View Full Version : Scootch closer...

Tim Mueller
Feb 23rd, 2003, 03:21:00 AM
Bubbles...and water...that was all he remembered. Outside of that, his mind was blank.

He'd woken up on a beach somewhere, comepletely naked, with no idea who he was. Thankfully a kind soul, he could sense than from them, had given him a robe (and some credits) allowing him to go out and about.

He'd made it to Coruscant, but not before buying some clothes, and was looking around the massive city-planet.

All in all, he had a single rhyme in his mind...which soon translated to his voice.

<Center>"Good night Moon</center>
<Center>Good night Moon</center>
<center>Good night cow...jumping over the moon.."</center>

He paused a bit...as he walked into a large temple-like structure. He just felt drawn here.

The man repeated the lines one more time, as that was all he knew.

Then he suddenly said, as he came to a stop.

<Center> "Good night nobody." </center>

Anakis Moreven
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:37:26 AM

Hey kids! Christopher Walken is reading Goodnight Moon!

Walken: Goodnight...Moon
Goodnight...cow...jumping over...the moon.
Please children, scootch closer. Don't make me tell you AGAIN.

Ah, pointless Simpsons references....

IC: A robed Jedi approached the man.

"Hello. I'm Jedi Knight Anakis Moreven. Welcome to the GJO."

Tim Mueller
Feb 23rd, 2003, 04:27:44 PM
He looked quizzically at the newcomer.

Who was he? Anakis Moreven. The GJO? Jedi...ah hah...Jedi.

He was struggling to find his voice, after all, if you had the verse, "Good night Moon" stuck in your mind...you'd struggle to find other words as well.

"An-a-kiss," he semi-slurred the words, "Hello."

His words were now very deliberate, "I w...wood s...say who..eye am...but..eye am...noht s-ure, who eye ammm."

Anakis Moreven
Feb 23rd, 2003, 05:49:43 PM
Anakis looked at the strnage man, equally confused.

"Erhm, come with me." said the Jedi Knight.

Anakis led the mysterious man through the halls oft eh great Jedi Temple, to a room where he could rest.

"Stay here for a while, sir. You seem to be suffering from some sort of amnesia."

Tim Mueller
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:02:28 PM
"Oh...kay," the man looked around the room, trying to find something which might help jog his memory...

There had to be something he could use that could help him remember things.

He looked around, his eyes taking in almost everything around him.

"Th-hank you. Kan, eye have some wah-ter?"

Anakis Moreven
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:13:35 PM
"Sure..." replies the Jedi Knight. Anakis leaves for a few minutes, then returns with a glass of water.

Hmmm...if he only knows the poem "Goodnight Moon", maybe there's something about it that can restore his memory.] Anakis thinks...

"Do you remember anything?" he asks.

Tim Mueller
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:26:17 PM
He took a sip of water.

"Uhm," he thought, trying to go through his blank mind for anything. Something that could tell him who he was.

Another sip.

Good Night Moon...Good night...moon



Good night...cow...jumping over the moon



The mental flashes threw him back, down on the ground, the glass of water smashing onto the ground.


Anakis Moreven
Feb 28th, 2003, 07:20:00 AM
Anakis looks at the man, confused.

"What? What did you see?"

Tim Mueller
Feb 28th, 2003, 07:27:04 AM
The man looked confused...


He shook his head, "Eye don't knoww, who th-ey arrre..."