View Full Version : Beckoned: Step in Life's Path (Dark Sider & GJO)

J'hrea Alsac'lynol
Feb 18th, 2003, 09:02:05 PM

A weary grumble came from the New Republic sponsored transport, the sound a small hum compared to the roaring engine of the space ship. The sneer upon the rough shaved face with compariable description with his blonde ruggid hair. Suddenly a shake came, opening the dark blue eyes of the teenage lad who had sat motionless, his mind in a state of slumber. The muscular, tall (abrout 6'2) frame jumped up swiftly, throwing the back of his palm to the face of the pilot who had shaked him. Stopping centimeters from the large noise of the Bothan, while a sense of tranquility gradually returned to his soul, mind & body, before he walked slowly to the exit.

Entering the world of trouble, money, politics & the power of peace, wielded in the hands of the Jedi Order. J'hrea was amazed by the diversity of the plantery metropolis, though he would become a known by the citizens for his acts in the force, or at least he hoped for such love in admirable planet. Clutching tight on his black, leather cloak, he swung it over his body, blocking the coming winds that chilled him so. He only 16 knew very little other than the streets of Nar Shadaa, which he was raised on with many friends & enemies. Yet the boy had known the planet was similar until it came to the point of peace & politics. Credits were all that they truly cared about in the native sector of the Hutt race.

Walking slowly to the pre-ordered taxi speeder, as he observed the planet's buildings, registering it's luxurious buildings in the data of his mind. Shifting his eyes to the taxi, he opened the door of the speeder, and quickly commanded with the basic tongue of a human so the driver would understand. (J'hrea knows many different languages.)

"I hope you know the location of what I seek. I want to go to the Jedi Order's buildings." The boy ended with a sigh of relief, his lips forced into a smile to a send a sense of bliss and respect to the speeder's conductor. Pulling his dark, cloak to his body, searching for comfort as the engine began & the speeder hurried forward.

Drifting organizely into the cluster of the common Coruscant traffic, the hovering speeder moved smoothly along, yet slowly, to the coordinates the 16 year old commanded.


Mr. Alsac'lynol looked through the public Jedi Order information on his datapad, attempting to learn further pass his knowledge, which was very small if to be contorted, and measured on a rulering stick .Leaning back in the chair, his body relaxed, though a sense of danger came upon him. Glancing out the window, he saw a silhouette figure standing tall on a building near the taxi speeder.

"Driver, Driver." The youth called anxiously, his head poking in the front seat, trying to get the conductors attention.

"Who is that?" J'hrea confusedly asked, his hand pointing diagionally toward the darkened figure, hidden in the shadows created by the light of the sun.

The driver simply shrugged in confusion for a reply, continuing on the path to the Jedi Temple.

Feb 18th, 2003, 10:02:20 PM
Videl looked down, her eyes cold and lit up like hot coals in the dark recesses of her hood. She was bored and with that came her urge to kill something. The blond hair of the boy stood out away from the rest. Should this one be the target today? She jumped down, he would do as the start of her bloodshed. She approached him slowly.

"Care to see the end of the world today boy?"

J'hrea Alsac'lynol
Feb 18th, 2003, 10:13:41 PM
J'hrea leapt back in fear, feeling the danger rise higher as the gal landed upon the speeder. The boy had never been confronted on this level before, over so many other passing speeders, and with the enemy surely more powerful in speed and strenght. It had all been displayed in her ability to leap from that building upon the cab and the sheer confidence that had been held in her voice.

Throwing his head back to the front seat, he began with a commanding yell.

"Speed up!" The 16 yeard old said, with the taxi driver doing as asked. Rushing forward, J'hrea glanced back to see if she had fallen off from the sudden rush that had came under her.

I hope she's gone.. He thought to himself, his lips arching a frown in distress as he began to inspect.

Feb 18th, 2003, 10:27:20 PM
Without warning, a long blade burst through the roof just centimeters from his face but did sink painfully into his hand. Her voice was quiet as she spoke to him but was by no means comforting.

"Next time, I won't miss, now why don't you come out of the taxi so you can be killed? I do hate to waste my time and you'll be only the first of many today."

So far Videl was calm but her prey would see her true side soon enough. Her first victim usually died quickly though, the others more painfully as she went on. But the tension in the blade left for a moment as another speared the driver then sliced out and the upper half fell into two pieces.

J'hrea Alsac'lynol
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:24:21 PM
J'hrea screamed in agony, staring with concern & fear at his hand that bleed from the wound. It was a perfect circluar hole, that had sent more than the sensation of misery through his very body, it had sent the emotion of hope. The compelling spectacle of emotion casted the spell of the Force on his palm, slowly reformatting the skin, tissue, veins & blood within the hole, recreating his hand. Tears trickled down his eyes as he watched in confusion the power of the Force, and his ability to use it.

"How did thi-" The boy was interupted by the sound of the engine failing, warning beeps roaring throughout the speeder as the cab rocketed downward at the surface of Coruscant.

The driver had been killed by the sadistic female, but for no reason at all. He was a man with a life and she ripped the very thing that all being wielded in the universe away for her own cruel reasons. Slamming his fist down in a fit of rage, he looked over his shoulder, his mind registering the savagery in the woman's eyes. It was more demonic than the power of the Hutt family, or a Bounty Hunter on the run.

"Why? Why'd you do it..?" He cooed to himself, his lips arcking to shape a frown of distress, and negative emotions. The child felt no fear, yet his eyes betrayed that of what he felt.

Feb 19th, 2003, 01:38:08 PM
"Why does one do anything? Because it was there."

Her voice still lacked any emotion but she was beginning to get irked by the boy's not listening. The man's life meant nothing to her, bodies were just a shell and nothing more. She scoffed at the look on the child's face, he looked like he was on the verge of tears after only a knife wound.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:00:55 AM
Coruscant traffic was worse than a kidney stone. Sage had gotton to one of the higher lanes. It would take longer for him to switch lanes once he reached his destination, as the small little cafe he was going to was located in one of the mid level regions, but the getting there would be quicker order.

Suddenly, he saw ahead of him and a few levels below, a taxi with a woman on top! This was not a regular occurence by any means. Thinking to render aid as quickly as possible, Sage kicked his speeder into high gear. In such a high speed that it was well beyond the limit set by the city officials for this lane level.

Swooping down triumphently, he pulled the speeder behind the taxi. Much to the behind speeder owner's dismay, as he shouted profanity for the sudden air brakes he had to apply to compensate for Sage's merging into his lane. On close inspection Sage noticed wabbling and distablization in the taxi's course. The Jedi Master nudged his front bumper into the taxi's back bumper, matching speed. He shouted over the noise of the traffic.

"Can you make it!" He asked, refrencing to the fact the logical solution was for her to escape into his vehicle.

Feb 20th, 2003, 03:08:49 AM
Videl raised an eyebrow ever so slightly, was this Jedi stupid or did he just not remember her? She of course had seen him before some time in the past though she couldn't remember the exact time. Her gaze didn't drift from her prey though as she threw a knife at the window of Sage's speeder, the blade stopped at the hilt in the window and went no further.

"Foolish Jedi, do I look like I need saving to you?"

Sage Hazzard
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:25:35 AM
Sage was still recovering to a massive blow to his physche and physical brain, perhaps that was the reason he hadn't remembered her. Now though as her voice spoke the word "Jedi", Sage remembered her well enough to know she was no innocent. This was of course compounded by the fact his speeder was now adorning a knife blade.

"Sith are always in need of saving, ma'am! Even if that means helping them to the great beyond!" He yelled over the traffic.

He lowered the top of the speeder. Quickly, grabbing his sabre that hung on his belt, he made stood on his chair. One foot balanced the steering wheel.

Igniting the orange blade, the wind blowing the hair across his face, he gave the woman a colder stare than even a Darksider could give.

"Come and fight for you prize. More rewarding that way anyhow isn't it?!"

He had figured out by now that there was someone in that cab. Obviously this mad woman was out for that person's scalp.

Feb 21st, 2003, 01:42:01 PM
"Hmm, things are getting more interesting and no this one is no prize to me, just a random victim to sate boredom but it seems in trying to kill him, I gained a better opponent. But is this one life important enough for you to possibly lose your own?"

She smirked, her usual twisted grin crossing her features, the one that appeared when she was ready for a good fight. She didn't reach for her saber, she had never liked that weapon, instead she pulled both katana out of the vechile and brandished them crossed in front of her. A glint was starting to appear in her eyes, the Sith was definately in the mood for bloodshed now.

Sage Hazzard
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:16:39 AM
Sage didn't waver in his cold desposition.

"If you were simply walking down the street I'd kill you Sith. I'd do the same for all of your kind. I believe in pre-emptive protection."

Sage reached out his hand, he controled the Force enough to give her a hefty Force push. On that sent her over the middle of the cab and onto it's front wind shield. Being that they were moving at a high speed, she slammed against the windshield harshly, the speed of the vehicle moving and her falling onto it again caused this. The windshield spiderwebbed a crack large crack.

Sage kept on his speeder, still controlling the speeder with his feet well enough ability to keep it on course.... generally anyway.

"Can you stop the vehicle?!" Sage yelled out to the passenger he now saw through the back window.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:49:13 AM
Videl growled in annoyance, she was unhurt though, her armor deflected most of it for her. Her aura surged up at this Jedi arrogance as surges of lightning began to pulse from her fingertips and her hair stood up a bit at the charges. She put one hand against the hood of the car and sent it a large jolt, sparks flew out and the engine started to sputter and die. Her other hand raised up and shot a bolt at Sage, the Jedi was shocked severly and Videl chuckled as she regained her feet.

"Must you weaklings save the innocent? It would be more to your benefit if you all just gave in! Besides if it's not him, several more will die by my hand soon enough!"

J'hrea Alsac'lynol
Feb 22nd, 2003, 12:11:57 PM
J'hrea glanced at the window at the cost of pain, the top had caved downward and had began pressing against his body, but that was no matter, he would have to reply to the man's question. He seemed to have been a Jedi, someone the boy had seeked ever since he got his ticket to go to Coruscant.

"I'm sure I can." The boy said in responses, wiggling from the sharp press of the cab's ceiling, reaching forward through the seat to turn the engines off, and activate the levitational device. Doing so, he did it in a hastily manner, knowing their was a evil warrior upon the windsheild, clearly prepared to kill him at any cost.

The youth jump forward quickly, falling into the front seat of the hovering cab speeder, and began working on his plan. Hitting the speeders engines once more, as well as clicking on it's boosters the speeder blazed forward, the action probably driving the warrior down again on the windsheild, but with further injury than the previous attack by the Jedi. During this action, a well caculated leap came from J'hrea, coming upon the speeder of the force-sensative warrior. Landing down upon the Jedi Master's transport, a bam could be heard through the moving traffic of Coruscant.

"Man, I made it.." The boy said silently to himself, sighing in relief as he felt himself, wondering truly if he was alive. The situation that had recently transpired were reckless & hectic, something that the boy hadn't dealt with since back when he was 12, doing swoop races.