View Full Version : Lion El' Jonson: The Story Of A Lifetime

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:30:07 AM
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Information as follows:

Lion El' Jonson

Name: Lion El' Jonson, translated into native tongue means: "Lion of the Forest"
Rank: Padawan
Age: 26 years old
Home planet: Caliban, Outer Rim, (destroyed)
Family: Mother, Father, two Brothers, three Sisters, two Grandmothers, Grandfather (all currently residing on New Caliban, Grandfather still commands the Deathwing remnants on "The Rock")
Former jobs: Mercenary, Assassin
Weapons: Custom lightsaber "Deathwing" (Yellow handle, Blue Blade: half-meter wide, 2 meters long), Customized Longrifle
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 82 kilograms
Personal Starship: Modified Corellian Shadowflare Black Dawn
New Republic Rank: Admiral, Chief of Intelligence
Flagship: MC-150 Avatar

The story of Lion El' Jonson begins on the planet Caliban. Caliban is almost unheard of in these days, but only twenty years ago was a trade staple in the area. The immense planet had a climate similiar to that of the fabled island of Hawai'i on ancient Terra, and its seas teemed with wildlife. The constant eruptipns caused by the powerful core of the planet continuously unearthed new stores of precious metals, and Caliban grew to have a treasury that rivaled entire systems. Because of this money, Caliban thought it could be self sufficient. They traded their precious metals and jems, and in return were built a fleet by Mon Calamari. At its peak, the fleet only rivaled a sector force, but it only had to defend Caliban and its colonies, so this was considered an impenetrable defense. Caliban had a proud tradition of Jedi Knights, and even at one time had a Master on the Old Jedi Council, Kilmara Rel' Sallas, who served alongside the famous Master Yoda. Also, Caliban refused to join the Republic because it believed it could handle itself just fine. The three richest families on the planet were the Heartillys, the 'El Jonsons, and the Kal' Sonan's. The 'El Jonson family owned an immense shipping operation that eventually grew so large it basically controlled the planets Starports and shipyards. The cargo fleet the 'El Jonsons maintained was composed of almost 1400 ships, and each of them was immense.

Unfortunately, this self-reliance led to the destruction of Caliban. Grand Admiral Thrawn, while coasting through the Outer Rim, happened to run into one of Caliban's small patrol fleets. The cruiser immediately activated its interdictor field, trapping the lone Star Destroyer Chimaera, while the four frigates on escort flanked the immense destroyer and began pounding it. Had it not been for the timely arrival of the ISD Mk. II's Death's Head and Peremptory, Grand Admiral Thrawn may have well been destroyed. Angered at one of the first losses in his career, Thrawn's normally cool manner exploded, and he summoned an immense fleet of warships to assault Caliban. The battle to defend Caliban is often told amongst the survivors. For three days the valiant defense fleets of Caliban wrestled against the Imperial Might, while squads of Caliban's home defense force battled with Companies of Stormtroopers. The most remembered defense was when the elite Deathwing held their 3 fortresses against 4 full companies of stormtroopers and over 20 AT-ATs. Alas, it was realized that Caliban was doomed. Slowly, Thrawn's tactical genius and overwhelming force muscled their way past the defenses of the planet. The Victory Star Destroyer constant bombardments slowly melted through the crust of the planet and distrupted the core of the planet.

Already unstable, the core began breaking up. Violent eruptions from the immense volcanoes consumed much of the planet, instantly destroying six major cities. Realizing that defeat was imminent, the government of Caliban sounded the order for evacuations. While the defense fleet was in tatters, they managed to hold off the Imperial fleet while the major shipping groups launched with millions of refugees about their ships. The 'El Jonson's 200 converted troopships each evacuated almost 130,000 people, saving millions...all in all, the immense evacuation saved almost 120 million people of the planet...though only one in every 15 people of Caliban managed to escape, most of the world's wealth was preserved, as was millions of lives. The immense convoy muscled its way through hyperspace and settled on the planet of Alamari, which, through some trick of fate, has almost the exactly same climate as Caliban, was even larger, and had constant eruptions that yielded new minerals.

The people were overjoyed when they discovered this new planet, and slowly began restoring their damaged culture. The planet was renamed New Caliban, which was shortened to New Cali in common conversation. The immense wealth enabled the orphaned people to begin building on their new home, and the years since they arrived have seen the planet of New Caliban grow past that of the old Caliban. The population has nearly tripled to 360 million, and New Caliban is now a fully fledged member of the New Republic. The immense asteroid belts provide plentiful minerals, and multiple large shipyards have been established orbiting the planet. The DNA of millions of creatures from Caliban was preserved and have began to thrive in their new home.

But, back at old Caliban, a secret still exists that wasn't discovered for almost 20 years. And thus begins the story of Lion El' Jonson. At the age of 3, Lion was evacuated from his home planet with the rest of his family on the families personal Strike Cruiser, Majesty. He grew up on New Caliban, and remembered little of his former home except for the evacuation. The urge for adventure caused Lion to purchase his first ship at the age of only 16. When he told his father, who had been a warrior himself before he started the Solaris Shipping Company, that he wished to leave home, he was severed from the El' Jonson family trust and forbidden to ever come back until he made a name for himself. Thus, Lion became an experienced mercenary and assassin, and amassed quite a bit of money. On a trip from an employer to raid a small space lane, Lion was ambushed by pirates. He immediately jumped out to hyperspace on the coordinates that were closest...the shards of Caliban. When Lion got there, he thought it had to be a joke, but it wasn't. The Force had led him there, and he was almost overcome when he picked up something on sensors. There, hovering in front of him, was an immense chunk of the planet...and residing above that chunk of the planet, clearly visible, was a metallic sheen...from the Northern fortress of the Deathwing. Transmitting clearance signals that hadn't been used for almost two decades, Lion was granted clearance to land on the immense chunk of the planet, which was now known as "Angel Base", or "The Rock".

Residing within that fortress were the full 3 companies that had made up the Deathwing...and more importantly, their immense suits of power armor. The Deathwing had never been mere troops...they had been given some of the most advanced infantry technology ever devised. An immense suit of durasteel formed the outer shell of the armor. The Deathwing Power Armor held either twin heavy repeating blasters for easily wiping out squads of troopers, or twin turbolasers that could even penetrate the armored hull of an AT-ST. On the other hand was an immense lightning claw, a Close Combat Weapon that could punch through the heavy armor of an AT-AT like it was tissue paper. However, the most amazing part of the armor was how it was controlled. The armored sarcophagous was the most heavily protected part of the armor, for it housed the pilot. Using powerful nerve-impulse technology and organic circuits, the warrior inside the armor could control the armor as an extension of his body. Also, by analyzing the warriors thoughts and battle data, the armor could devise new tactics on the fly. Each of the huge armored suits cost as much as 5 TIE Fighters, but evidently they were worth it.

Inside the immense fortress, Lion was filled in by the nominal leader among the Deathwing...A man that beared a remarkable resemblance to Lion himself. During the battle, and as the planet broke up, a lone tech in the planet's control center sacrificed himself to raise the powerful shield generators that protected the fortresses. When Caliban broke up, all three of the fortresses survived, and the survivors used the maintenance tugs as makeshift engines to eventually drive the three fortresses together into an immense chunk of the planet and a formidable stronghold. There they had survived for almost 20 years, living off of the fortresses' hydroponics. It was also in this fortress that Lion's true destiny was revealed. This leader, a Captain Hellard El' Jonson, was revealed to be Lion's grandfather, the only member of the El' Jonson clan that had been unaccounted for. Captain Hellard had a remarkable trait in battle, often described as being able to "sense attacks before they happened". Eventually, it occured to Captain Hellard that he was force sensitive, which meant that Lion himself was capable of becoming a Jedi. Before leaving, Lion was given a gift by his grandfather: An immense lightsaber that had once been fitted on Hellard's Power Armor, that projected an immense broadsword blade of plasma...and, Lion was given his grandfather's Power Armor itself, an immense construct known by all others as Arethusa, the Caliban God of War.

With this, Lion El' Jonson left, promising to keep the location of this base a secret. Lion was allowed to tell his family, who were overjoyed at Lion's discovery and accepted him back into the family trust. Lion sold his ship, a used Corellian YT-2000 named the Death Rattle, and used the nearly unlimited funds of his family to buy a new ship, a custom-built light cruiser that he named the Black Dawn. Inside the Dawn's hangar resides Arethusa, ready for battle if Lion ever finds himself in need of the armor's assistance. With that, and a new crew of Calibani's that shared Lion's dreams for adventure (and knew of Lion's deep pockets), they set out for the planet of Yavin 4, the current base of the Greater Jedi Order.

Lion was quickly tested and accepted by the majestic Knight Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, and was assigned a master, the powerful Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Under Dasquian's tutelage, Lion has learned much about The Force, and is extremely skilled at saber combat...he also shows considerable control of the weather, especially for a padawan. Lion has a strong desire to learn about the force, and all of its secrets.

Unfortunately, this desire comes at a cost. Lion often disagrees with the Greater Jedi Order's philosophies. He enjoys combat, and although he would never succumb to the powers of the Dark Side, he has skirted dangerously close to acquiring some Dark-Jedi like philosophies, though he has been turned away from those. Still, the urge to learn about the force presents a danger to Lion, and it remains to be seen what will happen in Lion's life in the force. Chief among his disagreements is the jedi's reliance on peaceful tactics. Lion has seen first-hand what trying to negotiate has created for the galaxy, and especially for Caliban. Trying to negotiate with Grand Admiral Thrawn just created a desire in the evil man to crush the people of Caliban. Also, Lion doesn't like many of the restrictions placed on Jedi. For instance, unnecessary death is discouraged. Lion understands this, which is perhaps the problem. Use of physical force is the quickest and easiest way to remove a threat, and although it may cause injury to some innocents, Lion is sure that not stopping the problem could cause far more injuries in the future. The Clone Wars, then the reign of Emperor Palpatine showed the galaxy that fact, yet the same mistakes are still repeated.

Many are concerned for Lion, and many more are concerned about his fall to the Dark Side. This is another problem that Lion has with the Order. He feels like he's being babysitted sometimes, and although his Master has always treated him with the utmost respect, others insist on tutoring Lion and watching over him like he's a little child. It remains to be seen what other disagreements Lion will have with the council and the Jedi code.

Lion and his entire family are known as "The Unforgiven". This is because, on the last cargo ship that departed Caliban before it exploded, the 'El Jonsons ordered the starship to take flight before th planet exploded. This is understandable, because it saved almost 100,000 people, but this forced them to abandon almost 50% of the planetary government. The senators en route to the freighter were only minutes away when the vessel took flight. Later simulations constructed showed that the cargo vessel would have been destroyed before the government officials could get onboard, but the population of New Caliban still blames the 'El Jonsons for the loss of some of their planet's greatest leaders.

Lion is an excellent pilot and mechanic, and often spends time working on his Black Dawn and his personal Speeder, a Hot Rod that he has appropriately named Shadowflare. He's also an excellent shot with any kind of weapon, but his favorite weapon is a powerful plasma sniper rifle he custom built by modifying the schematics for a lightsaber and combining it with the deady Sniper Rifle that Caliban's Deathwing often used, creating a fairly large weapon he has aptly named a Longrifle. When fired, it emits a shielded globe of plasma energy that detonates after it enters its target, often with messy results. The weapon itself is only about a meter long, allowing it to be used as a powerful assault rifle, but when fitted with a silencer, a tripod, and a barrel with enhanced galven circuitry, the weapon's length grows to 2.2 meters.

Lion also has a fairly lighthearted spirit, and enjoys partying and socializing with others. He makes friends easily, and often will do something stupid to lighten someone's mood.

Lion remains a steadfast member of the Greater Jedi Order, and a high-ranking officer in the New Republic, as he commands the whole Outer Rim fleet.. His flagship, an immense MC-150 named Avatar, is equipped with some of the best stealth equipment and weaponry in the galaxy. Short of installing a cloaking device, Lion's entire fleet can't get more undetectable. This makes his battlegroup ideal for inserting Jedi into intergalactic hotspots without risking detection.

As a powerful member of the Jedi, Lion will continue to fight the evil across the galaxy. Whether or not he agrees with the Jedi Code, and indeed the council as a whole, Lion will gladly take up arms to defend the order and the people he has grown close to. Lion continues his fight every day, whether it is against some evil Sith on an unknown planet, or in the training rooms of the Jedi Academy. Lion knows he can always rely on his friends to support him, and his friends know they can always count on Lion to throw himself into a battle to protect them, whether its against Dark Jedi or against some drunk patron in a bar. It is this loyalty that gives Lion his respect, and it's a loyalty that anybody can expect when they make friends with Lion El' Jonson, the latest in Caliban's proud legacy of Jedi, and an upholder of peace and order in the galaxy.

End File...Repeat Search???
