View Full Version : He'll always go back (open anything)
Sebastian Kvasha
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:40:55 AM
He’d laid pretty low since he’d escaped from prison. In fact, had Jeseth Cloak not happened into the bar where he’d beer working, he likely would have still been there, working for minimum wage paid to him under the table.
But fate had an interesting way of working her magic and Sebastian had ended up on Koros Major, home of the Krath. It was there that he had been training, learning the ways of the dark side. And it was these newly found skills that had made him bold enough to venture out once again, visiting the crime ridden worlds he’d once walked with such confidence.
His criminal record was rather lengthy, so it was no surprise that like any criminal, once given the chance, he would return to the life he had known before. Smuggling had been the profession he had known, though he had taken an occasional assignation or drug run. Anything, really, for money.
And while his training was interesting, he was itching to get back into what he knew and loved – a life of crime.
He looked the part of an ex convict, his face covered with a day and night of stubble and a scowl set firmly upon his face as he walked the streets
He’d heard rumors of the newest operations, one called the Candy Store, and a few others. And so now he set out in search of information on any of them.
(ooc: open to anyone, really, for anything. I don’t care if it moves away from where it seems to be going – if it seems to be going anywhere… :) )
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:24:33 PM
OOC - Hope you don't mind having the boss of the Candy Store here. :p ;)
Sway put on the yellow-tinted shades as she sighed, looking around. She was waiting for a ride from Foxx Anton, but he seemed to be late. She glanced at the clarge clock, situated in the store across the street from her. Half an hour late, he was. A grunt escaped her glossy pink lips. One of Severe's members took a day off today, with permission, so he just hung around the Candy Store while Sway busted her <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, trying to make the deliveries. She was very fond of her members, but sometimes, she doubted her abilities as a boss. Fortunately, Soraya and Jake helped her.
"A leader shouldn't be doing this .." She mumbled to herself.
Foxx Anton
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:14:22 PM
Foxx stood off in a side alley, watching and waiting for his transportation to arrive. His gaze drifts lazily over his surroundings, surveying the faces of the many civilians before settling on a Large Screen Holo which held the time in a bottom corner. "<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. She's gonna be mad." He merely shrugs and pushes off the wall, drawing the shades that rested atop his head down to cover his eyes. Slowly he circled a few vehicles, his hands trailing over the various speeders. He finally stops upon reaching an S-Swoop, prompting him to climb atop.
"Hmm, 15 minutes late." He allows his gaze to briefly look around at the others before he pulls down a small panel hiding some wires. The initial 'hot-wiring' procedure doesn't take long, in fact he was able to get the bike going before he was even given a look.
Immediately he swung the bike around, smirking and kicking it into full throttle, the Swoop rocketing off towards the meeting place. A good 17 minutes after the theft, he arrives just in front of Sway, gaze directed forward still but a smirk tugging back his lips. "Your limo awaits."
Sebastian Kvasha
Feb 28th, 2003, 08:50:01 AM
Your limo awaits.
Around the corner flew a speeder taxi. Its driver barely knew basic, and for that matter, barely knew how to drive. Well, drive responsibly, that is. He’d been talking on the phone, shoving it between his shoulder and his ear as he reached for a can to spit out the saliva that had gathered from the rather large wad of chew he had in his lower lip. He might also have been considering changing the radio station. Needless to say, his mind was not on his driving, and his eyes certainly were not on the road in front of him.
He just barely saw the S-Swoop pulled over on the side of the road and swerved to miss it. He overcompensated enough that it sent the speeder into a skid, fishtailing in the direction of Sebastian, who by now had been crossing the street. As Sebastian dove out of the way, once again the taxi driver swerved, his speeder careening into a fire hydrant, water spouting instantaneously from it as the speeder hissed to a stop.
Slowly, Sebastian brought himself back to his feet. For a moment he stood in the middle of the road, the scowl on his face modified only by the paleness in his face from having missed being sent to the otherworld by mere inches. It took a matter of seconds for the paleness to turn to a shade of red as he crossed the rest of the street to where the speeder rested.
A fist came down upon the hood of it and a string of curses came forth from his rather filthy mouth before he moved to the door of the speeder where the driver was now stumbling out, his forehead dripping blood from where he’d been thrown into his own windshield. He grabbed the dazed man by the scruff of his shirt and shoved him against the speeder.
“What the <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont> were you doing?!” He demanded.
“Huh? What <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont> were you thinking you <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont>ing…..” His words continued in a string of rather unmentionable words as he took his anger out on the poor taxi driver.
Though he could have pulled the saber he carried, or perhaps the blaster, or perhaps the blade of his knife, he still preferred good old fashioned fisticuffs to anything else. And it was in this manner that he continued to harass the unfortunate driver.
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:56:20 AM
"Was about time, Anton. You're lucky I didn't fire you, just yet."
Sarcasm, of course. What kind of evil person would not have sarcasm in their body ? An angry frown drew on Sway's glossy lips, but her attention for Foxx quickly faded, as her forest green eyes fell on the man harassing a lowly taxi driver. He was interesting, and good looking, that was true. He also had the face and body built like a criminal. Being in the illegal criminal activities for last few years of her life, Sway could consider herself perfectly capable of recognizing a badass when she saw one.
"Foxx .." She didn't turn to him, but still spoke to him. "Who's that ?"
Foxx Anton
Feb 28th, 2003, 01:48:36 PM
(I had thought my Swoop was hit and such by Sebastions posts, but eh now I am confused with Sways. I guess i'll just go with the chick ;-) )
Foxx rests his hands loosely on the handlebars, his gaze drifting over to the side and falling on the man who was picking on the helpless and innocent cab drive. He smirks, lifting the glasses up to rest atop his head once more before turning his head back to Sway. "Don't know, and really don't care. I mean...who fights a guy who probably doesn't even know his name right now? Especially in broad daylight. At least take him into some dark alley." His smirk slowly subsides, waving a hand before her eyes to catch her attention. "What's on your mind?"
Sebastian Kvasha
Feb 28th, 2003, 02:27:06 PM
(ooc: *chuckles* Always go with what the woman says.
Its just easier. ;) I’ll edit the post so it doesn’t hit the swoop )
The kind of guy who would fight a banged up cab driver in broad daylight was a mad one. Sebastian didn’t take his life lightly. Particularly when he’d spent the past seven years in prison. He hadn’t escaped so he could be run down by a taxi driver who wasn’t paying attention to his driving. Hell, it was what the guy got paid to do. Drive. People. Around. Safely.
And when he felt he’d made his point enough for the guy to pay attention to his driving, at least for the next few blocks, he gave him a good shove and finally crossed the street, resuming the path he’d been walking before he’d nearly been killed.
“<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ing idiot…..” He grumbled under his breath, still rather incensed as his booted foot stepped onto the sidewalk near Foxx and Sway.
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:35:06 PM
"He just seems to be C.T. material, to me." Sway grinned, not afraid to say it aloud.
Her eyes fell back on Foxx as he waved his hand in front of her green eyes. She leaned in closer to him and kissed the corner of his lips briefly. "What ? You jealous ?"
Foxx Anton
Feb 28th, 2003, 04:40:29 PM
"Of him? Naw. And if I was, I wouldn't tell you, but might go and try to get you jealous." He smirks somewhat, not caring if she would know his little plan for countering her actions. His gaze briefly fell to the man before back to his bike, just lightly licking his lips where she kissed him. "We gonna get going or are you gonna bug the guy?"
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:59:53 AM
Dark eyes took in his surroundings. He didnt look about with wild eyed wonder, but rather with a smug glare, taking in the scene around him from beneath dark hair that he every so often shoved with annoyance from his eyes.
He needed a haircut, he supposed, but it wasnt worth his time. Not at the moment, anyway. He had other things on his mind.
As he looked about, his gaze came to fall on a man and a woman who seemed to be looking in his direction. This caught his attention, for as an escaped convict, he was more than aware of the need to perhaps keep a lower profile than shoving around taxi drivers in broad daylight.
"<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>." He cursed under his breath. He wasnt afraid of being caught again - he didnt feel fear - but he sure as hell wasnt looking to put anyone on his trail either. He preferred to lay low, for the most part.
His broad shoulders hunched a bit higher and he might have shifted his collar to protect him from plain view while a hand reached into his jacket for shades to pull over his eyes. Of course, not everyone took someone reaching into their jacket for shades as an innocent gesture. In fact, some people considered it a threat. Particularly those who ran in a world infested with criminals.
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:24:32 PM
Both Sway and Foxx were already wearing shades. If the man would've considered that being a threat, then these Severe members have been threatening since the start. Sway locked her gaze on the man, watching his every move. Not trying to be cautious, only curious. She finally turned from Foxx, to face the stranger. Maybe he was going to pass by them, then it'd give her a chance to catch his name.
Foxx Anton
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:28:14 PM
Foxx furrows his brow at her insistance on meeting this man. He shrugs and turns off the bike, leaning forward even more and just waiting til she is ready to go. "This better not take long."
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:32:26 PM
No, he had not considered them threatening. But he didnt exactly care for strangers staring at him, either. He wasnt the cautious or paranoid type, he liked to consider himself intelligent enough to know that no one else was going to watch his back for him. He was all that he had.
He pulled the shades from the inner pocket of his jacket and slid them on. He turned his gaze away from Sway and Foxx, but never made any effort to change the path that he walked.
As he neared the two of them, about to pass by them on the sidewalk, he might have given them a second glance, always aware, and always watching his back. Never concerned, just...aware.
Mar 6th, 2003, 07:22:05 AM
Sway turned from Foxx to the man, who was about to pass them by. She put her hands on her hips and smiled, but her smile had something different about it. It was nor a grin nor a smirk, yet not a smile. It was just ... Her lips positioning.
"What's your name, stranger ?" She asked the man.
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 6th, 2003, 02:41:06 PM
What’s your name stranger?
His pace had not been quick before, and to slow it now brought him almost to a standstill. He knew nothing about this woman, or the man she stood with. So far as he could recall, he had not dealt with them before. But then, people changed – and the way he had looked seven years ago before he’d gone into prison had likely been quite different from the way he looked now, seven years older.
“Depends on who’s asking.” He replied with a nonchalant shrug.
He might have appeared nonchalant, but the question piqued his interest to a certain degree. He’d come in search of a lifestyle he’d once known, and while he would be picky about who he contacted, he knew he’d have to start somewhere.
Mar 7th, 2003, 10:46:33 AM
"Why ? Do you have several names, pretty boy ?"
Pretty boy. She couldn't even count how many times she had called men she had once known in her life. It was just a sort of word signature for her. As he replied and shrugged, Sway arched her eyebrow. He looked unusually very familiar, yet not at all. Like a older version of a person she once knew ... A man she had encountered while investigating undercover in a large highly protected life prison, in mission to steal the loads of money and weapon stored in the proof locker room. She finally lost her grin/smirk/smile, a more determined look on her face.
"I ..." She tilted her head to the side.
She murmured her question, as if the answer was yes, he'd respond, but if the answer was no then he wouldn't have heard it."Do I know you ..?"
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:02:19 PM
Pretty boy
Few would ever have called him this. Mostly because he wasn’t at all the pretty boy sort of type, with a relatively rugged build and a constant disinterested scowl wrinkling his five o’clock shadow scruff covered face.
But there was one, some time ago who had called him such a name. And knowing her as he had, probably still would.
The woman who had called him this he had met before prison, but hadn’t come to know her until he’d encountered her once again while he was serving time. It was only days after his first failed attempt to escape that he encountered her.
He’d been holed up in solitary for days since his attempt and treated less than kindly. But as they were required to do by law, the day he was pulled from the dark hole they’d kept him in, the prison officials had sent him to a shrink for evaluation.
And by good old fashioned destiny, she was that shrink. Or…she pretended to be. She pulled it off perfectly, and for some time, he wondered how she had managed to fabricate the records needed to get her into the prison as a psychiatrist. Eventually, upon getting to know her better, he stopped wondering and just accepted the fact that she was that crafty.
It had taken him a visit or two with her to actually recognize her, for he’d been beaten rather badly for his foolish attempt at escape, and hadn’t been completely cognizant of his surroundings until his body had had some time to recover.
It was during one of these meetings that he’d mentioned the fact that he had seen her before, adding in the fact that he’d worked, at the time, for a group of smugglers that had performed a particular drug run for her. From there, a friendship of sorts developed.
He was able to give her the information she needed – the general layout of the prison, the schedule it followed, which officers tended to be a little less diligent regarding their duties, and so on. Anything she needed to know, he found a way to provide.
In exchange, she gave him the reprieve of an hour a day out of his jail cell, and waiting for him in a specified location for the next time he attempted an escape – and made it – a set amount of cash and a change of clothes. It seemed a fair enough exchange – in the end, they both got what they wanted – and both had been successful in their missions.
He hadn’t thought that he would see this woman again. And for a moment, his expression might have flickered a look of surprise, and perhaps recognition before it returned to a scowl.
I ... Her head had tilted, as if she too had just had the same feeling he had.
Do I know you ..?
His dark eyes flickered over her face once again.
“Dr. Carter…..?” Was his question in response. It gave away nothing, yet said everything all at once, for if she was the same woman, the woman who had claimed she was Dr. Carter to gain access to the prison, she would know instantly exactly who he was.
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:20:25 PM
Sway's forest green eyes widened as she stepped forward. Doctor Carter was only her undercover name back then. Not only did the years made it more difficult for her to remember him, but also the fact he wasn't all wounded and beat up in the face like he used to be in their personal "sessions". Quick flashbacks ran through her mind as she stepped forward again, towards him.
"It is you ..." She smiled widely.
Her hands came up to his cheeks as she leaned his head down, resting his forehead on hers as she closed her eyes. Another thing she always did when she knew a dear one was going to vanish from her life. A sort of soft memory, she told herself.
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:30:16 PM
To hear her say his name brought back a wash of memories. Prison had not been an easy place for him, and his time with this woman had been the one bright moment in the seven years of it. The fact their friendship extended beyond pure business, the fact that she’d kept her end of the bargain had made his last attempt at escaping the success that it was. And for this he would be forever grateful.
As she placed her hands to his face and pulled his head down to hers, he released a sigh. A sigh of relief, perhaps, and of complete disbelief. His forehead rested upon hers for a moment, and then he’d pulled her close to him in a hug.
For a moment this was how they remained, until they pulled away from one another to stare, disbelief on both their faces.
“I cant believe its you….” He stated, shaking his head as a genuine smile finally replaced the scowl.
His gaze darted over to Foxx.
“You seem to be doing alright for yourself….” He commented as he looked back to her, the smile finally reaching his eyes in a semi-amused sort of gleam.
Mar 7th, 2003, 12:45:30 PM
"Do you have a place to stay ?"
It was the only thing that preoccupied her at the moment. She tugged at his hand, her smile fading and a worried look drawing on her face. She studied his new features, of seven years later. Though he always denied it, she had always found him handsome.
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:01:41 PM
She had completely ignored his comment. Which of course, was exactly like her to do. She had her own agenda and followed it. And this was something he loved about her.
Do you have a place to stay ?
He paused for a moment. Yes, he did have a place to stay – on Koros Major. But not here, no. He’d only just arrived this morning on the red eye shuttle. Perhaps at some point he'd speak to her of his other life there, but not here, not in the middle of the bustling streets.
No, this they would discuss at another time, perhaps when they could sit down and catch up on what the other had been doing in the years since they'd last seen one another.
With her question, she tugged at his hand, and he saw the worried look cross her pretty little face. He squeezed her hand gently in return, as if to say, 'you dont need to worry so much about me.' He'd been taking care of himself for quite some time now, and though he would never admit it, he did actually like the fact that she worried about him.
“Not yet.” He replied, shaking his head in answer to her question. He was still somewhat dazed by the fact that they had stumbled upon one another.
Foxx Anton
Mar 7th, 2003, 04:05:53 PM
Foxx turns his head away from the two and makes a face, his glasses hiding the distaste in his eyes, and his face otherwise unreadable. Slowly he turns back to the two, his arms crossing over his chest in impatience, and of course jealousy. He knew nothing of this man, but Sway always had a way to make him jealous, intentional or not.
Mar 7th, 2003, 04:30:57 PM
"You can come to our place."
Sway didn't need Foxx's permission, but she liked turning around to ask him things. "Right, Foxx ?"
It was obvious that he was jealous, but this time, she didn't do it on purpose. Sebastian and Sway -- err, Dr. Carter were old friends. Might have been a little moment here or there, but nothing that labelled her Sebastian's forever. Besides, it was in Sway's behavior to flirt with men, and all girls knew men from prison were the best in sex. A little grin drew on her lips as she turned back to Sebastian.
"You'll like it there."
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 8th, 2003, 10:18:44 AM
Her suggestion that he stay with ‘them’ caught him a bit off guard, and just as she’d looked to Foxx, so had he. It was evident to Sebastian from the lack expression on Foxx’s face that he was not altogether happy with the suggestion, and to some degree, Sebastian could feel a hint of hostility. He wasn’t sure what the connection was between this guy and Sway, but he got the distinct feeling that something was going on between them.
He supposed he might have been the same way had he been in Foxx’s situation, but then, Baz just wasn’t a jealous guy. And he didn’t consider himself a threat to whatever it was Foxx and Sway had going on between them.
He was an old friend. Yeah, perhaps on occasion there had been more between he and Sway. There was an undeniable attraction there – but Baz knew Sway well enough to know that she would likely never be happy settling for the attention of just one man. And if she ever was, he wasn’t fool enough to believe that man would be him.
And like her, he would probably not ever be content to settle with one woman, either. He rather liked his independence and the opportunity to take advantage of any situation he happened to be in.
It was this frame of mind and the fact that he cared for and respected Sway that made him think of her more in the light of a little sister (though not exactly, because he had absolutely no attraction to his real younger sisters) – someone who could take care of herself, but someone he would keep an eye on and look out for.
He wanted to accept her offer. A chance to catch up with her would be exactly what he needed. Not to mention, he had a pretty good feeling, with her suggestion that he would like it at their place, that she would be able to lead him in the direction of what he was looking for – back into a life of crime. And he would accept her offer. But he wanted first to give Foxx a bit of respect. Baz was a man’s sort of man, and while he didn’t know or trust Foxx, if Sway was with him, he had to be an alright guy. Or at least alright enough that Sebastian was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until he got to know him better.
He stepped forward toward Foxx, his right hand extended in greeting.
“Sebastian….” He offered in introduction, the simple gesture suggesting that he wasn’t trying to oust Foxx from Sway’s attentions.
Foxx Anton
Mar 8th, 2003, 02:28:08 PM
Foxx, at the moment, didn't feel like being really responsive to Sebastian. In fact, Foxx was rarely ever was responsive to other guys. The simple extending of a hand and declaration of a name sure as hell wasn't going to make him trust a man he just met, and one he considered a threat to his relationship with Sway, but....not even Foxx was sure what that was. He slowly turns his head to Sebastian once more, reaching a hand up from the handlebars to push his glasses up to rest atop his head. "Foxx." Unlike Sway, he rarely gave a fake name, none really knew him as being a member of Severe, because oddly enough, no one seemed to call him by his name. In fact, the only one that would try to get his attention when out on little business runs was Sway, and she often refered to him as 'love' or something alike.
Mar 8th, 2003, 08:53:03 PM
"I think we'll need a bigger ride, Foxx."
Sway crossed her arms, her head lightly hung to the side. A swift breeze flew through the brunette's hair as she stood next to Sebastian. That usually meant that she wasn't satisfied and he would probably need to steal something bigger. Again, Foxx was doing his distant attitude. She arched her eyebrow, staring at him. Well, she had to admit that there was something to be jealous of. Though now Sebastian and her held a more friendly relationship, that wasn't exactly how it started. At the flashback of a few hot and heavy memories, she put her hand up to her mouth and coughed.
"Or should I call the Store ?"
Foxx Anton
Mar 8th, 2003, 11:34:58 PM
Foxx grunted some, as he came to the realization he would now be acting a chaffeur(sp?) to the two. He took a moment before reply, his tone somewhat low. "I got it." He started up the Swoop again and hit the throttle hard, though didn't let it start off yet, just as someone would rev the engine. He did this for a moment, while turning the bike into the middle of the road. Eventually he realesed the brake and bike together, the throttle still high and sending it flying into traffic.
"Grab your things." He narrowed his eyes a moment as the distraction was set, everyone ran off intot he street to see what was going on, people stepped out of their vehicles to get a better look at the aftermath behind him. Foxx took to a light jog at one of the cars, the easiet to get around the traffic with and climbed into the driver's seat, waiting.
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 10th, 2003, 11:18:56 AM
A glint of amusement entered his eyes at the refusal of a handshake. Either this one was insecure of his relationship with Sway or he was just a real jerk. (ooc: jerk isn’t exactly the word I was looking for here, but I guess with the rules it will have to do. :) ) Baz assumed it was probably a mixture of both and with a smug smirk stuffed his hand into the pocket of his jacket and looked back to the woman formerly known as Dr. Carter.
Without meaning to, this Foxx character had given away a weakness – and it was obvious it was Sway. Baz could hardly blame the guy. Years ago she’d easily wrapped him around her little finger and he didn’t doubt she still could if she wanted to. Memories of moments with her only secured this conclusion more in his mind and like she had, he too turned away for a moment, thankful for the distraction of the bike and now the stolen car.
He opened the front passenger side for Sway, then closed it behind her as she slid in before he climbed into the back.
Stealing a car was a basic thing in the criminal world, and the very fact that this was something so simple brought back the familiar feeling of the life he’d once known. With a quiet, but content sigh, he leaned back against the leather of seats.
“So how have things been going for you?” He asked of Sway after the car had begun to pull away.
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:03:00 PM
"Very successful, much more than the last time I've seen you."
She looked over her shoulder, from the front passenger seat and smiled. The last time she had seen him, there were the three original members of Severe only, herself, Soraya and Dead Sound, but Sebastian didn't get the chance to meet the two others, from what she knew. Soraya would've marked him as her territory quickly. She chuckled, then turned on the seat, kneeling into it. She held onto the back of the seat, gazing at Sebastian.
"Oh, I didn't get a chance to present myself." She grinned at the irony. "My not-totally-real name is Sway. Sway Ryder."
Sebastian Kvasha
Mar 10th, 2003, 03:34:55 PM
Very successful, much more than the last time I've seen you.
Slowly he’d nodded as he listened to her. She had turned around in her seat by now and was looking at him with a somewhat ironic grin.
Oh, I didn't get a chance to present myself. My not-totally-real name is Sway. Sway Ryder.
Baz chuckled at this. Not for once had he believed her real name to be Dr. Sarah Carter. Sarah was just too everyday a name for a woman like Sway.
And whatever her real name was, Sway certainly seemed to suit her quite well. Well enough that for now he would be content addressing her as such, though he’d likely tease her and call her Dr. Carter from time to time.
“You seemed to be doing just fine when I last saw you…” He commented, his words more than open for interpretation as to what exactly he was referring to or exactly what she had been doing when hed last seen her.
There was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he looked to her, though the rest of his face seemed to remain its typical reserved and rather gruff expression.
“Whats so different?”
Foxx Anton
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:56:11 PM
Foxx was indeed far from pleased. He did not come out here today to play chaffeur to Sway and her little friend. He just wanted to get back to the Candy Store as soon as he could, then he was gonna hit the streets for the night; on his own. If their was a traffic violation to be named, he found a way to break it, his glasses fallen back down before his eyes again and hiding his expression for the most part.
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:34:53 PM
"So different ? Well ... I suppose it's something that has to shown in time and not something that should be said."
Sway smiled. She had a feeling that this was going to turn out really good.
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