View Full Version : A Matter of Concern (Council, Garen, Rognan)

Marga Alton
Feb 20th, 2003, 08:54:55 AM
Marga, after just leaving Garen's quarters with Garen and Rognan, she enters the Council chamber in the lead. Some of the Council are there, but they stop talking when the group of them enter. Since she is still heavily used to the way things are for her when she's at home, she drops down to one knee and bows her head slightly in respect to them. She then uses her telepathy to start speaking.

Honoured Council. If we may have a minute of your time, there is a matter that we would like to bring to your attention.

Marga then stands up again and steps off to the side to let Garen forward.

Garen Selore
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:54:44 AM
Garen slowly pokes his head from behind Marga and Rognan. He sees the council sitting there, watching the three of them, and decides that maybe this was a bad Idea... Holding his hands behind his back, the 12 year old boy, hold the box, the box that Marga identified as a Sith Holocron, the one that his parents died to keep from the Sith, the last thing that his mother gave him. Sliped into his pocket before he went out, with a note telling him to keep it safe, this box is a gift and a curse. A curse put into the hands of a Force Strong, untrained, farm boy, that uses the force without knowing how or why. A curse that makes him a tempting target for the sith that hunt this box. Now he stands here, in front of the council, to talk about this box, that for reasons unknown to him, killed his family, and thrust him into this world of confustion and chaos. He looks up at Marga and Rognan and says with a hint of fear in his voice...

"Maybe we shouldn't trouble them with this....I'm sure they are rather busy..."

Rognan Dar
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:12:58 PM
Rognan entered the Counsil room and did his best bow, also showing his respect, then steps aside to let Garen through. Rog had never been infront of the Counsil before, and to what he saw, there was great wisdom in the room. When Garen said he didn't want to trouble the Counsil, he leaned tord him.

"Go on, tell them. I'm sure they have a minute or two to spare." Rognan whispered to Garen.

Garen Selore
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:44:04 AM
Garen Hangs his head slightly.

"I'm sure they're too busy to listen to a little know-nothing like me.... Well maybe we should go now..."

Rognan Dar
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:32:06 PM
"We didn't come here just to turn around. Be brave. These people are here to help people like you and me, no matter how little we know." Rognan hoped that this was incuraging, and maybe then he would tell his tale.

Estelle Russard
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:35:42 PM
Estelle had greeted the three with a smile as they entered the Council Chambers.

She herself had stood where Marga, Garen and Rognan were now, seeking advice of the Jedi elders. She remembered her anxiety at having to voice her concern regarding Jackson DeWitt and seek Council direction regarding him. She remembered feeling somehow transparent before them, that somehow they could see her every fear and foible, and that that was what they focused on.

Sitting here now, in the reverse position in her new place among the council, she saw that it was not at all the case. The Council was there to guide, to help, to advise. Estelle could sense Garen's humility, and tried to encourage him forward.

"Welcome Marga, Garen, Rognan." She nodded to each of them in turn.

"What is it you wish to say to the Council."

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 03:23:02 AM
I simply nodded in agreement of Estelle, waited for the Jedi who had come before the Council to speak

Marga Alton
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:31:51 AM
Garen, the Council here is where we can go to ask for advice and to bring matters like this to there attention. They would probably be more annoyed with us if we left now without telling them why we came. You can do this and we are here to support you with this.

Marga smiles encouragingly at Garen, knowing that if he did ask her to tell, she would, but right now it is him which needs to tell.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 08:07:00 PM
:: AB sat silently, waiting for the two Jedi to state why they had come to address the Council. ::

Garen Selore
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:03:55 PM
Garen Looks up at Marga and Rognan.

"Do you think one of you could tell them? I really don't know how to word it. *Looks at the council* And they make me nervous"

Marga Alton
Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:27:52 PM
Marga nods her head slightly before starting to address the Council again.

Garen here has in his posession a Sith Holocron from what I can tell and I have reason to believe that the Sith will be trying to get the Holocron back. Garen's parents are already dead because of it. His Mother had slipped it into one of his pockets before he left the last time he saw her and with it was a note telling him to keep it safe.

Marga motions to Garen to show the Sith Holocron to the Council

We thought it best to at least inform you that it is here and to ask for any suggestions you may have regarding what should be done with it.

Garen Selore
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:15:16 AM
Upon Marga motioning to Garen to show the Sith Holocron, He pulls his hands slowly from behind his back, to reveal the Holocron. He cups both of his hands portectively around the little black box.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 24th, 2003, 06:51:51 PM
Anbira arched an eyebrow, steepling his age-withered fingers in front of him.

"A Sith Holocron? This is a most unexpected discovery. Perhaps it would be best to leave such an artifact in the Jedi's defense. We can assuredly protect it, there is no doubt, but also...unlock its secrets as well."

Feb 24th, 2003, 06:55:20 PM
:: AB sat up straighter and eyed the Sith holocron. Such a device should not be in the hands of a Padawan. Even in the hands of a Jedi, it could be dangerous. True enough, no Jedi could activate the Sith holocron, as it was made soley to activate when touched and in the presence of a Sith. But even then, to have it in the open and unguarded was dangerous as it was quite possible the Sith would come looking for it if they got wind it was here... if they didn't already know it was here. ::

This holocron should be placed in the Jedi vault immediately. Having it out in the open is dangerous and can bring danger to anyone that possesses it.

Even now, the Sith may be searching for it...

:: She then turned to Anbira. ::

You know as well as I that any Jedi who tries to unlock it's secrets will be bound by it's darkness. These devices have killed Jedi before... I don't want that happening in our time.

Techy note: Jedi holocrons are cubic in nature, while Sith holocrons are pyramid shaped.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:08:51 PM
Anbira turned to his comrade.

"Perhaps, but the Jedi of old were far less apt to reach into the black depths of the Dark Side, and to return. Would you not agree that it gives such a traveller a perspective that others may lack?"

Feb 24th, 2003, 07:20:10 PM
:: AB crossed her arms. ::

All I'm saying is that it may lead to tragedy. Anyone thinking they are invicible soon come out realizing just how wrong they are.

I've never been one to want to delve anywhere near the Dark Side, and I won't support such an undertaking.

Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2003, 11:35:43 PM
"Attempting to access the holocron is an issue we can debate later," interjected Figrin. "Our immediate concern is the security of the device and the safety of it's current bearer."

Figrin looked at Rognan and Marga, then at the young boy holding the holocron. His life was in danger every moment that he retained it.

"We must request that you turn the holocron over to our care. It will be locked away in a secure area of the Jedi Archives. As long as it remains in this young man's, he is in danger."

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 12:15:13 AM
Garen looks up at Marga and Rognan...

"I told you they would try and take it!!"

He looks back at the council His eyes narowing and his voice more on the firm side..

"My Mother handed it to ME! she told ME to keep it safe! That Was her Last Request! How do you expect me to hand it over to a bunch of people I don't know, that seem to sit up in a big room above everything else, and talk about taking a little trinket from a 12 year old boy!! I agreed to come up here only because Marga and Rognan convinced me that it would be best to at least let you know it was here!! I will not hand it over!! I will Honor my mother and her request!! I will not Dishonor MY MOTHER!!"

As he speaks, the force flows strongly through him, raw and undirected as if the force was acting on it's own inside this boys body, inforcing the strength behind his words. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself, but nothing angers him more than somebody saying that he must disrespect or dishonor his family.

Garen mutters to himself

"Maybe I should have listened to the voices...."

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2003, 01:17:03 AM
Figrin looked toward AB and Anbira, whispering to them through the Force.

It's power is taking him... we need to get the boy away from it.

The Jedi Master stood and took a few steps toward the middle of the chamber.

"Your desire to honor your mother's request is admirable, but you do not understand what it is you hold. As long as you carry that holocron, you will be hunted. Those that follow the Dark Side will sense it's power, and seek it out. They will take it, and they will have no qualms about killing a person to claim it."

Figrin's voice was firm, but comforting.

"We only ask you to this for your own protection, and to keep the holocron from falling into the hands of someone that would use it's power to harm and destroy."

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:21:44 AM
If this had been a year ago, I would have pounced and taken the object. Now.... I must be becoming a real Jedi I thought to myself. My first reaction was to go into the Force and ready myself to prevent escape. I had the distance between the exit and myself measured. There was no way a Sith Holocron (If that was what this thing really was) would not leave this room except with a Jedi Master.

"Yes, listen to Master Figrin" I said out loud, sounding calm and relaxed, but inside fully ready to act if necessary, "If a Sith or a Dark Jedi knows what you have, then they will not care for honouring your mother's wishes. They will take it by force and likely kill you with it. Within these walls of this building, it will be safe and you along with it. Maybe.... you would want to make sure that this is kept from those whom would wish to take it by force? That can be best done here and we can help you in doing that"

Marga Alton
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:28:17 AM
Marga shakes her head slightly. That had been the final straw. She doesn't care now if she speaks or uses telepathy. In a rather loud voice, and one tinged with anger she says. This is the first time that anybody here, with the exception of Rognan has heard her speak aloud.

'That does it. I convinced Garen to come up here so you, the Council, would know that the Sith Holocron is here in the safe keeping of Garen. If ANY of you value any amount of honour, you will let Garen be its Guardian and you will teach him how to protect himself from it and the Sith who WILL come after it. I promised Garen, even though I had no right to, that he would keep the Sith Holocron to keep it safe. If I have to, I will do everything in my power to keep that promise I made him.

As for Garen not understanding what it is he holds, you don't give him enough credit. Before coming here, I explained to him what it is from the research that I have done.'

Marga turns to look at Garen and says in a soft voice to him.

'I don't care what the Council says Garen, I will help you honour your Mother's wish for you to protect it. They may have more knowledge then us, but if they are smart, they will teach you how to protect yourself so they need not worry.'

Marga then turns to face the Council again, ready at any moment to continue where she left off in expressing her opinion, but praying that she doesn't get to angry since that would surely lead to what brought her here in the first place.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:28:30 AM
"You are out of order, Padawan, so for the best interests of maintaining such order, I will be very plain with you."

Anbira rose, hands clasping behind him as he walked.

"This artifact houses within latent powers the likes of which you cannot yet comprehend. Such a task would be considered, were the object in question some trivial heirloom or family jewels. This is far more than any of these things. It is a tool for evil so great that few can comprehend its scope and measure. For a child to retain possession, no matter what word he has given, is to invite the greatest of danger. There are so very few in this galaxy who can possess a Sith Holocron such as this, and not be twisted by its dark influence.

If the words of a Jedi Master do not convince you..."

Anbira's brow furrowed, and his face took on a far darker visage.

"...then perhaps a Dark Lord of the Sith can do the truth justice?"

His hardened, withering gaze remained on Marga.

"I have dabbled in evils greater than all your comprehension, before you were even born. I know of such villainy that can char a man's soul into midnight ash, and dash entire worlds into oblivion. It is precisely these rewards that are claimed by those who do not know of the power of a Holocron!

The child has honored his promise enough. It is time to turn the Holocron over to the Jedi."

Anbira held out his hand.

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:04:55 AM
I'll be the first to admit that Anbira is quite a fearsome figure, and as he held out his hand to the child, I knew that Anbira's gaze would probably reduce the child to weeping or screaming in fear. He had the best intent, but perhaps not the best approach with a child. A Social worker he was not.

I got up from my chair and walked over to Garen. Folding my long legs under me, I knelt down in front of him so we were eye-to eye, no longer a nameless imposing figure but an understanding person. I could see the fear in the child's face, the fear and anger of the dark side just starting to show itself. In a flash, I saw myself at that age, so young, afraid and helpless and without parents as well. I tried to convey this emotion through my voice, not in an attempt to trick him, but to help him understand.

"Garen, I lost my mother as well. I can understand what you are feeling. Your mother was surely a valiant woman, and had the best intentions. Perhaps it was fate for you to come before us, for what safer place do you have for this object's keeping? Surely you would not dishonor her memory by putting yourself, and many other Jedi, in danger by keeping this Holocron? Let it go."

I could only hope that my words helped, as his eyes were unreadable.

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:26:15 AM
Garen Looking directly at Anbira's hand streched out to him, requesting the holocron, puts the Holocron back into his jacket pocket, where his mother had put it before she died. He then looks up at Anbira and says...

"I can't trust anyone except my friends. I don't care if you are Jedi, Sith or Whatever! It's not like I know what any of this means. Last my homeworld heard about out here is a rumor that some trade group was thinking of doing somthing to some place named Naboo.

All I know about what's going on is that I have some funky powers that are running amuck in my head, making it so I have hear voices in my head whenever I'm near people, and occationaly when I'm alone, and have been doing this since the day I was born, and somehow these same funky powers brought me across a number of solar systems to land me at the B&G just as I was about to be killed by the people that killed my family.

I also know that this thing is important enough, that my mother and father died so it could be kept away from the dark people that killed them. My mother intrusted this onto me, And I have been taught to put Honor and Respect above all else... I don't know who you are or what you are or why everybody wants this thing so much...

The reason I agreed to come up here is because I heard that you people run this place and it would be wrong to have this here without you knowing... The only reason I'm here at this... order.. is because Marga told me that people here could teach me to control the voices, She says I'm a telepath, and with some training I could get the voices out of my head... well I've been here for 5 weeks now, and the voices are still there, and nobody has tryed to help me get rid of them... So as I see it... I have no reason to be here... So I just go and find a way back home, and get back to being the crazy little stable boy."

Garen then turns his back to the council and starts to walk towards the door.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 25th, 2003, 12:14:11 PM

The double doors suddenly close, abruptly sealing the council chambers.

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 12:48:28 PM
Garen turns back to face the council again....

"Could you please open the doors? Holding me here will solve nothing. I will not hand this over to a stranger, weather or not they can close doors with there mind."

At this time any of the Masters probing his thoughts, can hear two voices speaking to Garen in his mind....

Garen just calm yourself, I will help you out of here, just as I did when they came to kill you....Just close your eyes and focuse on another location and I will take you there....

They want to take it away from you...They will use it aganst you... After they have it from you they will kill you!! They will dishonor you and your family!! They don't care about you or your mother!! Just Smash the door like you did in the Bar to the table!! Just call on the anger and hatered you have, and smash the door!! Or even better Smash him!!!

NO! Garen listen to me! just think of another location, and you will be out of here!! just stay calm!!

Garen holds his head, and squeesses his eyes shut and yells..


Garen falls to his knees and starts to cry...

Marga Alton
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:20:25 PM
Marga's not sure whether Anbira is referring to her or to Garen, but she doesn't really care at this point. All she cares about is making sure that Garen stays safe and that he gets to keep the Sith Holocron to protect since it was given to him to protect. She just turns her attention to Garen and kneels down next to him and wraps her arms around him. She slips back into using her telepathy since that is what she wants ppl to think she can only use.

Garen, I'm here right now. And so is Rognan. I will keep you safe from the Sith and any other danger presented to you. Whether it be Jedi or Sith or anything else. But remember, the final decision is ultimately yours to make on what you do. Nobody can force you to do anything you don't want to do.

Now please Garen, calm yourself. If you let yourself get angry right now, you will not be able to keep the Sith Holocron safe.

Marga desperately hopes that what she is saying will help Garen calm himself. She mainly just wants to reinforce to him that he does have friends here and that they are willing to stand by his decisions.

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 02:38:04 PM
Garen ignores Marga and continues crying..

"Just leave me...I wouldn't be in this mess if you never existed...I could live a very happy life if the two of you were not always telling me what to do..."

the voices continue to say..

If I was not here Garen you would have been killed, that Lightsaber would have hacked you in half..

"May be that would have been better for me..."

Rognan Dar
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:01:16 PM
Rognan was starting to get scared. Garen had never acted like this before, and he didn't know what to do. He kneeled down next to Garen, put a hand on his shoulder.

"Garen, its me Rognan. Look at me...we are here to help you." He didn't think that anything he said would help him know, but who could. He looked tord the Council.

"What are we to do. Look at what you have done to him."

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:14:30 PM
Garen looks up at Marga and Rognan, tears still running down his cheeks...

"Please....Make them stop...."

Kill!! Kill them all!! They are not your friends! They want it as well!! Kill them All!! Just give yourself over to me And I will give you the power to solve all your Troubles!!

Garen looks back at the floor goes back to talking to the voices again..

"No! you have only brought me trouble! Marga and Rognan are my friends! I could never do that!.."

Lies!!! All anybody tells you are lies!!

Garen shakes his head still looking at the floor and tears still running down his face..

"No! that can't be true!"

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2003, 03:40:45 PM
Figrin stepped forward, his gaze upon the the two padawans now huddled next to the young boy. He sighed, shaking his head.

"The boy's telepathic ability is being augmented by that holocron. One or more of the voices he may be hearing is coming from that device... every moment he possesses it, it's power will weaken his mental fortitude. If he gives into his fear, and allows his anger and hatred to take over, he may find a way to access the holocron, and unleash terrors too great to imagine."

Figrin walked slowly towards the group, halting a few feet from the distraut boy and his young protectors. He looked directly at Rognan and Marga.

"The device many begin to affect the two of you as well, if you stay with him on this dangerous venture," Figrin cautioned.

"We can help the boy learn to control his telepathy, how to quiet his mind and focus his power in a positive way. But not while has the holocron. It will consume and destroy him if tries to guard it on his own. It is only a matter of time."

"He confided in the two of you... he knows you will help him do what is right. It is up to you to convince him that this is the right course of action. You must trust our judgement, just as he trusts yours."

Marga Alton
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:15:40 PM
Marga stands up and turns to face Figrin as he starts to speak again. It is obvious though that she is restraining herself from lashing out again.

Vai Dom, I am not worried about a Sith Holocron affecting me right now. The mental barriers that I have made for myself, seeing as how I am a natural telepath, are quite strong.

It will not consume and destroy him if he has help to develop his powers and help to guard it. I am not of a skill where I can teach somebody how to put up there mental barriers to protect themselves from mental attacks.

I have promised Garen that I will help him protect the Sith Holocron. Even though with what I know, it is against my better judgement not to convince him to give you the Sith Holocron, I will not convince him to. He holds Honour in high regard. If you truly wish to keep the Sith Holocron safe, then you will help Garen here keep it safe.

I will talk to Garen though and see if an arrangement can be made that while he is in class, somebody can hold onto the Sith Holocron and be in his sight with it.

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:55:15 PM
Garen takes a few deep breaths, getting hold of himself. He stands and looks at Figrin...

"Sir... I may not know much about what is going on with me, but I know that the voices that talk to me have nothing to do with the thing my mother gave me... they have been there for as long as I can remember... One always tells me of the easy way, that gets me in trouble, the other tells me to stay calm and think things over, and helps me find the safest way to do thing.

They are also the ones that tell me how to do the strange thing, like blowing up a table with my fist and not being seen when I'm standing in front of a person....I don't like the voices... I want them to stop. As I said before, I agreed to stay here at the Order because I was told that the voices would stop with training.

Please do not make asumptions about things you don't understand. I'm guessing you don't understand me, my past, or this object, cause if you did understand all this stuff, you would know that no mater what anybody says, I will respect my mothers wishes, and you would be able to tell me how I could protect this object with out you taking it."

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2003, 06:37:20 PM
Figrin could see he wasn't getting through to either of them. The situation was quickly falling apart.

"It is not as simple as telling you what you can do, young one. Only through extensive instruction, discipline and vigiliance will you be able to effectively control your abilities and hope to protect yourself against the Dark Side.

It is inappropriate for you to make assumptions about my knowledge, or the knowledge of this council. We have experience with these matters. We know what can happen to those without proper training that keep this holocrons in close quarter. We cannot train you while you possess this item. It will continue to affect you, just as it is affecting you now. It is a poison that will taint your thoughts and push you to the brink of the Dark Side. Only after you have learned to calm your mind and control your telepathy can you hope to resist it's power."

Figrin returned to his chair, but remained standing. He faced the the padawans and the young man. His steely resolve had not wavered, nor would it on this matter.

"This council," he began, his voiced slightly elevated in volume, "will not take chances in regards to devices of such dark power. If the boy does not reliquish possession of the device, his life, and the lives of countless others, will be in jeopardy. Allowing that device to fall into the hands of a Sith or Dark Jedi is something that must not, and will not, occur."

He looked pointedly at the two padawans that had so adamantly supported the young boy's reckless attitude.

"If you chose to support his position, you will be defying the will of the Council, and will be unduly putting his life and your own lives in danger. The punishment for such offenses will be severe."

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:03:56 PM
Garen looks at the council and is about to say something when one of the voices says something to him..

Maybe they would be willing to compromise, like maybe...

Those that are listing to garen's thoughts, are all of a sudden block for a quick moment not catching what the voice is preposing. Garen nod his head slightly to what ever the preposal was then says to the council....

"Maybe we could make a deal, I go into training and the Holocron goes to you, but is put in a locked box first that I would hold the key to. And when I get trained enough, I become it's protector. does that sound ok to you?"

Marga Alton
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:07:44 PM
Marga's face goes expressionless as she is facing the Council. The telepathic voice that she uses now is emotionless, a trick which she learned while living with her family on her homeworld.

I made a promise to Garen when he came here, but I will support a decision made by both, Garen and you. Where I am from, keeping a promise is more important then your own life. I will continue my support for Garen, even if it means defying the Council which in this case is the group of you. Everyday that I get out of bed, I am putting my life in danger, but I will do what I can to keep Garen's life safe while he is learning how to use the Force. I will Not break my promise to Garen. It may be reckless and it may put ppl's lives in danger, but everyday countless lives are put in danger by everybody else.

Perhaps it was wrong of my to push for Garen to come here and inform you. I just thought that I was doing the right thing by wanting to bring this to your attention.

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:26:34 PM
It seemed to Figrin that Garen was finally responding to reason. Perhaps some sort of arrangement could be worked out...

Figrin looked to the other council members, most of whom silently communicated their general approval.

"Your proposition has validity. We will need to decide on the particulars of the matter, but this could be acceptable."

Figrin sat in his chair, then leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, hands folded together.

"It's important to understand," he began, looking at the young boy, "that your training will take time. It may be a long time before you are ready to handle the holocron safely. Even then, it's presence will make you a target."

"As part of this agreement, the Council would hold the final say on when you are ready to adequately guard the device. You would be expected to defer to our judgement."

Garen Selore
Feb 25th, 2003, 07:39:42 PM
"I understand, I've heard from others around here that it takes many years to be trained to a good standard. But I would first need a master to teach me and untill I get a master that will teach me, I will hold on to the Holocron. I would want to hold the only key to the box that it is put in, and once a month be able to go to the holocron and see that it is sill there and alright.

I also understand that I will be a target and I would hope that the master I get would teach me how to defend myself. I also think that Marga and Rognan would be very willing to help me in any way they can...At least thats what I get from the suport they have showed to me here."

Feb 25th, 2003, 07:57:10 PM
:: Things moved lightning fast, seemingly going from impossible to possible. The boy was starting to see reason, and she let a subconsiously held breath escape silently. ::

:: She nodded to Figrin's last statement, seeing that it had calmed the boy somewhat and that it seemed like a fair agreement, allowing the Council to still protect the holocron. ::

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:30:17 PM
"Such access must not be yours until you are deemed competent enough to wield it. Even a key to a box can be a weakness to exploit. You must trust this Council, and the body of Jedi it convenes over, to be the guardians of the holocron, until you are ready to resume such a responsibility. I have no objections to showing the holocron is safe once a month, but I cannot allow that which you suggest."

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:36:28 AM
Garen looks over to Anbira...

"It looks like to me that you aer the only one so far the has a problem with me having the key to the box... You seem to want to have access to it rather bad, could it be that as a former darksider you are tempted by the power that the holocron holds..

They would expect the council to have the key to the box. You would still be guarding it. Just you couldn't get at it. same as I couldn't reach the box I would have the key for because you would most likely have it in that Jedi vault you mentioned earlier. This way there will be more obsticals for anybody who wanted it, to get past, there for it will be safer than if it was completely in the hands of the council.

I would keep it from you, you would keep it from me and, We all would keep it from everybody else. To me that sounds alot safer. and unless you want to pry it out of my cold dead hands, That is the only way it will leave my pocket."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:11:13 AM
"An assumption I shall now disprove."

Garen's pocket turned itself inside-out, as the holocron moved on its own accord from the boy's pocket, and unerringly to the Jedi Master's awaiting hand.

"There are many times to bargain, young one. This is not one of them. The consequences and risks are far to grave, far too severe, to barter over. Perhaps when you are older, wiser, and better trained in the Jedi arts, you will understand."

Anbira returned to his seat, holocron in hand.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:24:25 AM
Dasquian nodded to Anbira, pleased with the action he had taken.

“The temptation of the Darkside would be far too great, should you possess the key to the holocron. It is, as my fellow Jedi have explained, of great importance that no one who follows the teaching of the Sith or Dark Jedi lay hands upon this item, and although you may believe you are safe from the reaches of the Darkside, it is quick to corrupt and control minds, especially those of the young and weak.”

Marga Alton
Feb 26th, 2003, 09:50:03 AM
Marga takes a deep breath before she goes to say anything that she knows she would later regret.

I believe that what Garen has proposed makes alot of sense. Garen would not be able to get to the Sith Holocron whithout any of you knowing. I believe it only right that he gets the key to the box, just to make sure that those of you on the Council that get tempted by its power do not succumb to it. As you have said, it is a dangerous item.

It is obvious to those that are present that Marga is restraining her anger at this point, but when Anbira took the Sith Holocron from Garen, her anger did peak again.

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 01:33:46 PM
Garen get angry at the fact that Anbira took the holocron, He glares at Anbira...

"You are nothing more than a theft! You expect people to respect you, yet you don't respect the fact that the Holocron belongs to me! You want the power of the Holocron for yourself so much that you would steal it from a little boy!! I Know you want it to be safe! I want it to be safe as well!! But I will be a thorn in your side intill it is also safe from YOU!! I didn't have to bring it to you! I could have left it sitting on my bedside table!! But I didn't! I was given the task to protect it! The least you can do is let me protect it in my own way!

If I must leave here without some way of keeping it safe then I will do whatever I can to dishonor the council.. I will let them know that the council that runs them are thefts, that the Order has no honor!

Respect and Honor Above All... that is what I live by, I was hoping that the council lived by somthing similar! Obvously I was wrong! If the Jedi have no problem with thefts running them, then maybe the sith would be better!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2003, 02:07:49 PM
OOC: No, I don't think so. Try again.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2003, 02:59:43 PM
OOC: You still don't comprehend....such a thing against Anbira is nigh impossible. Stealing pocketchange from Magneto is about as hard.

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:08:58 PM
OOC: How am I supose to know this! and anyway A force pull is still a force pull! And if it's just in you hand anybody can take it. You only had him pull it to his hand, and didn't have him do anything to stop it from being taken. If you are not discriptive in your posts then people will find ways around your post. And just because you a master doesn't meen things can not be pulled from your grip.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:15:55 PM
OOC: Actually, Anbira is probably the best at telekenesis in the order, and it would be pretty dang hard for you to take it back.

Marcus Telcontar
Feb 26th, 2003, 03:22:21 PM
Originally posted by Garen Selore
OOC: How am I supose to know this! and anyway A force pull is still a force pull! And if it's just in you hand anybody can take it. You only had him pull it to his hand, and didn't have him do anything to stop it from being taken. If you are not discriptive in your posts then people will find ways around your post. And just because you a master doesn't meen things can not be pulled from your grip.

Incorrect. Taking something from a Jedi Maser is well nigh impossible. Especially from a Master as Anbira whom has extreme control of telekinesis. At the very least, if you did manage it, it would stop about 5 cm from his hand and then return.

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 04:05:06 PM
OOC: Alright now that I know this I have changed my post again. if some body could delete the ooc posts here, that would be nice.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2003, 05:01:25 PM
"The Sith..."

Anbira spoke, eyes on the holocron he now held.

"...would have most assuredly destroyed you, and taken the holocron anyways. We acknowledge and respect what you have done here, but now the matter must be dealt with in more capable hands. It is my belief that in addition to keeping the dread artifact secure, that perhaps we can unlock the secrets of our enemies, and protect the galaxy further from their devious schemes."

Feb 26th, 2003, 05:59:01 PM
:: AB was glad the Sith holocron was out of the boys hands and in the Council's. She did not want to see the boy come to harm or be corrupted by the holocrons dark power. But she was not pleased with Anbira's last statement. ::

:: She slowly turned to look at her Jedi comrade, but didn't say anything, keeping her thoughts locked away from him. It was no secret that she was against the idea of unlocking whatever the holocron held. She held firmly by her belief that doing so would be the death or dark undoing of the one who made such an attempt. ::

:: And the fact Anbira seemed so sure of himself worried her... for once one thought themselves stronger and underestimated the powers they fought against, the more those powers would consume them. ::

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:13:44 PM
"This is exactly why I want it safe from you! You want to unleash what ever is inside it on to yourself so you may have it's power!! You are worred that It may corupt whoever holds the holocron, What would stop it from corupting whichever council member trys to access it's contents?

My preposal would still allow the council to protect it, but I would stop the council from harming themselves by trying to access whatever it contains.. All I ask is to hold the one key that is to the last lock that will get a person to the holocron. You can do whatever you want to protect it... I just want the last key, so it will not be used."

Feb 26th, 2003, 06:19:01 PM
:: She took her eyes off of Anbira and looked at Garen. ::

We have yet to determine whether we will delve into the holocron or not. But for now, it will be placed under lock and key, and NO one will be unleashing any of it's secrets until the Council has had adequate time to discuss such an endeavor.

:: She leaned forward a bit, sending imperceptible calming waves towards the boy thrugh the Force. ::

Just try to calm yourself. You will still be able to see the holocron with the accompaniment of a Master each month.

Garen Selore
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:29:58 PM
"If it's going to be under lock and key anyway, and nobody will access it, why can't I hold the key!"

Garen looks at all the council. His voice softens and his face gets a look of defeat on it...

"You don't understand... You can't understand... My Mother died to protect that thing, she pased the responsiblity on to me! If I can not honor my mothers last wish... I would rather be dead... Seeing it once a month is not going to help protect it! Honor and Recpect are the foundations of peace... My home world has gone thousands of years without armed conflict by living by this code...

On my home....*pauses, and sheds a few tears* On my homeworld falure to respect and honor a persons last wishes is punishable by death, and the honor of my family will be NULL... to turn down my request to help protect the holocron, you sentence me to death... So I ask you again let me help protect the holocron even if all I hold is the key to a box it is in... Or kill me here, where I stand so I may at least die trying, and thus my family's honor will not be tanted."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 27th, 2003, 12:07:01 AM
"I think...perhaps the greatest way to honor your mother's wishes would be to act in a manner that would ensure the holocron's protection. You would not be defying her wishes at all. You would affirm them, by passing the relic to more vigilant and suitable guardians. Your mother would be proud of this."

Marga Alton
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:40:44 AM
Marga looks at Anbira and says through telepathy which everyone can hear.

Vai Dom, I do not see why you wish it so that Garen here does not have the key to the box that the Sith Holocron is going to be locked in. He will not be able to get at it without a Council member knowing. His request for the key is small compared to what is at risk here. Why can you not just simply allow him this one request?

If the key to the box is not in the hands of a Council member, the Sith Holocron would be more safe. As it has already been mentioned, there would be more obstacles for any Sith coming after it to get through.

If I were Garen, I would want the key so I could still have a hand in protecting the Sith Holocron. And truthfully, you worry me. You worry me because you are exceedingly eager to have the Sith Holocron in your hand. It seems like to me that you are eager to learn its secreats.

As for Garen protecting the Sith Holocron, give him the key. It is very logical since he doesn't really know what it is and the importance that it has. Therefore he would not be tempted by it whereas you would be tempted by it. As would the Council and every other person who knows what it is.

Here is something my Mother told me when I was younger. If you don't know what something is, you aren't tempted to use it.

Garen Selore
Feb 27th, 2003, 10:29:02 AM
"The only thing worse to my people than failing to honor a persons last wishes, is to give the responsibilty to somebody else. If I willingly gave up the holocron from my protection, and ever went home they would strip me, and tie me by my thumbs in the middle of the town square and leave me to die by the hands of Mother Nature... This is very important! I don't want to die! but I would rather Die trying then fail my mother!

And as for you saying my mother would be proud of this... You couldn't be more than wrong!! She would have a heart attack if she was not already dead!! If she wanted me to hand it over to you, the note would have said 'take this to a safe place' but it didn't! It said 'Garen, keep this safe'... So ether let me keep it safe, or kill me... this is very serious... if I leave this room alive without a way of protecting it, then I will be dead anyway."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:06:48 PM
"I am afraid that we cannot help you further."

Anbira looked to the boy.

"You must trust in this Council's judgment, and know that it affirms your mission, and the mission of your mother."

Anbira made a slight gesture of his hand, and the doors of the council room swung open.

"Thank you, young Garen. You are dismissed. If you have anything further to bring before the Council, you may do so at a later date.

Marga, Rognan, please remain."

Garen Selore
Feb 27th, 2003, 01:57:22 PM
"You can help me! You just choose not to! You choose not to let me keep the honor of my family! You choose to send me to death by the hands of my people! You choose disregard my culture! You choose to be an insensitive, arrogant, bastard, that only want to increase his power! One person can not speak for a group! Do all of you agree with him! Do all of you think that one key is worth the life of a student!? Can't any of you honor my culture?"

Garen looks over at Figrin...

"You seemed to think that my proposal was fair. Why do you stay quiet?"

Garen looks at AmazonBabe...

"You seem to have some problems with what Anbira is doing. Why can't you help me?"

Garen looks back at Anbira..

"I'm sure that I can trust the council's judgment, I just don't trust yours... I want to hear what the others have to say. *looks at the whole council* And if all of you agree that I should leave this room and walk to my death over a simple key...Then maybe I'm better off dead."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:02:48 PM
“The proposal by Master Anbira is by no means unfair, and I am in concurrence with his views,” Dasquian interjected, his tone becoming somewhat more forceful as his opinions developed.

Figrin D'an
Feb 27th, 2003, 02:43:30 PM
"The Council will consider your stance, young one. It shall be discussed in private debate, and we will inform you of our choice. For the moment, there is little safer place for the holocron than here, in the presence of this group," Figrin answered.

"We understand that your honor is important to you, and to your culture. We do not wish for harm to come to you. But you must also understand that the discovery of a holocron, be it of Jedi or Sith origin, is a very serious matter. The Jedi Council has the responsibility to ensure their safety, for in the wrong hands, they can be used for horrific purposes."

Rognan Dar
Feb 27th, 2003, 03:37:15 PM
Rognan heart sunk. He didn't want his young friend to lose what was his to protect, but as the Council said, and he agree with them, that it was a dangerous object and for Garens safty was glad that it was taken away. But as the conversation continued he felt like he just wanted to walk out and never think about this again. It grieved him, almost to a phisical pain, when people argued. Then when he was said to stay, normaly he thought the worse. Why would they need to stay, they didn't do anything. But he just remain quiet until someone asked him to speak.

Garen Selore
Feb 27th, 2003, 04:34:58 PM
Garen nod in responce to Figrin...

"Please let me know as soon as you can... "

He turn toward the door, with a fealing in his heart that he has failed his mother...

"I'll be in my room getting ready to die..."

Garen walks out of the council chambers.

Feb 27th, 2003, 05:52:47 PM
:: AB closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, but only for a moment. She opened her eyes, letting out an imperceptable sigh, and looked to the Council. ::

If it be the Council's wish, I can go see Garen after our meeting here has adjorned... perhaps try to council the boy?

Figrin D'an
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:17:04 PM
Figrin noded at AB's suggestion.

"That would be ideal... if the boy is to be trained in the Jedi arts, he must learn to calm his mind."

Figrin turned to Marga and Rognan.

"When did Garen first tell you that he had this holocron?"

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:17:19 PM
"Of course." I replied to Rie, knowing that someone should go to him. "What passion that young man has... it scares me." I thought for a moment, then decided against asking to accompany her. The last thing he needed was another group of Jedi after him.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 27th, 2003, 06:32:23 PM
"After the meeting adjournes, of course."

Anbira looked to the two Padawans, and stood.

"It is one thing to sympathize with the plight of others, and wholly another thing to outright rebel against the wishes of the Council, especially in front of guests."

There was a razor's edge to Anbira's voice, and his eyes bore into each of them with a fierce seriousness.

"Your actions today have been nothing short of unspeakable. I have rarely seen in my many years among this order, students so utterly disrespectful of prudence and authority. You should both be ashamed of yourselves."

Anbira walked to Figrin, and handed him the holocron.

"Master D'an, I trust the archives are adequately secure for this holocron's storage?"

Scarcely waiting for a response, he returned to the two at the center of the room.

"It is not that you voiced objections and concerns. That is not at stake. What is at the heart of the matter is that you dare to act irregardless of the Order in which you serve."

He paused, clasping his hands behind him.

"If you are to have a future in this Order, it will be according to its rules, and you will respect them...or you will most certainly be expelled from here. Am I understood?"

Feb 27th, 2003, 06:38:56 PM
:: AB nodded to the agreement of her comrades, and remained silent as she listened to Anbira's reprimand. Harsh words they were, yes, but neccessary if order was to be kept. ::

:: She looked to the two waiting for their confirmation, or otherwise, to Anbira's words. ::

Marga Alton
Feb 27th, 2003, 07:17:26 PM
Marga took a deep breath when she was asked to stay, fearing the worst that was to come, or perhaps the second worst in her mind. There is a clear battle of going on inside of her as she tries her best to keep her anger under control which she succeeds with for now.

Garen first showed us the Sith Holocron today. After a bit, it was decided that we should inform you of its presense here.

Marga just takes Anbiras reprimand in stride, a look appears on her face as if this is perfectly normal and ordinary to be reprimanded for something.

I am willing to live by the rules of the Order, but I will make it clear right here and now that when I make a promise to somebody, I will keep my promise, no matter what the price may be. I also do not feel ashamed for doing my best to keep my promise to Garen. I'm not happy with the way things had happened, but things are going to work out the way that you wish them to, and so I will just accept that.

I am sorry if I have offended any or all of you by my actions and words today.

Estelle Russard
Feb 27th, 2003, 09:27:11 PM
Estelle had held her peace during the decision process regarding Garen's holocron, allowing experience and wisdom of the Jedi Masters to deal with what she felt was a profound dilema.

She felt keenly for the boy. He was perhaps a year or two older than her youngest brother back on T'r Nuva, but she remembered the focus and determination a child of that age has. The only truth he can see is that which he holds dearest - his Mothers dying wish.

Yet, he didnt realise the enormous burden she had placed on his shoulders. It was time for Garen not to act as does a child, but to make the painful transition from that into a young man, and make a decision based on reality, rather than emotion, and dare to think beyond what his mother had told him.

Garen failed to realise that by having the holocron in the custody of the Council, he was fulfilling his duty to his mother. And in time, would perhaps once more, take the mantel of responsibility for its total safekeeping.

Estelle agreed with the decision of the council. There was no question. It must remain safely with those who are wiser and more powerful and know enough to fear the consequences of what came from not giving the holocron its due respect.

However, Estelle, new to the Council wondered in her heart of hearts, why the question was to protect it - when to her mind, the only safest course of action would be to destroy it.

Master Anibra scared her. She did not like the idea of him trying to unlock its secrets. What madness was that?? Looking at the others on the council a little worriedly, she sighed lowly. There was much she had yet to learn and understand.

She would wait however until Marga and Rognan left. She did not want to agitate them more than they were already. Their loyalty was commendable, but also a little reckless when all the factors and enormity of that one small item, was weighed in the balance.

Estelle smiled shyly to AB, glad of the Jedi Master's sensitivity to such a young heart as the flame-haired Jedi Master spoke her intention to see Garen later.

Such a burden for one so young.. she thought sadly to herself.

Rognan Dar
Feb 28th, 2003, 12:08:42 AM
Rognan countinued to stand quietly. He neither oposed nor agreed. He knew better then to say something he would regret latter, and for that same reason he was in trouble. He just stood there thinking to himself.

Helenias Evenstar
Feb 28th, 2003, 09:55:31 PM
Well, now that could have been handled better I thought to myself