View Full Version : Let's see if I can still use these...(Open spar)

Feb 24th, 2003, 11:35:47 AM
Zeke leans his Force Pike against the wall by the door, taking a pair of practice sabers from his pockets. The blades of these are like wooden swords; just like the real thing, but no where near as fatal. He ignites the practice blades and spins them lighly, careful of himself, then does a few practice swings. He grimaces at his form, seeing his skills deteriorated a great deal since he began to use the Force Pike. But there's a quick way to fix this. He'll spar people. Lots of people. One opponent at a time.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:44:21 AM

"Ahh Zeke, it's been a good while but I'm glad we remeet under these circumstances.." Lance said while moving his lightsaber to his right hand.

:: He eyed Zeke while spinning Matrix around.::

"Well?...... I hope you don't mind if it's me that faces you"

Feb 25th, 2003, 02:15:03 PM
"Lance! Dude, where ya been?"

He takes his stance with a broad grin.

"Ya went 'poof' and I haven't seen ya forever. Well, c'mon. Let's do this."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:43:31 PM
"Poof?...Yeah well that's the way I am" He said moving his lightsaber vertically in front of him.

"But I'm back......." Lance eyed Zeke while moving unto his fighting stance.

"Let's do this" Lance thrusted towards Zeke with his normal speed sending a series of round like slashes.

Feb 26th, 2003, 12:33:58 PM
Zeke parries the thrust with fair ease; seems he hasn't forgotten as much as he thought. Or maybe it's some of his luck left over from Maia's combat training. As Lance begins his round of slashes, Zeke finds he lacks his old control over two blades and fights on with only his green one, deflecting only one of every three strikes. The rest he's dodging. Zeke pops Lance's saber up and throws a kick to create some distance between them. Too long, too long...he comes in low, feinting for Lance's stomach before popping up to strike at his face.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:36:57 PM
:: Lance quickly had the reflexe to dash backwards and brought his saber back down to frighten Zeke he quickly moved sideways and sent his foot flying towards Zeke's shoulder::

Feb 26th, 2003, 04:47:58 PM
Zeke avoids Lance's weapon, ducking swiftly to avoid the kick and thrusting back at his opponent.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 1st, 2003, 07:21:32 AM
"Hah, niice!" Lance uniginited Matrix and threw it backwards following it up by backflipping he then jumped in the air and opened his hand to call the lightsaber to his hand pressing the ignition button once again.

:: Lance landed on his feet at a long enough distance from Zeke.::

"Alright show some of your attacks" He said while going on his defensive stance brining his saber above his head.

Mar 1st, 2003, 11:37:49 AM
As a Padawan, Zeke had usually opened his offense with a direct rush, using a horizontal slash at the opponent's stomach. He does this, but shifts at the last moment, faking toward Lance's left knee.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 1st, 2003, 07:58:33 PM
:: Lance was confused by all the intentions he sensed in Zeke so simply decided to call upon the force for his next defense summoning a force bubble which was taught to him by his master Leia, he automatically blocked the hit and slid backwards canceling the force bubble he brought his saber back in an offensive position and rushed towards Zeke slashing down towards him keeping his left hand focusing some energy to finish his attack with a orb blast.::

Mar 2nd, 2003, 11:15:33 AM
A Force Blast? Zeke doesn't know this one, nor has he ever encountered it before. He steps aside, bringing his saber up to stop Lance's attack, locking with the other to prevent him from following up with more attacks.

"How'd you do that blast move?"

Once he knows this, they can continue.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:26:56 PM
"Huh?.....It's basically a force push but with more impact...it just requires more concentration and power" Lance opened his hand and locked on the floor releasing a force blast unto it making it crack a bit.<

"Nothing difficult try it out"

Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:30:14 PM
Zeke pushes back and turns to one of the room's support pillars. Not the best target, but a handy one. He gestures, boosting his power and focusing the push in a smaller area. The pillar acquires a circular series of cracks.

"Hm...an advanced push...that's one to teach the Padawans."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:43:32 PM
"Heh see? Easy thing easily done......now shall we continue?." Lance let out a smirk as he walked back and brought his saber back in an offensive position.

Mar 2nd, 2003, 10:02:01 PM
"Yeah, let's keep going! I've got to teach my 'wans how to use sabers in a few days, and I wanna make sure I can teach 'em well."

He draws close and lashes at Lance's arm.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 2nd, 2003, 10:05:14 PM
"Heh" Lance let out of his mouth.

:: He drew his saber to quickly clash against the slash that was sent towards his arm.::

"Hmph.....enough for the warm up now" Lance unsealed the clash between their sabers then spinning his saber around sending a series of random slashes.

Mar 3rd, 2003, 08:06:54 AM
Zeke parries Lance's blows, not in full control of himself as he lets the Force have it's way with him. He slides his blade off of Lance's, directing it down and stepping aside. His timing is off; his next attack is a miss as Lance goes by, driven by his own momentum.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 4th, 2003, 07:51:06 AM
:: Lance jumped right above the sabe spinning his blade sideways to push Zeke's blade aside.::

"Heh, wanna see a cool sword move?" Lance asked while sending a few slashes towards Zeke

:: Lance spun his saber in every direction exchanging some slashes with his opponent, of course easy hits to block for Zeke waiting for a response from him.::

Mar 4th, 2003, 02:04:15 PM
Zeke parries with skill, gradually shifting back into his old form.

"Sure, but if this is it, it's awfully lacking."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 4th, 2003, 08:12:21 PM
"This?......Oh no, hehe really not" Lance flipped backwards and unignited his saber then putting back into his belt, Lance made one step with his left foot, foot that would the be the lead of his next attack.

"Ready or not here I come" Lance almost dissapeared from his spot raging towards Zeke at a speed he could only develop while performing this attack, he didn't let Zeke a chance to prepare his defenses when he had already entered them and grabbed unto his saber he used all of his strenght and speed gathered into one single slash of death Lance slashed with his hilt while at the same time igniting the saber, he slashed right next to Zeke leaving a huge trail of blue light all the wind created from the attack blowing both of their hairs.

"...What you think about this?......Of course I didn't want to hit you with it....I leave this for the end" Lance grinned

Mar 7th, 2003, 03:16:08 PM
Zeke's eyes are wide; he's still looking at Lance's former position. Slowly he turns his head to look at Lance behind him.


imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 8th, 2003, 12:47:42 PM
"Erm....this is the strongest attack I have, but it drains a lot out of me" Lance cleared all the sweat from his forehead and turned around towards Zeke holding his saber upright.

"This I can't teach unless we train for days and days" Lance's voice seemed tired.

"Well, why don't you show me one of your tricks?"

Mar 9th, 2003, 01:04:20 AM
Zeke laughs loudly, running a hand through his sweaty hair with embarrassment in his grin.

"I'm all out pal! All my new tricks concern the Force Pike weapon. Not all my Padawans can use such a weapon, so I'm refreshing my saber skills to teach them a more basic weapon."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:34:32 AM
"Force Pike?...." Lance tried to remember way back then.

"Ahh, isn't that the same weapon Lady EvenStar uses?" Lance asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Mar 12th, 2003, 08:02:08 AM
"Yeah, I found one in a junker's stall. He had no clue what he had, dude. I bought it off him and fixed it, and then Helenias taught me to use the darn thing. I like it alot."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 19th, 2003, 04:21:47 PM
"Awesome! Well we should have a rematch one of these days but you using a force pike and me only my saber" Lance smiled and then slashed the air.

"Well.....let's go on we're not finished here yet" Lance put him-self back into an offensive position.

Mar 19th, 2003, 04:44:41 PM
"Finished? Hardly."

Zeke makes the next move, a feinted a stab followed with a cut at Lance's left arm.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:31:41 PM
:: Lance quickly spun his saber to block the slash sideways and then spun it to the opposite side.::

:: He quicklt stepped backwards while clashing his saber with Zeke's::

"Ahh time to change technique" Lance changed his saber stance to a horizontal slash stance..

"Alright let's get it" Lance slashed horizontally towards Zeke just like a stab but slashed right next to Zeke and then moved the saber sideways quickly not leaving Zeke any space to counter.

Mar 19th, 2003, 07:21:51 PM
No room for a saber counter. Zeke opts to flatten himself to the floor, getting trampled by Lance as the other Knight follows through his technique. He stands and spins on the ball of his foot, aiming a controlled thrust at Lance's thigh.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 20th, 2003, 05:35:49 AM
:: Lance quickly moved his entire by force jumping and flipping in the air to land not too far away from Zeke, Lance quickly dodge rolled towards Zeke and as he came back to face Zeke Lance send a quick air slash aimed at Zeke's chest.::

Mar 20th, 2003, 09:49:02 AM
Zeke flicks his wrist, catching Lance's blade and pushing it aside. The next strike isn't dealt with a blade; Zeke uses his shoulder to ram Lance and push him back.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 21st, 2003, 08:17:46 AM
::As Lance is pushed he almost falls on his back but uses his great balance to barely stay on his feet receiving a slash on his right arm in the momentum in which he was trying to keep is balance.::

Next time I'll just fall

:: A deep burn appeared on his right arm which was the arm in which he held his saber with, now Zeke had an advantage as Lance would not be able to use his full speed with his saber from the upcoming part of the battle::

"Ah damnit!" Lance cried before blocking the upcoming slash, he quickly spun on his feet to send his elbow at Zeke's ribs.

Mar 21st, 2003, 02:54:34 PM
Zeke's saber bounces back as Lance blocks, letting the elbow catch him full on. Zeke takes a deep breath, trying to keep from winding himself, and sidekicks Lance.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 21st, 2003, 04:02:12 PM
:: Lance was pushed away from the kick but quickly spun back on his feet to gain his aim towards Zeke back, pulling his saber inront of him again he'd let Zeke do the next move.::

Mar 22nd, 2003, 03:48:49 PM
Zeke spins, anticipating an attack, only to find Lance waiting expectantly. He takes a moment to consider, steps forward, then thinks better of it and backs off again. He needs a trick up his sleeve. A few moments more and he's got one. He lunges with a simple attack.