View Full Version : On This Day - (Kale - Closed)

Feb 21st, 2003, 03:23:32 AM
Oriadin woke that morning with the feeling that today could be a day to remember. There was something about it that just seemed as if he had to be in the right place at the right time. Not really knowing what the day had in store for him, he decided to get a cool drink at the Bar and Grill.

Grabbing his ice water from the barman, he found a quiet table at the side of the Bar and Grill. There werent too many people about today so Oriadin brought out his data pad and began reading. It was rare nowadays to see him in the B&G without something to read in his hands.

The feeling that something important may happen today was still niggling away in his mind. Was it the force trying to tell him something? Only time would tell.

Feb 21st, 2003, 05:25:03 PM
It had only been a few days since Kale arrived at the Order. He hadn't made many waves yet, but then he'd been sure to be on his best behavior. Free meals and a free room weren't anything to take lightly for a teen who'd grown up in the ghetto of Coruscant, and, considering his past, he didn't want to risk the wrong kind of attention and get thrown out on his ear. For all appearances, he'd finally reformed from his old pickpocketing practices.

For all appearances.

Having recently found a twenty-credit piece on a locker room bench, he'd decided to treat himself to a celebration of his newfound Jedi connections. After all, the cafeteria did provide free food, but it was lacking in variety. A quiet inquiry into where he could have some good, reasonably priced victuals pointed him to Yog's Bar and Grill.

He entered the establishment with the cautious gait of a thief, and he shrunk from the NRSF cops at the door out of pure reflex.

"Weapons, sir?"

Sheepishly remembering what his informant had told him about the no-weapons policy, Kale pulled out the only thing he carried that could be called a weapon: an old, dingy knife blade with no handle other than the three inch tang. The guard looked at it, chuckled, and put it away for safekeeping.

Kale turned and picked his way around the sparse patrons until he reached an empty corner table. A dome-topped droid wheeled by almost immediately and offered a few inquisitive bleeps.

The human teen gave it a sidelong look. "Yeah, what do you want?"

It whistled impatiently and repeated its electronic query. "Look, would you get out of here?" Kale groused. "I'm looking for a waiter."

The droid sputtered indignantly and reiterated its message insistently. Completely baffled as to what the little scrap bucket wanted, Kale started glancing helplessly around him, hoping to find either an escape or someone who knew what the droid was going on about.

Feb 24th, 2003, 04:03:28 AM
Oriadins concentration was broken from the sound of a young mans voice, comming from behind. Oriadin turned around to see a somewhat scrawny looking teenager, 14 or 15 Oriadin guessed, having a little dificulty with a droid. It wasnt the first time it happend in the Bar and Grill and probably wouldnt be the last.

At first, the Jedi knight choose to ignor the boy and the droid, but after a few seconds, the strange looking boy, sounding a little anoyed said clearly that he couldnt understand what the droid was saying. Now was the time to intervene Oriadin thought.

He got up off his chair and walked round to the table behind his.

--Hello there. My name is Oriadin. This droid, is infact the waiter! Tell him what it is you want, and he'll be the one to get it. Its unusual to have someone that doesnt understand droids, where are you from?--

Oriadin was soft and welcoming in his tone, hoping not to offend the young lad in any way or to make him feel afraid at all.

Feb 24th, 2003, 10:12:56 AM
Kale pivoted in his seat toward the voice and found tall jedi behind him with dark hair and a placating look on his face. "Oh... right," he said sheepishly, turning back around to the droid. The little mech rotated its head and tittered snippily.

The teenager cleared his throat and said, "You, uh, got a mango daiquiri?"

The droid whistled affirmatively, spun on its three wheeled "feet" and rolled off toward the bar.

"Sorry, it's my first time here," Kale said to Oriadin with a shrug. "But you probably figured that out already."

Kale took another look at Oriadin to size him up. He looked friendly enough, which was a quality he wasn't used to seeing in "respectable" people, at least not where he was concerned. Kale didn't look the part of a slick new jedi; his hair was still unkempt, he still wore his tattered gray jacket over his new jedi tunic, and he looked as though he distrusted everything and everyone around him.

He smirked when Oriadin asked him where he was from. "I'm a local guy," he said. "Used to live three levels down and two blocks west of here. Ghetto section. My name's Kale."

Feb 24th, 2003, 11:06:38 AM
Oriadin extended his arm in order to shake the young mans hand. The fact that he came from the 'Ghetto section' was of little suprise to Oriadin. Given enough time, he probably would have guessed simply but looking at the way Kale looked, and smelled too. He looked as if he were in good need of a bath and some fresh clothes.

--There's no need to apologise young man. Ive seen others do it before.--

He let out a little chuckle and smiled.

--Mind if I take a seat?--

The boy nodded. Oriaidn looked around to check no one was listning.

--I dont mean to sound funny or anything, but what is it your doing in here. This isnt the usual meeting grounds for people from the 'Ghetto'. Its usually only Jedi and outlanders that come in here ya know.--

Oriadin sounded interested rather than shocked or uneasy with the fact this boy was in the B&G. With all the training he recived from the Jedi Order, emotion was a thing he usually managed to live without. Oriadin found the boy curious. He looked as if he had many a story to tell, and it probably wouldnt be all the pretty either. Everybody had a story, but some were more interesting than others.

Feb 24th, 2003, 03:01:29 PM
OOC: Heh, just to be sure... is your name pronounced "Or-i-AH-din" or "Oh-RIE-a-din"?

Kale smiled thinly--though it was more of a grimace than a smile. "You've noticed I don't really fit in here, huh? No kidding."

He planted an elbow on the table and leaned on it, lowering his voice. "Believe it or not, I am a Jedi. Well, I became one three days ago. I ran into a furry guy with a lightsaber, and he told me I have some kind of connection with the Force. Next thing I knew, I was signing up. Frankly, I don't know if I believe it or not, but it's good for free meals and a free room."

Kale chuckled and slouched back into his seat. "How about you?" he asked. "You look like a Jedi. You think it's possible to have this Force thing for years and not know about it?"

Feb 24th, 2003, 03:35:40 PM
Oriadin leaned back in his chair. A small creak noise sounded showing the age of the furniture. The knight folded his arms and was obviously thinking.

--I think, it is entirely possible that one can go for many many years before noticing they have a connection to the force. Like myself. I came here with no memory of who I was or where I was from, but I do belive in fate and that my coming here was no accident. It wasnt until that point that a Jedi Knight named Navaris Tarkin sensed that I was a force adept. I havent looked back since.

If the Jedi you bumped into says you have a connection with the force, then its likely that you do. Furry creature you say.... he didnt go by the name Sejah did he?--

Oriadin leaned forward again now, unfolding his arms to a more relaxed state.

OOC: Not really sure that its said differently in the two examples you wrote there. Its pretty much said how its read. Erm... Or-I-A-Din, I guess.

EDIT: Makes sense now actually. It would be the first one :)

Feb 24th, 2003, 05:28:16 PM
OOC: Okay, just wanted to know if the accent was on the first and third syllables (OR-ee-AH-din) or the second (or-EYE-uh-din). Pardon my phonetic spelling.

Kale listened to Oriadin intently; he hadn't had much of an opportunity, or an inclination, for that matter, to really talk to someone about this newfound power of his. Part of that was because he was afraid someone would call him a fraud and throw him out, but this Jedi seemed safe to talk to.

"Sejah," he repeated. "Yeah, that was it. He took me into the complex and bought me lunch. Also saved my butt from... well..."

Mercifully, the droid reappeared before Oriadin could ask him what he'd almost blurted out. It whistled cheerily and set a tall glass filled with an opaque orange liquid in front of him.

"Thanks," Kale nodded as he took the straw in hand and sipped. He'd had mango daiquiri once before, and he'd always wanted to try that exotic flavor again. The cocktail was smooth and cloyingly sweet as he'd remembered, but the mild afterbite he'd expected wasn't there.

Turning to the droid, he asked, "What is this, non-alcoholic?"

The droid gave a patronizing noise Kale interpreted as the electronic equivalent of "Duh."

Putting on an offended air, Kale said, "Don't I look twenty-one?"

He could have sworn the droid chuckled as it spun and cruised back toward the kitchen.

Kale sighed and took another sip of his daiquiri. It was better than nothing. "That thing's got a lot of attitude for a walking toaster," he groused.

Feb 25th, 2003, 08:25:06 AM
Oriadin shook his head with a slight smile. Walking toaster? That was a new one he thought to himself, laughing within.

--Now now. As with all machines, they are only as good as their programmer. You have to keep that in mind when dealing with ANY kind of machinery. One thing you'll have to learn while training to become a Jedi is patience. That would have served you well today.--

Oriadin glanced over to the robot to indicate further what he was refering too.

--So... what do you know about the Jedi? So far, all ive heard is you saying that the reason you want to be a Jedi is for the food and place to stay. There must be more than that?--

He said curiously, now leaning back in his chair again, with one elbow resting on the back.

Feb 25th, 2003, 07:25:36 PM
Kale stirred his drink idly with the straw as he considered Oriadin's question. Though he was signed up as a member of the GJO, he didn't very much feel like a Jedi, no matter what Sejah or the midichlorian test had told him. Granted, it would probably take him a while to find his niche even in the best of circumstances, but so far he hadn't the foggiest idea how to go about "jedifying" himself. The most he'd done was to look in on a few training classes, and he hadn't had the nerve to ask if he could join.

"To be honest, I don't know much about the Jedi, except for what I've seen in a movie or two," he confessed. "I know they keep the peace, and they try to be one with the Force and all that. I know they're important. I'd never really given it much thought before three days ago."

Kale took another sip at his daiquiri, then rubbed his face. "I know it's supposed to be a commitment for life. You want to know what my life is? I'm a pickpocket. I lived off what I could steal from airheaded tourists. And it was just enough to keep my head above water. I know I couldn't afford to do that for the rest of my life, and no one legit wants to hire street trash like me. But your friend Sejah offered me something I could actually do with my life and maybe be proud of."

He shook his head and watched the eddies form around his straw as he slowly rolled it along the rim of his glass. "I don't know, it might not last. I might be right back where I started in a week or two. But if there's a chance I could make it, I figure I've got to try."

He didn't know why he was being so forthright with a stranger, but it felt good to talk to someone on level terms. And if he'd scared Oriadin away, that was that. He was used to fending for himself.

Feb 26th, 2003, 09:24:05 AM
The boy was honest. Well, honest for a thief Oriadin thought to himself. It was unusual for a stranger to just open up like that and reveal things in the way the Kale had just done. More often than not, people here were reserved about their past. Unless they had something to show off of course. Oriadin was a little difference in that he COULDNT talk about his past. Even if he wanted too.

--Your honesty is a good thing Kale. It takes a lot for someone of your background to talk about your past so easily. Its a credit to you.

Jedi are humble people. They dont seek fame or fortune. They dont seek to rule or to force. We are here to keep the peace. Promote life. We teach and learn to better ourselves. You have already indicated that you want to better yourself, and thats a good thing.

So.... since Sejah is still a padawan, he couldnt have taken you as his padawan learner. Do you have a master yet?--

Oriadin remained in the same postion. Only shifting slightly to take a sip of his ice water.

Feb 26th, 2003, 05:06:38 PM
Honest, huh? Kale thought wryly. That's new territory for me.

"There isn't much in my past that means anything to me," he said. "It's just the road I came by. There's only a few people who've ever been in my life for longer than a few weeks. Most of them never cared where I came from or where I was going."

Kale listened as Oriadin described the calling of a Jedi--humble, unambitious, peaceful. And metaphysical powers and lightsabers fit in there somewhere. He wasn't sure he understood it all, but he guessed he could learn.

He took a good look at Oriadin and wondered if that could be him someday. For all the Jedi mystique, Oriadin seemed like just a regular guy--albeit with a spot of amnesia. Even so, it still seemed like a high mountain to climb.

"A master? Well, no... I didn't ask anyone about that. I wasn't sure whether they were going to give me one, at least, not this soon."

Feb 27th, 2003, 08:27:01 AM
Oriadin drummed his fingers on the ageing wooden table in front of him in thought. In his mind he was trying to weigh up his time constraints and his comitments but none of that was apparent to the young lad before him. At last he broke his silence.

--Kale, I like you. Your honesty here today and your want for a better life has convinced me to offer you the choice of if you want to be my apprentice or not.

Firstly though, there are a few things to consider. Leading the life of a Jedi is not an easy task. Taking the decision to become a Jedi should not be taken lightly. Others should always be taken into consideration before yourself. You will have to learn to put aside your emotion and act upon knowledge, training and what you think is right. Being a Jedi isnt something anyone can do. Only the most dedicated and focused beings have what it takes. If your willing to take a shot at it, im willing to give you the help and training you need.

If you want my help that is!--

He said with a smile.

--So, what do you think?--

Feb 27th, 2003, 03:46:46 PM
Kale was stunned. He'd expected it'd be a struggle to get any Jedi knight to take him on with his past record, if any would. But after barely fifteen minutes of conversation, this one had offered him aprenticeship. Kale may have been unfamiliar with Jedi business, but he knew Oriadin was really going out on a limb for him.

"Apprentice?" he repeated. "Gosh... I don't know what to say."

He scratched the back of his neck and stared at his glass, then turned his eyes back up toward Oriadin's. "You're serious?" he asked. "I mean, I'm not doubting you, it's just... wow."

Kale stirred his daiquiri absently as he considered Oriadin's cautions about the Jedi way of life. He didn't see himself as particularly dedicated and focused, but he'd never taken on a commitment of such magnitude. In any case, Oriadin had given him the choice, and he knew that such an opportunity may not come again anytime soon.

"If you're willing to help me," he said slowly, "I'm willing to try. I've got nothing to go back to. If you want to take me on, I'll do it."

Kale didn't know anything about Jedi customs or traditions, but he did what felt most natural--he extended a hand, open-palmed, toward Oriadin, and he held his breath waiting for how the Jedi knight would respond.

Feb 27th, 2003, 04:06:27 PM
Oriadin looked down at the open palm for the briefest of moments before extending his own hand and shaking his new friends.

--And so it begins then. Now, dont worry if your not sure about how things are done around here, or how you should act or whatever. You will pick things up as we go. If you ever want to know something, or if you have something, anything at all on your mind, dont be afraid to tell me about it. Im not here to tell you what is right or wrong, what you can and cant do. I am your mentor, your guide and most importantly... your friend.

Now, have you sorted yourself out a place to stay in the living quarters, and do you have anything you want to ask?--

Although Oriadin looked as if he was keeping a level head, within he was beaming with pride. His instincts told him that Kale had the ability to go all the way and that this could be the begining of a major part of both of their lives. Helenias Q'Dunn , his old master, would be proud Oriadin thought to himself.

Feb 28th, 2003, 10:38:55 PM
OOC: My paper's finished! Woohoo!

Kale could hardly believe it. He'd just come down for a quick celebratory drink, and he'd been accepted as apprentice by a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

Almost as if he really was meant to be here.

He couldn't help smiling at the thought--it wasn't one of his caustic smirks, but an honest-to-goodness smile. There was still a nagging doubt in the back of his mind telling him he was only setting himself up for another disappointment, maybe the biggest one of his life, but he shoved it aside. Not this time, he told himself. This time it's going to work. Dang, if Sharkey could see me now...

Questions... he was so far out of the Jedi loop that he wasn't sure what questions he ought to be asking. Taking another sip of daiquiri to wet his throat, he said, "Yeah, I found a room near the upper levels. A lot better than what I'm used to. Uh... Well, if you want questions, what should I call you? Oriadin? Master?" An impish grin came over his face, and he added, "The Bossman?"

Mar 3rd, 2003, 03:29:52 AM
Oriadin felt pleased his new Padawan had found a suitable place to stay. Perhaps this would be a turning point in the young mans life. He'd obviously had a rough ride but this was going to be a huge change for him.

The knight had to laugh when Kale asked what he should call him. Wasnt really a question Oriadin would have anticipated, but a valid one all the same.

--You should call me Master. Its really up to you what you call other Jedi, but as an act of respect you should really refer to them as Master, or put Master before their name. Such as Master Yoda, or Master Kenobie. Usually Padawans are called by their first names.--

Oriadin laughed lightly again.

--The bossman wont be required

So, tell me. How did you end up on this plannet? Were you born here? Any family? Tell me a bit about your past.--

Mar 3rd, 2003, 03:59:39 PM
Kale gave a dry, sardonic chuckle. "I don't have much of a past. No family, either. At least, not that I know of."

He took a reflective sip from his drink, then looked back up at Oriadin. Well, if the guy was going to be training him, he might as well tell him what he knew.

"I've lived on Coruscant five years," he said. "Before that, I was on a mining world called Kuwaruk Re. It's just a fateforsaken ball of rock and ice in the hind end of space. The only reason it's worth anything to anyone is that it has core deposits of heavy metals I can't even pronounce. I was a slave to a man named Klaus Malborn; he owned a tavern in one of the mining towns. Eventually, he struck it rich somehow--don't know how, but he was in a big hurry to leave afterward, you know? So he sold the pub, packed us up, and took the first transport to the interior.

"When we got to Coruscant, Malborn bought a small casino in the lower levels. He was making a profit until some fast gamblers walked in and robbed him blind. So he tried gambling himself and lost the rest of what he owned. I ran out before he could sell me. His creditors killed him three days later. And I've been scavenging on my own ever since."

There wasn't anything approaching pathos on Kale's face as he drowned the conclusion of his biography in the last of his daiquiri. He'd learned to keep a short memory as far as emotions were concerned; his life as a slave was so far removed from the present that it might as well have never happened. Except for the sleight of hand Malborn had taught him on Kuwaruk Re. It was useful for frisking soused customers.

Mar 4th, 2003, 06:09:18 AM
Kale gave a brief encounter of what had happend in his life. Not going into too much detail, Oriadin assumed either Kale didnt like talking about it at great lengths, or he didnt dwell to much on the past. Probably the latter. That in a sense would help Kyle become a Jedi.

--Many people here at the order have come from people or places they love. Rules their lives are governed by. It seems that you and I have something in common in that respect. I dont remember my past so have nothing to think back to, whereas you dont seem to have anything in your past you want to remember much about. It will be easier for you to let go of your previous life than others here.

Being a Jedi means attachment is forbidden. A jedi has very few posessions of thier own. Comming from your background cant have been easy or even nice but it will help your development as a Jedi. As cold as that sounds.

Oh, and one thing I may suggest, although its certainly not a rule. Stay away from alcohol as far as possible. A focused mind is a dangerous mind. You need to remain focused at all times.--

Oriadin checked the time by glancing at the clock upon the wall above the bar.

--Im afraid im going to be late for an appointment if I dont leave now. I would like to arrange your first training session for tomorrow morning if thats ok with you. No point in hanging around afterall--

He said with a smile.

OOC: If thats ok, i'll start up a training thread and PM you the link :)

Mar 4th, 2003, 09:49:47 PM
OOC: Sounds great; I'm looking forward to it! (is tired from a six-hour play rehearsal....)

As Oriadin spoke, Kale wondered what it would be like to have his memory cut out from under him like that--to live with no knowledge of where he had come from. Of course, in a way, he had the same problem, or blessing, as it might be. He had no cogent memories of before Kuwaruk Re, or even of his earliest days there, outside of a few vague images. But they were too distant to matter to him now.

Well, maybe it is for the better, he thought with a mental shrug.

"Don't worry, I've got nothing to be attached to. Well, I kind of like the jacket." He tugged at the hem of his battered gray ski jacket and gave a one-sided grin.

Training... oh, frell. If he asks me to swing a laser sword, I'm hacked. "Tomorrow morning would be fine," he said, keeping a lid on his nervousness. "It's not like I have anything on my schedule."

The waiter droid returned to the table and scooped up his empty glass, then made a questioning whistle. Kale slapped his pocket and said, "No refills on my budget, Coppertop." The droid buzzed snippily and spat out a bill. As Kale fished his fresh twenty from his pocket, he said, "Uh, Master Oriadin... Thanks."