View Full Version : Everyone's gotta eat something (open)

Odin Murk
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:42:39 PM
:: I entered the bar and grill, giving the men at the door a disdainful look before passing the weapons search, I mad sure to deactivate all weapons on my body for them but none could actually be withdrawn.
I walked in, ignoring the watchul and subtle looks of the jedi within as I took a seat. I waited for someone to give me service as I sat back. I was hungry now, and I would have something to eat sooner or later. I had been eating everything from senators to homeless on this wonderfully fruitful planet now that I had returned to TSO.::

Where isssssssssssssss my ssssssssssssservice?

Agden Ithrin
Mar 2nd, 2003, 08:22:02 AM
“Y’go to the bar t’get it,” a voice remarked from a table just a short distance away from the reptilians.

Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:23:34 PM
:: I stood with a growl, following the source of the noise and stopping short at a small man.::

Or maybe I come to you mammal?

:: Mammal flesh was just as good as bird.::

Agden Ithrin
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:25:24 PM
The Zabrak cast his hood back, smirking up at the lizard.

“I don’ think the men at the door with the guns would be approvin’ of that.”

Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:36:34 PM
Ahhh... differencesssssssssss in culture? I'm sorry... from where I come from, you are what my people eat. You musssssssssst forgive me. Men at doorsssssss with gunssssssss are nothing but appetizerssssss alssssssssso, the metal addssssssss extra flavor, especially when I feel my ssssssstomach begin to digest the battery cccccccells, a warm meal I ssssssssay.

:: I looked down at the man, giving him my best lipless smile. It was true, who could blame me for my culture where humans were like catlle and anything smaller than us was usually eaten anways. Was he to discriminate my culture? Ignorance can be such a sweet excuse when played out right.::

Agden Ithrin
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:45:02 PM
Agden nodded faintly.

“I understand that ye’ might be used to eatin’ humans and the like where ye’ come from, but if we’re to respect your ways then you have to respect ours here.”

The horned Jedi leant back in his chair somewhat, to get a better overall view of the lizard man.

“…’am sure the cook could whip up something ye’d be partial t’.”

Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:53:44 PM
I do not eat thingsssssssss already dead, they are ussssssssually about your sizzzzzzzzzzze and are still sssssssssscreaming when I unhinge my jaw and devour their sssssssssssoul. This isssssssss a public bar no? Do not many ways interweave here? Some bring their culturessssssssss and some don't, only partially. Does that mean I can only eat half of you?

:: I enjoyed this. I knew the Jedi would not stand for anyfighting nd I intended nothing of it. When I ate something, it was not considered fighting when the meal didn't want to die, it was just part of the food, screams were so satisfying.::

Agden Ithrin
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:55:35 PM
“Y’could try t’eat me, but I don’t think I’d be t’ye liking. I’m already dead flesh in the most part,” Agden replied as he took up his drink, tilting the top of the bottle towards the empty seat at his table – this creature was interesting, and he would gladly indulge it in conversation for a while longer.

Odin Murk
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:33:00 PM
:: My claw grabbed the being by his head and I lifted his body by the face, puling it to my mouth as my jaw unhinged and opened to a maw of around three feet wide. He had said I could try, that was an open invitation in my book.::

Agden Ithrin
Mar 22nd, 2003, 02:17:49 PM
Agden looked completely calm. At the door to the bar, the guards turned and trained their weapons instantly on the reploid. One barked out a command for Odin to drop Agden. The Padawan hoped he would do, otherwise they would both be dust in seconds.

Odin Murk
Mar 30th, 2003, 04:19:33 PM
:: I still held the padawan in my clutches, but I moved him in front of me, using him slightly as a human shiled. The gaurds might carry blaster rifles but I forsaw no other difficulties. I didn't want a fight. I just wanted some food and I didn't think they would stop me especially after this jedi had just said I could try to eat him, he had practically given me permission to indulge myself.::

Agden Ithrin
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:37:45 AM
Complacent, Agden simply stared back at the lizard creature.

Odin Murk
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:04:27 PM
:: No resistance? Good, than he had no problems with my actions it seemed. I casually stuphed the human down my throat and felt him settle within my enormous stomach. He wasn't dead, and wouldn't be dead until I spit him back out and killed him, but the liquids in my stomach had a paralyzing effect and he wouldn't be able to get out after being put in. Or the gaurds could always kill me.

There was an idea. But it didn't work if they wanted the jedi back. I was breathing for him too. Swallowing air so he could breath was the only way and if my mouth stayed shut for too long, jedi padawan died with me. I smiled as I felt satisfying full. I left the B&G. Getting away from the NRSF gaurds would make me feel a bit more comfortable as I indulged in my own cultural feasting. I walked into the busy walkway and stalked on down to find some kind of transport to get away.::

Agden Ithrin
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:57:16 AM
Inside the belly of the beast, Agden wondered how his large body had been accommodated for – and got the humorous mental image of the lizard mans stomach bulging, with little horns protruding out of it.

Soon, he knew, the Quannots disease he carried would begin to transport itself. It was not contagious by nature, but a sharing of blood or bodily fluids would cause the infection to carry. He wondered how the lizard would deal with the debilitation – he had learnt a lot about it now, and knew that no species were immune to it, which could only mean that some infact nurtured it and caused it to spread and affect them more quickly.

The Zabrak guessed he’d know pretty soon. In the meanwhile, he had the interesting situation of being inside of someone and took full advantage of it to have a look around!