View Full Version : The Night's Assasin (Das)

Alexiel Kimono
Feb 22nd, 2003, 08:49:41 PM
A flash of red and the man was pulled back into the ally way. The light shining off of two sharp white fangs was the last thing the man saw before he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Moments later, he was dead and there was no sign of who did it.

The next day, the same thing happened to another man. But this time, there was a large slash across his stomach that looked like a sword wound. The same thing happens for the next few days. Until one day, the assasin is caught.


The man tried to punch the shadows, trying to find the being that had pulled him into the ally. Suddenly a blade came up to his neck and he fell backwards out of surprise. A hover craft drove by and the siloet of a woman with short hair and two blades attached to her arms was shown.

"Who... what are you?"

The being said nothing to him as she moved closer and grabed his chin. She pulled him up and slipped her fangs into his neck. She suddenly heard a snap-hiss behind her and let the man go. She stood up fully but did not yet turn around. The man was crawling away.

"Can I help you, jedi?"

She slowly turned around. She looked up at the tall siloet infront of her. Her eyes practicly glowed blood red. The only thing on her face that could really be made out.

"Step into the light, vampyre."

The jedi waited for her to do as he asked. She slowly walked forward. In the end, the young vampyre stood there. Her dark red hair, pale skin and blood red eyes showed. She looked up at the jedi and clenched her blades.

"Is there a problem, sir?"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:34:21 AM
With saber in hand, Dasquian regarded the woman in the light. A creature of the night she was, and an evil one at that. He had encountered, in the past, those who had become immortals such as she but had remained true to their humanity. From the looks of this woman, she had disregarded such moral bonds long ago.

“Indeed there is, ma’am.”

He spoke with a tone of authority; strong and commanding yet comforting all in one.

“You have taken a mans life, and as a Jedi I cannot allow you the chance to do this again. You must come with me, into the custody of the Jedi Order.”

Alexiel Kimono
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:59:56 PM
She gives him a sideways look and shakes her head. She grips the handles of her blades a bit tighter as she looked him up and down. She smirks then speeks in a cold tone.

"Why should I go with you to the jedi now? I have killed alot of people but, up until tonight, the jedi have not responded to it. Why now?"

She looks at him again as she prepares herself for any battle that might come along while she is in the presence of this jedi.