View Full Version : Lock Down

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:42:43 PM
Armaiil spins a set of manacles around his finger, walking slowly toward the catgirl known as Char. True to his word, he has not torured her since the day he obtained her. It's driving him absolutely frikkin nuts. But he has come up with an alternative method for fulfilling his quota of merciless torment. His Altered will torture her for him. He snaps one cuff on her wrist, quickly looping it through a pipe on the wall before cuffing her other hand and tearing her meager clothing from her body. She will spend the night standing here in this freezing cold chamber while the Altered do with her what they will. The torment will be recorded so he can later study their ability to follow orders and restrain their animalistic desires...as well as view the carnage as much as his sadistic heart desires. The doctor takes her by the chin and smiles wickedly.

"Good night, Char."

He turns and walks from the room, leaving her alone in the room. The Altered will smell her and come looking for her. He has alerted them to her prescence already; they must seek her out. They are also under strict orders not to eat her.

"We'll see how this plays out."

Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:02:48 PM
Char sighed heavily when Armaiil left the room, the wounds from the first day still visible on her nude body as white marks. She couldn’t take the pressure to stay absolutely “good” to the doctor, from what she saw, heard, and felt from the old man. Char had planned for a good few hours of how to escape, but the unusual treatment this night left her surprised.

Usually, she was locked inside a storage closet with brass hinges, a durasteel door, and a drainpipe that trickled water from the ceiling into a small grate in the floor. Char planned to sneak a broken scalpel blade into the room and escape by picking the old lock on the door, but with that plan was busted with tonight’s storage plans.

Char shivered involuntarily from the cold, looking down at the torn set of a black, sleeveless, midriff shirt and equally colored panties that was laying ripped to shreds before of her. She wished that Armaiil hadn’t torn them away, for they were fairly good feeling ones at that, and hid the broken scalpel blade--

Her eyes widened in surprise, how could’ve she forgot weaving the blade into the crotch of the undergarment! Scooting forward on her bum, she stuck out a leg and strained to reach the clump of ruined clothing. Thankfully they were close enough for her to reach and she reeled them in until she could grasp them with her hands.

Fumbling through the overshirt, she slid the blade out from the panties and dropped the cloths to the floor without a second glance. Sitting up to see the keyholes on the manacles, she fumbled the razor sharp blade into the lock and pushed it around for a few minutes.

Somewhere in the distance, she heard the echoing of claws against the flooring; no doubt those Altered creatures Armaiil had told Char about. Her heart began to race as she unlocked the one on her left arm and unwove the chain from the pipe. Standing, holding the free manacle in her right hand, she began to walk off until her mind recalled the undergarments.

Yet again, luck smiled upon Char. The garments weren’t too badly damages, the panties had a slight rip on the side and the shirt had a broken strap, still functional. Slipping them on to cover her modesty, and provide a somewhat source of protection against the cold, Char snuck out from the corner she was previously imprisoned in.

The claw sounds were getting closer, she would have to hurry.

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:15:38 PM
A loud snuffling echoes down the hall after her. Altered have an unnatural sense of smell. Even if they can't see her in the darkness of the corridor, they smell her. A shriek comes down the hall after her, sounding like a high pitched siren. Some Altered can echolocate. This one can see her clearly, in the slightest detail. It can see the few split ends in her hair and count the goosebumps on her flesh. Another scream, this one signifying the start of the hunt. The clicking of claws on the tile floor resound up the hall after her...

Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:32:32 PM
Char glanced over her shoulder, her black and white night vision amplifying the creatures. She sucked in air and began to run. She darted through an open door and into the big amphitheater where a blood slicked table rested in the center. She jumped over it, sliding to her rump in the blood surrounding it. Following through, her bum slid out from her and she hit the floor hard. Sliding a few feet, she scambled up to her feet and ran as fast as her legs could pump.

The golden mane of hair flowed like a river while she ran, the black shirt flirted in the wind she ran through. Ahead of her was the elevator, a dead speeder sitting on the platform. Before she could step into the lift, a Altered jumped from the side. Crying in surprise, she swung her manacled arm around and let loose the chain. The sharp break in the cuff struck the altered beast in the temple, digging into the flesh until Char drug it off with her.

Hopping onto the grated platform, she punched frantically at the button labeled “Up”.

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:43:57 PM
The Altered come flying up the hall, hundreds of them, strings of saliva trailing from their twisted mouths. The doors shut on the elevator as they reach it. She's headed for the surface. It's night; they can follow. The elevator door flies inward, and the Altered come climbing up the inside of the shaft with the ease of spiders climbing on their webs.

Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:55:46 PM
Char moves away from the console and bumps into the speeder. She can see dozens, hundreds, maybe more climbing up and surrounding the elevator. Once the lift stopped, they would be all over her in a flash unless… She turns and climbs into the speeder; the ignition key is still in its slot. Hope. She turns the key and pressed the accelerator. The machine roared to life, the engine rumbling loudly, and the lift decked at the top floor. She didn’t have a sharp clue how to drive one of these things, Char knew how to start it from watching Armaiil the first day, but she slammed on the gas anyway.

The speeder lurched forward with a start, throwing Char back into the seat. Her hands gripped the wheel clumsily and send the cruiser into several tight barrel rolls and a tight upward slope..

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 23rd, 2003, 09:18:40 PM
An Altered springs, leaping up to land on the hood. It looses a shrieking roar, expelling it's hot, foul breath on the windshield. With her vision temorarily blurred, Char throws the vehicle in another direction. Even as that Altered loses it's balance, more are leaping up to replace it, and still more chase from the ground. The echolocating blasts ring in her ears. They know where she is. They will hunt her down. When they do, she will suffer.

Feb 24th, 2003, 01:22:02 PM
With her vision blurred by the fogged up front-sheild, Char dosen't realise that the speeder was in a tight downard spiral. More and more Altered leaped onto the vehicle, speeding its decent.

The speeder slammed into the lower platform at a 45* angle, Char's head slamming into the wheel and bringing a raging headache along for the ride. The Altered that were chasing, clinging, and clawing at the machine were thrown off or squished under the weight.

The speeder spun as it slid across the metal platform, making a horrible screeching sound as it did so. The engine had caught ablaze once the rolling thunder machine had stopped. Char, dazed, stumbled out of the door weakly. A trickle of blood seeped from a wound on her scalp, dying her golden hair into a ugly blackish-red coloration.

Most of the Altered were destracted by the blazing speeder, letting Char stumble away from the firefight..

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:47:39 PM
The Altered overturn the car, beating it further in their search for her. An echolocating screech blasts out into the night air, accompanied by the loud sniffing of the beasts. They've found her. And in a flat run, nothing on the planet can match the raw speed of an Altered Beast.

Feb 24th, 2003, 02:59:20 PM
Char clears her head just as the Altered’s horrifying scream echo all around. Forgetting the pain for desperation, she lanced out in a last ditch effort. Forty or so paces ahead was a drop off the platform, a straight down drop for a thousand feet or more.

She wouldn’t go back, if that was the Altered’s purpose, and she would not be violated by the beasts neither. A extra burst of strength rolled into her legs as the claws scrambled closer, twenty paces, she could feel the breath of the beasts behind her. Ten. Five.

She leaped off the rim, spread eagle with her eyes closed. Expecting the rush of air and the void which occupied a free-fall, she was surprised when a cold talon wrapped around her ankle and yanked her back onto the platform, The altered had CAUGHT her!!

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:03:03 PM
It stands, drawing to it's full nine foot height, holding her upside down by her ankle with an almost disdainful look in it's colorless eyes. It throws her back onto the rooftop with a careless move and the Altered spread around her in a circle. They stand almost immoblie, bristling, watching her as if waiting for something...

Feb 24th, 2003, 05:40:16 PM
Char landed with a hard thud, instantly curling up into a crouch. She clenched the manacle chain close to her body and frantically glared back and forth, her ears flatted against her skull. Their hisses and growls only aided to her desperation, and she was afraid.

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:18:48 PM
The large Altered that caught her steps toward her. The other beasts take a few paces back; this one is the leader. He will have his way with her first before throwing them to his pack. It stands to it's full height, taking her by the neck and lifting her to it's eye level. It looses a roar in her face, it's foul breath blasting her hair back. It's teeth are two inches long, it's tonge seven. It licks the side of her face slowly, acquiring a taste for her. He would eat her, if the Master hadn't told him not to.

"What...to...do..." it growls, arching an eyebrow in the same mannerism as the Creator. "What...to...do...?"

Feb 24th, 2003, 06:28:00 PM
“W-would there… uh… be any chance you would let me go. Maybe?” Char squeaks, shying away from the rough, slimy tongue. No chance that the beast would do that, but she could hope. Her hands moved up to the thing hands, trying to loosen the grip enough for her to breathe. No hope, the monster had a death grip on her and the others around him hissed in pleasure… or some emotion.


imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:43:09 PM
It hooks a claw through her clothing, tearing it at one go. The beast drops her, crouching low over her with a gleam in its eye as she struggles to crawl away...

Feb 24th, 2003, 06:54:56 PM
The altered ripped her midrift top straight down the middle, making it a sort of vest. Growling softly as she crawled out of short distance on her bum, Char gripped the chain connected to her wrist in the right hand.

Fight or Flight. Instinct kicked in.

With a roar, she sprung to her feet and slung the chain around to deliver a stinging hit to the moster's face. Before registering what effects it had, she jerked the chain back and spun it in circles; the manacle attached to it giving enough momentum to spin fluidly.

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:07:50 PM
The blow across the face is met with a smirk. It stops the manacle, wrenching her arms behind her back and cuffing them, throwing her over onto her face. It tears her panties from her body with a sadistic smile. It's brethren howl, unable to contain themselves. They descend on the poor girl, using her for their own desires.

Feb 24th, 2003, 07:18:22 PM
Char screamed in pain, the screams fusing with the monsters own hellish catcalls. With her arms firmly shackled behind her back, she could do no resistance from the rape of the beasts, some clawed at her skin leaving shallow crevices all over her body. None touched her face though, most likely on orders or having no desire of such an act.

Char kicked at one of the perverted beasts, doing no damage worth noting.

imported_Altered Beast
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:24:32 PM
Every beast in Armaiil's horde is there. Every one of them is very satisifed with Char. They troop back into the laboratory in the morning, the leader carrying the broken girl on his shoulders. Armaiil is up already, sitting at an empty table waiting for them. The leader drops her on the table before it's master.

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:27:55 PM
The girl's haphazard landing draws a hideous shriek of pain. Her body bears cuts of varying depths and sizes. Her legs are broken in several places, her ribs are cracked, and her face bears small scars from where it has been rubbed repeatedly on the harsh durracrete floor. A horrible fate, and he hasn't even begun to take into account the mental and emotional scarring caused by the mass rape of the Altered Beasts. His lips curl into a sinister smile.

"How was your night, Char?"

Feb 24th, 2003, 07:36:28 PM
She says nothing, but a crimson bubble grows from between her parted lips, a trail of blood mixed with saliva drooling out of the corner of her mouth. Char's dilated eyes try to focus on Armaiil, but he is still a blur of colors from the pain.

Char gags slightly, more blood draining out of her mouth. One of the broken ribs must've periced a lung, or something to that extent for her breath came in ragged, choked gasps rather than regular breathing should've worked.

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 24th, 2003, 08:05:22 PM
Armaiil snaps at the big beast.

"Bring her. If she is to be of any more use, your damage must be undone."

The beast looks pained, almost let down. It takes her up, carelessly throwing her over one massive shoulder, jostling her broken bones in a painful fashion, ignoring the blood dripping over it's back, following obediently. Armaiil speaks to Char.

"So, Char...will you be making any MORE escape attempts? Speak up; I can't see if you nod or shake your head."

Feb 24th, 2003, 08:12:18 PM
With each step, Char moans in extreme pain. Blood that drooled out of her mouth slowly dribbled down the lead beast's back, forming little droplets on the ground whence a small beast laps up eagrly.

"Nuh...*cough* u--h.. pll--ea... se no... no.. qui...sil..er.."

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 24th, 2003, 08:26:43 PM
Quicksilver? He actually hadn't thought of it, but now that she's brought it up, he can hardly resist the temptation. They reach the room with the healing tanks. The Altered throws her lazily into one, and Armaiil shuts it. With some tweaking he has rerouted the fluids of the tanks...instead of a room of healing, it is now a room for torment.

"Char, tonight you broke over fifteen bones, acquired two hundred scratches and cuts of varying degrees of severity, and were raped...oh...well over 700 times. Now you will bathe in quicksilver for one hour, then the machine will automatically drain the tank and fill it again with bacta. Enjoy yourself."

Quicksilver floods the tank up to her face; he doesn't need her swallowing it or getting it in her eyes. The mad doctor and his beast leave, with the girl's screams echoing after them.

Feb 24th, 2003, 08:42:31 PM
Char rested lightly in the tank as they connected her to the machine, the quicksilver fluid didn’t affect her until it reached its apex. The pain from the previous night too grand for her pain receptors to recognize it, but once it seeped into the hundreds of open wounds she bore, her body lit into hell sent contractions.

Blood poured out of her screaming mouth, mingling with the metallic liquid and casting a pale pink overlay on the upper half of the tank, as she convulsed. Her broken legs crumpled under her weight and send her head below the surface for the briefest of moments before she pulled herself back to the small air pocket. Bloody hand streaks dotted the tube and the quicksilver ran in rivulets from Char’s constant thrashing.

The metallic poison seeped into her womb, killing any sort of horrid birth of a child from ever happening, and sending a even greater pain into her body. After a hour of the torment, the quicksilver flushed out through grated ports on the lower half of the capsule only to be replaced with a soothing, cold, regeneration bacta fluid.

Char’s tormented screams faded down to calm moans and pleas, her eyes closed and her mind lost in REM sleep..

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:46:28 PM
She awakes from a kick in the side.

"Get up. You've got work to do."

Armaiil lifts her by one ear and drags her after him. He's behind on his work, and he needs someone to lend a hand. Anuberis and Nefertati are out on a scouting mission; he must turn to Char. She will help him, or she will suffer.

Feb 25th, 2003, 06:00:53 AM
Char complies, trudging behind Armaiil as he pulled her in tow. The last couple of days have been harsh, unrelenting, and left the catgirl in an unresponsive state, Char didn’t even know if she could smile. Or laugh. Anymore from the torture this cruel man had put her through.

“Ye.. ss Master..”

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:50:19 AM
He brings her into a small room, where two beings lie strapped face down on a table. These two are to be altered as flying beasts. He directs her to the table on the left and stands across from her. The midget creature on the table struggles, though it's face is turned to Char, its eyes pleading with her for mercy.

"This one is to be altered as a flying beast. It needs wings, echolocation, claws, and fur. You will perform the alterations in that order. Is that clear?"

The creature hears its proclaimed fate and renews it's struggles with a shriek of fear. Armaiil ignores it; he's not in the mood to deal with this.

"Is. That. Clear?" he repeats with a dangerous tone.

Feb 25th, 2003, 02:32:26 PM
"Crystal," Char replies, putting her hands ontop of the cold slab's edge and looking down upon the withering creature. It's pathetic shreaks are nothing to compare with Char's torment, rather, it sickens her.

As Armaiil prepared the other for alteration, Char inched her hand closer to the midgit and held it's face to the cold slab, it's cries muffled for the time being. A tingling sensation on her neck makes Char glance up into the eyes of the Creator, who was staring at her...

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:42:11 PM
Armaiil glares from where he stands by the other specimen.

"You will do as I do. Once you have learned, you will alter five more in this same manner. Cut it open along it's shoulder blades, then pull the flesh back."

He matches his actions to his words, cutting two long streaks in the creature and, using another tool, pulls the flesh open to reveal muscle and bone. The tiny being screams, but Armaiil shows no reaction. He can't say the same for Char.

Feb 25th, 2003, 03:06:27 PM
"Yes master," Char repeats, robotically, and picks up the scalpel in her free hand. The creatures pathetic, pleading, gaze quivers as she closed in on it's back.

A frown flipped onto her face as she dug the tip into the creature, who erupted in a loud squeal, and sliced a vertical line across it's back. Pulling the blade out, tipped in blood, she repeated the mark on the other side and pushed down on the creature's head.

"Shut up..." She whispered, pulling down a tool which looked similar to the one Armaiil used and parted the skin to reveal the shoulder blades and various muscles.


Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:45:22 PM
He finds it amazing that she can stomach this.

"There are two syringes, each with 3 marks. Inject the fluid at intervals, on the ends of the cuts, and in the center."

Something about the alteration injection is horrifically worse than the cuts and prying of skin; the creature on the table flails at it's restraints, screaming and begging for mercy. Blood dribbles from the cuts on it's back, spilling from the table and onto the floor. The doctor does this for both shoulders, watching Char to see if she will do it correctly.

Feb 25th, 2003, 07:25:26 PM
Char turns her head around, locates the six hypodermic needles and began to inject the fluid into her wimpering subject. It screams and thrashes about, splashing Char with little flecks of blood onto her face.

She neglected it, slamming the needles down into the live flesh in the correct procedure on the other side. Char felt a ping of regret, but at the same instant a surge of exhileration at having some control of the pain.

Could it be some sort of brainwashing she was going through? No, couldn't be.

The creature howled in pain, blubbering some incoherent sentence in it's own crude language. The flecks of blood on Char's face started to run down, forming small rivers down her face.

"Is this correct?"

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 08:32:20 PM
"Yes. Though be more gentle with my equipment. Now, we will do the claws. How do you think we'll go about that one?"

Why is he teaching her this? Is it because he's swamped with work? Maybe...though he can't be sure.

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:01:35 PM
Char halts for a moment, glancing up. "But.. your list said we had to give them echolocation before the claws.. I think?"

She held one of the needles in her hand, held above the thing's withering form, then placed it on the surgical tray to her left. She hoped Armaiil wouldn't hit her with something for asking such a question, but it was possible.

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:08:42 PM
The doctor pulls a stool beneath him and sits down, placing his face in his hands. Something is amiss with him today it seems.

"Yes...that's right. We'll have to flip the specimens over for that."

He unclasps the specimen's legs, twisting it's body over and rebinding them, then does the same with the arms. Armaiil possesses deceptively strong arms; he completes this with no trouble.

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:18:06 PM
Char watched intently, then unclasped the arms of her specimen first. It curled up upon itself, flailing arms about in a pathetic attempt to escape. Char took a forced step back before her brow knotted and she smacked the being with a stiff backhand.

Stunned temorarily, it's flopping slowed enough for Char to cuff it back onto the table. Giving it a hard stare, she undid the lower clasps and flipped his torso over with a wet smack. She hated hitting the thing, unearthing old emotions, but it was nessisary for survival.

"Pathetic creature..." She mummbled, looking up to Armaiil for instructions.

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:11:25 PM
He smiles at her comment. Even after all her torture, she feels no sympathy for the specimen.

"Cut it's throat. Be careful not to kill it."

He cuts carefully along it's throat.

"Echolocation seems to work best when applied to the vocal chords. You'll have to get close to see them. After making this a few times, you will learn to find it by memory, as I have."

He injects the alteration serum, this time without a scream. It won't scream anymore until the alteration to it's voice is complete.

Feb 26th, 2003, 06:28:43 PM
Char follows his instructions, her specimen gurgling slightly when the fluid was injected.

"Master... Permission to ask a question.. sir?"

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:56:08 PM

Feb 28th, 2003, 09:37:35 PM
"How did you... uh... start doing these... uhm.... experiments?" It wasn't the question she wanted to ask, rather, dared to ask. But she was curious nevertheless.

Armaiil Kryatir
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:53:31 PM
"Because I became sick of healing weak beings, and decided instead to cultivate them into strong warriors by way of torture. I was a military surgeon under the service of the Empire. Healing the sick and wounded troops, and occasionally performing experimentations on the races deemed "unfit" by the Emperor. They recognized my considerable skill in this, loved my methods, and changed my job. I have been professionally maiming, torturing, and altering sentient beings since I was 23 years old. I am 47 now."

Mar 1st, 2003, 07:51:41 PM
"I'm 24 now..." Char mumbled, looking down at the sqirming being on the table. "... Why didn't you alter me?"

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:04:07 AM
"What would be the point?"

Armaiil pauses with a sigh, slumping on his stool with his face in his hands.

"What purpose would you serve? I have assassins, I have scouts, I have soldiers, guards...why make more of them?"

He looks with disgust at the alteration before him.

"By now the process is like shampoo instructions...the same old thing over and over. I cannot derive any new alterations to make. So you will be spared. I have decided on your purpose."

Mar 10th, 2003, 01:10:04 PM
"My purpose?" Char regarded him with a confused look, "What is my purpose?"

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 10th, 2003, 01:17:25 PM
"You will do the duties of a maid. You will clean and cook and watch after my most precious specimen's altered children. And occasionally I will take my frustrations out on you. That is your purpose."

Mar 18th, 2003, 06:58:25 PM
"That's not too bad.." She muttered, casting her attention back down to the squirming specimen. It wasn't bad at all, but those 'fustrations' sounds taunting... another chance to flee, but.. the monsters were out and about and Char knew she wouldn't get far enough away before they found her again...

"I understand..."

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:08:01 PM
"Good. If you didn't I would have you trade places with your specimen."

Armaiil unstraps his and gestures for her to do the same. Other beings come to remove them.

"Strip down to your undergarments. I want to see what kind of condition you're in after my previous tortures and your life as a slave."

Mar 18th, 2003, 09:03:16 PM
Char glances down, she's already in the black underwear and midrift shirt that she was wearing beforehand, so saw no need to strip down futher. She sat on the edge of the table, a hint of fear in her movements, and took in a deep breath before swinging her legs over and laying down.

Char gulped in a breath of air... ready for anything... and nothing.

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 19th, 2003, 12:16:38 PM
Armaiil reaches for his tools, watching her cringe, and picks up a horrible instrument of torture...a stethoscope. He puts it on and presses the cold disk to her body.

"Take a deep breath in, hold it for a count of three, then let it out slowly."

Mar 19th, 2003, 04:21:40 PM
Char inhaled sharply, which tepered off to a calm inhale.

One.. What was he going to do? Two... Would it hurt? Three... Exhale. Char's toned stomach flattened as she let out the breath slowly, aware of the cold circular disk as it moved around..

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 19th, 2003, 04:54:20 PM
He repeats the procedure several times, then removes the stethoscope, taking up a needle and some gauze.

"Hold still. I'm going to take a blood sample. It will pinch at first."

He turns her arm over, finding a large vein on the inside of her elbow, and draws his sample.

"You can uncringe now," he says, noting her nervous state.

Mar 20th, 2003, 12:56:04 PM
Nervous would've been an understatement, Char was locked up tighter than a canned tuna. Relaxing somewhat with a heaved sigh, Char closed her eyes peacefully for the moment.

Armaiil Kryatir
Mar 20th, 2003, 04:43:08 PM
He cleans the tiny pinpoint of blood, wiping it from her arm and sterilizing the spot before sticking a tiny circular bandage over it. Next, he takes a small tool and turns her head to the side, examining her ears. He trades for a tongue depressor and turns her head back.

"Open your mouth and say 'aaaah'..."