View Full Version : Revelations: Avenging Angels [Closed/Xazor]

Aevenon Cloak
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:23:08 AM
<center>Vengeance, you know it tastes so good
Vengeance is as cold as ice
When it has you in its sights
When it has you in its sights
You could give a call to Scotland Yard,
Or send for help from the FBI.
But they won't stop a bomb going off
With only seconds on the clock
Angel, oh angel,
Here to brighten up my darkest day.
Take me in your arms,
Protect me from my enemies.
Oh deadly angel, oh angel,
And when they've got me on my knees -
When they're just about to do the deadly deed
You rescue me, you rescue me, you rescue me!
Calling all avenging angels, kick <smallfont color=#FFFF40>-Censored-</smallfont> angels.


Fresh from the GJO medbay ( [url=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24092), the Ambrellian strode into the Bar and Grill. This was a place he had never been before, but somehow he felt a sense of déjà vu whilst inside. At first he could not place where it came from, but as he sat down and observed the people around him, he realized – it was a trace of memory that had passed into him from the Jedi (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23041) he had met. This made him smile, and he wondered for a fleeting moment if he would ever see the man again.

“Would you like to order something?”

Aevenon looked upwards and smiled politely at the woman that had spoken to him. He seemed always to wear the expression of happiness, though it did portray him as being somewhat unintelligent – which he definitely was not. He understood his life in its entirety, and was quietly anxious about his future, though always remembered one thing – to make the best of what he had --

“Ale,” he replied; his fathers choice of drink.

-- And what he had was power in the Force, or at least the raw materials for such things. Slayn had taught him what little he was able, but his path was still maluable.

Cloak sipped on his drink and closed his eyes, expanding his thoughts outwards for minds so alike in neutrality as his …

Xazor Elessar
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:24:26 PM
It was a bustling day about the Greater Jedi Order and the life of the Knight's and Master's continued getting busier and busier. There were no exceptions to this and when they could finally pull away from duty and have a break, it was most welcome. This evening was Xazor Elessar's break time, and she gladly took it. Clad in flowing robes of scarlet that waved and moved behind her as she walked, the Garou Jedi Knight slowly made her way through the door of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Though upon her weapons belt she bore two lightsabers, three daggers, a blaster, and an array of throwing knives, the guards did not look at her twice. Though she wore a sword upon her left hip and a rail gun was strapped to her back -- they paid little mind to her save for a respectful bow of their heads. A smile crossed the young woman's gentle features exposing her pearly white elongated canines which peaked beneath her upper lip and above the lower. They were sharp and long -- suggesting that indeed she was not of the human race.

"Hey Xaz!"

The barkeep shouted from across the room with an over extended wave of his right arm. The motion caused the fat on his bicept to move as well as his entire stomach to jiggle as it stuck out from beneath his white t-shirt. Xazor smiled to herself and waved daintily in return before setting her piercing cyan eyes upon the crowds gathered in Yogs that eve. With a few steps, the silver coins woven into her waist length Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly with her movement until she came to stop and eyed a young man she had yet to see in her life -- though he looked strikingly familiar. 'I've seen his face somewhere before', she thought to herself for a moment as her gaze became fixed upon him. Shaking it off, the Knight began walking toward his table. The unmistakable scent of Ale filled the air and met the ultrasensitive nose of the woman. She continued smiling as she drew near and felt his presence deep within the Force. His mind seemed to be calling out to her, for some reason, and so she decided it right to make a quick visit. With a formal and graceful bow, she rose to full height and set her cyan orbs upon his face before seating herself.

"Greetings -- I've never seen you before, but I feel like I know your face from somewhere."

She canted her head to the side and sat down without being invited. Her curious gaze locked on him as she tried to pinpoint where she had seen the young man before. Xazor decided she was being rude, in that moment, and sighed internally.

"I'm sorry -- my name is Xazor -- and you are?"

Aevenon Cloak
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:44:33 AM
Yes, this one …

Long golden hair, a trace of humanity beneath the guise of a wolf. It was a familiar image and it filled Aevenon with a palpable pulse of love. It was an odd thing this, as he had never met the woman before, but Terran – the Jedi he had spoken with – had. When the two had spoken their minds had interlocked as they exchanged conversation through the Force and as Aevenon was such a unusual being, he had absorbed some of these thoughts and feelings as his own.

“Xazor,” Cloak replied, with his ever courteous smile present on his face as he regarded the woman for the first time, outside of his mind and Terran’s descriptions.

Many times, a man who comes to love a woman finds it difficult to keep his thoughts straight. Visions and dreams--that once contained dreams of success and personal goals--are now filled with her face and her voice and her smile and her song, the words echoed in his mind.

“Greetings, and well met. I am Aevenon Cloak,” he stated quietly. His voice was faintly metallic, and it seemed as tough when he spoken tiny chords strummed in one’s minds, for his tone was not only supple and reassuring but harmonious.