View Full Version : Waiting for Daddy (open)

Nicky Huu
Feb 19th, 2003, 04:31:21 PM
Nicky made her way to the bar as she entered allot of men turned and stared at the woman as she handed over her small hand blaster to the guard. Nicky walked with sway teasing the men a bit as she made her way to the Bar counter. A few whistles could be heard in the background from men who had too much time on there hands and the usual slap on the face from there wives or Girl friends.

Nicky Had Long black hair and a constant serious look on her face that only made men want her more. Nicky was wearing Black Pants and a suit Jacket from witch you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra under and most men try to glance to the side to just try and catch a glimpse of her bare chest. No attempt had worked for the suit jacket was tight up against her body.

Nicky sighed and flipped her long black hair to the side over her shoulder. Then she turned to the bartender with just a small quick hint of a smile to get his attention.

"Could a lady get a glass of white wine around her?"

Her voice was sweet and like a melody as she asked the bartender just nodded and hurried to get the woman a drink.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:03:50 PM
Straffe hadnt been the the B&G for a long tim eand thaught it was time to pay another visit. He walked in and gave his weapons to the guards, not all of them of course. He casually walked through the bar, shaking hands with friends and weaived his way to the bar.

He saw a woman sitting all alone and thaught she might need some company. He came up behind her and spoke in a friendly voice

"Is this seat takin?"

She turned around and looked into light baby blue eyes with blond shimering hair. He ran his hand through his hair and waited for her response

Nicky Huu
Feb 19th, 2003, 08:52:36 PM
Nicky shook her Head to indicate that the seat was open. She studies the man for a moment until her glass of white wine arrived. She took a gentle sip and savored the taste before swallowing it. Her tongue then licked the sweat wine left on her ruby lips.

"So what’s your name and story stranger?"

Nicky had an obsession with make conversation with strange people her father had told her once that it would probably get her a stalker. Nicky had told her father a stalker was exactly what she was looking for when she made conversation, so she could turn around and beat the hell out of the person for being so stupid.

Nicky laughed to her self as she thought back on that conversation she had with her dad.

Johnny Carbonite
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:51:14 AM
"Ah 'unce ranna....coal mine. Lok that moovie."

Johnny Carbonite, galactic rock legend that inspired a generation, seemingly appeared from nowhere, with a tallboy glass filled halfway with peppermint schnapps. He walked aimlessly, and talked, if it were possible, even more aimlessly.

"An, Ah....y'know....coal's black? LIYKE THA NYYYTE!!!"

He paused with a start, seeing the two people at his table.

"Th' 'ell? You 'idn't s' th' Twi'Lek? W' th' tib 'enna 'ta.....who th' 'ell're you?"

Nicky Huu
Feb 20th, 2003, 06:03:43 PM
Nicky looked at the psycho that made his approach. The man seemed to speak in tongues and he smelled of strong liquor. Nicky wanted to beat the hell out of him but she held her cool calm.

"I think you had a little too much to drink sir and on top of that you seem a bit perma fried. So what’s your problem did you realize this isn't a strip joint and there’s no women here for you to fondle."

Nicky still had serious look on her face and it didn't even change although she wanted to laugh at the man so hard.

Johnny Carbonite
Feb 20th, 2003, 08:33:44 PM
"Boll'cks, yer a f'n spy. Y-y- Prolly 'sn't ev'n yer real face."

He leaned close, as is he was going to touch her face or something, and then, just as suddenly, shifted his attention elsewhere.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 21st, 2003, 11:09:03 AM
Straffe watched as the strange man spoke very odly. He decided to step up

"Excuse me sir...But could you leave the lady alone"

He saw that she didnt like it one bit but Straffe had to do something or it might turn ugly

Nicky Huu
Feb 21st, 2003, 05:48:44 PM
Nicky looked at Johnny anger was in her eyes she wanted to rip this man to shreds just to teach him a lesson. She knew she was in the middle of a Jedi bar and such an act wouldn't go over to well. Also her Father would show up and he wouldn't be too pleased with her un lady like conduct.

Then straffe stepped in and attempted to calm Johnny and get him out of the way. That pleased Nicky allot although she much would have rather kicked Johnny in the nuts.

Nicky looked Johnny straight in the eye.

“You better get out of here for if this Jedi doesn't kick your butt I sure as hell will."

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:32:33 PM
Straffe heard her words and couldnt hold back his grin. He turned to her and smiled

"I see you got alot of fight for a pretty lady"

Johnny Carbonite
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:10:40 AM

Johnny looked at the gold-haired kid.

"Ah'm b'n f'n d'scrim'nat'd! Can't b' th' f'n Prince o' Darkness 'nymore w'thout s'mone tak'n th' jam outta m' doughnut!"

He paused, made a face, and took a gulp of schnapps.

"...doughnut....yeh. F'n 'ell, Ah could go f'r a doughnut. Ah lok sprinkl's, b't n't blue 'ns! F'n art'fic'l col'rs, boll'cks! Shrink y'r w'nky 'r g've y' canc'r!"

Jason Utylln
Feb 25th, 2003, 01:13:04 PM
Christ was that... No, it couldn't be.

But who else would it be?

Jason, open mouthed, rushed over to the already crowded table and stared at Johnny.

"Jesus! It really is you!"

He let out an unbelieving laugh and then fumbled for a napkin and a pen.

"Uh, Mr. Carbonite can I.... Oh ma, Can I have your autograph? This is unbelievable!"

He looked at Straffe and Nicky, obviously expecting them to share his excitement.

"Man, can you believe this! Johnny Carbonite, right here! It's unbelieveable! The Prince of Darkness in the bar and grill!"

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 25th, 2003, 01:50:03 PM
Straffe just looked at the young looking man

"No thanks... But by all means..."

He motioned for him to get all the autographs he wanted

Nicky Huu
Feb 25th, 2003, 05:27:15 PM
Nicky just glared at the young man with a fight in her eyes. She wanted so bad to kick the mans butt she didn't care how famous he was, the man had disturbed her.

"While you’re at kid how about you go take your idol over to another table away from me. If you don't your musician here will have the soul tip of my heal imbed in his forehead."

Nicky was in mood to take this mans crap her father was late as usual and that idiot Gerbo was no where around like he was suppose to be.

Straffe Stormrider
Feb 28th, 2003, 10:40:57 AM
Straffe watched the fire in the womans eyes burn brightly. He motioned for her to take her seat beside him

"My name is Straffe Stormrider by the way"

He had a bright smile on his face. His blond hair shimmered in the light as he outstreched his hand

Alexiel Kimono
Feb 28th, 2003, 02:14:45 PM
A small laugh escaped from a form sitting in a booth near them. A cloak was wraped loosly around her body as she looked up at them. The shadows hid much of her true features. She moved slightly into the light. A young woman that looked around 17 years old sat there. Short, shoulder length red hair fell around her face as two green eyes watched what was happening. Her pale skin was almost a dead give away to the intelegent in the room of what she was. The vampyre just watched them a moment then spoke up.

"Is this place always this... amuzing? Or are their times when it is boring?"

Nicky Huu
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:14:11 PM
" The names Nicky Huu, Straffe. Its nice to meet you, do you happen to be a Jedi here?"

Then Nicky heard the voice of a very vampire looking women. Nicky thought of all the trouble she would be in for conversing with this woman if gerbo ever found out. Gerbo would probably rip her a knew one, the hunter sure did hate vamps.

Nicky shrugged to the women because she didn't have an answer to the question asked.

"I wouldn't know this is my first time here, my father generally does business here and I'm suppose to meet him but he is late as usual."

Nicky looked to the women

"So what’s your name?”

Nicky looked the alluring Vamp over a couple more times then gave her a wink.

Straffe Stormrider
Mar 5th, 2003, 08:35:49 PM
Straffe smiled as he shook her hand. She obviously has never been here before

"I do happen to be a Jedi Nicky"

He slowly turned to the pale woman. He was able to sense her evil and kept a straight face. His eyes scanned her as he remembered his last encounter with the shrine vampire. His eyes turned to flame as he wanted to get another chance at him. He quickly cleared his mind but kept the emotionless face

"There are alot of things that happen here miss. Vampire slayes happen to come by here all the time.."

A small grin crept across his face

Nicky Huu
Mar 11th, 2003, 12:39:24 PM
Nicky laughed at Straffe's words and they didn't even seem to come out much as a threat more as a half blow hardy joke. Nicky only knew of one vampire hunter who came in here and Nicky also knew she could stop him from slaughtering the vampire.

"Straffe sit down the vampire is welcome here and if this so called hunter walks in I'll just send him away. The main one that haunts this bar works for my father and he will listen to me.

I have no problem with the vampire, she’s kinda cute."

Nicky gave Alexiel a little wink.