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Azhure Darkstone
Feb 26th, 2003, 02:02:22 AM
::The sun was hiding beneath the clouds, and it wasn’t looking to be a very good day. In spite of this a bird flew by and conveniently aimed a drop of it’s dung onto her newly fixed correllian freighter. Azhure owned two ships, one she had bought and the other that was never returned to CrimsonSun, her old clan. The A-Wing had never been returned and came in handy. Most of her money made went to ships because in the past they had been necessary to get around. Now…. She used to dislike them as she preferred walking but Matthias had made her develop a weakness for them.
Most of all she loved her Correllian Freighter. Machines she understood, people she knew all too well but on another level she did not – when it came to personal relationships..
Azhure had been born on Correllia so she had been told, she had trained for the most part there in her past profession due to it’s quarters residing on the thief ridden planet – and also enough jobs for an assassin. She had never had a home but Correllia was as close as it came to one and she had always made it policy to have a correllian modelled ship on principal – it was the only ‘home’ she had known until she had joined the Greater Jedi Order and had found the home she had always had but never known she had – and now he was gone. Lost in the infinity that some would call death and others an escape from life. He would have called it death, just as Azhure would have called it the other term. Her twin had always been different. More cheerful, louder, more comfortable around crowds when nothing was expected of you or you weren’t doing business. In fact he had rather enjoyed social gathering while she had always chosen to stand back – a lesson of distrust well learnt.
She had also learnt many things with the jedi and one was nature told you many secrets and the poop on her ship pointed to a bad trip ahead. Just another page in the hard to read story, she did not feel like forcing herself in at least an optimistic mood right now.
Her brother was dead and she was heading towards CrimsonSun – there wasn’t much to be optimistic about. Moving to her ship she took out a tissue and wiped the dung off her black ship which bore no name. A nondescript ship was hard to track down and if there needed to be a name then she could easily buy a temporary one and take it off again. The door lowered to the ground and she checked everything was there before boarding. Two changes of dark unmemorable clothing, the tiny hand sized blaster she dispised but it became useful at times, her daggers, her katana which remained nameless and her two lightsabers, one of which was her, the other a fellow jedi had given to on her first birthday at the Order.
The droid looked at her almost apprehensively – if a droid could pull facial expressions – and she frowned at it not to speak. Now was not the time. She had the council’s permission to leave but she always had a tendency to want to leave unknown and silence was the best way. Activating the mainframe of the ship and turning on the lower dimmed lights, then activating the navigation pad she set it’s co-ordinations and only the bird that sat on a nearby tree flew away and watched the ship disappear into the sky, the stolen invisibility cloak her brother had given her allowed no detection and her strenuous effort over the years to make it as quiet as possible paid off.
Sitting on the captain chair she sighed and cracked her knuckles in aggravation as the droid opened it’s mouth to speak in it’s nervous programmed voice – it knew the look on her face and it knew when it saw trouble.::
Ah – Azhure… Where are we going?
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 1st, 2003, 01:50:41 AM
The droids sharp poke woke her up, Azhure had put the ship on autopilot for she knew she would need her sleep. The droid had been playing a hologame Death Creatures and had just received an incoming message.::
What is it Daras?
::Azhure pushed herself off the small bed, for she often used the ship as her home, and walked towards the droid who had paused the game and looked to be losing badly. The rivalry with her ship and the droid with that game she would never understand.
She had woken up only once during the trip to land the freighter on a fairly small and insignificant planet to put on a temporary name on the side of the black ship. Beauty.
They would assume her proud and of rich family with that name. People tended to assume with ship names as names often reflected the person.::
This is the Correllian Patrol, what is your business?
Visiting a sick man. I assume I have to see my father once before he dies and leaves me his money. Requesting clearance to enter the system.
::She heard a few comments on her insensitivity and also heard ‘selfish heartless brat’ somewhere in the sentence before they realized they had kept the link open before closing it and reopening it to reply. Obviously there was a family person on the other end. Azhure had never used her heart in her earlier days due to her training and it still sometimes hurt to feel again but she was learning slowly. An assassin was hard to train to not use the heart and when the heart kept fighting as hers had, without her knowing, then it was also hard to train to release her fears of herself.::
Clearance granted, I wish your father well.
I’ll tell him you care.
::She closed the link and landed the ship on a landing pad before exiting the ship with a bag with her clothes and weapons, the bag also had a small detection transmitter in it which would make steel look like gold and jewels. She had reprogrammed the transmitter before leaving GJO headquarters. She had no weapons on her yet and would put the daggers back in their places after she passed the guards. Passing through the electronic detector, which deemed her and her luggage clean she went to the lavatory and made herself comfortable. Looking at the clock she nodded, right on time. Daras would take care of the ship, and it knew how to fly the ship if necessary. It had been her droid since she was seven and it was the only thing she trusted a considerable amount with her things. She would trust no one with her life, though perhaps she might grow to trust her mentor to that extent. She had just learnt to trust Matthias like that, and his name brought a new stab of pain in her heart which she had to ignore. A stranger looked at her and she gave him a snub of her nose. [/i]It’s all about how you act Angel, it’s about acting. Concentration and response to others.[/i] The man looked as if he too was of the same caste and smiled acknowledging her. She nodded back and he walked towards her. It seemed he assumed she was also of the same planet as he never asked. Perhaps it was the walk or the look on her face. He looked Falleen.::
I am Garith of the house of Evans.
Mana of the house of Darkstar.
::With the introductions, she had heard of his house and he of hers. If he were to check later he would find the real Mana looked very different from her, and that Mana had died at the age of four and had never been spoken of almost as if she had never been existed. The mother had been very angry at the head of family about that and he had ended up dead with a nice sum of money for her. Another stain on her hands, which would always stay. The family still did not speak of Mana and the Evans were rivals of who would definantly not know of this.::
Imagine this Mana, rivals speaking to one another. I never knew I should of course leave you but I am curious: Do you come because of the recent death of the head of Rivian house?
::This was news to her and she decided to go along with it. With an arrogant look in her eyes she nodded.::
Of course. Everybody knows he was the last of his line and that money has to go to someone.
Truth spoken. I never knew the Darkstar’s had a half breed with them, not like a Darkstar to fall to that level…. A corellian father or mother perhaps.
::She said nothing to this and put an almost expressionless expression on her face as he smiled slyly.::
Never mind, it was nice speaking to you. I will not use your new revelations against you and perhaps we will speak at the gathering tonight at the Darshey Building. Will you be there at 7 or 7:30?
::Azhure smiled inside, he spoke out information so carelessly. She decided to do the same so he would think he had finally found another black sheep in the families of riches and high noses..::
Oh after I see my dying father I will be sure to be there at 6:50. The early bird catches the golden worm.
::She turned and at the corner of her eye saw the sly smile on the mans face. OH, he had news to tell. A half breed in the rival family and a dying member. News indeed. Then again, she had always been good at these games. No one tried to be friendly with you and they always expected something. It felt a lot safer than someone being genuinely friendly.
She may check it out, or may not for she knew where her goal was. CrimsonSun.
Moving towards the exit of the shipyards she ignored the young woman she had tripped as a Darkstar would and walked towards the rich area of Correllia. Credits did not come from everywhere so she decided she would hack into the CrimsonSun account so they knew the Angel of Death was about and also to her convenience.
Her thoughts turned to Matthias and she felt unshed tears in her heart as she silently walked towards the large flashy hotel.::
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:22:28 PM
::Azhure woke up and checked the holoclock to see she should have woken half an hour earlier. This was not like her – perhaps her unkempt grief was pushing past it’s barriers. Not a good sign, she could fall apart all too soon and she could not afford that to happen; yet she could not go into her total unfeeling state any longer. The Jedi had gotten a hold of her unpractised heart too strongly. Saying his very name hurt too much, this was a new experience and she disliked it greatly. Wiping silent tears from her cheeks her face grew hard and she concentrated on the flow of the force to keep her emotions in check.::
Oh you would have laughed at me now. Never thought I could use it again did you Dante?
::She pushed away tears that threatened to come out and she took on her arrogant posture and attitude and dressed in a silky black dress, black boots that still suited the dress in a peculiar way and a long silk jacket of dark green trimmed with gold stitching. She would never be caught dead in this if it had not been for her Mana disguise. She pulled her hair up in a french bun and made her eyes more prominent and her lips a darker brown colour with a tinge of bronze. Looking in the mirror one could only assume she would be materialistic and stylish, and she sneered at reflection. Only a fool would believe in those things – and there were too many fools in this world. She had brought down many innocent and good-hearted people with no sense of fashion. There were not enough of them. Stepping out into the warm sun, she walked towards the local bar where she knew a few of the rich families would be, but she did not linger, only had a look before turning the corner and entering a holonet café. Sitting on a holopad she started the system up and made the screen flat, disabling the holo effect. No need for everyone to know what she was looking for. Finding the location of the latest business she nodded as she saw their symbol. A red banana with yellow lines that looked much like rays behind it. Half the business’s in this side of town was made by Crimsonsun as a cover, a stall area called Red Market for the very reason that most symbols held crimson on it. The most obvious clue yet so many were sucked into simple revenues when they expected clever and hidden clues. The ones who found out…they disappeared.
She spent time in bars, in clothing stores, in café’s finding out information on the latest stores. A classy new restaurant had opened up and she smiled. The only weakness the crimson master had was food. He would be rid of soon to be replaced by another stronger leader. The clock on the side of the café rank six times and she stood up, smoothin out her dress and pursing her lips and coldly looked at the serving woman she had been addressing before leaving. She caught a cab, then another cab before she looked up at the massive stone Darshey Building. Water ran through a thinner glass layer with sparkles of colour in-between made by tiny lights. Entering the building she stepped inside and nodded at the butler.::
Mara Darkstar, daughter of Giordian Darkstar.
Ah, is it true he is dying?
::So her recently met aquatance had not kept his mouth closed. She said nothing but smiled cruelly. Looking around Azhure felt squashed, too many smiles. Too many people. But she was here for a purpose. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling sweat on her hands as she knew she must speak to many of them but this time it was not as Azhure. It should not be too painful, not too painful. Her disguise would not last long either when they would find out he was alive more than ever. Then she would be Azhure again and she feared that part of herself. That part was more alien to her than anyone else.
She felt a hand tap her should and was met with a dazzling smile. She felt sure of herself that this would work, but something felt wrong but she could not guess.::
Mana, what a pleasure. I see you came late. The early bird flew too slowly?
I had business to deal with at homebase. It fascinates me how a body can decay so slowly and yet the eye still sparkles.
::She had no idea where this came from, she did not normally talk like this or even think to, but it was workable. If she could keep it up. Then she caught something in his eyes, the look only one who held it could recognize. He was under a disguise too. How could she have failed to notice. The heart really had gotten to her, and it confused her greatly. She did not allow herself to look surprised and nodded her head at him as she stepped outside. She felt him follow, now adopting the walk of an assassin. They went into a secluded corner in the next building, where hey could speak privately. Looking at him a flash of the real man flickered in her mind. It must be useful to have a look alike in assassin clan, useful indeed.::
They said you would come Angel. I wondered how long it would take you, but I did notice that you were effective in finding information. It is an honour to meet such an excelled assassin that sunk to lower levels within her heart.
::Azhure looked at him sharply and coldly, feeling anger. No. Pure rage. She felt pure rage over his words and had to stop herself from submitting to darkness that washed over. It was at these times she realized how such a danger she was to herself, let alone others. She felt another behind her.::
My brother.
He is silenced. Leave it alone and reclaim your mind. Perhaps you may not be killed.
My Brother.
I am no longer a weapon. I am a person, and I came here for a reason.
::How good that felt to say it. Did she believe it herself? Perhaps not totally but it felt good to be able to utter those words. His amused sneer was enough to make her want to scream and crumble. The smile they gave a young one in training. Stop being weak.::
A person who makes a good weapon. In the end we are meat heading for a death. A piece of meat, not a person. You have by now figured out where we reside and I will escort you to it. A shame you brought no one with you, we could have had fun.
::Her unchecked and unbalanced emotion boiled over and she sneered silently, her hand close to her right positioned dagger. That was precisely why she had not sacrificed anyone else. She had to get out of here, yet for the first time she felt out of her depth. Her other hand twisted his bone and she felt it snap before another pair of fists knocked her unconscious.::
Azhure Darkstone
May 3rd, 2003, 04:51:22 AM
::The room was dark, and only one trace of light lit the dreary room, reflecting a silver reflection from the chain that gave light to brick walls. She knew the smell of this place. Blood. Sweat. She knew the sound that now and then came from it and watched as the loud screech of a door opened, revealing her captor. She smiled in return, recieving a laugh as she looked at the instruments on the side.::
Welcome back Angel. As swans sing before they die, so do we. After you have eaten you will answer questions. Eat well. Tomorrow you will play. I will keep the lights on for your meal.
::She looked at the food and decided eating wasnt neccesary and stood, so death had caught up and she had ended where she had begun, to pay for her crimes. It was too bad she could not tell Navaria, and it was too late to tell Matthias. Matthias. Wet tears ran down her face silently as she looked at the chains on the wall, he would have surely been tortured. Oh god, she couldnt even think about that, too many emotions to handle and she didnt handlen them well.
She felt herself shaking as she walked towards the blood stained area, seeing a shiny object on the floor. It was a plain black stone looking much like the one Matthias had worn, the black stone symbolizing his old pirate trade he had been a part of. Picking it up with shaky hands the stone grew wet with an alien tear rolled off it, as she tore the pain back to the back of her mind and concentrated, eyes dry.
No emotion now, she would break and never repair.
A cold sensation took over her and she feltn protected again in it's lack of emotion. She would wait until the man came back, some face she didnt know, probably an assasin she had not come across. That was strange, she had known almost all the faces, who was this? More importantly, where was her brothers body?
She sat on the floor of the blood stained area and closed her eyes, centering herself, trying to touch the force. Waiting time, the man would come soon.::
Matthias darkstone
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:59:55 AM
::Matthias could feel his sister's hurt from where he was. Again, he seemed dead, but he knew, deep down, that soon his little sister would come find him. She'd just have to figure out how first.
He wriggled in the chains that held him to the wall like a lifeless skeleton. Tried to feel the force aura that wasn't there.
{Must be a dampening field of some kind. Damn CrimsonSun!}
He closed his eyes, and concentrated hard. He wanted to get the image of his sister in his mind, before it was too late. Before there was nothing that she could do for him. And that would be the worst thing of all.
Her face was floating in his mind, now a full bodied image. She was solitary, in a dank, dark prison cell. Tears were trickling down her lovely young face, giving it an eerie, glistening look in the darkness. He reached out to touch her, but his hand touched air.
Then a word...Matthias ....his name, a sound so beautiful coming from her mouth...Dante, where are you??
With no force aura coming off him, to her, he was dead.
He tried to reply, but him mouth was dry, and full of dust. he could only croak out her name, before he fell into unconsciousness.
OCC: Okay, Wookie, I've moved it here. Better now???
>_< By the way, georgeous pics. Can you do one for me and Nathalia Tomac? (My other character) PLese??? -Hugz-
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 09:58:28 PM
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:06:50 PM
::The door opened and silently she moved to the door. The man heard her but she caught him on the throat beforehand, and hit a nerve which rendered him unconcious. Moving the body to the side she walked out, careful of the cameras. The body must be somewhere. There were two more cells, she moved close to one, and heard footsteps. Moving in she looked around to see a half dead woman, and put her fingers to her lips. The dorr she had exited opened and nosie was heard. Opening the door and running, she entered the next to find her brothers body, and she looked harder. he was breathing. But they had siad he was alive....she could heard footsteps coming she quickly took a torture instrument and stepped up to her brother. He was alive!. Her emotions got spinning and she punched him hard on the shoulder. No time now, have to get him out.::
Wake up!
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:14:15 PM
Matthias could hear a distant voice somewhere, telling him to wake up.
He sat up groggily, and fell back, onto her lap. He could feel her hands caressing him, warm tears were falling on his face, like salt rain drops. He licked them, and sighed deeply.
What kept you, sis?
She didn't reply immediately. She was too bust listening to something outside the door
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:22:00 PM
::Azhure looked at him and felt like cryign with relief, which made her feel very scared at the strength of the emotion before makign herself emotionless again::
Get up, time to go buddy. People are coming to exterminate us.
::She picked him up, and moved to the door, and leant him against the fram before ducking into the first room to grab the guys blaster and returned to her brother.::
Can you shoot?
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:26:47 PM
Matthias got up groggily, and looked at his fingers.
"Unless each is equpped with a mini blaster to kill bad guys with, no."
He peeped out the doorway, and stuck his head back.
"we'll have no way of getting past those guards...there *is* another way out though..."
His sister looked at him as he slowly, painfully, moved towards a hatch in the wall. He grabbed her, threw her in, and followed afterward.
OFF:<P.s> You do know this is a rubbish chute, right?
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:31:51 PM
::She nodded, thought as much before he threw her into the rubbish chute, good old Matt, always thinking of the less violent way.
She gathered his body in her arms again and moved to the nearest door. THis would be the basement and there were two ways out. Upper window or elevator. She hoped he could climb or was there rope. After escaping they would have to find a place for him to slightly recover before going to ship. She would be conspicuous at the shipyards.::
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:33:47 PM
::Matthias struggled a bit in his sisters arms, forgetting how strong she was.::
Now what?
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:39:41 PM
::She sighed and shook her head. There was a table in the area and a chair. Picking her brother up, the emotionless wall still strong, she stepped onto the chair then table and pulled her borhter up, he was heavy when gravity intercepted. Pulling him onto the dealicately balanced table she used her other hand to pull at the broken bar. It went off with too much noise and she winced as she heard the elevator.::
If you can, get up. We have no time!
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:46:37 PM
::He lookeed up, then at the apparatus she'd set up, and began to slowly climb up. Geez, why didn't he fight those rebels off whilst he had the chance???::
Okay, kiddo. One question. How the hell did you find me???
::he looked back down, to see her climbing up after him. Too busy concentrating on her task, she didn't reply.
Matthias reched for the next hand hold, but only touched air. {What the???} He felt around, and felt the rung of the ladder give out from under him. He qucikly swung up and hooked himself (awkwardly) on the single rung he was holding on to, and looked down at his sister. {Help??}
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:49:14 PM
::Azhure shook her head, and offered him a hand. She pulled up and puts his arms around her waist while the other hand held on. The weight was heavy but she eventually made the top, and it took much of her strength to pull his dangling body to the gravel. People stared but her unfreindly cold look made them continue walking.::
I thought you were dead.
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:53:31 PM
::Matthias looked at her::
I did too. my force aura is missing. It's either a sheild, or CrimsonSun has it to gain a higher sense of power above their enemies. You could be very much in danger.
::He could see the looks that people were giving them as well, but he paid no heed, and focused on his sister.::
So, what have you been up to lately?
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:57:25 PM
::Azhure looked around::
Ive been in danger. We have to go, I was going to go to a nearby tavern but we'll go straight to the ship. I may have to shoot, if I do, can you walk or crawl to the ship. It's your ship.
::She took out the blaster, picked him up and walked fast. She coudlf eel them behind her back, and hear running. Moving in and out of dark places she would have to dodge. Matthias couldnt very well fight himself.::
Matthias darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:04:35 PM
What the heck are you doing with my ship???That's MY ship, and if it has SO much of a scratch on it, my....
::Azhure spapped a hand to his mouth, to shut him up, but it was too late.::
THERE you are, Darkstone!!
A shadow emerged, glowing darkly in the blackness of the night. Tall, dark, and foreboding, he made straight for Azhure.
well, I dion't belive i have seen you before my lovely...
Azhure backed off...
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:14:27 PM
::Azhure growled, he was as a bad as a wookie. ::
[/i]We have to get out alive before we fix your precious ship. Sit and shut it.[/i]
::She moved to the side and felt a slam to the back before moving her left hand with the blaster to shoot his head, to a place hopefully he would die but be seriously injured. heck, she was a jedi in training and her brother was becoming weaker by the minute. Picking him up she ran, he was getting noticably lighter. The ship yards were full, and she opened the ship. Assasins were everywhere, she pushed him into the ship and left it to him to get help from the meds. She aimed and shot each assasin near the shoulders and kneecaps before jumping in herself. She was probably being harsh on Matthias but there was no time, much less any emotion that could be allowed. She would break if she allowed emotion to interfere. It dawned on her again...he was alive... Moving to the ship controls and turning on the autopilot button she turned to glare a him with all the deep pain she had harboured, coming from years back. Niether of them were in the right mind to pilot, though she might have to gun.::
DON'T ever do that again!
::She wasnt talking about the ship outburst. leaning to the side she felt the stress, the anger, the paina nd the immense relief come out as she felt tears on her eyes. She didnt have the strength physically and emotionally to ask him how he had made it to crimsonsuns claws. He was lying down on the med bed with the med droid going around him, almost as if tisking. Pressing the hyperspace button with the co-ordinates to the nearest jedi post she concentrated on not going over to kill him and touch him to assure herself he wasnt in her imagination and on holding herself together again. No-one could see her like this. That hutt of a twin, start to care and suddenly someone means so much to you they can tear you apart. Sometimes it had been easier being an assasin. Matt would have been just a related person, not a 'brother'. Her words still sounded slightly emotional when she next spoke, about half an hour later. he seemed alseep but he might not have been.::
For excess information I threw the grog out, there is no smokes onboard and if your thirsty there's water.
The ship is fine, accept I can't say the same about it's name but then again you've always had bad taste.
...You scared me. I start to care about you for the first time since I was four and you dissapear. You nerf herder, jawa jack-butt, wookie brained buffoon! You can't leave me now, do you understand? I need you Dante, I need your support and your love. And your never going to hear me say that again so if your unconcious right now bad luck.
Matthias darkstone
Jun 14th, 2003, 09:34:26 PM
Who are you calling a nerf herder, you nerf herder?
::Matthias slowly sat up and gave a weak grin to his sister, but with the look on her face, it slowly faded to that of guilt. He did love his sister, and it hurt him to see her like this.::
I don't know if sorry is good enough, but i'll try anyway.
::He reached over and hugged his sister as if he'd never let go, tears streaming down his face for what he'd done in the process of trying to be a hero.::
I'm sorry sis. I promise you, from the very bottom of my heart, that i will never be so careless again...
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 15th, 2003, 10:21:13 PM
::Azhure felt uncomfortable about the embrace, she had a long road to get through to become comfortable with signs of affection, and pushed a way a bit, forcing a stern look on her face. She didnt know how to react back with affection or what to say so she stuck with what felt safest. He knew she cared, even though she rarely showed it.::
Just don't do it again.
::The planet where the GJO establishment stood loomed before them, and the ship prepared itself for landing in a usual spot where her ship was so she quickly put the ship on manual and prepared to land on an empty space in the ship yards as Matthias's ship passed through into the planets atmosphere. Here he could recieve better medical attention and she could relieve her tension a little. She didnt like the man who sat next to her, her twin brother hurt. They both had a long way to go establish a warm relationship, but staying alive helped. She had to remember that too. For now she was glad he was alive, and somewhere inside a still fairly foreign emotion of love for Matthias rejoiced in that fact.::
It's been a while since you've been here.
OOC:We'll continue this at the GJO. Start a post in the council room :)
Matthias darkstone
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:03:17 AM
OOC: Where? How? What? HELP!!!!!
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:17:57 AM
ooc - ok, just finish off this post. Where you posted was good. See you there. cheers :)
Matthias darkstone
Jun 16th, 2003, 06:07:43 PM
::Matthias let go of his sister, feeling her wave of discomfort flowing over him. He sat back, and looked at the nearest veiwport. Home. A place he'd never thought he'd see again, and now his sister had got him back here again. He smiled wanly, almost smirking, and swung himself off the med-bed. He strecthed, feeling new strength, but toppled as he near lost his balance. he sat back down again, and grinned sheepishly.::
So, do i have to continue any training? Or do i get a court martial for running away from you?
::He saw Azhure head out the docking clamp and onto the landing platform, and he had no choice but to do so too.::
OOC: Continued in "I am the Walrus..." :)
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