View Full Version : Guess whos back.......back again....Verse is back, tell a friend..(Xazor)

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:07:01 AM
::Verse waited at the Bar for his daughter. He had a gut feeling she would kill him. He had gone off.......again. He had not told her where he was going.....again. He had not told her when he woudl come back...again. All in All, his track record was not looking to good. He loved to roam, and he was used to nothing holding him back. Now he had a family at GJO, and a Grandchild on the way. It was time he stayed here and took care of his family.

Verse had heard that Xazor had changed her last name to the last name as Marcus, but Verse was not surprised. He knew it was only a matter of time. By Garou standards Verse was very younge. Many Garou would not even have children by now. He had two. Marcus was not to 'old' all in all, but with age came wisdom, and Marcus had that. He was a father figure to many. Even to Xazor. A lot more than Verse had been. With luck that was about to change. Xazor may still not look at him as her father, but maybe she would see him as a friend atleast. He hoped she would still see him as a father. Maybe not now, but maybe later hopefully. Only time would tell. And if one went by that.......it would be a long time. Verse had messed up many times. That meant he would take twice as long fixing things. As the Garou say though.

Air'oon Marvay conjaz mae doe mac'eya

or "All one can do is try."::

Xazor Elessar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 08:10:30 PM
It was a quiet evening and a warm breeze blew through the bustling city of Coruscant. The nightlife was crawling whether it be good or bad -- and it seemed as though everyone had someplace to go. A figure clad in black robes turned out of an alley and took a few paces down the sidewalk until it stopped in front of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill where the figure entered through the door. She nodded to one of the door guards and he allowed her to pass though it was evident she had a mass load of weapons. With one pale hand she removed the hood of her cloak and the light bathed her smiling face. Suddenly her cyan eyes came to rest upon a sight she had not seen in such a long time. With a bit of a silent gasp, the Jedi Knight slowly approached the blond man sitting at the bar. She came to stop behind him and for a moment, she stood in silence.

"What made you decide to come back?"

The words fell from her pink lips and held an air of absence to them. She shook her head in disbelief and sighed to herself before taking a seat beside her father -- biological father.

"Hey Avalon -- get me a Spiced Ale."

She called to the barkeep before putting her hands on the bartop and folding them together in thought. The Garou shook her head to make her long Garou Warrior Braids fall out of the way. The now silver coins woven into them clanged together softly and came to a stop soon after being disturbed. Atop her head was a silver wreath with coins laced into the metal and they hung down ont he sides and back of her head as well as her forehead. Xazor was different -- not only was the fact that she was with child more evident -- a lot more evident, but she appeared to be glowing. Indeed, the young Knight had gotten closer to the Light in his absence and she was not as impulsive as before, nor did she struggle with her previous anger issue. It was true she followed closely in Marcus's footsteps and was even the co-founder of their organization: The Lost Jedi. Her views differed greatly from Verse's still for not only did she not completely agree with the Jedi ways -- but she disagreed with the Council as well.

"You didn't come back because of me, that's for sure. What -- was there some woman here you couldn't forget when you went to sleep at night? Or did you make a bad name for yourself in all the other places of the Galaxy except for here?"

She shook her head once again, obviously disappointed in him -- he didn't love her, or so she thought. He never took care of her nor would he desire to. He was a free spirit, and in most ways -- they were complete opposites.

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 22nd, 2003, 08:54:14 PM
::Verse sighed. he had expected this kind of responce, though not this stronge. A Soft tear formed in Verse's eye. He did his best to hide it and wiped his eye acting like he was brushing away some dust. He figured Xazor would know what he was doing, but he must atleast try and remain civil. It hurt himt o know his daughter really hated him.::

"It is true Xazor, I had other reasons to return other than you....."

::Verse looked at the unborn child. His grandchild.::

"Three things had me return. You, your child,...and Alexander. I have two children here that I barely know, and a grandchild I must spoil."

::Verse took his daughters hand in his. He sighed and opened his mind. This was the first time in a long time his mind was open fully. Verse had very stronge mental shields. When at full no one was able to see in his mind. It kept him seperated from the others at times, but he felt they were for the best. Now they were fully down. The first time in years. Xazor could see anything she wanted, what he did, how he felt, what he thought.::

"Yes, there was a women I could not forget as I slept. It was you. I missed my daughter. At first I loved traveling. I told myself I would come back after a few weeks. Then weeks turned to months....and so on. When I was younger I loved being alone. Now that I was alone again...... I was sad. I knew I was leaving a family behind. So I said I would come back. Then I thought of how you would react. The pain you felt, and I got scared. So I stayed away trying to think of what to do. It was stupid. I know this now. I still wish to be your father and make it up to you. Even if it takes years to do so. Will you let me try?"

::Verse held his shields down. It was hard. They were used to being up, but he knew he must have them down. He had to let Xazor see how he felt. Maybe then she could see how truely sorry he was.::

Xazor Elessar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:54:23 PM
The words that came from Verse's mouth shocked Xazor for a moment as she eyed him. Her jaw dropped slightly as she felt a change come over him -- something was different. Closing her mouth, the young woman looked away as he held her hand in his and pleaded with her to forgive him. She shut her eyes then and allowed the Force to explain to her what was changed -- then she did something she had never been able to do -- she established a deep mental connection with Verse. Suddenly thoughts, memories and feelings flooded her mind as they ran freely through his. He really did care for her and was speaking the truth -- the words were not lies anymore. The young Knight opened her eyes slowly and sighed deeply within herself before turning to face him once again. She squeezed his hand gently and nodded.

"I'll let you try again -- if you shall have someone as stubborn as I."

She smiled and a laugh escaped her lips for a moment before she moved to wrap her arms around his neck tightly. The embrace was bittersweet -- she missed him terribly, but still she was angry that he had left. 'The Jedi forgive -- you, Xazor, are a Jedi', the small lesson taught to her by someone she couldn't remember gently touched her mind. The Knight closed her eyes once again and nodded slightly to herself at the thought.

"I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted. It's -- it's just been so hard without you. I went for a good many years without you, then you came back into my life only to disappear again."

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 23rd, 2003, 08:59:44 PM
::Verse smiled.::

"Your poppa is a rollin' stone."

::Verse had to laugh at that. The universe was a huge place. There were numerous places that people have not even been to yet. Places untouched by 'civilized' creatures. Some that had, and were still worth a look though.::

"I love to travel. I would one dya love to own my own ship. Not like my V-Wing, but own where I could live in if need be. A frieghter would be nice. Enough about that though. Tell me about your future husband."