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Lady Vader
Feb 22nd, 2003, 07:36:11 PM
*LV left the Palace (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27489) behind, leading Maxim into the Training Grounds.*

*Training a new Apprentice was always challenging, as they not only were anxious to begin and learn, but had a boatload of questions.*

*LV led Maxim to a clearing in the vast training grounds, near a tree and small pond where several rocks, from pebbles to boulders, lay.*

*Stopping under the tree, out of the Corellian sun, she looked at her Apprentice.*

As I stated before, training does not always entail the use of weaponry, though we will get there eventually.

For now, I want you to tell me what it is you know. From the report the authorities gave me, you have some grasp of the Force and have used it in the past. To better help you to learn and grow, I will need to know what it is you yourself know first.

(OOC: Boy, I just have ya hoppin from forum to forum, don't I? :p)

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:47:10 AM
(ooc: *laughs* Yeah, but its cool. I'll follow ya anywhere, LV. ;) )


She'd told him they were going to focus on another weapon - his mind. He nearly groaned out loud. This sounded too much like some sort of school lesson and not the exciting hand to hand training she'd mentioned before.

As they entered the training grounds, his eyes squinted for a moment against the Corellian sun before they adjusted under the shade of the tree.

He was somewhat surprised that she'd asked him about what he knew of the force, not because he expected her to know it on her own, but because she'd seemed somewhat distant before. There was much more to her than she outwardly projected, and he gave her a quick, semi surprised look before he collected his thoughts.

He leaned back against the tree and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Ive fooled around with it before, I guess." He admitted with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"My father discouraged it from pretty early on because he wanted my brother and I to go to college and get an education. He doesnt think much of the force...."

"Ive never been trained if thats what you're asking. Its just that some things come naturally, like hearing people's thoughts. As kids my brother and I used to make a game of it trying to manipulate people and besting the other...."

A somewhat embarrassed grin slid over his features.

"I guess I just never let go of the game." He added, referring to the incidents mentioned in the police report.

"My father was in the military, so he had us at military training camps during the summers. Im good enough at hand to hand combat and weaponry." He added with another shrug of his shoulders. His words were not spoken with a bragging tone, but rather with a 'thats just how it is' sort of way about them.

His gaze studied his master for a moment.

"Is that what you wanted to know?" He asked.

Lady Vader
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:40:03 PM
*She nodded her head.*

It's a start.

But what we're going to do now is hone the natural ability you have with your mind.

*She pointed to a fist sized rock near the base of the tree, beside Maxim's foot.*

Have you ever manipulated an object with your mind before... using the Force to lift, compress, or expand it?

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:11:46 PM
His gaze shifted to look at the rock at which she’d pointed at. He nudged it with the toe of his boot and it rolled over, a bug or two escaping and running for shelter elsewhere.

He looked almost thoughtful for a moment before he looked back to Lady Vader.

“I’ve never done it consciously….” He stated, “Though, now that you mention it, I can think of times in games when I was able to catch or pass the ball in situations that I probably shouldn’t have been able to….”

He shrugged as if disbelieving and then he eyed the rock for a moment, finally looking back to his master.

“You’re telling me that with my mind, using the Force I could lift, crush, or expand something?”

He believed it could happen – he’d done similar enough things when manipulating the minds of others – forcing their movements. It only made sense that with the force the movements of something inanimate could also be controlled as well.

A small, almost sadistic grin might have crept across his features.

“Do I have to start with this rock?” He asked, his gaze flickering to a fellow apprentice a distance away from them. The apprentice was alone, sitting upon a larger rock, seemingly concentrating on something.

He knew she had told him to treat the others here as part of a family….but…there was something in him that perhaps fed upon the weaknesses of others. The darkness within him that lay waiting to be awakened. And though he did not mean to feel it, he could. He could feel that the one sitting upon the rock was weaker than he was and he wanted to make him suffer.

Lady Vader
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:43:45 PM
*She followed his gaze to another sitting a ways away, and then looked back at him, frowning.*

Yes, we will begin with this rock.

In time you will be able to practice in mock battles against other Apprentices, and even myself.

But your true power will come to it's peek when you go up against our enemies, the Jedi. Then and only then can you unleash the full energies you will be practicing to achieve.

*She casually glanced at another rock, somewhere near the water's edge, and lifted it using the Force, floating it to hover between Maxim and herself. Without so much as a blink, the rock shattered into a million dust pieces, yet the pieces did not rain to the ground, but instead continued to hover. There she manipulated the dust until it resembled a face like Maxims, staring back at the new Apprentice. It gave a brief menacing smile, before losing it's shape and raining down to the ground.*

Learning and testing what you can do with your mind will be the ultimate tool you will ever have, for weapons will not alway be at hand. But your mind will.

*She pointed to the rock that he'd just turned over.*

Now, I don't ask you do exactly what I just did, but I do want you to consciously lift that rock with the Force...

*Her voice took on a soothing sound, almost hypnotic.*

... envision it in your mind... it's rough contours... it's color... it's very existance in this universe...

Make it as though it were an extension of yourself.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:21:22 PM
He’d caught her frown and a somewhat petulant, impatient scowl crossed his face. But he said nothing, and he did lift his head and wipe the gloomy expression off his face as he listened to her instructions.

And, admittedly, he was impressed by her display with the rock. He hadn’t expected to see his face sneering back at him through particles of dust hovering before him.

Now, I don't ask you do exactly what I just did, but I do want you to consciously lift that rock with the Force...envision it in your mind... it's rough contours... it's color... it's very existence in this universe...Make it as though it were an extension of yourself.....

Simply focusing on the object did little for him. He was too impatient, too unable to focus on something like this. And so the rock didn’t move an inch – not even the tiniest bit.
He could have stared at it, envisioned it for hours. It would take time with him to teach him to adjust to using his mind this way.

But once he caught on, he would learn quickly.

Not being able to do what Lady Vader had made seem such a simple task angered him. Frustrated him. And finally, his booted foot shot out, kicking the rock in his anger. It flew quite a distance – clearly not a distance that could have been done without the use of the force.

His anger had been projected into his kick – extended to the rock in this form, but this fact, for the moment eluded him as his dark eyes narrowed and he scowled in the direction of where the rock might have landed.

Lady Vader
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:54:29 PM
*LV watched the rock sail through the air, smacking into the far back wall of the enclosed training grounds, and thumping solidly to the ground. Then she looked back at Maxim.*

Do you not see what you just did?

*She waved a hand.*

Not the kicking of the rock, but the fact your anger at being frusterated translated itself into the Force and aided you in kicking that rock so far away.

No mere kick could have done that.

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:52:38 AM
Do you not see what you just did?

Briefly concern flashed over his face at her words. He wasn’t sure if she was pleased or upset with him.

Not the kicking of the rock, but the fact your anger at being frustrated translated itself into the Force and aided you in kicking that rock so far away. No mere kick could have done that.

His head cocked to the side for a moment, considering her statement. And slowly, he nodded in understanding.

He knew the feeling – just before he kicked the rock. The feeling of it all building. Of pent up energy struggling to be released.

And now he would have to learn to channel and control that energy to make it to as Lady Vader asked of him.

“Did you get this right off?” He asked, peering at her from beneath dark lashes. He by no means looked sweet or innocent, but there was something in his dark gaze that gave him the petulant appearance of a child.

(ooc: Can I have access to the SSC for this char, please? :) *laughs* And I know Im pushing it asking for more, but can my CT be changed, too...? Just Sith apprentice or something, I dont really care. well..I care sort of. Nothing..you know, girly.)

Lady Vader
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:18:27 PM
*LV shook her head.*

No. All things take time... as much as it kills you to learn patience, you will have to in order to understand the power which you posess. Only through patience will you be able to harness and focus what you naturally have.

*She shrugged.*

It was a concept I too took awhile to accept, but in time you will accept it as I once did.

(OOC:Changed CT (nothing fancy right now as I'm fresh out of witty CTs) and access to SSC. I also removed said access to SSC and the CR for Sasha.)

Maxim Vasilijev
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:08:07 AM
No. All things take time... as much as it kills you to learn patience, you will have to in order to understand the power which you possess. Only through patience will you be able to harness and focus what you naturally have.

He scowled visibly at this suggestion. Patience?

It was a concept I too took awhile to accept, but in time you will accept it as I once did.

He leaned back against the tree again and his thumbs slinked through his belt loops as he considered her words. The fact that it had taken her a while and that she’d admitted as much got him thinking. He supposed, it was worth giving a try. Afterall, she was the master, and he believed she knew what she was talking about.

“I don’t suppose theres a quick way to learn it?” He quipped, looking to her from beneath the shadows of the dark hair that fell momentarily into his eyes.

And then he moved from where he’d been leaning and began his typical pacing. He stooped for a moment to pick up another rock. He held it there in the palm of his hand for a moment

His brother would have been able to do it. His brother, who he knew to be physically weaker than him would have been able to move the rock. Probably would have been able to crush it. Because his brother was the intellectual of the two of them. His brother would have had the patience and this irritated him to no end. The two of them were competitive – or perhaps it was that Maxim was the competitive one. Angry and jealous. And he would not be bested again.

He made more of an effort this time, clearing his head and focusing before as Lady Vader had suggested. He used the skills he had used so many times in the past to reach out to the minds of others to reach out to the rock. It was different, for although the force existed in the rock, it was not so strong as the touch from another’s mind. But when he finally found the connection, it clicked.

The rock rose from his hand, slowly and wobbly at first and then with confidence before it came back to rest in his hand. He stared at it for a moment, a smirk of satisfaction on his face. A smirk that faded just as quickly as it had come. What he had done was only a small step. There was far to go.

“You said earlier that eventually I’ll be able to use these skills on the true enemy, the Jedi…”

Unconsciously, he tossed the rock a small distance up, and caught it as it fell in the palm of his hand He didn’t watch what he was doing, for naturally a part of him was reaching out to feel the presence of the rock as it fell perfectly back to his palm.

“I know a little about the history of the jedi and the Sith, but whats the big deal now?” He asked.

(OOC: Thanks LV. And cool on removing Sasha from that stuff. Thanks.)

Lady Vader
Feb 28th, 2003, 06:42:44 PM
*She folded her arms.*

The big deal now is as it's always been. Each of us at each others throats.

*She looked at the sky, smiling, almost mocking.*

The classic battle of light versus dark.

*She looked back at Maxim.*

We have a vision we feel this galaxy should be run in, while the Jedi have another. But the Jedi's vision is weak... it does not assert power and influence over the galaxy. For without a strong hand, there can be no order.

And so the battle between us will continue until one overcomes the other in the race to bring such order to the galaxy.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:42:03 AM
He nodded. This was exactly what he'd come to understand from the history books - for the little studying he had actually done, this had been a part of history that had interested him. Perhaps because the books had described the battles and the strange powers of these two groups. And he agreed with her assessment - the vision of the jedi was weak. And he abhorred weakness.

He stopped tossing the rock for a moment, though he still held it in the palm of his hand.

"And what, exactly is my role in all of this?" He asked.

"I mean, when I see a jedi am I supposed to just try to take them out one by one, or is there some big battle that Im supposed to wait for before I get to test these skills - before I get to let the true power come to its peak?" He asked, using her words from earlier when she'd warned him against battling others in the order. His words were asked with sincerity. He wanted to know exactly what was expected of him. And when he knew, he would work his hardest to accomplish what had been asked of him.

He was feisty. She would need to keep an eye on this one, for he would go looking for trouble. Though the circumstances through which he'd come to the order had been a mere coincidence, they were not too far off track from the life he normally led.

She had accused him of being unable to keep order in his own life. He could keep order -if he wanted to. But the simple fact was that a lack of order got him attention, and for a kid who'd spent his twenty one years in existence battling a twin brother for attention, he'd learned that chaos seemed to work for him. It had gotten her attention, hadnt it? Bad or not, it had gotten her attention, and now he had a chance to learn from her.

He lived for competition and attention and he would always, always go in search of it.

And if it brought him a jedi, and a chance to do battle and prove himself to his master, that was all the better.

Lady Vader
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:53:57 AM
*She half smiled.*

If you see a Jedi, you can certainly cause some chaos, but don't go causing chaos against a Jedi Master. Not yet, at any rate.

*She looked about the grounds.*

As for now, if you really are itching to try your hand at some sparing, you can do so with some of the other Apprentices. But at your early stage, don't expect to better anyone.

*She pointed a finger at him.*

Remember... NEVER, under and circumstances, underestime your opponent. For once you think yourself better than them, it will be your undoing.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:05:16 AM
If you see a Jedi, you can certainly cause some chaos, but don't go causing chaos against a Jedi Master. Not yet, at any rate.

He shifted at these words. He heard them, but it was questionable whether or not he would heed them. At this stage, he understood that that the masters were powerful, but he hadn’t had enough exposure to them to really understand what he would be getting himself into.

And it wasn’t that he didn’t respect the advice of his master. He knew she was probably telling him this for a reason, but he was impatient and wanted to show her that he was capable of more than she believed him to be.

As for now, if you really are itching to try your hand at some sparing, you can do so with some of the other Apprentices. But at your early stage, don't expect to better anyone.

Again, he shifted, a scowl perhaps appearing on his face. How could he not expect to better anyone? Hadnt that been what he’d been doing his whole life? He would soon learn that skill in one area did not so easily translate to skill in another. It had to be learned, and like any skill, practiced to perfect it.

His eyes lifted to the finger that she pointed at him.

Remember... NEVER, under any circumstances, underestimate your opponent. For once you think yourself better than them, it will be your undoing.

At this, he finally gave her a subtle look of disbelief and a frustrated sigh escaped.

“You don’t think Im capable of anything!” These words escaped before he was able to think about them. They were not whiny, but rather angry and exasperated. All of his life he had been compared to his twin brother Marius. Marius was the better of the two academically. Marius was more introspective and reserved and had every step of his life planned out to a t. Marius was even tempered and stayed out of trouble. In essence, he was everything that Maxim was not.

Maxim, having lived in this shadow, found other ways to stand out. He was the more physical of the two and the better athlete, though coaches more preferred dealing with his brother, who would listen to criticism and understood that it was a method to improve. Maxim had not yet learned this skill, and took any sort of criticism to heart, hearing it only as a comparison of him to his brother, and ultimately, him coming up short of perfection in comparison.

Teachers marveled at how one could turn in homework on time, the questions completed, and sit through a class prepared to answer any question asked, while the other rarely turned in assignments and was constantly being sent from the room for causing disruptions.

It didn’t help that his parents had, on more than one occasion, asked why he couldn’t be more like his brother, questioning how two who could look so much alike could be so different.

This had given Maxim a complex of sorts. And rather than trying to be more like his twin, he had made it a point to be exactly everything that Marius was not. He was hot tempered. He was constantly in trouble for something. He was the black sheep and he was on a mission to exemplify it. In part, it was exactly the reason he’d been so quick to quit school and join the order. What could be more opposite of his brother than dropping out of school and joining an organization known to bring terror to the lives of innocent people?

But hearing his own master say anything that in part echoed the words of coaches, teachers or parents, hearing anything that sounded like criticism, or doubt of his capabilities only sent him over the edge.

Dark eyes seemed to glare at Lady Vader and anger built inside him. With renewed concentration and motivation behind it, he looked to the rock he’d been holding in the palm of his hand. He focused on it, forcing it to hover as his master had, and moments later, shattering it to pieces that fell with a sort of finality to the ground.

His gaze did not lift after this to meet his master, but instead stared at the pieces as they settled into the grass.

Though he’d had an easy life in comparison to most people, he was still a kid who felt very much alone. A kid who was looking for the approval of someone. For someone who didn’t see him in comparison to his brother. For someone who thought that perhaps he was the better of the two. Who had confidence in him and not only believed him to be capable, but believed in him.

Lady Vader
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:01:11 PM
*She smiled as she watched the rock shatter into a million pieces before looking at him.*

Oh, I believe you can accomplish many a thing. And I see a strong and bright future for you.

*She eyed him and finally decided he needed a lesson as to what she had spoken of... especially about underestimations of his opponent.*

I want you to strike at me. Strike at me with all your anger.

*She unclipped her saber from her belt and dropped it to the ground, spreading her hands to her sides, not moving a muscle.*

I am unarmed.

*She smiled coily.*

Do your worst.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:51:37 AM
Oh, I believe you can accomplish many a thing. And I see a strong and bright future for you.
He finally raised his gaze to look at her, though it still held anger and to a small degree, a lack of trust.

She had met this gaze, seeming to be sizing him up before she’d spoken again.

I want you to strike at me. Strike at me with all your anger.
He raised an eyebrow at this. He was unarmed, with the exception of his anger, and seemingly reading his thoughts, she’d unclipped her saber from her belt and dropped it to the ground.

I am unarmed. Do your worst.

Oh he’d caught the coy smile. And for a moment he hesitated. He didn’t know enough of the force to have any idea of her true abilities. And, while he knew she was powerful….to some degree, perhaps he did think he might physically be able to best her.

He considered using her saber against her, but his abilities in the force were not advanced enough to easily call it to his hand – and he wasn’t fool enough to reach for it.
When he finally moved, he moved with the confidence of one who was indeed well trained in hand to hand combat. And he moved with anger. He held nothing back.

She had commanded him to strike with all of his anger, and the darkness within him had no problem with this. Not to mention, he still harbored anger with her for doubting him.

It was a fist that struck out, well aimed at its target.

Lady Vader
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:47:03 PM
*She let the fist come, and while the young man was stronger than her physically, the Force equaled that or more for her.*

*She caught the fist with one hand, just inches from her face, squeezing his hand painfully. She held the hand in place, not even breaking a sweat, and eyed him.*

Come now... I know you can do better than that.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 7th, 2003, 07:46:53 AM
Mere inches from her face, she caught his hand and easily held it there. And then she squeezed it, evoking pain that he refused to show. The only evidence was the brief wince that had involuntarily flickered over his face.

Come now... I know you can do better than that.
His eyes stared into hers and he knew exactly what she was up to – teaching him a lesson in underestimating his opponents. For clearly, he had.

Not only had he underestimated her, but the power of the darkside that she employed to match her strength to his. He wanted to ask how she did it, but before asking, he would make an effort to try for himself.

She had taught him only moments ago, goaded him, rather, into using the force to manipulate and destroy a rock. And before that, out of frustration, he had used the force to hurl the first rock.
As his eyes locked with hers, her words both taunting and encouraging at the same time, he tried to recall the exact feeling, tried to emulate what he had done only moments before. What she had, and continued to do as she clenched his fist within hers. And if he didn’t act soon, she would bring him to his knees in pain. Something he refused to let her see.

Without a word in response, driven by pain and a desire not to be humiliated by falling to his knees in front of her, he worked very hard to focus. Now that it was more physical, now that it had come to a situation where he had to perform, he was a bit more in his element than when it was merely a mental exercise.

His left fist came around now, backed not only by his bodily strength, but the strength of the force behind it as well. It was by no means the superior blow that one of more experience would have been able to make, but it was a marked improvement over his first attempt.

Lady Vader
Mar 7th, 2003, 07:07:28 PM
*It was what she had been looking for, and had been anticipating. She continued to grasp his caught fist tightly, but had to turn her body as his free fist came flying at her. It impacted solidly with her shoulder, aided by his growing strength in his anger and the Force. Though, while his abilities still needed to be focused, this was certainly a start, and she most certainly felt the sting from the impact.*

*She smiled, releasing his fist and stepping back.*

Good. You see what you can do when you focus your energies?

But as I stated before, don't ever underestimate who you are fighting against. You never know what trick...

*Suddenly the floor beneath Maxim's feet seemed to give way, as though a rug had been pulled from under him, and he fell solidly onto his behind.*

...your opponent might have up his or her sleeve.

*It was a lesson, yes. A lesson to teach him to never underestimate his foe. And, a lesson in humility. For through humility could you come to grips to NOT underestimate your opponent.*

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 10th, 2003, 12:43:37 PM
Finally she had released his fist, seemingly somewhat pleased with his reaction.

Good. You see what you can do when you focus your energies?

As she began to speak, he tested out his hand, moving it to be sure it still worked as it had before.

But as I stated before, don't ever underestimate who you are fighting against. You never know what trick...

He probably would have rolled his eyes at this last comment. She’d already told him before not to underestimate and he’d gotten the point the first time. Hadnt he? Apparently not. And clearly she’d been able to tell.

Before he knew it, he lay flat on his back staring up at the sky and feeling every bit as humiliated as she’d intended him to feel.

...your opponent might have up his or her sleeve.
She’d finished her sentence as he stared up at the sky, the humiliation only adding to his anger. It seethed and bubbled inside him as he slowly sat up, scowling a bit at Lady Vader as he did.

He climbed back to his feet, considering as he did, how she had pulled this trick on him. And when he thought he had it figured out – assuming she had done it by somehow using the force to tug roughly enough on his feet to pull them out from under him, he tried it upon her. It employed the same idea as before – of manipulation and shoving – and while he would likely not knock her from her feet, perhaps she would see it as a bit of initiative.

For it was not a lack of respect that brought this action, but rather uncontrolled anger and the humiliation of being taught a lesson in such a fashion. It made its point - he would never ever forget it, but a quick temper and competitive spirit won out over simply sucking it all up as a lesson learned.

He wanted to take that lesson and use it, for then, in his mind, would it be a lesson truly learned.

Lady Vader
Mar 11th, 2003, 06:48:56 PM
*She felt the floor move under her, but she had enough of a "grasp" of the air surrounding her, that it did not topple her from her stance. Yet, she favored him with a smile, letting him know she had felt it.*

Good. You're taking your first steps into a larger world, Maxim.

And you can use these techniques when you spare with other Apprentices, and soon you will be able to use them against the Jedi.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:10:13 PM
He saw her smile, looking away so that she would not see that expression on his face. He didn’t want her to know how much her approval mattered to him.

Good. You're taking your first steps into a larger world, Maxim.

He turned back to her then, nodding somewhat sullenly, as if he didn’t think it was such a big deal to hear these words from her. But inside, he was relieved.

And you can use these techniques when you spar with other Apprentices, and soon you will be able to use them against the Jedi.

At this, his expression changed.

“But…” He began as his gaze moved to look at Lady Vader’s lightsaber which still lay on the ground. A moment later it came to his hand. He eyed it for a moment, before he held it out to her.

“Don’t the Jedi use these in a fight?”

Lady Vader
Mar 12th, 2003, 04:59:40 PM
*She took the saber from him, clipping it back to her belt.*

Of course they use lightsabers, and in time you will learn to use them too.


*She tapped the lightsaber.*

...these can be destroyed...

*She then tapped her forehead.*

...while this can remain very much alive and dangerous.

In the long run, your mind, how you think and strategise, will be what save you and make you victorious in a battle.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 13th, 2003, 11:11:29 AM
For perhaps the first time since he’d been training with her, he simply accepted something that she said. The simple fact that she’d pointed out, that a lightsaber could be destroyed, combined with the simple lessons he had just begun to learn were beginning to sink in.

The darkside was something more than just a myth. It was a weapon in itself, and he would be wise to learn to use it. And learn to use it well.

For as his master had just told him, in the long run, if his physical weapons were lost or destroyed, it was his mind, how he thought and how he strategized, that would save him and make him victorious in a battle.

His gaze flickered to the ground in a gesture of humility not all that different from her former apprentice, Sasha. In fact, it was so similar that if she had observed this, it might have reminded her of the one of whom she had once thought of so fondly. Only this one, this young man was capable of what Sasha was not – Maxim was fully capable of giving himself over to the darkside and having no qualms about leading the life that a Sith was expected to lead.

His gaze remained on the ground before him for a moment, and then he looked back to his master.

“Have you ever had to fight without a weapon?” He asked, any trace of attitude gone from his voice. And he wasn’t talking about a typical bar brawl with fisticuffs, as normal people would fight. He was talking about a real fight – where death was a possible outcome.

Lady Vader
Mar 13th, 2003, 03:57:06 PM
*For a brief moment, she was remined of Sasha in this young man. It hurt that he had left, but she suppressed that hurt to continue teaching her new Apprentice.*

*She nodded her head to Maxim's question.*

I have indeed fought without my weapon. As a matter of fact, I hardly if ever, use my weapon unless the need calls for it.

I would rather battle with my raw energies, something my enemy would have more difficulty in manipulating, than a mere weapon of any sort.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 14th, 2003, 09:24:56 AM
I have indeed fought without my weapon. As a matter of fact, I hardly if ever, use my weapon unless the need calls for it.

The disbelief was evident on his features. He’d always pictured the jedi and the sith fighting with lightsabers.

I would rather battle with my raw energies, something my enemy would have more difficulty in manipulating, than a mere weapon of any sort.

He was silent for a moment considering these words.

Finally, he spoke.

“But….” He shifted slightly, his eyes flickering to the ground again and then back to her.

“But how does manipulating a rock translate into skills to be used in a battle?” He asked.

“I mean, Im assuming theres something more to it than being able to fling a rock at someone….” He added.

Lady Vader
Mar 14th, 2003, 04:23:58 PM
*She nodded her head.*

Yes there is. But in order to build to that level you have to start at the bottom.

You can't build a castle roof first. You have to lay the corner stone down before you can begin to build it's walls and fortifications. But as long as that corner stone is there, the castle's foundation will be strong.

*She pointed to Maxim.*

So it is with you and all other Apprentices here.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 17th, 2003, 02:43:10 PM
Maxim sighed.

“But I don’t want to be like all the other apprentices here.” He grumbled in immediate response. And then beneath her gaze, he shifted and sighed.

“I get the whole foundation thing….” He added, stuffing his hands into his pockets, his shoulders slumping slightly.

“I’ll work on whatever you want me to work on.”

There was no doubting that Maxim was impatient. And while he might have seemed like a petulant pouty kid, he was one who would work hard. The skills that she had begun to teach him he would work on for hours and hours later that night until exhaustion set in and sleep won the battle over determination.

Lady Vader
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:17:24 PM
*LV simply nodded.*


*She then looked about her.*

Now... to see if we can't find you someone to spar against.

*She looked back at him, pointing a finger to her head.*

Mind sparring, that is.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:33:48 AM
He suppressed a deep sigh. For a moment he’d thought he was finally going to get the chance to have some fun. But his master had quickly quashed that idea when she’d pointed to her head and reminded him that it would be a spar of the minds.

For a brief moment, his bravado seemed completely gone and he shifted his weight uncomfortably. He lacked confidence in this area – in sparring with the mind – and was afraid of failing. Or of coming up short in terms of what Lady Vader expected of him.

Defensively his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze flickered to the ground, staring at the grass as if it could change the predicament in which he found himself. A moment later his gaze lifted slightly to look at Lady Vader.

He watched her for a moment as she scanned the training grounds for a suitable sparing partner.

“Are there limits to what can be done?” He asked. He wasn’t fully aware of what could be done with the force, and as he’d stood there in misery for a moment, he’d somewhat considered the fact that she was going to make him learn these things and the sooner he set his mind to it and learned it, perhaps the sooner she’d let him move on to other things.

Of course…he wasn’t sure of just how much there was to learn.

Eventually, once he got the hang of it, he would probably enjoy pushing himself and learning new skills. It was just the beginning stages right now, where everything was a bit overwhelming and it took time and patience to understand. Two qualities that Maxim struggled to accept.

Lady Vader
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:29:03 PM
*She looked back at him.*

The only limits are those you set for yourself.

If you keep your mind open, if you are cunning and intelligent, if you are witty, you will do just fine.

But so much as set a limit for yourself or doubt yourself in any way, and you will fail.

*She raised a finger.*

This isn't to say, however, to lose control and be cocky. You have to keep your control and remained focused on your task.

*She smiled, knowing that repeating herself would only annoy him, but he had to hear it.*

And don't underestimate your opponent and his abilities.

OOC: If you want, you can start a thread and use your mind techniques to spar with someone. I will join the thread and observe, perhaps giving pointers here and there.

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:27:18 PM
This time he did roll his eyes at her warning. He was capable of hearing it the first time. A scowl set in as he was further convinced that she thought him incapable of doing anything right.

As she let him go, the lesson for the day being over, he began to walk off, kicking at a rock in front of him and finding himself actually thinking about the things she had told him.

Today had been frustrating for him because it had shown him just how much he didn’t know about the force. It had been a bit of a blow to his ego, and he needed some time away from everyone and everything to mull it over.


Hey LV, Ive got him in a few threads right now:

Two random challenges:


Training mission:


Spars on the training grounds:



Any of these would work for observing… :)

Im still sort of working on the char and trying to figure out what to do with him to make him different, or to make him stand out a bit. I’d like for him to eventually have a relationship with LV similar to the way hers was with Sasha, if that’s cool with you. Im just trying to think of an event that would work well for something like that to happen. If you think of anything, lemme know, cuz Im up for anything with this char.

Lady Vader
Mar 26th, 2003, 07:38:30 PM
OOC: Boy, you're just knocking yourself out! :lol

All those threads are great, and I'll see if I can't pop into one or two of em.

As to a good relationship between Maxim and LV, similar to what LV and Sasha had, sure. I'd like that. :)

Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 27th, 2003, 04:04:11 PM
*laughs* well you didnt think Id rp any less with this one than Sasha, did you? Im not gonna leave you alone that easily. ;)

Im working on something pretty bad that Maxim can do..Ive got an idea but it might be a little over the line. Im gonna think about it and maybe PM you with it.....