View Full Version : coldblooded warmth (open)

Odin Murk
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:32:35 PM
:: I stalked into the palace, familiar yet too warm for my taste. It was more suited for mammals, warmblooded... no. I had to remember that they were my brethren now. darksiders weren't really mammals anyways, they had evolved. They were sith! They had evolved through the darkside, the ever moving devourer of souls. And this was the home of te strongest, myself, Lady Vader, Dyzm, and several others, but several scents were new and my tongue flicked in and out at the taste in the air.::

Lady Vader
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:07:59 AM
*LV stepped into the hallway as Odin walked by, stopping to greet him.*

It is good to have you back home, Odin. I trust your ventures were successful?

Odin Murk
Feb 24th, 2003, 03:46:54 PM
:: I florish a bow to my superior with my long neck bent downwards and my tail cracking behnd me quickly in respect to the Sith that was full proof that what might've once been a mammal could be one of the strongest beings existing in the darkness.::

Assssssssssssssss alwayssssss my Lady Vader. Sucessssssssssss is the only key through the darkssssssssside. Excusssssssssse my absence, but I am glad to be welcomed back with succccccccccccch a honor. And how fairs the Sssssssssssith Order? I regret to have neglected my knowledge of the Order and my ignorancccccccccce shames me.

:: My large reptillian eyes raise to Lady Vader's face, yes, power held in her eyes. Only the best kind of envy could fill me as I looked upon one so... evolved.::

Lady Vader
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:28:09 PM
The Order has faired well, for the most part.

*She gestured for him to walk with her down the hallway, and the proceeded.*

We have brought in new recruits, while others have gone off in search of what the galaxy might hold for them... much like you yourself did.

*Her voice lowered.*

Though I fear some of those that have venture beyond may not return. It is the nature of life and of the cycle the galaxy turns in.

*They continued walking until the reached the large doors to the garden, waling out into the sunfilling walkways.*

Odin Murk
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:57:45 PM
:: A butterfly slowly drifted until it landed in my palm, I had lulled the soft creature to me with a whim of the force. Everything was drawn in by the darkside, but only the strong could survve the torrent of power. My claws slowly closed and once the fingers were close enough for the butterfly to be trapped, they clamped down. Bug guts leaked out of the corner ofmy palm as it opene and I turned it over to let the contents fall.
My head turned slowly to Lady Vader and I nodded.::

Yes Missssssssssssstresssssssssssss. The darknessssssssss and time shall claim all eventually only for the light to bring more to be eaten by the endlesssssssssss shadow...
... Sssssssssssss...

:: I hesistate for a moment as the thought crosses my mind, the only thing next to the shear appearance of the darkside good enough to keep me in a reverent moment of uncertainty was the dragon Shenraun.::

And how doesssssssssss the Great Shhhhhhenraun reign? Still within the ccccccccccycle I hope?

:: Our shadows ran along the walkway as we passed along the columned halls.::

Lady Vader
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:11:58 PM
*LV smiled, thinking of her dragon guardian.*

Yes, he is still with us, ever loyal to the Order and myself.

*She looked at Odin.*

He's still in the gardens if you wish to visit him. I'm sure he'd be pleased to see you again, after so long an absence.

Odin Murk
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:40:20 PM
:: I nodded, my snout bobbing once before I looked back to Lady Vader.::

Yessssssssss, I believe I will, thank you. Another thing, what plans does the Order have in motion? Before my absence I remember missions where I fed myself well and saw the glory of the Order well in hand also, are we moving agai in the open or does our reach go where others don't see now?

Lady Vader
Feb 28th, 2003, 06:39:23 PM
We are moving to make some changes in this universe, though it is like you say...

*A corner of her mouth bent upwards into a half smile, almost calculating.*

... those outside do not see where our reach is stretching to. In time, there will be some surprises the galaxy will have to get used to.

Odin Murk
Mar 1st, 2003, 04:07:32 PM
:: I nodded again, understanding that the Darkness sometimes had to hide like a pit viper before striking, venom reaching deeper than the bite might ever. Those were not my preffered tactics but I could wait, wait for the spider to catch the fly for me and then I take both with my tongue, I chuckled slowly at the comparison.::

Yesssssssss, many will have to get ussssssssssed to thingssssssssss either way I think. All in time. Yesssssssss... My Lady Vader, I will take my leave now, I am ssssssssure you have important mattersssssssss to attend to and I have resssssssssearch and training to resssssssssssume.

Lady Vader
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:47:07 AM
As you wish, Odin.

*She smiled at the reptile.*

And again, welcome home.

*With that, she left him to his wanderings.*