View Full Version : Jedi Characters Update
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:27:17 AM
Could I please call for the following -
1) Post whim you are
2) Rank
3) A short description / Bio
4) A sig (one only)
I'm going to line up a day where I update the members list on the web site
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:15:30 AM
Jedi Knight
Oriadin is one of the up and comming Jedi Knights. He has a great deal of potential but little experience and still has a great deal to learn. After spending much of his time within the Jedi Archives, reading and studying, he has become very knowledgable in the ways of the Jedi as well as knowing a lot about some of the great Jedi stories.
Oriadin is one for negotiation rather than fighting although he can more than hold his own in a battle. He takes on a defensive style saber technique similar to that of Obi Wan Kenobi. Kenobi is somewhat a hero of Oriadins.
After his time with the Jedi Order, Oriadin still has no memory of his past. He had hoped that given enough time his memory would return to him. When he first joined, he had a series of flash backs but they have slowly faded and he hasnt had one now for a long time. He has almost given up hope of his memory returning to him and has instead looked to the future where he hopes his destiny lies.
Oriadin is confident in himself, brave and trustworthy. He is generally one for sticking to the rules. Although he may not be the most powerful, his compasion and intelligence make up for what he lacks in other areas. He hates to let people down and he refuses to give up, even if the odds are stacked against him and there is little hope. He has a strong feeling that the galaxy may have something large in store for him, but what it is isnt clear. Only time will tell.
Agden Ithrin
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:31:29 AM
Agden Ithrin
Jedi Padawan
This Zabrak’s reasons for joining the Jedi are unlike any others – he is doomed. Within forty years the illness he carries, Quannot’s disease, will take his life after systematically stripping him of all his senses and abilities. Instead of sitting back and wallowing in self-pity over his condition, Agden vowed to use what remained of his life to better the lives of others, to ensure that they would never have to suffer the fear and anxiety that he had endured.
Personality wise, he is a quiet person and tries to avoid forming strong bonds with people, as he can foresee that when he is taken by death these friendships will only cause great hurt. Of late, however, he has been opening up to more people, and is beginning to become more self-confident with the aide of his Master and friend, Xazor Elessar. Though he is partially reliant on pain killers, and other narcotics, to numb the pain of his sickness, he is determined to overcome the hurdles he has to face so that he can one day become a Jedi Knight.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:54:29 AM
Dasquian Belargic
Jedi Knight
From the days of the Old Republic, once trained by the great Master Yoda, Dasquian Belargic is a Jedi to be reckoned with. Whilst on a mission with other Jedi Knights to spread peace in the galaxy Dasquian and his brother were plunged into cryosleep and awoke to find they were hundreds of years into the future. Nothing was as they remembered it and only with great effort did they relocate the Jedi Order – and their lost memories.
Quickly becoming a recognisable face around the Order – not only for his unusual appearance but his skill and knowledge in the Jedi Arts – Dasquian accumulated many friends and allies with his fellow lightsiders, none stronger than that with Xazor Elessar, whom he has a daughter with, and has loved since the day the two first met.
Dasquian is a peaceful character, calm in nature and demeanour. Only when he is placed in a situation where he is called on to defend the innocent or his comrades will he become aggressive. As a fighter, he is nimble and agile, light of foot, enabling him to move at great speeds to swiftly out manoeuvre his opponents. His keen eye sight allows him to see over a greater distance than that of a normal man.
With his past explained, and his present getting better day by day, only the Force can say what the future holds.
Kelt Simoson
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:23:39 AM
Kelt Simoson
Jedi Padawan
Kelt was born on the outer-rim planet of Shazmak, a un touched and un industrialized planet that is still seeped in medieval democracy and technology. He was born to his father, Callam Simoson a very well respected member of the Crusaders Order and his mother Maigraith Valanchee who was on the towns council and again was respected. Although Kelt was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he was not one for all the posh luxuries that came along with the high class lifestyle. Most of the time Kelt would sit in the garden or venture out into the woods to find creatures of many sorts, take care of the surrounding wildlife and talk to the plants.
His childhood for the best part was lonely, he grew up with little or no friends and spent the best of his time in the wild. However his coming of age on his 16th birthday plunged him into the Crusaders Order. He was ordered by his parents to attend the Orders recruitment ceremony and of course because of his parents reputation he was one of the chosen to be allowed to join. There he learned the basic skills of fighting, hand to hand skills, some force skills and of course herbal healing which was his most favored lesson. He was sent of many missions, some training, some personal quests and tests and some were war but he managed to pull through.
It was then that he was sent on a mission which took him to Arcan which of course was the home of the jedi at the time. He was sent there to study the Jedi and there healing techniques, there he was happy to join and quickly made a few friend though he was still used to being a loner. He made his best friend who seemed to understand him more than others, Dasquian. Who came from the same sort of feudal world as Kelt did and understood Kelt alot more. Then came his master, Marcus who again was a ranger and quickly bonded with. Over time kelt has amanged to build many friendships and acomplish alot more at the Jedi with the support of his friends.
He will stay at the Jedi and eventually tell his family that is the stay at the Jedi Order and leave his home for some time.
His skills include ranged weapons, such as throwinf projectiles and bow and arrows. His sword skills are nothing short of excellent but his saber skills are still in the learning stages. He is very intellegent, quick minded and alert. He is very good in speechcraft and often never drawns his weapon in hostile situations but tries to talk them out and make the right descision rather than fight and cause death. He is in affect a true Jedi.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:37:05 AM
Hadrian Invicta
Padawan Learner
Hadrian spent most of his youth tending to his families' flocks on the slow-rolling foothills of Alvorine. Content to a life of a shepherd and residing in nature he never thought he'd leave his relatively peaceful planet.
Until an Imperial Warlord lay claim to it, bands of "loyalists" formed paramilitary groups to support the claims of the Imperials, by taking whatever they wanted from anyone too weak to stop them. One day a group of these thugs were harassing an old man while Hadrian was in town negotiating the price of wool for his father. Coming to the old man's aid, the young boy brandished his shepherd's rod with skill and, unfortunately, lethal precision. After being wounded by a grazing blaster shot to his left hand, Hadrian finally drove the thugs off.
Fearing for his life and the life of his family, Hadrian's father sent the boy off-world to seek a new life for himself. His journeys led him to Coruscant and the Greater Jedi Order.
Since joining the Order, Hadrian has dedicated his life to becoming a respected Jedi Knight and a defender of the Galaxy. His zealousy for the code and regulations of a Jedi are so powerful that he has sworn off all emotion completely. Whether he can stay this course long, only time will tell. But the Galaxy has a new guardian and the flocks of innocents, a shepherd.
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:39:53 AM
Satine Capashen (Alpha)
Jedi MAster, Warrior Jedi
Satine has been around since close to the beginning. He was on the original Sith Council, led by Itala Marzullo, and, when that was destroyed, went over to the Sith Empire, and was given the rank of Sith Warrior. He stayed there for some time, fighting, and soon meeting two Jedi, one named Shay Kaylon, the other named Spadix. Together the three of them, along with another Jedi named Bourica, formed the Young Ones, a group for the younger ages of any faction. Thanks to his contact with the three of them, he soon turned to the JEdi, aquiring various Sith's wrath in the process. Upon coming tothe Jedi, he was picked to lead a raid against the Sith Empire, which worked well. For this he was given the rank Jedi Knight.
In the span of several months, maybe more, the Jedi went to the Sith, back to the Jedi, the Sith again, then became a rouge Jedi. He petitioned for admittance again to the JEdi Order, and eventually got it, where he stayed. Now, he is a Warrior Jedi, and a Jedi Master, and fights all those who would bring evil into the galaxy.
Lilya Goldberry
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:59:49 AM
Lilya Goldberry
Jedi Padawan
No bio, since I hardly play this account lately. ^_^;
Shandri La
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:07:37 AM
Shandri La
Jedi Padawan
Shandri is 17 years old and comes from a long line of Guardian's on her homeworld. Her home has recently come under the rule of Sith thus forcing her to flee with her people's Royal Treasure which is her sacred duty to protect. She got this duty when she was only 13 years old after her Mother and twin sister were killed in an accident.
She is falling a childhood dream of becoming a Jedi. Her twin sister was the one who was supposed to have become the Guardian after there Mother, but that could not happen when both were killed.
Shandri will put her life on the line everytime sombody threatens to steal or harm the treasure. It is her hope that someday she go back to her homeworld and convince the Sith to leave because she has no wish for them to be there.
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:24:21 PM
Name: Zeke
Rank: Jedi Knight
Bio: At age 15 Zeke's home starship, the Happy Child, was attacked and destroyed by pirates. The ship was plundered and the crew killed, despite the teen's best efforts to save them. For three years he wandered space aimlessly, hopping from one starship to another until by chance he arrived at the Greater Jedi Order, where he decided to try his hand once more at defending those who cannot defend themselves.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:18:49 PM
Wei Wu Wei
Jedi Padawan
Wei spent most of his life travelling with his family and learning the martial arts from his Grandpa. When his Grandpa died, Wei promised him to expand his knowledge and protect others. Following up on his promise, he went to the Greater Jedi Order where he became a student under Navaria Tarkin.
Wei quickly made friends, and even found the woman of his dreams. Wei tends to stumble onto things, and through a mix of simple logic and plain dumb luck, manages to make things turn out for the best.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:29:03 PM
Sejah Haversh
Jedi Padawan
An assistant fencing instructor from the planet Nehantish, Sejah was a prodigy with a blade, and it was later discovered by a passing Jedi that he might have some connection to the Force. So, after a death threat came to him, Sejah packed his things and left his home in the ghetto of the capitol city and made his way to the Jedi Order. He was illiterate, meek and gullible at the time, and had very little money or understanding of what the Jedi were.
He was taken in and slowly began to comprehend what it meant to be a Jedi, discovering how to use a lightsaber he had bought, and that he had a few other "powers" but had great difficulty controlling them. In time he was taken in by Marcus Q'Dunn, and tought how to better handle his abilities, and what a Jedi should be.
A royal summons came to him to participate in an ancient tournament on his home planet that involved fencing and other fighting styles, so he went, along with another padawan, and participated in it, eventually taking top honors. But, it turned out to have been a trap, and he was arrested, beaten and ridiculed, and barely escaped with his life thanks to his padawan friend and another Jedi.
Now he is working on what a Jedi should really be, and better control of his abilities and reading skills, though he is rather reluctant show off hsi skills because of what happened to him last time he did. He dreams of becoming a Knight someday, but will take what is given to him.
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Xazor Elessar
Feb 26th, 2003, 02:18:32 PM
Xazor Elessar
Warrior Jedi Knight
With many duties and a schedule to match all others, this Garou Jedi Knight of Eden finds it difficult for free time, but she is loving every minute of it. Xazor is a strong willed spirit with a caring attitude and a dedicated mind. She has had difficulty with anger due to the fact that she was once a hard hearted Sith Knight on the planet Cysaria. Once she escaped that trying situation, though, she came to the Jedi and became one, training under the guidance of Jedi Master Verse Dawnstrider. They quickly formed a close bond and he adopted her, only to find out she was his long lost daughter that had been separated from him at the age of four to be trained by Sith Master Lord Kama. Two very strong figures in Xazor's life became Marcus and Helenias Q'Dunn both of which trained her in the ways of the Warrior and both of which adopted her. She came to form an unusual bond with Marcus called a Life Bond and so, they share thoughts, feelings, and emotions as one. She and Marcus formed The Lost Jedi, which she is also a member of. Xazor gained a great deal of family while at the Order as well -- Satine Capashen became her blood brother and she was finally united with her biological brother, Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. She fell in love with Dasquian Belargic and had a child with him. The Knight also adopted two children, Natia Dawnstrider and Jedidiah Dawnstrider. Though reunited with her lost love from Cysaria, Terran Starek, they did not manage to hold their love together and hence -- Xazor and Dasquian reuinted just before their child was born and are planning to marry.
The Jedi Knight remains strong in the Force, mastering in the area of the mind, illusions especially. Healing is nearly second nature to her and the other areas of the Force take a backseat to these things. In fact, Xazor cannot even lift a feather without doing it physically. This proved to be a challenge and only came to be after an accident that coupled with short term memory loss. Though she had encountered many rough times, with the aid of fellow Jedi in the Order as well as a few outside sources, Xazor came to love the Light and continues to grow in it this day. She enjoys training a large number of students and greeting newcomers in the Recruitment Center. It is a known fact that if anyone needs something, she'll be there -- even if the situation inconveniences her. Indeed, she is someone who can be trusted and is a true friend to all.
Marga Alton
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:46:03 PM
Marga Alton
Jedi Padawan
Marga was born on the planet Cottman VI. She is the seventh child to her parents, but considered unimportant to them because she does not have the Alton Gift which runs in her family. All throughout her childhood, whenever she got angry, she would usually accidently hurt the person who angered her.
She is a natural telepath who before coming to the GJO was trained on how to use her telepathy. Since arriving here, she has only spoken verbally twice, preferring to have ppl think that she is mute.
One thing which commonly happens to Marga is the fact that she will frequently have memories pop up into her mind and she will relive them in her mind and becomes oblivious of everything else that is going on around her while this is happening.
James Prent
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:03:51 PM
James Prent
Daughter to adoptive parents, James has lived her entire life on Coruscant. She trained as a long distance runner in her school's track team, and even won a marathon at the age of sixteen. She used to wake up after nightmares as a child, and find her dolls rearranged, or fallen off of their shelves.
Her Force abilities are mostly untapped, and she came to the Order after being fired from her job at an all night diner where she worked as a server. Angry at a beligerant customer, James unconsciously touched the Force, and caused every single dish in the establishment to shatter. Handed her walking papers, she found herself at the doorstep of the Greater Jedi Order, looking for answers.
Whether she ultimately gets the answers she is seeking will remain to be seen.
She has a nicotine addiction, and is a mere five feet tall in her shoes. Small, but fiesty, James still is meek around the others in the Order, choosing to learn as much as she can before becoming embroiled in internal politics.
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:12:42 PM
Name: AmazonBabe (nickname), Rie Mystt (legal name)
Rank: Jedi Master
Short Bio: Rie may have been born on Zonoma Sekot (aka Rogue Planet), now lost to the known universe, but she lived most of her life on Ithor. Because of her herritage from Zenoma Sekot, a planet where the beings live simbiotically with the planet's abundant plant life, she inherrited an ability to understand plants of any species. This ability was made stronger by her Force abilities.
At an early age, she left Ithor and went to study at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There her abilities in the Force grew, as did her love for plant life, using her abilities to aid the famous indoor Temple garden and take up the art of healing using special plant saps and herbs.
She grew like all Jedi and eventually came to bare the rank of Master, also having the honor to sit on the Council. All those she has trained have thus far become strong Jedi, with the exception of her first apprentice who left the Jedi Order. Her life may have started off with a few bumps, being away from her now lost home world, but it has ended with much more reward than she could have ever imagined.
MARCUS: When you say one sig, do you mean one sig from a rotating sig? Or can we place the url for the entire rotating sig?
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:47:28 PM
Name; Lime
Rank; Padawan
Short Bio; Unavailable as of now.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:00:07 PM
Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider
Padawan Learner
Chaos , or Alexander as he goes by his middle name, is the son of Jedi Master Verse Dawnstrider. Currently a PAdawan to Xazor Dawnstrider, the Jedi has lived a hard life to say the least. After he fathe rtook ill and mother dies, he lived with his Uncle Pivo. Pivo, beinga former Sith Knight, used he five year old nephew in his aging experiments. This led to aging Alex to the age of 15. He left and started training as a Jedi, but his anger pulled him to the Darkside. After loosing his eyes and right arm in a fight, he became one of The Sith Empire's top hacker and assasin. He ised his funds to open up his own Bio-Tech lab and sold his creations onthe Black Market to the hightest bidder. That ended after TSE found out he was making money on the side and sent his formerallies to take care of him.
Thought to be dead for two years, he resurfaced at GJO. What he did during those two years is still a mystery as he refuses to tell anyone. All that is known is he is now a strong supporter of the Light Side and trains as a Jedi. No one knows that he is more like a Zealot. Unknown to the other Jedi, Alexander lives a secret life. He travels the underworld taking out all Sith and Sith Artifacts he can get his hands on. USeing the skills he has learned over the years, he has covered his tracks so no one knows it is him. His habits of hunting and killing his prey has made the underworld refer to him as "The Moon Knight" and caused a huge bounty of anyone how can bring him in alive or offer information on him. Alex works hard on not letting the Jedi know of his secret life.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:54:10 PM
Name: Morgan Evanar
Rank: Jedi Master
Short Bio:
Morgan has a dubious heritage and history before his affiliation with the Jedi. Although he appears to be a two meter tall human who tends to wear gloves frequently, reality dictates otherwise. He is offspring of an escaped Imperial genetic engineering project designed to produce more viable stormtroopers. Gifted with superiour strength, endurance, reflexes and senses, Morgan is a formidible opponet in hand to hand and ranged combat.
Previous to being a Jedi, Morgan was a slicer with a reputation to pulling off incredibly difficult and sometimes "impossible" jobs. Instead of attempting to access the wanted data remotely, he bypassed the middle man, often accessing the server directly.
Life served a few lemons, which lead Morgan to join the Jedi Order. He found an affinity for immediate area energy manipulation, especially light. This, coupled with an ability to essentially spread his force signature over a very large area makes him the most stealthy Jedi aside from Akribbim.
In casual encounters Morgan comes off as suprisingly sarcastic for a Jedi. While not pessmisstic, he is keenly aware that what he does is an uphill battle, and pokes fun at himself for it. A more formal setting reveals a man of quiet and intensity. Although highly intelligent and well read, his speech is usual plain and mildly accented, as is common with others who hail from rural world of Tanaab.
New sig pending.
Figrin D'an
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:35:06 PM
Figrin D'an
Jedi Master
Born on a small, sparsely populated planet near the Outer Rim, Figrin's childhood was generally unassuming. Having a surname fairly common throughout the galaxy, Figrin's parents chose to name him after a famous Bith musician they both listened to in their youth. Although Figrin had little inclination to pursue a career in music, he did demonstrate keen talents in the sciences and mathematics. Later in his youth, Figrin began to exhibit unusual physical and mental abilities, including amazingly quick reflexes, telekinesis and an unusually vast comprehension of the universe. Treated differently by his peers because of this, Figrin left his homeworld to seeks answers from those that might understand. His travels eventually led him to doors of a fledgling group of Jedi, looking to reestablish the great order after it's destruction years before at the hands of Emperor Palpatine.
Eager to learn, Figrin honed his skills to a high level, eventually becoming a master swordsman (Forms III & V) . As he matured, he grew to appreciate more scholarly aspirations, delving in to galactic history, archeology and diplomacy. During his tenure with the Jedi Order, he would be granted the title of Jedi Master, sit on the Jedi Council and serve as the Jedi Liason to the Galactic Senate.
Figrin, after many years serving as a Jedi, often sees things differently than many of his younger comrades, approaching issues from unique perspectives. His calm demeanor and ordered thought is respected by many, but often leads to a latent fear by some to approach him on more personal matters. He firmly believes that experience is the greatest teacher, and that our past can teach us much about handling the future. Figrin respects and follows the Jedi Code and most Jedi traditions, but his inner pragmatism has caused him to follow his own moral compass if he feels the greater good is at stake.
(Note: Working on new sig...)
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:36:55 AM
Lion El' Jonson
Jedi Padawan
(ooc: Do you want just a really short Bio, or the full thing?)
Ryla Relvinian
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:14:10 AM
Are these going to be for individual pages or an entire archive in one page? If individual pages, I have one made for her already and can help with making them for upload if you need help. :)
Aaron Belargic
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:15:33 AM
Aaron Belargic
Jedi Padawan
From the days of the Old Republic, once trained by the great Master Yoda, Aaron Belargic is a Jedi to be reckoned with. Whilst on a mission with other Jedi Knights to spread peace in the galaxy Aaron and his brother were plunged into cryosleep and awoke to find they were hundreds of years into the future. Nothing was as they remembered it and only with great effort did they relocate the Jedi Order – and their lost memories.
While his twin managed to escape from the clutches of the Imperial Dikitat Viscera, Aaron was imprisoned – and presumed dead – for months upon end. Only after the collapse of the Galactic Empire was he freed and able to return to the Jedi Order to resume his training and brush away the rust that had accumulated on his skills.
Unlike his brother, Aaron is somewhat antisocial and tends to keep himself. He is strong willed and has a caring nature, but it less open towards people – partially because of the brutal treatment he endured at the hands of the Imperials whilst in imprisonment, and in part because of his faint envy of his brother. None the less, he is determined that some day he will stand alongside his brother on the Jedi Council and bare the rank of Jedi Knight once again.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:48:37 PM
Navaria Tarkin
Council Member and Jedi Knight
BIO: Crap I still need to do this :|
edit - here be the sig .. thanks to Ogre :D
Anakis Moreven
Feb 28th, 2003, 05:13:01 PM
Anakis Moreven
Jedi Knight
Anakis hasn't had a great life. It's been hard. He was abused as a child, and did drugs at an early age, and if that wasn't enough, he was depressed, and his mind was attacked by a Sith Master. However, years of force training have healed Anakis' mind, and he know has very impressive force powers, even for a Knight.
Anakis is usually quiet, and sometimes sarcastic. He is kind to most people, and he has made some friends in the GJO. he has also made an archenemy, the Sith Vega Van Derveld. Most of his battles with Vega have ended in draws, but Anakis suspects that Vega wants to finally finish him off someday.
After he escaped from a prison as a child, he was filled with so much anger he went to the Sith Order, and wanted to become a Sith, yet the Sith Masters rejected him, and Anakis had anger, but not hatred, and couldn't embrace the Sith ways. Angry at the Sith, and seeking revenge, he headed to the GJO. His master was the legendary Boricua, who taught Anakis the way of the Force and that anger was not the correct path.
Years later, Anakis is now a Jedi Knight of the GJO.
Clay Dennatta
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:21:14 AM
Name: Clay Dennatta
Rank: Padawan Learner
imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:20:43 PM
Jackson Mcgraves
Was born on small back water planet with a twin brother named Jason Mcgraves (xsmokingmanx). Jackson was force sensitive and sent off to the old Jedi order to train, while his brother chance was sent to a military school because was not force sensitive.
Jason later became agitated by the teaching of the old Jedi order and his master was on his death bed still refusing to let Jackson take his Knight trials. Jackson’s former master told Jackson a dark secret and asked him to leave the order.
Jackson left and joined up with his brother Jason and they created a secret underground organization during the emperor’s purge of Jedi. Jackson and Jason ran an underground to hide Jedi from the empire. After the empires rain and Jackson was on his death bed his bother forced him to give DNA so Jason could clone him.
Now the only clone Jackson walks the Halls of the Greater Jedi order in attempts to change his past under his new master Dasquian Belargic.
Kyle Krogen
Mar 14th, 2003, 07:17:13 PM
Kyle Krogen.
was abadoned as a child as grew up on the streets of Coruscant, he stole when ever he could just so he cold eat, was found and sent to a ophanage where a wealthy couple with no children took him in adn found out about his strange powers and sent him to the Jedi Temple.
my sig isn't working.
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