View Full Version : So you're back, eh lizard-man? (Odin and open)
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:00:14 PM
Zeke has found Odin Murk. After months of silence, the lizard has resurfaced in the slums of Coruscant, devouring the homeless and the thugs that lurk there. More recently, Odin has been sighted near the upper levels. Zeke has managed to catch him lurking behind a rather shady tavern.
"And here I thought I'd seen the last of your scaled hide."
Zeke leans against a dimly lit lamppost, his Force Pike slung over his shoulders.
"Where've ya been all this time, Murk?"
Odin Murk
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:28:48 PM
:: I hissed slightly at the sight of the morsel. I tossed the half eaten head of a senator away from me and into the pile of the leftover bodygaurds as I stood straight up, full 11 feet. I stared down at the small human and laughed.::
Hmmmm... dessssssssssssssssssert now? You have grown stronger Morsssssssssel, good, you are worth a meal now. I have been where I wanted, but that doesn't matter because the only place you are going is into the pit of the devourer.
:: My arms fexed and the four blades sliced out of my arms. I my tail lashed along the ground as I slowly stalked about Zeke.::
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:00:00 PM
Zeke doesn't move. He's not as jittery as he had been in his previous fights with the reptilian Sith, less eager to hurl himself into the thick of things.
"Are you gonna stalk about the place or make a move?"
Odin Murk
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:49:17 PM
:: I growled. I had fought creatreswith much more skill in pikes and staves than Zeke would ever be even with the force.::
Morssssssssssssel. I could leave you here, I don't have to fight you now, I sssssssssstill hunger, I could just keep feasting on these pathetic mammals. Why don't you come for me Zeke? Come and make your move, or I'll go for a bit more fiestier food.
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:26:31 PM
Zeke rolls his eyes.
"Never thought I'd see the day when you would pass the opportunity to kill and eat a Jedi...but if I must..."
He makes his move, pushing back against the lizard with the Force, leaping up to his throat. The pike's electricity is at it's highest setting, and the proximity sensor at the blade's tip is functioning. He doesn't have to cut the big lizard to send a bolt of electricity thoughout his body.
Odin Murk
Mar 1st, 2003, 04:26:34 PM
:: I laughed as Zeke lunged at me. Never see the day I would pass up a jedi? No I wouldn't but Zeke wasn't even a jedi to me, merely the morsel. And as he closed in, my tongue "tasted" the electric flows in his lance and I hissed. I hated lightning and anything that had to do with it, the high energy form of plasma could do more damage to me than anything else, my coldblooded body was too weak to the element and I had yet to find a way to increase my endurance against it.
I ducked down and then flew forward underneath Zeke, slithering along the floor while using the force to keep Zeke's lance held upwards so he couldn't just turn it down or around on me. His lance was like the "jerall", a lance or spear my people used sometimes except with a worse bite than the electricity. It was poisoned with an angent that did more damage than my saliva did. I had fought people who used things like that so I was well educated inways to avoid being hit but I could not risk the damage of the spear at all. My tongue flickered out every few seconds, I was testing the strength of the voltage, fatal.::
You have new toysssss? That issssssss well Morsssssssssel, well and well. But I shall ssssssssssnap it in half after I ssssssssnap you in half and eat you like a flessssssssssh ssssssssssandwich!
Mar 1st, 2003, 11:45:50 PM
"Yeah, I've picked some stuff up since last we met. And you'll be hard pressed to eat me because of it!"
Odin seems...evasive. Not as eager to attack as in the past...dare he say it? The big lizard seems almost afraid. Zeke moves in slowly, seeking an opening.
"C'mon...not like you to be defensive, Odin."
Odin Murk
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:20:11 PM
:: I growled again. And it would be only worse if Zeke was not the same. I leaped back, twisting into the air as I dug my claws into the wall and climbed upwards. I hurled myself to the ceiling and then shoved of towards Zeke. My flurry of attacks came simutaneously.
My saber claws flared into existence and I held them forward. One driving for Zeke in an arc while the other made sure to keep the force pike from coming near me. My tail flashed around like a whip and my mouth opened to launch a blob of dangrous saliva.::
Mar 9th, 2003, 08:20:46 PM
Zeke dodges in an odd fashion, avoiding the claws, but unable to prevent the tail strike. As it hits him he lashes blindly in its direction. If it comes within mere inches, the blade will shock the lizard. He rolls with the tail strike, narrowly avoiding the poisionous spit. He stands to see if his strike has yielded results.
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