, he began to saunter away.
For a moment longer, Maxim sat there, finally laying back to stare up at the sky. He pondered Odin’s words as he did this, replaying the spar in his head and understanding in this moment, just how important an understanding and control of the force would be. And this was part of what inspired him to begin a more rigorous training schedule.
He didn’t like the mental exercises, but he would have to live with it. They were what would save his life – jut as his master had fairly warned him.
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