View Full Version : Who'd make a better Lightsider than a Darksider ?
Eve Siren
Feb 21st, 2003, 04:40:57 PM
Eve paced around the halls, for a good half an hour now. Trying to find someone, more specifically a Jedi, to help her with her request. Yes, it finally happened, or should it be more it really happened. Eve came here to be a Jedi Padawan. Being a former Sith Knight made her chances cut in half, but she had absolutely nothing to lose. Maybe that was why she was here today, right now. The dark ways of the Sith were beginning to wear out. She had started suffering of loneliness for a long time now.
Though she had been taking care of two people now, - Andrue and Syren - she still felt like she was falling apart.
"I know there's someone here." She said firmly, stopping and crossing her arms.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:36:58 PM
:: Lance stepped out of the shadows slowly his eyes opening slowly at the same time he paced towards the young woman not looking at her at the moment and then brought his face upright.::
"Greetings...." Lance then looked at her clearly...his face seemed surprised by the person that was standing in front of him.
"Huh?....You.....I'm sure I've.." Lance then coughed a bit.
"Ahem I mean...welcome to the greater Jedi order.....what is it do you seek?" He said with on a calm tone.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:38:57 PM
"Indeed -- someone is here."
A soft voice rang out from behind a large pillar just left of Eve. Stepping out from the shadows, a tall figure appeared and seemed to be glowing against the darkness of the perimeter. With one movement of her hand, the woman removed the hood of her black robes and allowed her waist length blond hair to spill out. The silver coins woven into her Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly until they stopped swinging and came to rest against her back. With a gentle bow of her head and a smile across her pink lips, the Garou woman set her piercing cyan eyes upon the other -- one which she had met some time ago, a Sith, she was -- but something was different.
"Greetings Eve -- long has it been since the sun has shined down upon the both of us at the same hour. What brings you here this day?"
The Jedi Knight knew she had nothing to fear -- Eve had entered her domain and if the Sith attempted anything, it was a risk on her own life. Xazor simply continued smiling as she folded her hands at her heavily armed weapons belt and kept her gaze locked upon the young woman.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:43:13 AM
::Alexander, once known as Chaos, stood in the background. His hair was pulled back and braided into corn-rows. Him and his sister Xazor did that earlier that day. His eyes were a dull grey at this moment. That meant he was thinking hard. He was once Eve's friend at TSE........but they drifted apart for lack of better words. He pulled the hood of his hooded sweater up, and placed his hands in it's front pocket and leaned on a pillar.::
"Careful dear sister..........."
::He knew he really didn't need to warn Xazor. She could take care of herself. Besides, odds were that was not needed anyway. if Alexander, once one of the most bloodtirsty of the Sith could change, the Eve could do so with ease. He just worried. It was something he always did.::
Sage Hazzard
Feb 22nd, 2003, 02:07:45 AM
Sage was happy for the moments before he entered the recruitment building. It was on of the great beautiful days in a lifetime. He'd learned to savor each on, as he saw men and women cut down in their prime. Men and women cut down by Sith.
Before the door could close behind him, Sage stopped dead cold, the door jamming against his body.
"No...." he spoke inaudibley. It was barely considered speach but more of a mouthing.
The whisper echoed his thoughts and fears. A Sith was in the very room that young sensitive Jedi came to apply. Imagine, such a cold heartless soul that would come to kill the seedlings of a future Jedi generation. Luckily, a few qualified Jedi were standing strong. Good, now he'd have her to himself, they could keep her from escaping....
Sage placed his hand on the hilt of his father's hilt. He yanked it from the belt in such a way it almost snapped the clip. He brought it down to his side, as if he didn't need it. The orange blade shot out like a quiet declaration of his killing abilities. Knowing the sound would make any Sith jump, he didn't need to speak. He simply stood still, no expression on his face, boring a hole into the back of Syren's head with his cursing eyes.
Feb 22nd, 2003, 04:57:10 PM
Eve Siren
Feb 22nd, 2003, 04:58:01 PM
Eve tilted her head to the side. Suddenly, she was surrounded by Jedis. Of course, it wasn't surprising but oddly, a familiar face showed up - Chaos Alexander. He warned Xazor to be careful. Eve scoffed. She had been in a fight with Xazor in the past, and as she could remember, it was tough for the woman as it was for her. So, obviously, this ex-Sith was no weakling, nor dumb for that matter. She felt another Jedi, a lightsaber humming. Not a happy one, she thought.
"Nice to see you, Xazor," She muttered. "If I'm where I think I am, I don't think you really need to ask me that question."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 07:56:16 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded at Eve's comment. 'Still fiesty isn't she?' the comment crossed Xazor's mind as she felt the presence of other Jedi coming up behind her. One called out a warning -- her Brother, Chaos Alexander. She sighed and looked down for a moment.
"I can handle myself, dear Padawan."
The Knight reminded him of his place when not in an unformal situation. Her eyes drifted upward slowly to meet those of the Darksider and memories of their fight crossed her mind. Indeed, the Jedi Knight was stronger now -- a lot more skilled in her ways as was probably the Sith. It would be most difficult for her to loose such power and resort to being a learner once again.
"Yes, Eve -- you must be seeking what all others who pass through these doors are: the teachings of the Light and the truth it shall bring to your life."
She smiled thoughtfully before feeling another Jedi -- one quite familiar to her who did not seem so happy of the young woman's presence here. Xazor knew it to be her dear friend, the one who gave her the very lightsaber on her belt.
"Sage, please -- she brings no malice and besides, if she was to make a move, it would be suicide."
The Knight turned and smiled at her friend with a comforting nod before turning back to face Eve once again.
"What brought about this change in your life, dear friend?"
She questioned softly, opening herself up to the other woman and showing that she held no grudge against her. Perhaps the warmth in her smile and aura would comfort Eve into trusting her -- at least for the time she was questioned about becomming a Jedi.
Chaos Alexander
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:25:27 PM
::Alexander held back a growl. His sister never talked to him in that manner before. To say the least he was angry, but he held his mouth shut and grinded his teeth.::
"Of Course........Master."
::He knew he must show her respect though. She was his Master. He walked up beside his sister and sighed. He had no reason to warn her. He knew Eve would not attack. Built up anger. That was all it was.::
"I am pleased to see you here Miss Siren. Sorry for the way I acted. I welcome you here."
::Alexander bowed in respect and took his place behind Xazor.::
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:40:26 PM
Satine feels a familiar, yet odd presence in this area. the Jedi Master normally doesn't go to the Recruitment Centre, but this time, he felt he should make an exception. Opening the door, he stops, his jaw slightly open.
Satine blinks.
"Eve!" He says, grinning, and running to embrace her in a hug. Are you going to do it? Actually going to join the Order? he mentally asks Eve, his message tinged with the yellow of happiness.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:02:49 AM
Yeah right, Sage was thinking. She's come to sip tea and have a few biscuits.
He kept his sabre ignited. So the Sith was playing the sheep. Very well, he wouldn't kill her just yet. He'd wait until she turned back into the wolf.
Silently, Sage stopped the swinging of the doors, from Alpha's entrance. A Jedi hugging a Sith? Had he gotten a bang on the head? Deftly, Sage locked the door. She wouldn't get out if she tried to escape after whatever she planned to do.
The Jedi Master decided on not speaking. Xazor was handling this much better than he would. She'd be dead by now if he had greeted her. Instead Sage simply kept guard at the door, his sabre ignited. He nodded back to Xazor, indicating he'd let her be a deplomat, see if that worked out over his choice of murder.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 23rd, 2003, 09:07:02 AM
:: Lance tilted his head to the side and let Xazor handle the situation they all seemed to know each other, especially Alpha, Lance simply walked towards Sage and stopped next to him, he grabbed his lightsaber from his belt and kept it in his hands in case things would turn dirty.::
Eve Siren
Feb 23rd, 2003, 11:58:42 AM
Eve smiled faintly as she returned Satine's embrace. To his question, she answered out loud. "Yes, that is, if the other one doesn't try to kill me first."
The third Jedi, the one who wanted her dead, was a bit too obvious with his emotions and hatred, which was usually very rare for a Jedi. For Chaos Alexandre, she only nodded, muttering a thank you. She finally turned her attention to Xazor, the only one she should seriously be careful with. The faint smile on her lips was still there when she listened to what the Knight had to say.
"I wouldn't want to bore you with my story and reasons, Xazor ... Long story short, I don't want to put my kids in danger anymore and I've learned through the hard way that the dark ways I've mastered can only harm them. I might have been once a Sith, but today, I come to you, to the Order, as a person filled with regrets."
Feb 23rd, 2003, 02:23:24 PM
sis, I would vouch for Eve if need be. I've worked with her before. Satine says, looking at his sister.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 24th, 2003, 01:16:04 AM
Sage nodded at Lance, indicating he valued his support in defending the exit.
He scoffed at Eve's words. Approaching her now, but not too closely, he spoke.
"Bore me then," the Jedi Master said in a rugged tone. No Sith could simply waltz in here and say she's sorry 'can I please join'. Sage wanted some REAL answers.
"Regrets are nice. You can put them on your refridgerator and call them pretty pictures. They don't do anything substantial, they're just pretty pictures. Tell me one good reason we should trust you. I want to know why we should let you in. Not why you want in."
Eve Siren
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:50:11 AM
"Do you realize how many times you said 'you', when you were talking about me ? Why should I be in, not why I want in ... I'm not that selfish, you know."
Eve arched an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she stared at the man. Grumpy, he was.
"So you want answers." She assumed, in an arrogant voice. "I may have been a Sith, I can't and won't deny that. But it's not very Jedi-like of you to judge me through my past, instead of knowing me of what and who I really am."
She tilted her head to the side, still gazing at Sage.
"As to why you should let me in, it is quite simple. I know every little thing there is to know about darksiders, making me a lot more experienced in a way. Isn't that an advantage to the Order ? I believe so."
She finally turned her back to him, facing Xazor and Satine instead, but still glancing over her shoulder at him.
"As for my battling skills, this lady and gentleman here know what I am capable of, so I don't believe I need to prove myself."
She lifted her gaze off of him, a light smile drawing on her glossy lips.
"You have something against ex-Siths, pretty boy ? You shouldn't let that cloud over your senses and judgement. That's too Sith-like, don't you think ?"
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:23:17 AM
Hadrian watched in utter confusion. He often came to the Jedi Recruitment Center to watch people make their case; why they should be trained. It helped him remember why he joined the order, though the pain and the suffering outside it's walls would never let the young padawan forget.
As he listened to this "ex-Sith" plead her case he wondered to himself.
Can the wolf lie next to the sheep?
He knew nothing of this woman, he had never even heard of her, but the mere moniker of "Sith" was enough to convince Hadrian that Sage was right and that she should be eliminated before she could harm the innocent. She had recieved a chance when she learned she was Force Adept, no one is forced to join the Dark-side, no one is forced to join the Order, it is a choice that one must make and she had made her's long ago...
Sage Hazzard
Feb 24th, 2003, 02:08:10 PM
Sage cracked a smile at the corner of his lips. One of amusement as he was seeing she wasn't getting the point. Though apparently he was a pretty boy... A compliment he supposed. Though her insult at him being un-jedilike was a beacon that she had a bad attitude.
"No I have nothing against ex-Sith. There are many valued members of the Order who have turned. I do however..." Sage inched closer. "Have a problem with Sith, who are still Siths, coming in and requesting to be a Jedi. All those turnovers that now reside in the Order, made their case well or they wouldn't be here. You need to convince me."
Sage's smile went away.
"I don't care about your skills or your abilites. Just because you were a battling Sith, that doesn't make you a good Jedi. I need to know why we should trust you, completely. This is our lives at stake here. I've seen young Padawans wet their beds and cry themselves to sleep at night, because they're horrified of what the Sith will do to them. Often, many Padawans here have families that were slaughtered by your kind. I need something that can prove to me you're commited to this and that you won't betray us. Something."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 24th, 2003, 02:28:32 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and counted to ten in her mind for good measure to be sure that her anger would stay in check. Indeed, Sage Hazzard was one of her best friends at the Greater Jedi Order. He was someone she looked up to and she trusted -- but this day, he was loosing her respect minute by minute.
"She will do nothing!"
The Jedi Knight's voice echoed throughout the hall, bringing silence to all gathered around Eve. Her bright cyan eyes pierced those around her as she turned and eyed every single Jedi that stood, coming to rest upon the face of her beloved friend.
"How much better was I than she when I joined at this very place we now stand? Surely you know of my past -- and surely you know of my on going struggle with it."
She paused a moment and eyed him, forgetting titles and all other things that came between what was right and wrong at any given time. It mattered not that he was a Jedi Master and she a Knight -- in her eyes, he was acting against everything she had ever been taught.
"A wise man once told me, that under pressure it was very difficult to control one's anger. I guess that man is no longer wise."
The woman looked on him with an honestly disgusted look before shaking her head and turning to face Eve and Alpha once again, a kind smile upon the Garou Knight's face.
"I trust in your answer, my friend, and I believe your story. Indeed, you have seen much as I did before coming to the Jedi Order. It is not an easy thing to do but the right thing to do. I commend you for such a feat -- you are already a hero in my eyes."
Xazor smiled once again and the genuine warmth of her words could be seen in her eyes. She bowed her head silently for a moment before speaking once again.
"This path, though, is not easy as was the dark ways. You will be hated and hunted by many -- yet needed and soughtafter by all. Is that what you want, Eve? Do you want to live your life in servitude instead of in dominance? That is what comes from giving your life fully to the cause of the Jedi -- and for never breaking the code."
Sage Hazzard
Feb 24th, 2003, 03:51:14 PM
Sage shook his head, biting his tounge as he did. When Xazor joined she undoubtingly wanted to change, to become a Jedi. This woman simply stated she didn't want to bring harm to her children, and she didn't want to be a Sith. That wasn't wanting to be a Lightsider, or commiting yourself to it. The Jedi can't let in everyone who just wants to not be a Sith. They genuinely have to want to be a Jedi, not simply because that's the only option left. To dedicate yourself to the Lightside consumes your life. It isn't a whim, it's a decision. Which is what Sage was asking for from Eve, a pleadge that she truely wanted to be a good person and become a Jedi.
However, it seems Xazor took him the wrong way. This was, admittedly, Sage's fault. Now though, Xazor was asking a much more direct question, which would have the answer that Sage wanted. Either way, Sage was getting what he wanted.
The Jedi Master nodded silently to Xazor. He had never mastered telepathy, or he would have told her his apologies for his harshness. That she was indeed a more caring and patient Jedi then him, a quality that was to be admired. He walked back to the door, disingaging his sabre now and clipping it to his belt.
In fact, the Master knew of the Darkside greatly. He struggled with it everyday and when he came to the order, he had come from it. Xazor hadn't know this however, as he didn't often tell people that he used to use the Darkside, and for the longest time it haunted him. He was accepting of Eve fully, if she wanted to change. Sage killed Sith whenever he saw them. But this was to save them from themselves and return them to a peaceful state. It was a mercy killing, both for the Sith and the people in the galaxy they tormented. He was simply wanting a full hearted plea to be accepted. Instead of a... heck, why not, I'll join.
He stood, silent, unarmed now, next to Lance.
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:26:47 PM
Automatic switching accounts are such a big pain in the ...
Eve Siren
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:29:07 PM
Sith or ex-Sith, Eve still remained the same person. She was never someone that opened her heart to whatever Jedi Master that would think he could get answers from her, just because of his rank. She scoffed in his face as he did his smartass in front of everyone, but then her eyes widened as Xazor's voice echoed through the hall. She listened carefully to what the Knight had to say, forgetting about Sage.
"Xazor .."
Eve's arrogant expression quickly softened up. Xazor knew of her when she was still a Sith, still a darksider. They battled, and she severely wounded the woman. But still today, she stands by her. Unlike the few that was here, that never saw her before in their lives, yet still labelled her as something disgraceful. That was the problem of Jedi like Sage Hazzard, they had the same ways and thinking as a darksider, but were too hypocrite to admit so. Then again, in every society, there was people that was entirely in the wrong place, and that was where Eve was when she started her life.
Eve stared right back at Xazor, still surprised by her words. "I .."
She took a deep breath, a slight smirk drawing on her lips.
"Heh, baby girl, I know I'll be hated by many here. I'm not even officially in yet, and pretty boy is all over my case. Listen, I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I'd be up for this. I do know the requirements of being a Jedi, and I am ready to make sacrifices and work hard for the Order. I have to look after people that I care about ... So this is where I need to be."
She rolled her eyes. "I'd even take the crap pretty boy is babbling about, if I have to."
In the end, she smiled at Xazor, nodding. "Being here, becoming a Jedi .. That is what I truly want."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:08:00 PM
As Eve spoke, the Jedi Knight closed her eyes and opened her mind up to the woman's heart so that she could feel every emotion backing her words. It nearly brought a tear to Xazor's eye as she listened but in the end, her blue orbs came to rest upon Eve once again as a smile danced upon her lips.
"I can feel it in you, my friend -- I see your heart and I know you have pure intentions."
She paused a moment and forgot about the others in the room as she stepped forth and hugged Eve with a genuine forgiving spirit and a welcoming feeling. Pulling away, the Garou Knight bowed low and stayed there a moment before coming back to full height.
"As Jedi Knight of this Order and a head of this Recruitment Center -- I say, welome to the Greater Jedi Order, Eve."
Xazor grinned as she watched the young woman's expression. It was the happiest moment in some people's lives and she wanted that feeling to be there for this new addition as well, despite what the others in the room thought of her.
"A Master shall be chosen for you soon -- so stay patient, unless of course, Master Capashen should like to train you. If not for my schedule, I would delight in you being my student, but having a child on the way and nearly ten Padawans as it is does not help ease the stress level."
She smiled once again and looked to the others, noting the disapproval on Sage's face. Sighing inwardly but keeping her demeanor plesant, the Knight turned back to Eve.
"You may make yourself a home in the Living Quarters, if you choose -- watch others train in the Academy -- or make some new friends in the Bar and Grill. I also recommend the Archives for some great reading in your spare time. And here, so you don't get lost."
From her robes, Xazor pulled a holo-pad with a map of the Greater Jedi Order and surrounding area, as well as facts and questions she might have on the Order and its members. From her hand it went into Eve's with a loving touch and and smile.
"If you need anything, know that you can always seek me out and ask me -- even in the middle of the night. The other members of this Order are like your family now and they will willingly help you anytime you need, just don't be afraid to ask."
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:21:39 PM
Satine lets out a whoop, and grins.
"Welcome to the group, Eve. It's good to have you."
As Xazor begins to tell Eve the smaller things, the Jedi Master turns to his old friend--Sage.
Sage, I seem to remember a silver-haired Sith coming in much like this before...He turned out fine, and I think Eve here will do well also. YHe sends through the Force, smiling.
"Eve, if you have no objections, I could fill the role as your Master...And if the Council has no problems about it."
Sage Hazzard
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:58:46 PM
Sage smiled and shook his head. Why had everyone labeled him this way? He was pleased the woman had said, finally, that she wished to become a Jedi. Not that she felt she needed to, or that she was qualified for it, but that she wanted to be one. That's all Sage was after. They could think lowly of him or differently of him if they wanted. His methods were his methods and he would keep by them.
Indeed, many Sith had turned successfully. And he was glad when they did. He was simply trying to get to the woman's true intentions, as she was stating them clearly.
Now that it was settled, Sage unlocked the door, stepping through it. Was he truely that misunderstood? Was it his fault? The Jedi Master shook this thought out of his mind as he walked out.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:47:52 AM
:: Lance looked at Sage that seemed somehow troubled by all this, he grinned a bit and nodded at Eve.::
"Heh, welcome into the group if your bored and want to spar just look for Lance Stormrider and I'll gladly fight you anytime" Lance turned around and walked out right behind Sage.
Eve Siren
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:58:48 AM
"Thank you." Eve smiled to those who welcomed her.
She took the holopad and bowed her head gently to Xazor, before turning to Satine. She ran her gloved hand through her dark brown hair and chuckled. A sigh of relief discreetly escaped her glossy lips as she looked at him.
"I'd appreciate it if you would help me get a room (, then we could sit down and talk about it, my friend. What do you think ?"
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:41:28 PM
"Sounds good." Satine says, smiling. He turns, and points to the east. "The living quarters are this way."
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