View Full Version : 3...2...1... Time's up (continued)
Dios Kane
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:29:20 PM
:: I stood on precipiece on the side of the building watching the sun set slowly. Of course to my eyes, the entire heart moving scene seemed to be drenched in blood through my eyes. My sunglasses covered my eyes though, reading off news and information as it crossed open channels of the net. And a small clock was running in the corner, a clock that was givng the voice in the back of my head a heart attack.
It was the clock that would tell me when this blood satiated world would end. I wanted it to end, so then I could remember what I had just done. The voice kept telling me I knew and I would always know once that clock ended, but I just wanted to be out of this red maze. I remembered Maia, Kaytor, and Fiend all in the same room at once. Kaytor slowly talking to me as I turned into Fiend and then back to myself again as Kaytor changed back and forth from Maia to Kaytor.
Had it even been real at all? What had I done? What misery had I brought?
Misery. Iwould end it, that wasone thng I was sure of. And Kaytor was the bringer of it. I entered the room, I drank her polite gift of wine and then it started to get fuzzy and painful. She would be first and then Fiend. After I found Maia, but from what Kaytor had told me, Fiend was with Maia. I would find them bth and nd the misery Fiend wrought. And if Maia was not alive... tears slowly moved down my stoic face. I would end the misery of this world and every other until I repayed my debt to letting her down.::
Kaytor Surna
Mar 10th, 2003, 08:38:48 PM
Dios felt the presence of a darker being then himself at the moment. The presence of an undead assasin. Kaytor steped up behind him with her saber and dagger in hand. Blood driped from the dagger and blood tainted lips. He could tell she had just fed. She just stood behind him, watching him. The last sliver of sun had set just before she came.
"Greetings, Dios. Still wish to kill me? Good luck."
Dios Kane
Mar 27th, 2003, 06:30:50 PM
Thank you, but I don't think I'll need it.
:: My gun was in my hand faster than I could register. I flipped off the cliff of the building, grabbing the edge as I fell and then pulling myself up with one tug. In a flash, I was facing Kytor, the barrel of my gun at her lips.::
Just open your mouth so I can finish it. This bullet will blow your head straight off. I've killed enough of you to know, you don't get back up when the head's gone.
Kaytor Surna
Mar 27th, 2003, 11:34:53 PM
"Yes you have killed many of my kind."
Suddenly her hand flys up, knocking the gun out of his and it goes flying over the edge of the building. He looses sight of it long before it hits the ground.
"But you have never killed me. And I doubt you ever will."
She glares at him.
Dios Kane
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:35:47 PM
:: I didn't even look to watch my gun go by, that was an expected outcome and I had kissed that gun goodnight well before she had come to me now. I only slightly smiled though.::
But that's what you get for doubting.
:: I ignited the switch to the lightsaber held to her stomach in my other hand and the orange beam shot through. I sneered, I knew I was using the darkside but it was all if I cared or not. I did, but not right now. I didn't want to kill her right away, I wanted her to share in my pain and suffering. I dropped to the ground, disengaging my saber. She wouldn't die like mortals would but she would feel it. And this too, as my metal heel came between her legs and vaulted her off the side of the building. I rolled over to watch her fall and then stood back up again, the cold smile returned as the raging torrent of the force within me settled. Now to return to Maia... the link was still disconnected, distant and I wanted it back.::
You doubted me Kaytor?
Kaytor Surna
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:57:57 PM
Kaytor had yelled slightly in shock as the saber came into her stomach. She gasped slightly at the pain. She was then kicked off the roof and started falling to the ground quickly. Even through the pain, she held her hands palm down towards the ground and pushed off it with the force, stoping herself and flying back towards the roof.
She arives just in time to hear his last words.
"Yes I did. And I still do. You wont kill me."
She was on one knee glaring up at him, holding her stomach in pain as she slowly started to heal it.
"You will pay for that, Dios Kane."
Dios Kane
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:31:26 PM
:: I laughed, holding my hands up to the sky.::
I shall pay for many things by the time this is done. You are lucky this was only one story to fall from.
:: My hands came down as I reengaged my light saber my other hand playing with a small ring between my fingers.::
Then make me pay Kaytor... make me? You already made me forsake something I don't think is replacable, now what else can you make me do?
Kaytor Surna
Apr 30th, 2003, 10:07:34 PM
"Your mind and heart will bend at my will. Your very soul will be mine for the taking. The darkness that eats at you now will overcome you, destroy you. I will kill the one you love. Her life will be gone."
Her eyes never left his. He felt an overcoming feeling to obay what she says. To hang onto her everyword as if death comes at the next one. She keeps eye contact with him, dominating him. Her dark eyes show her anger and hatred.
"Follow me, Dios. We will control the darkness."
Her hand reached for her saber, prepared that if this might not work she would be ready for an attack. But she knew that few could stand up against this.
Dios Kane
May 1st, 2003, 04:42:09 PM
It's done Kaytor... I feel you in my head but I hear too many voices. Did you really trust Fiend? He's like... what you want from me. You don't want me, I assure you, I will kill you if you stay any closer to me and if you go after Maia, you won't kill her, I'll get you a universe away before you reach her.
:: I held the saber, blade at Kaytor and my fingers continued to rotate the ring in my fingers.::
Kaytor Surna
May 1st, 2003, 09:58:11 PM
Kaytor watched him, coldly. Her thumb edged closer to the activation button on her saber. She kept eye contact with him, bending his mind with the force slowly until she is able to control him. Her dark eyes never left his.
"Dios. I won't hurt you unless I am forced to. I do not wish to. Follow me into the shadows and I will not have to hurt you. Don't and you will feel pain through that of Maia."
Her words flow through his mind gently, like water in a stream. Her tone is that of a lover telling the other not to worry about something. Calm and cool.
Dios Kane
May 4th, 2003, 05:54:57 AM
:: my head tilted to the side, half of the side of my face began to pull upin a smile while the other stayed stoicly morbid. I shook my head quickly, turning my saber back on, as I realized I just had turned it off.
I slipped the ring over my finger and deactivated my lightsaber again as I listened to her voice. All threats of a lover... did lovers threaten each other? Wait... she was not my lover, hahaha, thats right, but she had been to someone else that stole my body. Yes and no, I did and I didn't, but I would pay for that.
I stumbled forward to her, my hand coming to rest at the place where her shoulder met her neck.::
What would you have me do?
Kaytor Surna
May 12th, 2003, 05:25:51 PM
"Alow me to show you down the path of the dark side, Dios. I can show you power beyond anything you know as of now. Accept my offer or as I have said, Maia will pay the price of your ignorance. Follow me, Dios."
She stands there, stareing into his eyes. He can feel her cold skin under his hands. She waits silently for his reply
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