View Full Version : A midnight jog (open)

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:18:25 PM
So he'd met another Vampyre. They spoke for awhile. She set his food on fire, punched him in the gut, and was basically outright cruel to poor Darren. But above all this, one thing she had pointed out had stuck in his mind....

<p align="center">...Its never good for a Vampyre to attract attention to themselves...</p>

It was late. Midnight, Coruscant Standard time.

There were people out and about. It wasnt as busy as mid day on Coruscant, but this was Coruscant, so there were people out reguardless.

For the most part, by Coruscant standards, it was quiet. There was actually an almost eerie silence. Soon though. Very soon, that silence would be broken..




Running down the street came Darren, holding a crowbar as he flailed his arms about like he'd just been released from a mental institution and struck it big at sabacc.

People stopped and stared at this psycho with utter surprise...

He didnt have a stitch of clothing on him....

Feb 21st, 2003, 11:12:32 PM
He landed behind Darren, walking slowly up behind the man with the crowbar. It was fairly obvious this man was deranged, if not out of his mind, but there was something about him that was familiar about him.

A scent he'd caught on the way down.

"We're out for a late night stroll aren't we?" his low, silky voice spoke into Darren's ear.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:37:17 PM


So anyways. Darren had chosen to ignore Kaytor's advice. He didnt hold her in very high reguard anyways. She had serious issues and such, or at least, Darren thought so.

It wasnt that Darren was without his own issues though, apparantly.

Much to his chagrin, so to speak, he was attracting attention. People were diving off rooftops at him! And people thought that Darren was crazy! For shame!

Either way, the man's words, no matter how inaudible they were to Darren soon got a reply. A tribute of sorts as Darren, already running, took two steps up the back of a speeder and lept off the roof, gaining much air time...

"IM BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Feb 21st, 2003, 11:45:36 PM
Lacroix pursed his lips as he watched the man fall.

No...wait...he wasn't a man. He was dead.

Lacroix gazed up the building as Darren fell.

"A pity he didn't take the lift," he watched as Darren was struck by a speeder as it flew through the air to some destination.

It wobbled...and Lacroix jumped.

Sol Invictus
Feb 24th, 2003, 12:51:32 PM
Sol's lips curl into a smile. Darren Caerdeth, an upstanding member of the Shrine is streaking. And he's having fun, dammit. Sol watches from an open-air cafe as he dives off a rooftop with an exuberant yell. Batman, is he? Darren's behavior isn't earning him any respect from Sol, but it's a hell of alot better than Valirion's blind struggle for power. He stands and walks toward Darren's projected landing site.

"Lord Caerdeth, what do you think you're doing?" he asks with a laugh.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:56:04 PM

Was Darren's only reply. He may have had awesome healing time, and a rejuvenation that the living could only envy, but getting hit head on by a speeder was enought to put anything down. Behind them, the driver of the speeder had stopped and was jogging toward Darren.


Darren's eyes opened slightly toward Sol. They werent their usual shade of brown, but an eerie green. The tips of two fangs showed from underneath Darren's upper lip.

He nodded his head to Sol, then let his head rest back on the duracrete ground.

Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:32:56 PM
Sol looks the crazed driver, gesturing with one hand.

"You're at fault here. Help this man up."

The driver blinks, but does as he's told, lifting Darren to something of a standing position, supporting the Vampire's weight almost entirely on his own.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:10:14 PM

With an almost primal growl, Darren tackled the man. The driver fought back, but it was too late. Two razor sharp fangs sunk into the man's neck, while Darren held the man's head with his left hand, and beat the driver in the ribs with his right hand.

It wasnt a pretty site, lacking the finese and dignity Darren usually presented whilst feeding. The commotion had sped the man's heartrate. The whole ordeal was quick and messy.

A low gutteral growl came from Darren's throat as he finished...


Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 08:27:19 PM
Sol hands out a stack of napkins from the cafe.

"Will these do?"

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 08:45:12 PM
Darren's normal look has returned for now. He stands completely upright again, and takes the napkins as he walks toward a nearby clothing store.

"Thank you"

A commotion is heard inside the store, followed by a man exiting. Exiting via the huge glass wall infront, followed by a few screaming customers fleeing from the door. Shortly after, Darren strolls out wearing a suit and tie, a quite expensive looking suit at that.

Without breaking stride he walks back up to Sol....

"It doesnt look too big does it, cause I can still return it"

Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 08:55:46 PM
"It suits you. Tell me, why would a member of the Council of Seven be streaking at midnight on Corucscant?"

This is asked with a humorous smile. He finds this entire fiasco to be quite amusing.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 08:58:53 PM
"Its quite simple...."

Darren was shocked that the answer wasnt obvious..

"Thats how I shop. It saves me the time of having to change into my new clothes."

Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:03:03 PM
Sol laughs. Darren seems to be quite the character.

"Surely you jest! There must be another reason."

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:16:47 PM
"Oh no," a new voice spoke up as the figure came up behind Sol.

"I believe Daren is quite serious indeed," Lacroix smirked, "Have you regained your semblence of sanity, Mister Caerdeth?"

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:24:50 PM
"I never lost my sanity, you sir, are the one diving off buildings like some sort of maniac."

This guy was a joke. Darren, being a member of the council, could do whatever the hell he wanted. What could anyone do? Kill him?

"You are in no position to judge me, so you should just be on your merry little way now."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:29:25 PM
Suddenly, they hear a loud thump and the sound of concreat cracking. Looking up, they find a female vampyre, slightly crouched down. She slowly stood to her feet and looked at the three of them. Her dark aura surrounded her as usual. The rogue vampyress glared at the three of them.

"You three have no decency at all do you? You just enjoy spreding it all across this universe that our kind exist. I have warned you once, Darren. And what of you two. Who the hell are you?"

She stands there with her arms crossed looking at them. She glared at each of them.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:41:50 PM
"Kaytor, the names of these two gentlemen arent any of your concern. Your advice was unacceptable though, so I ignored it."

Darren arched an eyebrow slighty towards Kaytor. She was really starting to be a pain. She had already made one mistake, which was catching Darren's attention. It was sad really, to take such a gift and waste it. But then, to ruin someone elses fun with it...that was very bad form on her part...

"You should be leaving now."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:49:35 PM
A small smile spread across her lips. Her eyes narrowed and grew from bold green to a blood red as her fangs extended. Her hands slipped down inside of her cloak as she grasped her saber without them noticing. The cloak blew slightly to the side as a wind came by.

"I should be leaveing? Why? To alow you to make it known to this entire universe that we are here? That will only make us hunted. We are hunted enough as it is."

She watched the three of them. She no longer cared who they were, only that they were being to obvious. Her hand tightened around her saber.

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:55:11 PM
"My dear," Lacroix's voice finally spoke, "I believe you are speaking the truth."

He moved swiftly, coming up next to her, and covering his hand on her saber.

"You wouldn't want to reveal them to the galaxy now would you? People are all ready beginning to stare."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:58:29 PM
Leon suddenly felt a dagger pressed hard against his gut. She had used the force to pull the dagger from her boot. The small blade was threatening to puncture his gut. She glared up at him.

"I have my ways of keeping mortals from knowing what I am."

Feb 25th, 2003, 10:03:45 PM
"My dear," Lacroix simply smiled, "It is fairly obvious the younger generations will never learn will they?

"Always respect your elders."

Then he released his grip on her saber and took a few steps back.

"And always watch your back."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:06:38 PM
"One who watches their back gets death from the front. I prefer to watch both."

She slides her hand back and drops her dagger back into her boot. It slide in perfectly, guided by the force. She looks at the other two as the other has stepped back.

Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:08:47 PM
Lacroix's gesture is more than enough to draw Sol's attention to the lightblade in her hand. He reaches into his trenchcoat and draws a slugthrower, aiming and firing almost point-blank into the shoulder of the arm bearing the weapon.

"Girl, one cannot derive from this man's actions that we are vampyres. You would do well to show some respect, and keep your insolent tongue in check. Now be off with you, lest I disable the rest of your limbs."

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:14:26 PM
After Sol has shot, Darren pulls him back slowly by the shoulder.

"Damn good shot, Damn good....I like you, did I ever tell you that?"

Sol is now side by side with Darren, as the Council Vampyre verbally praises him. Darren then looks over to Kaytor and nonchalantly replies...

"Kaytor honestly. That was your last warning......."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:20:04 PM
Kaytor looks at her shoulder as she starts to heal it... quickly. She looks back at the two as her saber springs to life and flys to her other hand via the force. Her cloak flys out behind her as she glares at the two of them, her eyes practicly glowing and the aura almost visable around her. The temperature dropped a degree or so.

"You will regret that, fledgling."

She suddenly ran at Sol and brought the saber down hard at his right shoulder. Even in her offhand, the attack was still as strong as if it was her normal hand. The good thing of being ambidextrious.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:29:30 PM
In almost a blur, Darren caught Kaytor's wrist. With her arm extended forward to strike, it wasnt hard to twist sideways, bending her arm awkwardly to the side. The strength that Darren had gained from being turned was considerable, and that being enhanced by the force may it something to be reckoned with.

Darren twisted her wrist harder....


Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:31:58 PM
A single slug, right in her upper torso.

"What is that new 'cool' phrase you young'uns use when shooting people? Glock glock? Or is it that I've 'capped you like a behotch'? Newfangled phrases...never did understand what was so great about them..."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:41:12 PM
Sol was suddenly flung backwards by a strong force blast from Kaytor. He hits a building behind him hard. Kaytor's right hand comes up and grabs Darren's wrist, pressing hard on a presure point, forcing his hand to let her wrist go. She backflips away from him and brings her saber to her with the force.

"You anger me to much and you will pay."

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:44:34 PM
A crowd was gathering now. A very sizeable crowd.

"Good grief Kaytor......you're drawing more attention to us than I did when I was naked.......amazing."

Darren smiled widely, letting his fangs become noticable to anyone paying close enough attention.

"You're gonna have to teach me how to do this one day."

Sol Invictus
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:46:58 PM
Sol is aided to his feet by two young, upstanding members of Coruscant society. He brushes his coat off, thanking the pair, then steps forward once more.

"He speaks true, Kaytor. Why not listen to him? You would do well to listen and learn from what he has to say."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:47:30 PM
She glances around at the croud. She then looks back at Darren. She does not move other than that but darren hears her voice in his head.

'Hide your fangs and they belive you to be a sith.'

Even now as she spoke to him, the people were looking at her blood red saber. Many were muttering to the person next to them that she was a sith. They knew nothing of what she truely was.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:58:29 PM
"Kaytor, honestly. Im dieing to know. Do you feel like a complete moron right now?"

Darren's smile shrunk into a what looked to be an evil grin

"Cause you should."

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:04:31 PM
"And why now, Darren?"

She watches him carefully. She wished to get out of here but could not trust these two to leave the mortals alone. She held her saber tightly as she watched him. The smell of the mortal blood was almost to much to bare. She had yet to feed tonight.

Feb 25th, 2003, 11:12:54 PM
Lacroix shook his head, growing tired of the situation.

Young ones.

Then turning, he disappeared into the crowd. He had some decisions to make in regards to his affiliations...or non-affiliations for that matter.

Lord Soth
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:37:25 PM
An icy hallow voice spoke from a near by darkened alley way not far from were the Rouge Vampyre now stood. Even the Creature of the Damned felt the sudden sting of cold death within their members as the Death Knight of old emerged from the inky recesses, surrounding him as if bidding him to stay within it's shadowy confines.

"Because you are..." Replied the Death Knight coolly, his left talon hand out stretched towards Kaytor who's back remained turned from him at the moment. The young Vampyre woman was then immediately snatched from the very ground she once stood on, the limb's of her body splayed apart as if by an unseen hand that gripped her tightly, lifting her into the air simultaneously. The immense pressure was so great, the precious air within Kaytor's lung's escaped her, the whites of her eye's filled with blood as the capillaries began to burst from the iron grip that held her fast.

Soth sent a wave of confusion over the fledgling's mind as to block any attempt to concentrate on the Dark-Side to free her self...

"You speak as though you command the respect of our kind Kaytor." Soth said smoothly as both of her arm's shook at the Death Knight bidding, dislodging the weapon's she held to the ground below her. Blood began to spill effortlessly from Kaytor's gasping mouth as the pressure increased dramatically. Her mind began to fade into unconsciousness as the other's looked on.

Kaytor Surna
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:50:32 PM
Kaytor gasped in pain as she struggled with Soth's power. She stared down at the vampyre master in disbelief. How had she been able to pass over his force aura so easily? How had he hidden from her? Her mind started to fade as she stared down at him. She could feel his grip growing stronger on her.

She could not hold out any longer against the vampyre. Her fangs sliped backwards back to canines and her eyes back to green. She looks down at him, still grasping on to conciousness. She sends a force message into his mind for she could not speak at the moment.

'I... yeild... milord.'

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:09:11 AM
As Leon Lacroix turned his back on the evening's inconsequent events, returning back to whatever world he dwelt in, his eyes caught a familiar face in the crowd.

Dirjj Mordrai stood casually amongst the gathering crowd of mortals, hands in the deep pockets of his coat, drawing on a lit cigarra between his bloodless lips.

A smirking smile grew on his face when Leon's eyes met his with obvious recognition, the pale skin and the immaculately groomed goatee were unmistakable.

Dirjj called out, "Good eve, Mr. Lacroix, how are you're subjects doing tonight?"

Feb 26th, 2003, 12:35:11 AM
"I am beginning to realize, Mister Mordrai," Lacroix replied as he kept walking, nodding for the younger one to follow him, "That your younger generation needs as much guidance as I did."

He stopped, then turned towards Mordrai.

"What do you think about the incident behind us?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:51:28 AM
"Amusing at best but now it has become quite serious work. You know me, I always like to keep a low-profile just not in as ever-prestigious, respectable guise as yourself, Mr. Lacroix," He said through tight teeth, a lit cigarra held clenched between them, as they stopped together.

He looked back and smiled wickedly removing his left hand from the coat pocket, index finger pointing like a barrel of a blaster with thumb fixed like a hammer, aimed at the fallen form of Kaytor.

"That is until business calls," He said dryly as his thumb dropped. Placing his hand back in the pocket, Dirjj looked over at him and asked, "What are you going to do now? Now that this small drama is nearly over."

Lord Soth
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:52:22 AM
Soth walked slowly to were Kaytor now hovered, his piercing blue eye's narrowed as he searched her feeling's, her open mind as if it where a tome known to him. Droplet's of blood pitter-pattered at the Knight's feet as he continued to hold his constricting grip upon her wavering from.

"Now you will learn the true meaning of respect Kaytor Surna...What it means to betray those who have given you the Dark Gift so freely." Soth's words carried a tinge of steel as he spoke, his very voice echoing throughout her mind as if she stood in a vast canyon.

"I will teach you it's meaning myself rouge..." The Death Knight eye's flashed suddenly as Kaytor's limp body lurched downwards towards Soth. The Death Knight's face contorted into a grizzly mask of horror as he tore her from the very air she descended on. His armored arm's embraced her as he drew her quickly into his own, sinking his long ivory fang's into her delicate neck then draining her life's blood to the point of death...Nevertheless, Kaytor would not die this night, Soth had other wicked and sinister plan's in store for the wayward Vampyre...Thing's that would bring a new meaning to the word hell and the fury that kindled it!

After a brief moment, Soth lifted his head from her exposed neck, a look of satisfaction etched its way across marble feature's. Kaytor's precious stain was fresh upon his lip's as he nonchalantly let her body slump to the cold ground at his feet.

"Take her away...That will be all for now," said Soth as he narrowed his eye's at Darren and Sol in a commanding fashion.

Feb 26th, 2003, 01:00:47 AM
"Return to my studio, Mr Mordrai," Lacroix's eyes shifted as he caught the end of the drama.

"And prepare for my next broadcast. After all the Nightwatcher can't go into a show unprepared..."

He started walking away, "I think...Crime and Punishment would be a good start to the evening. What do you think?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:09:37 AM
"Most dubious," Dirjj called after him. He chuckled.

Feb 26th, 2003, 01:27:03 AM
Lacroix paused, "Very well Mister Mordrai...were you in charge of the show. What would you talk about?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:05:02 AM
"Crime and punishment," He responded quickly. "Excellent topic to raise the hackles with. Wouldn't you agree?" Dirjj added with a wink.

Sol Invictus
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:42:15 PM
Sol squats next to the fallen body, lifting her up with Darren's help.

"Where do you want her, Lord Soth? Are we taking her home with us...or do you have some other destination in mind?"

Lord Soth
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:02:19 PM
"Take her back to Darren's ship. I will meet with you both back at the Shrine." Soth replied coolly as Sol flung Kaytor over his shoulder with quick ease.

"She is not to be killed...Not just yet." The Death Knight instructed the two with an extended index finger.

With that said, Soth turned from Sol and Darren, returning to the cover of shadow's. Kaytor would give neither of the two Vampyre's any further trouble since she was at the brink of what was known as the "Eternal Death" with there kind. The female Vampyre regenerative abilities were now greatly hampered due to the lack of blood in her system...It would take at least a day or two in order for her to fully recuperate from the traumatic ordeal...Just enough time to bring her back to the House of the Damned...That's if the two unpredictable Vampyre's didn't decide to stop to play first...

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:24:30 PM
"Kaytor Kaytor Kaytor........I gave you fair warning. I gave you plenty of opportunity to leave. "

Darren's head shook disappointedly. Whether or not Kaytor could hear him, sh was getting the biggest I told you so of her life.

Darren was smart. Darren was vicious. He was more than the Shrine had expected him to be. He did have a playful streak in him though. Kaytor was foolish to think she was the only creature of the night with their eyes on Darren

"You just dont listen that well."

Darren looked down to her unconscious form, then looked up to Sol...

"I got an idea........."

Sol Invictus
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:28:29 PM
"Shoot, Lord Caerdeth. I'm up for a bit of fun before we have to get this shoddy excuse for a vampyre back home."

Sol smiles devilishly. Whatever Darren has planned, it can't be good...not for Kaytor, anyway.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:54:30 PM
Without another word, Darren dropped Kaytor, with Sol following suit. To their immediate left, a local vagrant was watching on in utter confusion (fear).

"Sol.....go to that store round the corner there and get a camera.."

Darren looked over to the Vagrant.

"Its ok sir, you are in no danger. Our friend here just drank too much"

The comment did little to ease the vagrant's fear, but it was enough to keep the man from running.

Sol Invictus
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:48:08 PM
Sol goes with due haste to the store and buys a camera for Darren's plans. He returns shortly, tossing the device to the vampyre.

"This had better be good, or you owe me five credits."

Valirion Thorn
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:02:51 PM
:: The vagrant running away stopped for a moment before reaching the shadows of an alley. He stopped and hen turned, beginning to run bak to the men ater seeing something in te shadow before him.
A claw reached out and grabbed him by his neck, he was lurched backwards as a marble face came forward and two prominent fangs seemed to leap into his neck. The man tried to yell but his eyes misted as the blood was drained quickly from his body. As if the shadows moved and tendrils flipped out of it, tearng at the man's skin and taking bites from his skin.
The body dropped, a skinless heap of torn tissue and the once marble whiteface smiled with warm pink flesh. I stepped from the shadows and laughed as I approached Sol and Darren. My silk red suit shifted like blood as I looked down at Kaytor.::

Interesting whore you have here Darren? And Apprentice, I will have to teach you better taste but that can wait.

:: I rubbed my hands together as my violet eyes glimmered.::

What did you have in mind Darren? I thought I heard Soth say something about taking her back to the Shrine and not kill her. She won't be waking anytime soon and he didn't say now did he? Anyone ever seen what dead men would do just to feel what living was?

:: I smiled as I closed my eyes, the dead body had just died so his soul couldn't wander too far. I summoned the soul with a compelling command of darkness. I could feel the weightless ghoul come, I could hear its moanings of death. The body shudered as the soul returned to it's body. And I smiled even more as the torn heap stood and slowly stood, staggering over to smile down at the sleeping Kaytor.
I loved my gift, taught to me well and long by the Master vamyre who had just left the scene.::

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:25:06 PM
"Well, I had plans on making it look like Kaytor killed that vagrant, by taking pictures with her made to look like she is biting him, and having her fangs prominently exposed. Then I was going to have it posted on a few select billboards all around the busier parts of Coruscant."

Darren rolled his eyes slightly at Valirion.

"But since you have to go around killing everything in site, I guess we wont be doing that..."

Darren hefted Kaytor up over his shoulder...

"Come on Sol, we gotta get this piece of trash back to the Shrine."

As the two walked off Darren could be heard muttering something about five credits and double or nothing back at the ship...

Sol Invictus
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:29:25 PM
"Better taste?" Sol asks Valirion as they begin to walk for Darren's ship. "Surely you don't think I find that flapper to be attractive? I don't think there's a man on the planet who would willingly climb into her bed."

Sol smirks.

"Double or nothing? What nonsense are you muttering now, Caerdeth?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:02:20 PM
As the men walked towards Master Cardeth's ship, they could hear a slight chuckly coming from the shadows next to the ship. A slender figure stepped out into the light provided by the street lamps that were located all around the city. Ambrose saw Kaytor on the shoulder of Darren. He had felt the presence of his master not long ago, and he knew that he had something to do with this. Other wise, they would have killed her by now. Especially Thorn.

Good evening gentlemen. I see that you have got something there Master Cardeth. I would like to dispose of that miserable discrase for a Blood drinker, but I know of what you have to do. And what I ask is that you give me a lift back to the Shrine if you would be so kind.

He waited for the answer that was to come from the Vampire, with his hands clasped together behind his back.

Valirion Thorn
Feb 28th, 2003, 03:26:27 PM
:: I followed, the smile still on my face and the mirror on the walking dead behind us, staggering but keeping up.::

She is a traitor to the Shrine and derves nothing but death. I'm surprised Lord Soth let her continue this far.

:: I snarled at the sight of Ambrose. He was not in my graces since the last time we had met, so many impudent fledglings seemed to appear these days. But at least he was of the Shrine, not like Kaytor. She was an even sadder case. I laughed suddenly as we stopped for Ambrose::

Well Darren who can blame me? I got hungry. Welcome Ambrose, I am sure Lord Caerdeth has room. But we are in some sort of motion, we have a traitorous whelp to deal with.

Darren Caerdeth
Feb 28th, 2003, 07:50:27 PM
"I have plenty of room, and a holding cage in case she wakes up..."

Something about Valirion gave Darren an eerie feeling. It wasnt his looks or his power so much. Just his attitude, the way he felt towards those less powerful than him. It was probably just paranoia on Darren's part, but he was compelled to keep one eye over his shoulder...

Feb 28th, 2003, 11:09:39 PM
Lacroix smirked, "I was the one who came up with the idea, didn't I?"

Shaking his head, Lacroix began walking back towards the station. Mordrai was indeed an interesting vampire. And possibly quite useful at a later time.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 1st, 2003, 03:33:05 AM
The fledgling vampyre watched Leon bodily form envelop into the night, still visible to his vampyric vision and residual signature still felt in the Force. Then Dirjj spun around and followed Soth cloaked in darkness save for the burning ember of his cigarra, fear reaching it's twisting fingers to all nearby. Everybody giving him space neither crossing his path but avoid even casting a glance at the dark figure passing by.

Lord Soth
Mar 1st, 2003, 01:39:41 PM
The Death Knight hesitated in his stride as he felt Dirjj approach from behind. The two Vampyre's were completely engulfed in the black vial's of darkness within a narrow passage of a cold and wet alley way. Soth turned slowly to face the young one, his eye's seemed to glint even though there was no light source admitting from anywhere near them. Nevertheless, both Nosferatu viewed each other with perfect clarity as if standing in the sun light at full noon.

"Ah, Dirjj...How are training session's coming along with Alana?" Soth asked coolly as he studied the face of the fledgeling, clasping his long Vampyre finger together in front of him. The question was odd indeed. Not one that Dirjj had expected coming from the Death Knight especially after what had just taken place with Kaytor. True to the old saying, the Creature's of the Damned were cold and methodical. They could kill indiscriminately one moment, then carry on a casual conversation the next with the evidence of blood still fresh upon their countenance. A vicious trait that made the kind not only unpredictable, but deadly as well...

Valirion Thorn
Mar 1st, 2003, 05:01:18 PM
:: The armor underneath my skin moved anxiously at the mention of what went on, it made faces underneath my skin by pressing out slowly, looking as if screaming faces moved like water beneath my cheeks and neck.
I clapped my hands together and the rubbed them. I wanted to return to the Shrine as soon as possible, getting rid of Kaytor would be a pleasure but I didn't like staying on a planet where day could still come, the existing weakness was still a bother in the back of my head that still proved that vampyres weren't born as gods, it took time and pain, I'd been working on the latter to achieve the former.::

Good then, let us leave. I think Lord Soth left Kaytor wihtout the will to even awaken from her "slumber" until an outside force chose otherwise. And I do not think her fate has much in store anyways to tell destiny otherwise.

:: My armor explained my thoughts as the faces stopped and a blade like psuedo arm slipt from my shoulder and made a cutting motion along my neck and then made a sighing sound like the cutting of flesh before drawing back into my body. My sword laughed with light shrieks from my spine as it shared my amusement with the pitiful wretch Kaytor.
I turned to the dead body, it's use was pointless on board and I saw no possiblities for another to follow. It gasped slightly before heaping to the ground like the sack of repungant flesh it was. I could see the soul that seemed to squirm out of the physical body before it moaned and screamed as it was hurled into its endless purgatory. I let go of the strong of Sith arcarna and the sweet and painful energy snapped away from me like a spring.::

And Sol? What example does Kaytor serve you?

Sol Invictus
Mar 1st, 2003, 11:59:20 PM
"This whelp's lesson is not to defy the Shrine."

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 2nd, 2003, 02:40:57 AM
Dirjj was abit surprised when Soth broke the silence as both vampyres transversed a dark clammy alley. Some of the events tonight had baffled the fledgeling as he wondered what purpose lie in apprehending Kaytor. A seemingly young undead bloodsucker however appearances can be deceiving. But why not kill her and be done with it. Unless Soth had a greater designs than merely slaying her. No matter, it was no concern of his, Dirjj noted as he confronted the irony of Soth's savage violence-marred mien, Kaytor's blood still remained congealing across his lips, with an equally composed question...

"Excellent... the training is coming along excellently, Lord Soth... I have much to learn from my master," he answered, a verdant glow spilled briefly from his eyes. "I am confident I will be made complete under her wise instruction and guidance."

He paused before asking, "What is to become of the young woman now?" His eyes traced back to the streets from whence they had come.

Lord Soth
Mar 2nd, 2003, 02:38:37 PM
Soth continued to weigh Dirjj, peering into his open mind as the young Vampyre snapped an answer back to him. The Death Knight could sense and smell the uneasiness coming from the Sith pupil, his body language told him that much. A familiar response from other's that Soth had grown accustom to over the long years of his existence,...He had that dreaded effect with some.

"Excellent... the training is coming along excellently, Lord Soth... I have much to learn from my master,...I am confident I will be made complete under her wise instruction and guidance." Replied the enthusiastic understudy. The Death Knight patiently listened to him as he went on, questioning the fate of Kaytor and what would become of her.

"What is to become of the young woman now?" Dirjj word's seemed to bare a note of concern for the rouge female as he glanced back down the alley behind them. Before Soth answered the Sith pupils inquiry, he motioned smoothly with one hand for Dirjj to walk with him...After a few painful moment's of silence, the Death Knight replied.

"Why,...Pain and suffering of course,...My dear boy." Soth turned slightly towards the young Vampyre as they pressed on through the dark confines before them.

"There is a crime amongst us Vampyre's Dirjj. One that this brazen female has foolishly broken, paying no heed to the consequences that she has now set into motion." Soth paused in his step once again, turning slowly to face Dirjj, his facial features became stoic and indiscernible as he finished.

"I am giving you the honor of deciding her fate brother. You will personally issue the appropriate punishment according to our law's for her betrayal." Soth's piercing blue eye's seemed to bore right through Dirjj at that moment, testing the fledgling's mettle and resolve right then and there.

"Do you concur?" Soth questioned bluntly as an air of stillness rested over the damp corridor.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 2nd, 2003, 06:15:55 PM
His eyes widened briefly with mild shock before his cold resolve regained it's steely composure. Soth appeared to be almost airy now despite displaying violently indignant impulses earlier but beneath the surface Dirjj realized he was trying and testing this fledgling. He was resigned to please his master, Alana. And prove his worthiness to the Shrine. He had never forgotten his current humble status. And anything suggestive of bloodshed or violence pleased Dirjj immensely. Without a moments hesitation...

"Certainly, if you so wish, it would be my pleasure to pronounce judgement on Kaytor. But what were her crimes precisely, Lord Soth?" he responded with a masked serpentine smile, white enamel of distended fangs revealed his beyond bloodless lips.

Lord Soth
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:03:58 PM
The Death Knight lowered his head slightly to the Sith disciple, his icy blue eye's still affixed to that of Dirjj's. A sinister mask of pure evil etched its way slowly across Soth's pallid face, accompanied by an air of bone chilling coldness that surrounded them. The young fledgeling also noted a double set of wicked looking fang's protrude as the Vampyre Master replied in an almost hushed tone.

"Betrayal...Fateful betrayal!"

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:11:58 AM
"Fateful betrayal... in some places that warrants an immediate execution of the guilty but I feel that's too easy and merciful," he stated in a calm matter-of-factly manner. "What would serve such a treacherous, defiant spirit but to be broken... broken to lil' pieces, Lord Soth."

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:55:17 AM
"Whoever's coming, hop in...I'll go ahead and throw Kaytor in the brig..."

With his last comment, Darren stepped on into his ship and made his way towards the back. Of course his ship wasnt military, so a brig wasnt something you'd expect to see, but given his former occupation, it made things much less complicated. On top of that, it was actually more comfortable to those he captured, which didnt matter much to Darren, except for the fact it tended to keep his prisoners less vocal. Either way, Kaytor wasnt gonna be waking up for awhile, and in case she did, Darren took the liberty of securing her hands behind her back with a set of modified stun cuffs, and leashing a stun collar around her neck.

The modified cuffs were one of Darren's creations, and he was right proud of them too. A hutt crimelord from the smugglers moon had left a sizeable bounty on a wookie. No it wasnt Chewbacca, but he could have been considered just as bad. The specifics were long and drawn out, and at this point the narrator doesnt feel like going into more detail than he already has. So needless to say, the wookie actually broke the cuffs (its believed he was able to get his paws on some sort of file to weaken the cuffs first). Either way, the wookie caused much much trouble, and Darren ended up having to accept only half of the bounty since the beast was killed during transit, so to avoid nasty incidents such as this, the cuffs are rigged so that shock will be administered if the subject puts to much tension on them. While the subject is allowed ample tension to move around somewhat, any attempt to break the cuffs would result in a painful shock, almost powerful to knockout a wookie.

The stun collar that Darren fixed on Kaytor was just your run of the mill stun collar. It wasnt really needed in this situation, but Darren's passengers would be allowed to play with the remote on the way back. The stun was set low, to prevent causing too much damage.

After Kaytor was secured in the back, Darren started on his way back to the main bridge. On the way he passed by Sol, who he immediately tossed the collar remote to.

"Its set on low, dont kill her"..

Darren passed on by to start getting the preflight sequences prepared....

Lord Soth
Mar 3rd, 2003, 05:41:02 PM
The Death Knight's form relaxed somewhat as Dirjj spoke. His countenance continued to bare the mark of evil upon it as he listened to the young Sith; turning with Dirjj to the path back to the docking bay a few blocks away.

"Indeed,...However,...Kaytor's sin is of the highest degree to the coven,...Wouldn't you say apprentice?" Soth paused in his word's then continued before Dirjj could reply, looking ahead as if speaking to himself.

"I could have killed her yes...But the thought of torture and pain has a curtain...How shall I say,..." The same ivory grin crossed the Death Knight's face as he contemplated the wicked thought.

"Ah yes,...Flavor that suits the pallet." A villainous laugh permeated throughout the narrow passage as the two turned a corner in the alley.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:57:27 AM
Dirjj laughed, watching the distant figures of the vampyres collecting Kaytor and putting her on their ship. He was charged by Lord Soth to judge this utter stranger, a malefactor of the Coven's most hallowed law. This transgressor deserved a punishment of utmost severity, Dirjj decided. He was already circumspectly set violently against her and her fate lie in his hands now.

Soth was a being after his own heart. The fledgling's loyalties to the Shrine were unbreakable because there were none he respected more nor found nearly as acceptable. Only immortality held life's virtues and to believe otherwise was to place your heart on fallacy and falsehood. Each living soul was just a frail passing shade within the great, unsurmountable wheels of fate. But he had arrogantly denied fate her crushing finality. He was indebted to the Shrine. However he always avoided the pitfalls of fanaticism and kept himself well-guarded. Dirjj had his own purposes and they ran perfectly cohesive with the Shrine.

"Indeed Lord Soth," he answered with glee, his eyes flashed with a verdant radiance.

Valirion Thorn
Mar 4th, 2003, 04:21:57 PM
::I stepped inside te ship, right behind Darren as followed and watched him put Kaytor in her cage. He turned to leave the brig and I felt his force presence go elsewhere and then come near Sol before turning back to the bridge.
I stared at Kaytor nd the armor slowly spun itelf from m skin like fin silk, slowly prodding her body o see how much damage Soth had done. I smile, my fangs slding along my lips as the armor withdrew back to my body. I had noticed the presence of Soth while leaving the scene and I was glad to feel the familiar shadow of my Master.
But I wanted part in Kaytor's torture, I knew Soth could think up the Nine Hells for a torture at first glance and I wanted to be one of those nine. My armor laughed at my envious thoughts, the envy was immortal foolishness that I enjoyed but it was the gift of pain I sought. I would enjoy talking her pain over with the council.
I had all the time but pain didn't. The conditions that one could feel pain were never the same and I wanted Kaytor to know true weakness, alive but dead at the same time. She had toyed her souless body with the Shrine and that pitiful traitor Tomak also and I would enjoy watching my sword lick the skin off her body.::

Your time will come...

:: I faced around and headed for the bridge. I entered and nodded to Darren as I sat next to him.::

Wonderful ship Lord Caerdeth, was this owned by a mortal or a recent acquirement?

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 5th, 2003, 08:59:33 PM
"This is one of the last little pieces of my humanity that I dont plan on throwing out."

Darren's arm when behind his chair as he fished out a nearly full bottle of vodka and a small box.

"And these are the others."

Ah, Vodka. The only thing he craved more than mortal blood. In his mind, nothing could replace it. Inside the box was a collection of expensive cigars. These werent a normal necessity of his though. These were special. Darren removed two cigars from the box and stuck one between his teeth before holding the other over to Valirion.

"These are for celebrating. We can smoke these now because we're enjoying a victory. We cant smoke these if we arent celebrating...


Time to celebrate...

Kaytor Surna
Mar 10th, 2003, 08:46:48 PM
Kaytor lay on the floor of the ship's cell. Her body was already starting to reginerate. It would still be a long time until she finaly reached conciousness but not as long as some. Her hand twitched slightly, proving that she was still alive.

Sol Invictus
Mar 10th, 2003, 08:59:09 PM
The twitch of her hand brings a sneer to Sol's lips. Before he can quell the impulse, he draws his slugthrower and shoots her twitching hand, stopping it's motion.

"Too much mercy expended on you, whelp."

He puts the gun back and spins on his heel, moving to the room where the others are celebrating.

"I'll pass your offer of a cigar, but I will gladly have a drink."

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:16:00 PM
What the frell....

Just as Darren was getting ready to celebrate, he heard a gunshot.

Gunshots put dents in the walls.....Darren took off out of the cabin just in time to see Sol putting his gun away....

"What happened!?"

Sol Invictus
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:19:49 PM
"Even now, she defies the will of the Shrine. Her insolence will not be tolerated. Soth should've killed her on the street."

Sol turns and aims his gun again, right for Kaytor's face. Her head is lolled to the side, and at this range it's no challenge to shoot her between the eyes.

"I'd kill her myself, if not for Lord Soth's orders..."

His finger twitches at the trigger before he puts the gun away, vowing to himself that he will not draw it again tonight.

"She's not worthy of the little life she has left in her..."

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:28:30 PM
"Look. Sol. Im glad you feel this way, but bullets put dents in the walls, which is unsightly. If you want to teach her a lesson, do it like this. "

Darren calmly walks up to the cage and nonchalantly unlocks the door and steps in. He walks up to Kaytor, and in one swift motion, snatches her off the floor and throws her headfirst into the bars of the cage. As she slumps to the floor again, he delivers one swift kick to her midsection before stepping over her, out of the cage, and locking the door.


Sol Invictus
Mar 10th, 2003, 09:32:33 PM
The Force guides Kaytor up to hang in mid air, as if crucified on an invisible cross. Sol puts his fists up and deals a strong blow to her. His stance is that of a boxer. His form is somewhat rusty, but its clear that with a little practice, it can be polished back to perfection. A series of blows and Kaytor is slammed back against the bars again, and Sol has lowered his fists.

"I'd prefer the gun. It deals much more pain than my fists."