View Full Version : Heightening the Mastery (Zasz Grimm and open to Light Jedi)

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:45:58 AM
(ooc) I'd like to get through the first three posts before someone else joins the thread, if anyone has that intention. Thanks. :)


The planet of Bothawui was one where Hob had been spending an inordinate amount of time lately. This was only partly due to the Black Hand's secret plans involving the Republic Senate. Hob had other reasons for being on Bothawui, reasons that had no relation at all to politics. He had, after all, chosen which of the numerous Republic worlds he would corrupt.

The Bothans were an interesting study. Ferociously grasping economically, distrustful and distrusted, skilled with words to the point where they were weapons; all these and more were Bothan traits and they were traits useable by Hob and his fellow Dark Jedi.

Which left Hob with a question: why had the Bothans joined the New Republic?

It was a question he most dearly wanted answered, but the answer had to be in proper context. So he had summoned his apprentice Zasz Grimm away from his task of shadowing the Bothan Senator Plett Ruo'trey to his ship to help him investigate what was essentially a Master's task.

Zasz was strong, skilled, and wise. He would do the Hand justice by being a Master. But first, he would need a true education of his enemies. Thus, the alien dwarf's study would complete two tasks at once.

The dwarf waited onboard the small shuttle for Zasz's arrival.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:44:17 PM
Zasz had been summoned away from his task. He wouldn't have left Ruo'trey, but Hob called for him, and plus he had Grev Drasen to semi-watch the Senator. Grev was becoming quite useful, but Zasz still didn't trust him all that much...

Making his way through the thick brush, back the way he initially came weeks back. He inhaled deeply, keeping his thoughts to himself. Why would Hobgoblin want him here? Perhaps to ask him about the Senator...Or maybe there was other things that needed to be done...

Hobgoblin's ship came into view as he exited thick brush. He looked to his Master as he approached. Zasz seemed to glide through his surroundings, but was infact walking at a normal pace. As he came in front of Hob, he inclined his head downwards, quite low. Showing his respect for the Dark Dwarf...

"You called, Master?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 4th, 2003, 02:18:51 AM
"Yes... yes." Hob gestured with a hand and the ramp to the ship began to close. The engine and drives began powering up and Hob got up and began scurrying towards the cockpit. "Tell me, Zasz. What makes the Republic tick?"

Zasz had followed him into the cockpit, but before he could continue, Hob went on. "What makes the Sith Empire tick? The Imperial Remnant? How do they all exist?"

Zasz was silent, and Hob could feel that his companion was uncertain whether or not he should speak. Hob shook his head and gestured. "This will aid us in the twisting of Bothawui," he said. "Come. We go to Coruscant."


Half a day later, the two of them were on Coruscant, standing atop one of its taller buildings on a viewing platform frequented by visitors. Hob had been typically cryptic throughout the trip, and Zasz still had barely any explanation as to why they had suddenly left Bothawui to "study" Coruscant. Zasz looked at Hob, who was staring out over the vast city planet.

Then suddenly, the dwarf spun, producing a lightsaber from his robe. The blade shot forth and stabbed directly into the chest of a tourist behind him. The man swayed, then crumpled to the ground.

Hob looked at Zasz. "Now, we study," he said.

(ooc) Thread is open now.

Zasz Grimm
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:09:06 AM
During the trip, Zasz was silent. Though curious as to why he and Hob was now on Coruscant, he knew better than to question his plans or judgement. As he cut down a tourist, Zasz smiled and understood..


Sometimes the Dark Side was a more useful tool than a Lightsaber. Zasz pointed his hand at a rather large bench that was in the ground. He concentrated some until the moment came when the metal ripped from metal. He exhaled as he moved his hand, flinging the metal bench into a woman who was near a wall. There was a blood splatter and the area was covered red..

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:35:48 PM
Hob held out a hand to forestall more attacks from Zasz. "That will do," he said, gesturing with his other hand at several passerby who had witnessed the kills. "Sense their minds. See what they think and feel."

Hob sent forth his own senses and felt shock and fear. Clearly, the revelation of two Jedi killers in their midst had unnerved them. But why? Why, in a galaxy where the Sith flaunted their grip on Corellia, where Coruscant had been attacked time and again, were they surprised?

It was their mentality, Hob knew. The Republic mentality. He wondered what conclusions Zasz would draw.

Zasz Grimm
Mar 31st, 2003, 02:40:09 PM
Zasz nodded to Hobgoblin, letting his hand fall to his side. He looked out to the crowd who was running, or was just going on about their business. He narrowed his eyes as he let his senses flood outward so that he could see what the people thought and felt.

One man who was just sitting on a bench was afraid, he was so afraid he had wet himself. How humorous. But he also saw something else in their...an attitude. He moved on, to women who were crying after their friend had been made a blood stain. They were hurt deeply. Oh well...

"They're afraid, obviously Master. But something tells me they've gotten use to this type of treatment..."