View Full Version : Getting a much needed drink..........(open)

Chaos Alexander
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:53:26 AM
::Alexander Dawnstrider walked through the door and made his way through the bar. It was crowed tonight. That was no surprise though. It was the begining of the weekend, and so people came. Some came to pick up women, others to hang out with frinds, and some (Like Alexander) came in hopes of meeting new people. Alexander finally got to the bar. he took a seat and waited for the barkeep to make it to him.::

Bar Keep- "Alexander, good to see you younge Jedi. The normal order I take it?"

Alexander- "If you do not mind."

::The barkeep nodded and called the order to the chiefs in the back.::

Bar Keep- "One Bantha steak.....raw......and a slice of Caylian Peach in a glass of water."

::Alexander nodded and looked around for anyone he knew.::

Bunny Rourke
Feb 22nd, 2003, 10:01:09 AM
Bunny had been sitting up at the bar, lost in her own thoughts when a person sat down next to her. She was dressed in her normal black bodysuit with black boots, black gloves, black belt where an empty blaster holster is, a black cloak hood down, and black sunglasses which are resting on top of her head. In front of her is a half empty glass of Corellian Ale. She had been spending alot of time here over the last little while, but never spoke to anybody since she had been in a bad mood. Tonight however was going to be different. Tonight she was in a good mood, the first time since she got on planet since she had over heard some ppl mention that her sister was back in town. She turns slightly to face Alexander, and says, with a slight smile on her face.

"Evening sir, you mind having some company tonight while your here?"

Chaos Alexander
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:28:28 PM
"Not at all Ma'am. Company would be good about now."

::Alexander pulled out a chair for the woman.""

"The name is Alexander Dawnstrider. And you are?"

Bunny Rourke
Feb 23rd, 2003, 10:22:52 AM
"Names Bunny Rourke, or that's what I tell ppl. Pleased to meet you Alexander. So, you're from the Dawnstrider pack. You must know my little sister Natia then. Can you tell me how she is doing? I've been searching for her for years again since she disappeared from here when she was a child. She's fourteen now and I've heard rumours that she is back in town and plannng to stay awhile again."

Bunny picks up her ale and takes a sip since she had already been sitting beside Alexander.

Chaos Alexander
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:05:54 AM
::Alexander nodded.::

"I know your sister. That much is true. I do not know how she is though. I only just got back from a trip. She was well last I tlak to her if that will help ease your mind."

::Alex wished he had better news than that. It was teh truth though. He was distant from most of his family, hell he was distant from almost everybody.::

"I have a question. You said the name you gave me was 'The one you tell ppl' and such. I am thinking Bunny is not your real name. What is your real name?"

Bunny Rourke
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:11:31 PM
"Thanx for the news. All I ever get is that she's doing fine. I haven't had a chance to see her often or long when I do get to see her."

Bunny laughs slightly before she answers the question about he real name.

"My real name is Buneka Rourke. I'm not all that thrilled with it because of the meaning which it has so I just go with Bunny Rourke. It can also really throw ppl off when they hear it."

Chaos Alexander
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:32:49 PM
::Alexander smiled at that.::

"I know what ya mean. Alexander is my middle name. My first is Chaos. Image the looks on people's faces when I introduce myself useing my first name. After a bit I desided to use my middle name. There are other reasons, but that one is simaliar to yours in a way."

Bunny Rourke
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:27:10 AM
"I'm sure that you could get some pretty weird looks when you introduce yourself as Chaos, just as I get some pretty weird looks when I introduce myself as Bunny.

Alexander, could I ask a favour of you. I know you don't really know me, but it would mean alot to me if you could do this. My sister Natia, I worry about her all the time. Could you perhaps see to it that she stays safe? I'm not always going to be able to be there for her and it would help ease my worries if I could count on someone being nearby to keep her safe. If she's anything like me, she will have a nack at getting into trouble."

Chaos Alexander
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:07:59 PM
::Alexander nodded.::

"I can do better than that. Why not make camp here and look out for here yourself? I coudl help."

Bunny Rourke
Feb 27th, 2003, 07:01:23 PM
Bunny smiles faintly.

"I would love nothing more then to do just that. Unfortunately, I am not able to do that right now. If I could, I would. I'm on the search for my other siblings. I want to find them and bring them here. I need to know if my brothers and sisters are alive, and if they are, where they are.

I've promised myself that I will find my siblings and take care of them. I have to so my Mother can rest in peace."

Chaos Alexander
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:29:15 PM
::Alex nodded again as his sipped his water. It was a noble and just cause. He could not fully understand not being that close to his sister or father. He owuld search for them yes, but he didn't know he he had this much passion in doing so. He had respect for this woman. A lot of respect for that matter. That was something very very few got from the cocky Jedi. Most people wanted to get what they wanted with little work. This woman was going the extra mile. She was working and doinga ll she coudl and then some. That was what got his respect.::

"I understand that well enough. I have a progect that drives me that hard as well. I have another proposition then. WOuld you liek me to join you on this quest. I know my way around many places and have many.....sources if you will. I would love to travel with you as well. That is if you would like company. I understand if you would rather me stay here and keep an eye of your other sis."

Bunny Rourke
Feb 28th, 2003, 09:53:55 AM
Bunny gets a slight smile upon her face as Alexander proposes to join her on her quest.

"I would like that very much, for you to join me that is. I have to be truthful with you, my sources have started to run dry on leads to where I might find my siblings, but if I have to, I will search every city on every planet of every system to find them.

I'm sure that Xazor can protect Natia for now. That is if Natia doesn't run off again. That is if the rumour is true and she is in the area again.

Again, I would like very much to have some company on my search, at least for a little while anyways."

Bunny smiles and laughs slightly for a moment.

"I should let you know though before we go, that I am of Lorrdian heritage and I know kinetic communication. Natia uses it all the time to figure out what ppl are thinking. I don't use it as much, but I still do use it."

Chaos Alexander
Feb 28th, 2003, 08:03:00 PM
::Alexander smiled::

"I better let you know something as well. I am Garou and I eat raw meat."

::He laughed slightly.::

"I have other gfts as well, but they are not important at the moment. Maybe later, but not rigth now. Just let me know when and where and I will be there."

Bunny Rourke
Mar 1st, 2003, 01:57:53 PM
"It doesnt matter to me what you eat, just as long as it's not ppl."

Bunny takes a sip of her ale before continuing to talk.

"Alot of ppl have secreats that they don't tell others. That's just the way things work.

How about tomorrow morning at the spaceport. I have to get my ship out of impound, but that shouldn't be to difficult. Do you by chance have any mechanical skills?"

Chaos Alexander
Mar 1st, 2003, 10:49:52 PM
::Alexander almost laughed at that.::

"I used to own my own Bio-Tech lab before I........left it......for lack of better words."

::Alexander held up his robotic arm. It was like a work of art. It was flawless in look. It looked liek a perfect arm.::

"I designed, build, and modified it all myself. You will not find a better mechanic, robotics, engineer, and anythign else that deals with electronics."

OOC: Just send me links, and I will come.

Bunny Rourke
Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:27:47 AM
Bunny smiles.

"Could I ask another favour of you then. Would you mind doing some work on my ship? Of course you don't have to if you don't want to. It's just that my ship isn't as pretty as it used to, and I don't really have much in the way mechanical skill. I'm better at tracking ppl. Though the hardest ppl to track I find is my own family."

OOC: I'll send you the link though it may take a day or so for me to do.

Chaos Alexander
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:10:27 PM
::Chaos smiled.::

"I can do much more than fix it. I will play around with it though, make a few calls, and get some stuff in. What class ship is it?"

Bunny Rourke
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:11:16 AM
"Then please, be my guest. Any work you do on my ship would be greatly appreciated. My ship is a YT1300. Like I said, it's not the prettiest, but it's mine."