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Aaron Vilnaldi
Feb 21st, 2003, 06:32:42 PM
Another long day at the office. Wasn't it always?, he thought in a very synical tone. There was always quite a bit to be done around his...workplace. This day had been no exception. What had really been the exception was the fact that Aaron felt like going out.

"Here we are, Mr. Vilnaldi," the driver of his speeder spoke. The sleek, metallic-black machine had come to a stop at the corner of one of the night life sectors in Coruscant. It had been a nice 20 minute ride, so he was away from most of his usual establishments. It would be good to see some new faces.

"Thank you, Sami. There are a few bars around here--have a drink and relax. I've got the tab," he spoke kindly to the front seat. Something his boss had always taught him--treat those who work with you with respect, they'll never turn on you. It was true--afterall, he had worked for the same man for about four years now. "I'll meet you back here in, say, 4 hours?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Vilnaldi," Sami said as Aaron eased his way out of the speeder. "Call me if you need anything, sir." Aaron smiled, reaching into the door of the vehicle to grab a small, hold-out sized blaster pistol. It looked very archaic, as if it was a slug-thrower. Aaron liked the look. He slipped it into his shoulder holster, adjusting his suit jacket and shutting the door. Without hesitation, Sami zipped off, leaving Aaron to the street alone.

It was a busy night--several beings making their way to the clubs, pubs, taverns, bars, inns--wherever there was alcohol and sex, all races could be found. It was a fact of nature, he thought. Especially in Coruscant. Strange truths and bitter lies, love and hate, right and wrong--no, right and not so right. These things surrounded the night life here.

Tonight, that prospect greatly attracted him.

The Rusty Nail, said the sign. Not too bad, he thought, heading inside the doors. Loud, techno-orchestra bumped the entire place as numerous bodies pressed together, writhing in simultaneous motion. It was odd--this wasn't really his scene. The regular club goer really bored him most of the time--empty-head, annoying drunkeness, terrible conversationalist. But he was taking a chance.

"I'll have a Jack and Coke," he said, ordering the bar tender with a smile. He leaned himself against the bar--clean cut, still in his black suit. He wore a blue dress shirt underneath, a black tie accenting the ensemble. Letting out a sigh and a quick thank you, he recieved his drink. Taking a sip, he glanced into the crowd. Mindless sometimes, he thought. His own sense of arrogance and superiority came into play at these places, and he considered himself well above the typical crowd here.

He wondered if anyone would suprise him this night.

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:30:04 PM
A man sat at the bar beside Aaron indistinct save for the uncustomary headware upon his head. Though not completely unknown amongst Coruscant's diverse, cosmopolitan populance. The stranger's name was Dirjj and he was so damned thirsty his body felt hollow. He ignored Aaron and ordered a doubleshot of ale with a grumble that was almost contankerous. The music pulsed through the establishment with a riveting beat that amplified all the beating hearts belonging to the sweating energetic bodies behind him. The dancefloor lights and special effects painted the whole world in neon splashes and lasers. He was very hungry tonight and that was going to be dealt with soon enough.

The bartender laid the shotglass down on the bartop and Dirjj picked it up with a gloved hand and threw it back in a single swallow. Slamming the empty glass back down on the bar, he reached into his longcoat and retrieved a cigarra. But, conveniently, he had no light so Dirjj looked at Aaron for the first time since he sat and asked, "Do you have a light buddy?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:41:56 AM
"Looks like Lady Luck is on our side tonight, pal," he said, fingering the front of his suit coat. He rubbed the outline of a small lighter he actually had on him. This was rather uncharacteristic of him--he wasn't a smoker. He was known to have a cigar on occassion, but he had no running addiction. However, a few nights ago, he had to...solve a problem with one of his employer's customers. The man had been lighting up a cigarette when Aarron confronted him. Unforturnately, he wouldn't have a need for it any more.

"Because I sure do." He spoke in a light, friendly tone that had an edge of charisma on it. He rurned to face the voice, his eyes coming upon a rather regular looking Joe--minus the archaic hat. Aaron liked it. He was a fan of suits and hats--he thought it represented an air of an unspoken measure of class in men. He passed the lighter to the stranger, examining the markings on it as he did so. They had some initials engraved on them--not his own, of course.

"The name's Aaron Vilnaldi," he said, extending a hand as the man lit up his cigarra. He had been attempting to scare up some tail, but it looked like he could actually make a more long-term connection, perhaps. A contact with a big whig or just an intellectual fellow.

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:02:20 PM
Dirjj had kept this relatively small anemic man under his watch since he entered the establishment alone, it appeared he was one of the few that did not have company or a date waiting. With the added incentive of sitting all alone at this bar. It was a genuine invitation. But he could not move too fast or presumptous. Time and tact would tell.

Meanwhile, Dirjj lit up his cigarra and reached out grasping Aaron's hand firmly, "My name is Ilyn Mordrai, pleased to meet you... Aaron." The vampyre sith flashed him a smile of genuine interest. His clinched fist holding the lighter nudged Aaron's elbow lightly. Muttering a 'thanks' under his breathe, he passed the object back to Aaron. Dirjj noticing empty glasses on the bar and insisted on ordering them a second round, "To my new friend."

He studied Aaron momentarily while the bartender attended the taps, and then glanced beyond the bar at the dancefloor, "You know, tonight is the night. It's still young. This place is packed with more scantily clad beauties than hundred Hutt harems can shake a finger at. Excellent." Dirjj nodded his head, gesturing towards one of the club's go-go dancers on a raised platform nearby, gyrating seductively insync to music's throbbing tempo. "Curious, are you feeling lucky tonight, ace?... I sure am." Dirjj chuckled but his demeanor quickly dropped, his smile deviating, brow frowning with exaggerated concern, "Oh wait, or are you waiting on someone Aaron?"

The bloodthirst tonight demanded on bringing the thunder down again and reveal to yet another unsuspecting soul what true might immortality can unleash. He remembered the taste of immortality and desired that more than anything. But for now this lonely frail soul would have to do. The way fate plays her hands, he thought noncommitably. The bartender set new drinks down before them.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Feb 22nd, 2003, 04:02:07 PM
"Well, it's a pleasure, I assure you, Mr. Mordrai," he replied. Though he was cordial and polite, he had a sense of arrogance or playfullness to his voice. He was very charasmatic. "I would agree with you: the night is young, and the the tree of love is bearing much fruit." He smiled, acknowledging the cheezy line. "I do feel lucky...'ace.'" He ruterned Ilyn's comment with a chuckle

"Me? No ,sir, not meeting anyone here tonight," he spoke, a hint of relief in his voice. He then took a long draw off of his Jack and Coke. It was his second--at 3 he would begin to feel a buzz. At 5 he'd be a little tipsy, and at 8 he'd be approaching sloshed. He'd keep it 3 and lower for tonight. As much as the man next to him was intriguing, it took a real idiot to get drunk in the presence of only strangers.

Of course, unless they had a nice rack and were coming home with you.

"What about yourself? Out looking for a new prospects? Maybe an old friend?"

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:24:25 PM
"Yeah, you could say that. I have never been able to avoid the nightlife. It's sorta an disease I can never shake anymore. Every stop I make in this lovely galaxy of our's, I make it a personal rule check out every local uptown hotspot and downtown joint when it is most convenient. The Rusted Nail appeared quite prospective tonight," he said with eyes casting over the nightclub, "looks like my impressions were very correct. They're always correct."

Smiling, Dirjj sighed picking up the doubleshot, drawing the last drop down. He returned the empty glass to the bartop again and looked Aaron slowly up and down, checking out his threads and asked, "So Aaron, if I may ask, what is exactly your line of work, a business exec or an accountant or lawyer.. looking to catch the morning sun with some after business hour action?"

Dirjj's eyes slipped once, unnoticably, to the pulse beating beside Aaron's throat. How easily it would be to rip it open and drink freely of the hot coppery fluids pumping through his heart. His eyes shot back to Aaron's continuing this friendly social drinking performance.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:32:48 PM
The stranger had popped the usual question that many did upon meeting a new acquaintance. It was a difficult one to answer at times--perhaps the truth didn't have such a liberty as to be told immediately. But he had formulated a good enough cover-up for his general work.

"You got it, pal. I'm a business exec of sorts. I work for one of Coruscant's property owners. A personal assistant, if you will." Truth be told, Aaron was a personal assistant of sorts. He worked for James Nairilix, a man who had his hands in several different aspects of Coruscant business. Nairilix was a true buisnessman--he appreciated all forms and took all oppurtunities--legal or no--to make a good buck. Aaron had two simple goals: Enforce Mr. Nairlix's policy and will and make sure that Mr. Nairilix's public resume remained squeaky clean. Why did he take such a risky position for the man? He had an uspoken loyalty to the man, for reasons few discussed. Of course, there was another reason:

He was compensated handsomely.

He took another drink of his alcohol. He noticed that the stranger was eyeing him frequently and, at times, strangely. But, he wasn't too worried about it. Perhaps it was the dim lighting or the stranger's knack for admiring his suit.

"What about yourself? If it wasn't too much prying, I would like to ask what your line of work is." Aaron smiled and noticed a very pretty female in the corner of the room. Her eyes met his own and he kept the eye contact tight on her. She was extremely cute and she had beautiful brea--a great figure. He was instantly arroused, finding the blood heating up a bit within him.

Dirjj Mordrai
Mar 1st, 2003, 07:39:06 AM
Dirjj smirked and answered his question, "I am a business contractor of sorts, Aaron." He sensed the woman in the corner of the room watching them. Which had the vampyre pondering of the possibility of a double feasting. Lady luck indeed. Aaron had an lonely love-sick expression going, through the benefit of heightened vampyric prowess, Dirjj plainly observed Aaron's pulse quickening and his rising temperature producing minute eccrineous secretions. The vampyre smelt the salty clamminess of perspiration gathering on this lonely man's palms.

Dirjj laid his hand, uneffectionately, upon Aaron's hand while he stared at the woman across the room. Instantly all of Aaron's train of the thought broke and emptied. However, his expression remained while Dirjj turned and faced the woman, smiling, he muttered in a tongue of ancient sithian rite. The woman was suddenly compelled to cross the room to the bar and properly introduce herself. She felt no inhibitions nor reluctance as his enchantments effectively imprisoned both her will and mind.

Dirjj was also aware through the Force that she had a drug problem yet hid it within her youthful exhuberance and a dancer's body. Her habit went hand-in-hand with her nocturnal social life. She was a weak victim, someone easily manipulated by one such as himself. That's why he predatiously chose this tact. Dirjj could take them both but first alittle fun at his expense perhaps.

He removed his hand from Aaron, whom oblivious, didn't miss a beat except to his startlement the woman was now approaching the bar held bound by Dirjj's every whim. But the building hunger pangs began to hurt and the vampyre began devising a means of an end through the hotel he recalled residing next door to this establishment.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Mar 6th, 2003, 02:54:53 PM
"Hi," the woman spoke at last, her eyes darting back and forth between Aaron and Mr. Mordrai. "I'm Janna." Aaron was suprised to see her so forthcoming--they had barely even made eye contact before she had made her way over. However, he was very confident in his abilities with women and did not doubt that his own physical prowess had lured her here.

"I'm Aaron--it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance, Janna," Aaron took hold of her hand, leaning over to give it a very ginger kiss. The entire time, he kept his eyes glued seductively to hers. Finally, tearing his gaze from hers, he noticed a strange sequence of what appeared to be tiny needle marks or some type of punctures on the back of her hand. Curious, he thought.

"I wouldn't be much of a gentlemen if I did not offer you a drink. What're you drinking tonight?" She smiled as she turned, leaning her body against the bar. The closer she was to him now, the more he noticed how absolutely gorgeous she was. She had dark hair--like her complextion--and her eyes were set apart as they had a purple tint to them. Lavendar, maybe. She was taking a strikningly strong interest in him, her body painfully close to his--just barely, barely touching him. He felt himself aroused.

"I'll take whatever you are having," she said as she looked him up and down. She was definitely interested. Aaron called over the bar tender and ordered a Jack and Coke for the lady.

"Excuse me, Ilyn. Let me introduce you to my new friend: Janna, this is Ilyn Mordrai. Mr. Mordrai, this is Janna." He said making himself a little thinner between them so that they could interact. But not too thin--he kept his body close to Janna.

Darren Caerdeth
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:58:45 PM
After having followed Dirjj for a greater part of the night, Darren blended in with a crowd of people entering. Tonight wasnt spent playing games though. He was curious to see how Dirjj's training was going, and watching the Vampyre out and about to see this training applied was the best way to do so.

Anyone could bend spoons sitting in a room alone with time on their hands. Bending a spoon when the spoon must be bent is a completely different manner.

Darren was implicating his own skills, one reason why Dirjj could sense no trace of another vampyre in the viscinity.

After a quick discreet trip to the bar, Darren was now back in a crowded corner, bottle of vodka in one hand, cigarette in the other. No sense uncomforting himself, he could be here for awhile. It seemed that Dirjj had made a friend, or dinner, it was hard to tell. A cross look came over his face though, when the crowd cleared as the woman walked up to Dirjj and his friend. It was the sight of the man at Dirjj's side.

It took a moment to recognize him, but when he did, a look of concern crossed his face. Dirjj's pal was a pretty important person, and someone with enough contacts to make even Darren hesitant to mess with.

For now, he stayed in his corner, blending in with the crowd around him. It would be interesting to see how the events played out...