View Full Version : Another day at the bar( Hadrian/Open)
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:48:49 PM
The young Omwati woman, Shanaria Fabool, enters the B&G, and takes a look around, her soft gray eyes probing the room for an empty seat.
Her skin tight, blue bodysuit hugs her shapely form, revealing every curve on her body. Her long black hair, left loose, flowing freely through the air behind her, as she gracefuly walks toward the bar, and takes a seat at one of the stools.
She orders a cider. When she gets her cider she thanks the bartender, and spins on the stool so her back is to the bar, and watches what the others are doing.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 03:46:58 PM
It was a day like any other; Hadrian had been training at the academy, working on his telekinesis and working up an appetite. And just like any other day he made his way down to Yog's to eat a small bit of lunch before going back to training.
"Afternoon guys," He said with a smile as he entered Yog's and was greeted by the guards. He tossed a taller one his extendable shepherds staff and carried on. His demeanor was happy and carefree. As it should have been he was a Jedi Padawan, he was training to save the galaxy from evil.
"The usual," He said politely to the server droid as he approached the bar. Mutton stew and a pitcher of ice water. Turning to his left he saw an attractive, young, blue-skinned woman.
"How do you do?" He asked with his dimples and ivory smile.
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:41:56 PM
Shanaria looks over at Hadrian when he speaks to her and smiles.
"I'm doing well...And yourself?"
She looks him over, takes another sip of her drink, puts it down on the bar and extends her hand in greeting.
"My name is Shanaria."
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 25th, 2003, 01:53:12 PM
"I'm as well as can be expected," He answered noncommittally. He gently took her hand and turned the back of it towards his face raising it gently.
"Hadrian Invicta, charmed to meet you..." He said coyly as he lightly pecked her hand. Turning towards the server droid as it brought he handed it a few cred chits and took the tray.
"I was going to sit for a small snack, before returning to training, care to join me Shanaria?" His enunciation and pronunciation of her name was impeccable. Though he was not attempting to flirt or pick up the woman at all, it was simply the way he was raised to treat a lady.
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:21:53 PM
Shanaria smiles and blushes slightly..
"I would be delighted to acompany such a charming young man. So how long have you been at the GJO?"
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:53:47 PM
"Not long, but I've learned much already." Hadrian replied as he sat his tray down and pulled out a seat for the young lady accompanying him.
"I pretty much just train and eat, sleep on the weekends," He continued with a wink.
"Very rarily is it that I give myself a break and spend time in the prescence of such wonderful company."
Shanaria Fabool
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:04:19 PM
Shanaria continues to smile and blush.
"That must get rather hard on your system, not having free time and all."
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:45:17 PM
Hadrian smiles and then takes a bite of his soup. Chewing thrice he swallows the warm broth and meat mixture down.
"You know I don't really worry about it too much, I've given my life to the order so that innocents don't suffer and if that means I train and fight until I can't go on and that I have no time for friends or relaxation, then so be it," He answered warmly. His eyes were bright and full of hope for the future.
"But a man has to eat and I figured I might as well with some quality company."
Shanaria Fabool
Mar 5th, 2003, 02:56:44 PM
Shanaria continues to smile and blush, having not found a boy that was this interested in flatering her this much in a long time.
"There is a big party comming up in the temple for all the Jedi.. Are you going? or are you going to be training through that as well?"
Hadrian Invicta
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:57:38 AM
Hadrian's eyes glossed for a moment and then he smiled again.
"I suppose I should go, all this training isn't going to do me any good if no one knows who I am," He said with a grin on his face.
"And you are you going and if you are what is the lucky guy's name who's your date?"
Shanaria Fabool
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:26:17 AM
"Yes I am going...But the guy that I was going with, turned out to be an idiot and got himself kicked out of the order...So I'm currently with out a date."
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