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imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:22:26 PM
A city of resplendent activity and impelling nightlife; Coruscant was a city which harbored some of the more unique personalities of the universe in its bustling streets. It was a sanctum for wantonness and crime alike, just as much as it was an attraction to lure tourists of all walks from the galaxies. Among the petty street mobs and artful scoundrels, a particular evil seemed to overhang from the conventional madness of the city on this night.

After months of concealment, tonight was the night chosen by Drasen to indulge in a little bit of mischief. He had been cast into banishment and left for dead by his previous Order, and for that time a certain requital had been swelling inside of him. Alone, he stood, that anger kept dwelling in his mind, tonight just as fractious as ever before.

None were held responsible but those who subjected him to such punishment. In his eyes, it was different. The entire city would feel his bitterness, innocence was something long forgotten in his sense of mind.

“Come on out,” he spoke to himself, and the voices responded just as sharply.

”What are you going to do?”

“What ever needs to be done,” he laughed to himself, allowing his body to freely loosen from its tightened stance. His arms swung in flaccid movements, the cylinder hilt of his light saber, which was fully ignited, scraped along the rooftop of the building carving scars in self-directing patterns along its surface.

He continued to stagger in befuddled circles, allowing for the crimson blade to freely explore his surroundings. Sometimes even lifting the weapon over his head and swiping it fiercely at no particular pattern. Only to miss, and the applied force sending his body stumbling forward; at some points falling upon a fine line of almost toppling over the vast scrapers.

From abroad it was a man on the bounds of his sanity.

That was hardly the case. He was more sound than ever before, and while most sought the affiliation of others to obtain their stability, he was resolute with the fact that the binding of the Order had been broken. He was free from their conformity, and he had an acquired taste for bloodshed to show his content.

“I said come out!”

Mr Dust
Feb 25th, 2003, 06:58:09 PM
The seemingly incoherent man draws Mr. Dust's attention from some distance. The man's yelling and carrying on, coupled with his random movements, made him appear to be a danger to anyone near him. If any civilians were to happen by... well, it would not be pretty, suffice to say.

Mr. Dust approaches the man, unlit saber in hand, hat off and held in his right.

I say, sir. Your conduct is rather unseemly. Come now, calm yourself and cease these antics. What are you attempting to prove?

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:12:54 PM
Suddenly the escapade had stopped, and Drasen just froze for a moment. He hadn’t bothered to eye the intruder, instead he just stood for a moment, pondering the situation. The weapon was still active, and lively so, its crimson pillar still glowing with a baleful hue. After minutes of silence, he finally managed to look to the man.

“Why are you staring at me?” he questioned, his voice unusually bland and sensible; completely contradicting with his prior actions just a few moments earlier. Before the man could answer Grev began laughing once more, then he slowly began to approach.

“He wants to harm you.”

The voices were still present inside of him.

Drasen stopped a little ways before, just to ensure the two remain civil until he decided to alter things. The man had every right to be alarmed, and Grev wasn’t exactly looking for an instant butchery. He wanted to burrow into this man’s mind, his feelings as well.

“I am calm,” he spoke again, a crooked smile fitting itself against his pallid face. “Are you?”

Mr Dust
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:46:05 PM
His brows furrow at the madman before him.

Calm? Sir, you are anything but calm. I'm afraid I must ask you to stand down, as I would not wish to use force. If you press me, though, I will do so.

He steps back slightly, readying his saber if the situation becomes more volatile.

imported_Grev Drasen
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:25:20 PM
A warning; this Grev had expected, and a laugh was all which he managed to respond with. Whether this man was a Jedi or not, Drasen had suspected he wasn’t to be taken lightly. It was a mistake he made in his last confrontation, and it nearly cost him his life. He would handle things a little differently in this fight.

“You wish me calm,” he spoke again as his smile began to fade, “Yet you threaten me?”

He shook his head, slowly waving his light saber in suggesting strides. An attack was probably assumed, but instead Grev turned to the unexpected, disabling the weapon as the glowing blade retracted back into its hilt.

He grinned towards the man, and lifted the seemingly harmless cylinder in plain view.

“You’ve got me all wrong,” he frowned, apparently offended by such accusations.

He held the disabled base directly in front of the man, attempting to display his suggested ‘innocence,’ then with a flick of a button the crimson mast shot out again; this time aiming itself in a near point blank spear for the man’s exposed face.

“You’ve got me all wrong!”

Mr Dust
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:47:54 PM
The rapidly ignited blade nearly takes Mr. Dust off guard as his rapier-style saber springs to life. The thin white blade sweeps up very quickly, barely parrying the attack aside in time. He can feel the heat of the saber as it comes so close to his face.

Bad form, sir! Bad form indeed!

Mr. Dust steps back quickly, assuming the ancient saber style of his ancestors. The style resembles fencing. The size of the blade and lightness of the one-handed saber add speed, but reduce strength. Hoping to use said speed to his advantage, he lunges forward quickly, aiming for his opponent's bicep. If he can score a strike there, this fight may end quickly.

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:07:34 PM
It was obvious the man was shooting for an early kill. Just as soon as Drasen’s attack had been deflected the man had implemented his own counter strike. Taking two solid steps back, Grev brought his own weapon back into a readied position and swept the blade into the oncoming attack.

Clashing directly with one another, an emphatic hiss erupted upon impact of the collision. As the two weapons lie grinding against the other’s surface, Grev took the initiative and drove a foot firmly into the gut of Dust.

Hoping to drive the man back a little, Grev took a few more steps back to position himself; awaiting some type of response from the ‘assumed’ Jedi.

“You never properly introduced yourself,” he chimed in while catching his breath, keeping his weapon in an uptight hold as he watched the man.

Mr Dust
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:30:13 PM
The kick folds the tall man in half slightly, pushing him back. He slides back as his opponent does, recovering from the attack. At the man's comment, he bows slightly, but keeps his eyes on his opponent.

I am Dust. Mr. Dust. And who might you be?

He returns to the basic stance of the ancient form, blade pointing forward, held balanced in his left hand. His right still holds his hat loosely.