View Full Version : Kaytor Surna *allows time for mass eye rollage*
Darren Caerdeth
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:13:42 PM
So last night, Kaytor posted in the thread where Darren was streaking. She raised mortal hell at me when she attacked Sol, and Darren grabbed the wrist of the arm she was swinging her saber with, though to me, Darren was taking advantage of a physical weakness that any creature with a human skeleton would be subject too, which was twisting her arm away so that she couldnt make a follow up attack, allowing Sol to keep attacking......Anyways......As per my invitation, Soth entered the thread and demolished her (which she wouldnt dare contest)
Today, as soon as I got online, she messages me, saying that shes in trouble. I dont know if this was an attempt to gain OOC sympathy for her character, but I simply told her that I had warned her...
Then I gave her reassurance that Darren and Sol wouldnt do anything too mean to her before she was taken to the Shrine..
Her comment was...
KaytorSurna: better not do anything at all or Soth will kill you
KaytorSurna signed off at 7:44:35 PM.
This urked me slightly. She messed with a council member of the shrine one too many times, and its come around to bite her in the ass. OOC threats on my character are not called for. Same goes for her attitude.......Not really much I can do about that, Im mainly just blowing off steam.....
What I did want to discuss was this.....
Kaytor claims that her character, Kaytor Surna, is a 275 year old Vampire. This was also one reason she said that I couldnt twist her arm, since she was so much more powerful than Darren.
If im not mistaken though, it wasnt too long ago that she was rping Kaytor as a Garou, and I'd give my right arm to see the age of her character actually rped out in some form or fashion, besides just saying "This is how old my character is".
She is seriously beginning to bug me....
Id like to hear any and all comments from everyone, and I would really like to know if shes got special permission to RP a Vampire that is 275 years old.....
Ok, im done now....sorry I was so rough :)
Alana Stormcloud
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:32:13 PM
She has never to my knowledge rped that her char is anything other than young. In fact she was not even supposed to be a vamp when she first started that char, Xaz slipped and called her one and she went with it. She has never been given permission by us to rp that age. I also have a lot of probs with that girl, she drives me batty. She has a thing for the Dios char and bugs me about killing my Maia char all the time. lol
What I think is every time she drives one of our vamps nuts like she has been doing in all of Darrens threads we need to all step in and beat the hell outa her :) hehe
Lord Soth
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:04:50 PM
Well, I'd say she's a little scared...:P You tell me...LOL
KaytorSurna: I am not kidding. If you do not stop them, I dont care how long you "said" it would take me to wake up, I am guna wake up and kill them.
KaytorSurna: that kind of cr@p does not go over well with me.
Soth Nuevole: It would be inpossable seeing I drianed you to the point your at though
KaytorSurna: its called a frenzy
Soth Nuevole: no...
KaytorSurna: gah forgot.... stupid IwtV rules
Soth Nuevole: To the point of "Eternal Death"
KaytorSurna: lol I am used to VtM rules.
Soth Nuevole: Its no big...Not l;ike any one can kill youi
KaytorSurna: still... soth please. This is like the lowest of low. The shrine has Darren as a council member. Why would someone under a responsibibly role do something like what he is about to do.
Soth Nuevole: You'd have to ask him on that one Kay
Soth Nuevole: I know he jus wants to have a lil fun though
KaytorSurna: I want to have fun too but not in an imature mannor. I learned my less long ago that when you act imature, you get banned from the boards.
KaytorSurna: so... um what are you going to do once I am back at the shrine.
Soth Nuevole: I dont think this could be contrued as bannable Kaytor
Soth Nuevole: I havent given it much thought
KaytorSurna: goody
KaytorSurna: lol I was flipping out when you showed up.
KaytorSurna: ebil creature
Soth Nuevole: Why?
KaytorSurna: cause Kaytor cant hurt you and it sucks
KaytorSurna: so you have no idea what you are guna do once you get back to the shrine???? Why do I fear this even more than if you had a plan?
KaytorSurna: lol
Soth Nuevole: Well Sothie can be quite wicked...
KaytorSurna: yea I kno
Soth Nuevole: I juz dont know...I have a lot going on right now...
Valirion Thorn
Feb 27th, 2003, 05:40:46 PM
:: sigh...::
people, people, say one quick stroke, total humiliation, she never rps again, sounds good to me! lol, no, j/k.
Valirion owes her some shiot too so don't leave me outta that once you bring her back, muhahahahaha
As far as she goes, I've never seen anythin about her being 275 years old, plus, she's never made this strength known befor either, Dios, her obsession beat the crap outt her when was playing vamp hunter, she's jacking herself up in my book ad she has been for some time
The Shrine has been nown for its cruelty and no nonsense capailities, why not stretch that muscle that we like to sho so muh? Why not decimate a character like we're supposed to be doin? Where does she get sympathy from? She bugs the hell outta several of us and we let her coninue? I say we set up a guillotine of a thread and put er in the stock and let her cut the rope herself or something of the sort, just ignoring her wouldn't save us any grief it seems.
Darren Caerdeth
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:35:07 PM
It looks to me like she thought Darren was goin to take naked pictures of her or something. I got a PM last night basically calling me immature and disrespectful, and I hadnt even posted yet.
I asked her to save all future complaints till after ive offended her.
Lord Soth
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:08:37 PM, true...Well, we know the wheel's are definitely turning in that girl's head. :lol
Mistress Tatiana
Feb 28th, 2003, 01:42:35 PM
Well, I don't like her either. I think she's very bossy and she thinks she can control everyone.
Personally, I think she likes you Soth. I think she likes the idea of being helpless and under your bidding even though she doesn't admit it. :lol Notice how when she was talking to Darren she said he'd better not do anything or Soth would kill him? I mean come on, Soth wouldn't turn on his own kind. He'd rather kill Kaytor than one of his own members. Duh! :lol But we'll let Kaytor swim in her own delusions of granduer.
Valirion Thorn
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:03:55 PM
so... she's got a thing for Dios, Soth, and a dirty mind for Darren whilst wanting to kill Maia... hmmmmmm how bout we all come up with some sick and twisted way to drop her and then go from there? :D Not as in her thining terms but so explicitly close to a massacre she never messes with us again?
Darren Caerdeth
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:55:41 PM
Oh..........we have plans for Ms. Surna >D
Anyone remember the Acklay from AOTC :)
Valirion Thorn
Mar 1st, 2003, 05:05:39 PM
Goody, how much longer is that thread to continue before we take it onto the next thread at the shrine? and who is this Leon guy, excuse my ignorance :D
Lord Soth
Mar 2nd, 2003, 01:04:55 AM
There's nothing as heinous and retched like a Vampyre with a bad case of gas...I say we suffocate her ass in a tiny little room after we've all had our fill at the local "Red Pepper.":x
I believe some peep call it a "Gas Chamber" if I'm not mistaken... :rolleyes
Valirion Thorn
Mar 4th, 2003, 03:59:03 PM
gas? you mean no actual involvement ther than watching her suffocate? It'd be fun but don't you want to be part of the action, like we all got a long knife we like to call a sword or something and take turns cutting her into vamp burgers?
Darren Caerdeth
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:03:19 PM
I say we let her bungee from the ceiling of the Crimson Pit. Without a bungee >D
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