View Full Version : *False emotion* (semi-open)

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:33:17 PM
OOC: If you want to get involved, msg me or Sway ^_^ (open to drug dealers and those who hate'm)

IC: *What an odd night it had been.. MnT had chosen that for the first time in weeks now, he'd take a night off from normally training-based life, and just relax.. Donned in a crimson long sleeve shirt unbuttoned over his usual black tanktop and pants, the Sith Lord had decided to check out the nightlife...*

*Now, 4 hours later, and feeling somewhat embarassed from the way a couple of the girls had been acting towards him, MnT had snuck out from the club he'd been in, and was calmly walking through the alleys, getting what fresh air the city's backstreets had to offer as he decided what to do next..*

"... Now what other fun is there to be had around here..."

Feb 20th, 2003, 03:51:32 PM
Oh <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> !

Sway's eyes widened as she stepped back against the door. The man took an overdose, that idiot, of Severe's drugs too. He was already dead when she walked in, going to collect money. She cursed under her breath, grabbing the bags of white dust printed Severe on them, then opened the heavy door, her forest green eyes not leaving the dead man. Breathing heavily, she rushed down the metal stairs of the club, making loud noises with her heels. Arriving to the end of those stairs was a short rusted ladder. Sway jumped down, grabbing on it, then landed shortly on the ground. Looking back, she ran forward, but accidently bumped into what seemed to be a man. In the fall, she dropped the smalls bags of dust.

"Ow !"

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 20th, 2003, 05:36:09 PM
*Catching his balance before falling over, MnT looked down at the girl who had just rammed into his side, and bent down , extending his arm to help her up..*

... I'm sorry, are you al..

*As he spoke, he looked down at what she had dropped.. Recognizing instantly what she must have been carrying, he unintenionally paused for just the briefest of moments before adding "right?" to the end, with a somewhat less pleasent tone.. *

Feb 21st, 2003, 04:17:11 PM
Sway grabbed what she had dropped with her free hand while being helped up. She looked up to the man, for a long moment, studying his features. He was not at all an ugly man, on the contrary, he looked very good. She bit on her lower lip, stepping back slightly the minute she was back on her feet.

"Uh, yes .. I'm fine." She muttered. "Sorry."

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 21st, 2003, 04:38:13 PM
... Don't worry about it, just glad you aren't hurt..

*He smiled as he spoke the words.. What buisiness was it of his what she was into? He had no reason to be anything but polite to her, unless she lost that respect..*

Feb 21st, 2003, 04:45:02 PM
... Don't worry about it, just glad you aren't hurt..

Sway arched an eyebrow. What ? That was something she hadn't hear, or even never heard in her whole life. Her forest green eyes were locked on him as he smiled. Feeling her cheeks turn into a light shade of pink, she bit on her lip again, quickly gazing down. But then, another side of her told her that she shouldn't be reacting this way - She was after all a gangleader. She looked back up to him.

"What do you mean ?" She said, in an arrogant tone.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 22nd, 2003, 07:28:11 PM
*After he had spoken the words, he could see the girls face take on a reddish tone.. She was blushing at something He'd said? Didn't his conversations usually go the other way around? All of a sudden however, as she replied, her voice became almost angry, as if he was calling her a weakling for falling or something..*

... I mean that you ran into my side fairly hard, and it's good that you didn't sprain your ankle or anything on falling..

*Chuckling softly, MnT continued..*

... I've seen worse happen from less..

Feb 25th, 2003, 11:07:48 AM
"I see ..."

Sway took another step back, to get a full view of the stranger. From afar, he was pretty much the tall, dark and handsome guy. Soraya would probably tackle him down and rip off all of this clothes by now. She coughed.

"Who are you ?"

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:47:29 AM
... Oh, my apologies..

*Bowing down in a late greeting, MnT cursed himself silently for having let his manners slip, and having not introduced himself already..*

... My name's Miryan no Trunks, and it is a pleasure to meet you, miss...

*He had intentionally forgotten to mention his title, not really being in the mood to scare off anyone by telling them he was a Sith Lord, tonight, and now paused, awaiting the girl to speak her own name.. Looking in her eyes during that brief moment of silence, MnT noticed how powerful and intelligent they looked - not at All an unpleasent feature, but in fact, the exact opposite - and he caught himself for a moment wondering what had lead her to her current hobby, or job, of choice.. *

Feb 26th, 2003, 05:39:17 PM
Sway had noticed him gazing into her forest green eyes. It slightly intimidated her, but she didn't stop him. She bit on her lip again and thought quickly of a name, a fake one as usual. But her mind went blank for some odd reason. Without realizing it, she gave away her real name, not Sway, but the real one. The one her parents named her, before she ran away from home.

"I, uh ... My name is Dominique. Dominique Rose." She muttered.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:58:34 AM
... Dominique Rose..

*He repeated the name in almost a whisper, as if to confirm in his own mind that it was indeed what she had said.. She hadn't been lying either, which had been a pleasent surprise, thought from both the look on her face, and the shades of her aura, she had surprised herself just as much, at having given her real name..*

... It describes a woman of strong will, who tries to stay in control of everything in her life, and very rarely fails at it.. She has great leadership qualities, which are only accentuated by her personable nature, sweet both on the surface and inside, though far from being without an adequately sharp defense when neccesary..

*He nodded his head slightly to the side as he continued with a smile, displaying that all this was meant more as a question than a statement..*

... You keep everything in order, managing to get what you'd like without seeming selfish, and because of that, there are few who would deny you it... Pardon me if this comes off rude, but it does not seem to me that you stray far from your namesake.. Am I right?

Feb 27th, 2003, 10:46:08 AM

Nobody normal would be able to read through the lines like Miryan was capable to do, just now. She arched her eyebrow, squinting her eyes as she stared at him, listening to his statements, comments, words ... Whatever they were, it was all very confusing but at the time, so clear.

"What are you ...?" She whispered him the question.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:31:05 AM
"What are you...?"

*She had whispered the words softly, enough that none but the two of them could have heard, and the question caught MnT slightly off guard.. What was he? He was a half Saiya-Jin Sith Lord, but that had nothing to do with reading the meaning of a name, or being able to sense what a person was like inside, behind their shell..*

... I am simply someone with good insight about people...

*Raising one eyebrow in an almost teasing manner, he then added..*

... And yourself?

Feb 28th, 2003, 10:47:26 AM
"Someone bad ..."

Sway's lips frowned for a split second before she turned her head to the side, only looking at Miryan discreetly through the corner of her eyes. She ran her hand slowly through her long dark hair, as she spoke.

"The kind of person you shouldn't be seen talking to."

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 1st, 2003, 06:54:11 PM
*He could not help it, it began as a soft chuckle but quickly broke out into laughter.. The Sith Lord stood there for a moment, one hand fisted in front of his mouth in a reflexive attempt to dampen the sound, as Sway looked taken back, as if she couldn't understand what had brought this on.. Quickly MnT regained his composure, and smiled at her..*

... Forgive me m'lady, but I highly doubt that any trouble worth my worry could come to me from talking to you.. You aren't a Jedi..

*He knew the second it slipped out of his mouth that he shouldn't have said that, but there was no sense acting shocked or embarassed now, if she drew her conclusions to that he was Sith, so be it.. Instead, he just continued smiling, and waited for her response..*

Mar 3rd, 2003, 06:34:18 PM
"Then you are a Sith." She obviously concluded.

Sway stepped back again. Though a Sith wouldn't arrest her for illegal activities, there was nothing saying that the man didn't like the kind of job she did. Interesting this man is, but she wasn't afraid to show a little more of herself.

"Not a Jedi. Just the boss of an underground drug-selling system."

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 10th, 2003, 06:09:40 PM
... That I am..

*He smiled genuinely, there were many who'd not even Heard of the Sith. That she instantly knew what he was from what he'd said was proof of intelligence beyond that of an average thug, though he'd known she possessed that and more from first looking at her..*

... The boss even? Well, it would seem that your name's accurate indeed. Though I would wonder how you got into such a trade.. I've met dealers before, and more often than not they're the worst bottom-feeding dregs their species' have to offer. You're quite obviously far from that..