View Full Version : Things Have Never Looked so Dark... Through the Eyes of a Snack

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:53:21 PM
"The End of the Line" - The Offspring

"When the siren's flash is gone
And we're left to carry on
All the memories are too few

When the pastor's music plays
And that casket rolls away
I could live again if you
Just stay alive for me

Please stay now, you left me here alone - it's the end of the line
Please stay I can't make it on my own - it's the end of the line
Make it on my own
It's the end of the line

Now that you are dead and gone
And I'm left to carry on
I could never smile cause you
Won't stay alive for me

Please stay now, you left me here alone - it's the end of the line
Please stay I can't make it on my own - it's the end of the line
Make it on my own
It's the end of the line

Your final resting day
Is without me
I weep
And think of brighter days
What about me?

You can't take back, the one mistake
That still lives on after life it takes
In that one day, that changed our lives
And bitter memories are left behind

You can't take back, the one mistake
That still lives on after life it takes
In that one day, that changed our lives
And bitter memories are left behind

Please stay now, you left me here alone - it's the end of the line
Please stay I can't make it on my own - it's the end of the line
Make it on my own
It's the end of the line

Please stay now, you left me here alone - it's the end of the line
Please stay I can't make it on my own - it's the end of the line
Make it on my own
It's the end of the line


"It's time to go."

"Not yet. Give me more time!"

"What's done is done. You cannot change the past, no matter how hard you pray, son."

"But momma said..."

"It's getting dark, you need your rest."

"Just give me .... a few more minutes.... please? :("

"I know this is hard for you... .... ... I can fill in for your father now...."

The fifty year old man let out a hushed sigh from within the hood of his navy blue cloak, knowing full well that he could not pull his newest tool away from the freshly filled graves.

"I want you home before the sun fully sets."

The young child ignored his new guardian.

Sighing again, the old yet powerful man turned away and headed for his domain, located not too far from the Cayssian hills, only a mile or two from the Blue Forest.

He kept still until he could not feel the old man gazing over his shoulders anymore. Until he couldn't feel the old man in the near vicinity. And when he mustered up enough courage to believe the old man was gone, the young boy let lose.

A solitary tear rolled down his cheek. Another one followed, and another until he couldn't control his leaking. He began to sob there while kneeling at the graves; the graves of his biological mother and father. They had died just the other day... yet they were perfectly healthy. He could still feel the warmth of his mother's face as she pulled him in tight and gave him a motherly kiss. He could feel the strong hands of his father grabbing ahold of his shoulders and then bringing him in for a hug and kiss.

He loved his parents... and now they were gone. Why did they have to die!?

He continued to sob openly and to himself. Only six years old, and his family brutally murdered!? He couldn't even comprehend it all, and was only now beginning to understand what death meant.

"Nathan... come home..."

The young boy looked up, wet streams leaving their mark on his cheeks, seeing if his new father was there. But he wasn't. Sniffing once more and using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the snot from his nose, the little boy dragged his feet to his new home.


He no longer had a home.


"Call me 'Father'."

"..mi-mister?" Master....

"C-... yes, my boy?"


"What is it son?"

*Snack's eyes opened, glaring at the vision of the old man that lay in front of him, calling him 'son'.*

Why did you lie to me?

*His vision turned to darkness and then corrected itself to real time. Though he wished it hadn't for the first sight to behold was that of Ilyarna way to close to his face, looking shocked and scared.*

"Wh-wha.. I didn't... "

Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:11:15 AM
Wh-wha.. I didn't... I would never lie to you Master. Never."

Ilyarna's face contorted with dismay. Snack looked so...bewildered. That was until he chased his unsettling dreams from his mind and awoke fully. Then he took on his familiar "annoyed" demeanor whenever she was around.

The large and dutiful servant was worried about him. Ever since their journey to the old library with that mad fellow named Jared where he had encountered those people from his past. Taja somebody and Tempist something, though she couldnt recall clearly. Ever since then, her Master had been driven for some reason.

Atleast his mood had changed and he wasnt quite so reclusive as before. But she still knew things weren't right.

"I just...I just brought you some mulled wine. I hoped it would help you to rest better."

Snack saw the goblet set upon his bedside table. Despite his sufference of her presence in his life, the Dark Lord could not deny she was a loyal and considerate minion.

Ilyarna's eyes drifted to the empty pillow beside Snacks head, and thought once more to herself how a man such as him should not have to be alone. A wistful sigh, and then she spoke once again.

"Were you having a vision or something Master? Is it to do with this trip to Korriban?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 6th, 2003, 01:51:37 PM
A memory resurfaced.

*He said, taking up the goblet in his cupped hands and sipping the liquid that swooshed around inside. The taste of the tonic was one that Snack had never had the pleasure of having before, but it was quite delightful. Once again, Ilyarna had proved her worth. If only she would rid herself of her school-blobish obsession with the Dark Lord, all would be well in the world.*

Korriban? Probably.

*Looking at the crono, Snack deduced that they should be arriving at their destination within the hour. He took another sip of the liquid from the cup and stared off with glazed over eyes.

The trip to his local library was quite fruitful, to his surprise. Though he could not find any important information for Jared's condition, chance did bring something to cure his own, suicidal one. Rumor had it that 'Father' was not very truthful to the young Snack. His parents were very much alive.... or at least died off long after Snack thought they passed. The truth, somehow, had to be found on Korriban.*

Thanks for the drink...

Mar 8th, 2003, 02:52:27 PM
"You're welcome, Master" she smiled broadly. She lived off every kind word the dark Lord cast her way. Even an automatic "thankyou" sparked hope in the servants love-smitten heart.

"I have drawn you a bath Master. I put those scented oils that you like, and some perenifiy pollen in it - both these will envigorate you and refresh you for your journey planet-side."

She stood to allow Snack to get up.

"I know you have much on your mind, and this trip is not simply for happy reunions."

She said the last part a little shyly. It was not like Snack would ever confide in her, but she wanted to let him know he could, should he ever wish to.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 10th, 2003, 04:22:51 PM
*His eyes slowly rolled until he peered just over the rim of the goblet to his rotund slave.*

He lied to me, Ilyarna. I don't think you'd be very pleased had you learned that you spent the entirety of your life living as a lie.

*He took another sip of the toxin before setting the cup back down on the table. Maybe the bath would ease the tension held in his mind and body. There was still a good hour or so left in the ride. That should be long enough to calm his soul.

But the fact that the future ran rampant in is mind kept those emotions stirring. The thought of what he would do when he found out the truth from the other's mouth... if the other would be present...

Anger built up inside once more, and his eyes clearly showed that.*

I'm going to take a bath. Come get me before we reach the planet's surface.

Mar 12th, 2003, 11:29:23 PM
Snack's words kept running through her head as she removed the now empty glass of wine.

He was bitter and angry about something that had happened long ago, and she felt bad for him.

Closing the door to his quarters behind her, the hefty servant made her way to do some last minute preparations before their arrival into Korriban in one hour. Time enough for a light snack.

Ilyarna smiled at her own play on words and jauntily headed toward the small mess cubicle on mission of sandwich..or two.


Sucking resoundingly on her plump fingers, the final portions of her impromptu meal disappearing into her mouth, Ilyarna rose to the sound of an overhead speaker declaring their closing on Korriban space.

Time to find her Master once more.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:35:18 PM
*The door closed behind him, leaving the Lord in the berry-aroma filled room. The water had been draw, filling the tub nearly to the brim. Sulking over, he knelt down and reached a pale hand into the water.

Warm. Soothing.

Just the way he liked it.

After stripping, the Dark Lord eased himself into the pool and allowed himself to sink until the water covered up to his chin.*

"I wish I had more time to get to know them better....

Father, why did they die?"

"It is the cycle of life, my boy," the frail man said in his frail voice. He put a hand on the young boy's shoulder, gripping tightly in an affectionate display of fatherly love.

"But why... I just...."

"Their murder was quite unfortunate, and it saddened the entire planet to hear of it."

Sniffing, young Nate turned his head and looked his new father figure in the eyes. They seemed full of compassion and love, but looking back on it, Snack could tell they were full of malice and contempt. "Who would want to kill them? They were mine! I loved them!"

The old man sighed, "Disgruntled Ashlanders from the far north. I'm not sure of the reason, but your parents were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time."

Nathan sniffed some more as tears slowly rolled down his rosy cheeks.

"You should get back to your studies, Nathan. Focus your emotions on your work and into your play..."

*Lies, lies, lies... all lies. His eyes wished not to open. They wanted to see more of the dream. More of the lies. But it was time to find the truth.*

Mar 20th, 2003, 10:32:14 PM
A tentative rap on the door, and Ilyarna offered to lend her assistance to Snack regarding dressing etc.

The door opened, and the rotund servant realised she was too late. Snack stood resplendant in his dark clothing, his rich glossy hair just begging to be ran through her hands, twisted in her fingers.

The Dark Lord followed her eyes, and it seems her thoughts quite clearly, judging by the distasteful and mortified look on his face.

Ilyarna dropped her eyes and mumbled nervously.

"We're here Lord Snack. Korriban."

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:12:28 PM
*Good. Though he could sense they had arrived. Thus the preemptive dressing and getting around - there was no need to allow that thing to help him get dressed or dried off... and definitely no reason why she should see him in the buff. No telling what that mass of flesh and innards would do to him if she saw him in that state. His face contorted as the disgusting thoughts ran through his mind, quickly, before being chased out with a broom.*


*He uttered, motioning for her to move from the doorway so he could pass through. Once he did, Snack made his way to the cockpit of the cruiser, where the hired captain and co-pilot sat.*

"We arrived at Korriban, your Lordship. Do you wish to-"

Take us down to the 'Valley of the Dark Lords'.


You'll find it by the stench of evil and the mass of carnage. Look for the area littered by tall gothic spires, on top a ground that looks like ash, and set us down.

"As you wish, my Lord."

*The pilot looked over to the co-pilot, and spoke some commands in their native tongue. The two set their course, and the ship began moving towards the old planet.

So it did exist. Snack's eyes were engulfed by the sight before him, out the view port. The planet, to him, looked dark and grey, with what looked like a nasty storm system in the northern hemisphere, spewing it's lightning all over the place through blue flashes. Those areas not covered by clouds were just as grey, devoid of any life. If there was a Hell in the universe, this was it.*

Apr 7th, 2003, 07:55:56 PM
Ilyarna stepped aside and then followed Snack into the cockpit.

She wasn't the least bit interested in the scene out the viewport. Her Master was interested enough for the both of them.

Instead, she busied herself packing a few remaining items that she thought he may need or want once planet side.

"One med kit *check
One handheld comm set *check
One ration pack *check (tosses in 3 extra, for her, for just in case)
One ruby inlay handle blaster rifle.....hmm"

Ilyana started clicking and snapping things on the rifle curiously.

She felt Snack glower at her and froze. Slowly, she put the rifle in the pack.

" *...check...* " she mumbled.

Then she got up and joined Snack by the window, stretching on tip-toe to peer over his shoulder.

"Looks dangerous and ugly to me" she said, unenthused.

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:28:47 PM
You should fit right in...

*Snack retorted. Evil, hatred, rage.. aggression... all of those emotions were becoming overwhelmingly stronger in him and around him, in the air of the cruiser. Which was odd, since he kept those pure dark-evil-rage filled feelings suppressed. His Jedi training taught him how to calm oneself, how to keep those emotions in check. That was why he felt as though he could no longer carry the title of Sith, and even renounced that title long ago.

His Master, Ogre Mal Pannis, had tried to drain him of all the 'Light" side teachings and ways of life. In a sense, he accomplished that goal. But there was a small part that still held on to that remaining piece of sanity, the piece that was not as power driven as the other Sith held onto for what seemed like dear life.

Though this planet seemed to shatter that wall that Ogre could not permeate. The darkness was so overwhelming, that Snack had to step back and fall into the nearest chair. He closed his eyes...

And opened them to find that the craft had landed on the planet, deep in the Valley of the Dark Lords. A glance out the view screen revealed a grey sky melding into an ash ground. Tall, gothic temples were dispersed un-uniformly throughout the valley. And deep within radiated the spirits and energies of old Sith Lords and Dark Side Masters.

'Father' would be hiding in one of them. But which one? The Force would lead the way.

Before long, Snack set foot out of the cruiser and onto the ashy ground. To his surprise it was well solid and full of life through the touch. A second surge of those overpowering emotions passed through his body, but this time he needed to aide to keep his footing. It seemed to mold into his own being, cutting at his past Jedi training even more. Killing what good he had left inside of him. Killing any Jedi that he still had held onto.

Ilyarna stood still on the exit ramp of the cruiser, not really wanting to step onto the solid ground. Whether it be a fear or waiting for Snack to give her an order so she knew what she should do, she still stood there, looking around and then at Snack.*

You can follow me into one of the Temples if you wish.... but there would be no purpose in that.

*He looked around, searching with the Force as to which unit held the spirit of his old 'Father'. And there it was.

That old presence that never escaped his youth. His present. The pilot had landed right in front of the house of his 'Father'.

That God-forsaken Sith! Anger began to boil inside, reaching the surface ready to pop. If he weren't dead already, Snack would have taken great pleasure in doing the deed. He began to take a few steps towards the temple, his jet black cloak and robes flowing around his body as he stepped. It was time to face his past.*

May 1st, 2003, 01:22:18 AM
Snack spoke to her roughly, and Ilyarna shrank back against the doorframe of the ship like a wounded puppy. She dropped her eyes and shifted on her feet, not knowing what to say. Or if she should say anything. It was too difficult a dilema and that made her all the more nervous.

Fortunately, the problem solved itself as Snack exited the craft, his slave forgotten in his determination to find his past, or his destiny, as the case may be.

Looking after him, Ilyarna hesitated just a moment. Her fear was very real. The planet felt like it was seething in latent threat and the very air felt thick with malevolence. But as the distance between herself and her Master widened, a greater fear possessed her - that of being somehow separated from Snack or of something happening to him.

Spurred on by her devoted heart, the rotund servant darted out of the ship, pack slung over her meaty shoulder, and she ran (or rather, briskly walked) after him.

By the time she caught up, Snack had disapeared into the mouth of the Temple. Slowly, apprehensively, and a great deal breathlessly, Ilyarna hedged inside, inching one chubby foot after another to pass under the gloomy entrance archway.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 7th, 2003, 08:30:14 PM
Where the snot are all the Dark Minions that were suppose to be guarding this place?

*Snack asked aloud as he looked in sheer awe and amazement at the gothic structures within. It was a true palace of evil. With every step, he could feel the cold of the atmosphere invade his body and his mind. And more importantly, his soul.

So, there were any skeletal guards outside or at the entrance to the grand Temple, as was warned in the books back in the library on Cayss. What about traps? Certainly, a place as evil as this had to be filled with all sorts of death traps, waiting to pick any force user who entered un-needlessly off. Circling himself as he transversed the dark halls, he saw the large outline of his servant, and was quite surprised that she had not set off any traps as well.


No, something was up. The Force was at work, holding everything back. The black power, something more powerful than anything Snack had encountered, was a mist, and working to keep the traps set for anyone else who would follow the two in.

Had Snack had half a mind, he would have told Ilyarna to stay back at the ship. But now that she had made her way into it, and no ill fortune found her (ironic, she's hard to miss), Snack wondered if she were meant to see what was waiting for him at the end of the line.

It seemed like they had made it into the lower levels, Snack further ahead of Il, but the only stairs that they found led up. Cautiously, and somewhat hastily, the Dark Lord followed a set path, one that he could see in his mind. And still, no traps.

'Father' was expecting young Nathan.*

May 12th, 2003, 12:04:01 PM
Her skin prickled and beads of sweat formed in every crease and fold of her soft white flesh adding to her discomfort. Ilyarna definitely did not like this place.

Why Snack insisted on moving forward into the gaping darkness was quite lost on her. But on he went, and Ilyarna inched slowly forward as well, with increasing dread. Snack had glanced back at her once or twice, neither time indicating she should stay, or go back, or come forward. So she did what came the most natural, and followed him.

He could hear her soft shuffling behind him as she too approached the foot of the staircase. And then surprisingly she called out to him. But the voice was cold and it felt draped in an ill forboding when she spoke.

"Father has been expecting you, Nathan".

Nathanial K'cansce
May 14th, 2003, 08:19:11 PM

*Snack turned as quickly as he could so he could face his fat slave. Though in the process, he should have fell off the stairs he was on. But he stood freely, as if the individual step at increased in length to accommodate his sudden change in direction.

The path in his mind, in stead of turning, stayed the same as if no matter where he went, the path would be the same. He closed his eyes hard trying not to think of the greater complexities of what had just happened. The only thought in his mind right now was what, why and how Ilyarna had said what she said.

Snack began to walk to her, his saber ignited and ready to take her apart in a few, clean slashes. He never reached her. After the first few steps back down the stair case, the entire dimly lit hall went black, save for the glow of his saber and that of the areas just around the two.

The shadows seemed to move about them, merging and forming into piles of goo upon the walls, ceilings and floor. A cold chill ran up and down his spine, and for the first time in a very long time, fear entered Snack's mind. And he openly showed that it was present upon his face. His eyes darted to and fro around the changing room. His head and his body, circling themselves as a lost scared field mouse would when being corned by a larger fox looking for a way out. Or an explanation of why this was happening.

The narrow hallway Snack and Il found themselves in began to stretch both forward and backward, and then the walls expanded to great proportions. Light began to filter into the ever growing room, though it still seemed dimly lit. Towards the center, or the apparent center, a blue hue began to glow. Snack turned around to look at it, his eyes preyed wide open and surprised as he took in everything that had been changing around him. Fear was still plastered over his face -- in his eyes.

A large crystal appeared in the middle of the odd blue light. It was on top of a large stage. Before it stood an alter, littered with lit candelas and candles. A large, yet shallow set of stairs ascended what seemed to be only a few feet higher than the normal ground level led to the alter and giant crystal that stood on its own power.

Snack's blade retreated back into its hilt as he took two hesitant steps forward. The path in his mind shattered into a million pieces, shedding light to reveal this new room in his mind. And then the literal meaning of the path came to light: the path he took matters not, for he would still end up here.

His left foot was the first to reach the shallow set of stairs, followed slowly by the right. He totally forgot about Ilyarna's presence there, for he felt the familiarity of death... of an old friend.. mentor... father.*

"Welcome, Nathanial... You're beginning to understand...."

May 20th, 2003, 05:14:39 PM
Ilyarna's face was so stricken with fear, that it was comical to behold. Had Snack not been feeling a large degree of trepidation himself, he no doubt would have split his sides laughing.

One thing though was clear inspite of his slaves fright-askewed features, was that she had no inkling of what was going on. No understanding, or awareness of the fact that she had spoken as she had. Her bewilderment at the shifting surroundings and Snacks agressive reactions was complete.

She tripped after him as quickly as she could, reaching out to grasp his flowing cloak to glean some small comfort from even such a tenuous connection. But she was denied even that. Her Master had moved from her and out distanced her apprehensive steps with his own long strides.

Shrinking into the shadows, Ilyarna cowered against the slime-coated wall and sank to her knees. She would willingly have been swallowed up by the earth to be spared this awful experience in this tomb. But she was to have no such respite.

Instead, she continued to quake and tremble and finally closed her eyes tightly as she could no longer bear them open to the frightening reality she was experiencing.

From the shadows came the voice of Snack's father. If it originated again from his slave, the Dark Lord couldnt tell. Not that it mattered. Ilyarna was simply an unwitting vessell of the powerful spirit of the past, if that was the case.

And that was the last thought Snack had of his devoted servant as instead, he was completely arrested by the words being spoken to him.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 26th, 2003, 04:26:36 PM
"You've been having frequent dreams, my Son, about the same subject matter, haven't you? That's why you are here..."


*Snack's eyes darted from side to side as he walked up the stairs. It was as if he was a mindless drone, being carried by a past rage.

How could he have been so blind? The truth had been in front of his own nose for the past twenty odd years, and he had failed to see it. Until just recently. The text, the scriptures, everything written in that old book came to life since then. Dreams, nightmares, visions of his past, all resurfacing and driving him mad. His inner rage, a rage of Sith-like proportions, a rage that he had been able to keep under wraps had been building up and was now ready to burst. He was ready to give into his hatred and tear the spirit of his 'Father', his mentor, to shreds. Where was he!?*

"So, you think you have found the truth? Hahaha.. the fact is, Nathan, you have no idea what the truth is!"

*Snack scrunched his eyelids closed. The rage was building. Of course he knew the truth, now. It was as bright as the brightest star in the universe. How could he have been so blind. Where is he!?!?*

I know the truth! I know what you did! *Snack screamed out, anger filling his usually calm voice.*

"Do you now...?"

*His voice shifted, mocking and taunting Snack. Driving the Sith Lord deeper and deeper into madness.

First the Empire, and now this. His life as he knew it was ending. Everything was a lie it seemed. A facade to hide whatever truths lay out there.*

*I've only ever cared for your well-being, Nathan. I've watched over you and protected you from the elements -"

I control the elements now, Father.

Pure hatred spilled out of his mouth as he spoke; his voice more than filled with anger now, almost demonic and possessed. He stopped his ascent up the small flight of stairs with only one more step until the top, only to turn around to face his slave. His eyes glowed with dark fire, and he could sense the fear pouring off her as he looked her way.

She really had no clue what was going on. But Snack knew. Yes, he knew the truth.*

"Let us see, Nathan." *'Father's' ghoulish voice came from Ilyarna's lips. Her face contorted into the form of an old man's, her corpulent physique morphing into that of his old mentors's. This only furthered his rage and anger. He threw down his right forearm, extending the midnight blue lightsaber blade attached to the bracelet on his right wrist in the process. Snack stormed down the flight of stairs, quickly striding with ill intent towards the image.*

You lied to me Father!

"I did? Why don't we find out."

*Its voice was calm and collected, the polar opposite of Snack's. It slowly raised one of its arms, held out straight and slightly bent at the elbow with palm outstretched forward.

And then young Nathan fell to his knees, his hands clutching his throbbing head. The enormous room went black, only leaving the two beings there.*

"You've reached the end of your line..."

Jun 10th, 2003, 10:53:54 PM
Ilyarna crumpled in a heap as the power leapt from her to Snack.

She grazed both her knees badly on the rough surface of the floor, and cut her forehead as she dropped forward. The coldness of the ground was the only thing she could really tangibly recall when she looked back later on the experience, not even registering the damage to her knees.

She wouldnt recall anything that was said, or the shifting of images and the form of things around her, only that she had entered that tomb with her Master...and exited with not quite the same person..

How long she stayed buckled over in that manner, too, was a matter for conjecture. But it was some time later, she was sure, when lifting her slow-bleeding head - she looked up to see Snack striding pensively about the great room.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:21:30 PM
*There he was, kneeling by the tombstones. His messy, light brown hair sticking out like a thumb against the black of his new clothes and the blue-green of the short field grass. Light sobs could be heard coming from the child's direction. An old man, adorned in a cloak, walked up behind the young boy and set his hands upon his shoulders. After a moment of silence, the young boy stood up, wiped away his tears and his running nose, and took the old man's hand.

Blackness once more.

And then, a blinding white light pierced through, revealing his dreams. The evening when 'Father' became his only guardian, his new father.*

"Their murder was quite unfortunate, and it saddened the entire planet to hear of it."

"Disgruntled Ashlanders from the far north. I'm not sure of the reason, but your parents were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time."

"You lied to me, Father!"

*Normally, it was forbidden by the Jedi Code to have any family ties within the Order. But they allowed this one for whatever reason. The young boy looked up to his dad, a well established Politician and a senator of Cayss. That was his wife standing next to him, wasn't it? The one with the pretty long flowing red hair? Mommy? A Jedi Master?

The skies were darkening, and the emotion upon daddy's face was stern and that of a man on a mission. Mommy pushed me back somewhat, shielding me from this terror that they were about to face.

I tried to peer through my mommy's legs, but her Jedi cloak flapped about crazily and blocked anything I might have seen. She pushed me back some more, but this time I was able to catch a peek at the terror. A man, no older than.. well, to me he was old. but... 'Father'!? No...

"Leave this place," my real daddy said, but the old man made him fall without moving his a finger.

Mommy took a hold of her laser sword, and swung at the old man, 'Father'. The old man, lifting his hands, threw out blue streaks of what seemed like lightning, catching my daddy on the chest. Mommy tried to block what she could with her laser sword, but the old man was too powerful for her.

I couldn't bare to watch anymore, after seeing my dad laying on the ground, twitching and smoking. My eyes filled up with tears, and my uncontrollable sobs could not be held in anymore. It took me a long time until I finally stopped crying. I think it was when I couldn't hear any more struggling. I took my hands away from my eyes and looked for either my mommy or daddy, but found no one. Only an old man. 'Father'.

"Are you all right?"*

You killed them!

"So I did, what are you going to do about it? Kill me? I'm already dead!"

*The dream faded away, leaving the two men standing there in the pitch black void.*

"They left you..."

It was your fault...

*So many emotions ran around, danced in his mind and face. All the while he knew he could do nothing but just stand there and accept it. Nothing could change the past.*

They left me... You left me... you weren't suppose to leave me Father...

"I will never leave you again, son... I'm here...Nathan"

*Nathan's eyes closed. He could feel tears beginning to well up; the memories of his past bitter and hurtful. He had been searching for the truth most of his life, and now that he had found it... he almost wished he never had. Now, he had to live with the memories of what really happened. And he was alone.*

Not anymore...

'Father' floated over to where Nathanial stood. The two looked at each other, eye to eye. He would have loved to have taken this man's life for taking his parents'. But he couldn't.

And now, he took young Nathan's life - again. The spirit of the old Sith nomad, Father, merged into Nathan's body.

Then silence.*

We're a new breed of Sith now... and you.. the Dark Lord of the Sith...


*Il finally began to stir. Slowly, she brought herself up and then finally stood. Her equilibrium was slowly coming back. She was bloodied from where she fell, but she really did not seem to care. She first saw Nathan pacing impatiently. He stopped, and glanced at her. His eyes, darker than normal, with a hint of yellow around the outside, kept on her ugly form as she stood there.*

It's about time.

*Nathan's voice was darker as well.*

It's time we leave this hell-hole.

*With haste, the Sith Lord... Nathanial K'cansce, passed by Ilyarna and made his way back to the entrance. It was time to see the galaxy with new eyes.*